Gold Experience 2nd Edition C1 Teacher Book [book 4joy] PDF

Title Gold Experience 2nd Edition C1 Teacher Book [book 4joy]
Author Angelo taurusautomotive
Course Lingue e culture europee euroamericane e orientali
Institution Università degli Studi di Catania
Pages 216
File Size 11.1 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 5
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Download Gold Experience 2nd Edition C1 Teacher Book [book 4joy] PDF



C1 Advanced


CONTENTS Introduction to Gold Experience 2 nd Edition Course components Teaching pathways

Unit walkthrough Student’s Book unit Workbook unit

Classroom teaching ideas

4–7 5–6 7

8–12 8–11 12


How to teach for exams


How to fl ip the classroom


How to encourage independent learning


How to teach with projects


How to teach with Readers


Unit 1

Look ahead, lookback


Unit 2

Winners andlosers


Unit 3

Choices andchanges


Unit 4

Same or diff erent?


Unit 5

All or nothing

Unit 6

Image and reality


Unit 7

Be seen, be heard


Unit 8

Healthy body, healthymind


Unit 9

Leaders andfollowers


Unit 10



86 –101

Switch on videoscripts


Workbook answer key


Speaking: success criteria


Writing: success criteria



INTRODUCTION GOLD EXPERIENCE 2 ND EDITION Gold Experience second edition is an 8-level course that prepares students for the Cambridge English exams while building their language and real-world skills. The course gives students thorough exam preparation in terms of both strategy and language, while simultaneously developing the life skills that students will need to use English successfully beyond the classroom. Real-world, engaging materials ensure students are switched on and curious to learn more. This second edition is fully updated with new content and a new design.

Brand new for the second edition, the C1 level is designed for students at an advanced level of English, who are preparing for an advanced exam such as the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam. As well as developing students’ confidence in using English for communication, and extending their knowledge of vocabulary and structures, the C1 level aims to help bridge the cognitive and experiential gap between a typical older teen and the mature and academic demands of the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam. It will also develop the thinking and self-expression in English that students will need for university study. Gold Experience second edition aims to find surprising and engaging ways to make mature topics and themes accessible to very young adults, and equip them to succeed in both the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam, and in their upcoming university life.

First and foremost, you need your course to help you achieve students’ core aims of building language skills and passing exams. With Gold Experience second edition, the syllabus is based on a combination of exam requirements and the Global Scale of English, ensuring comprehensive language coverage. Meanwhile, we have brought together highly experienced authors and exam consultants to ensure accuracy and rigor in exam preparation, as well as managing the balance of general English, exam English and life skills. This means you can rest assured that your students will be learning the right language with suitable practice to help them excel in their exams and communicate with confidence.

We believe that students need training and practice to excel in exams, but that this doesn’t need to be the overarching feel of a class. In Gold Experience second edition, exam tasks are woven seamlessly into the flow of the lesson, but can be easily identified by the icon. Each unit includes work on every exam paper, giving students exposure to realistic tasks with a focus on the target language of the unit. Over the course of the book, students build their exam strategies and their confidence through the step-by-step core activities and task-based exam tips. For those classes or individuals wanting more targeted exam preparation we have a full practice test in the Workbook, and an additional Exam Practice book for practice of full papers.


Gold Experience second edition aims to bring new experiences to students, and encourage students to bring their own experience to the classroom. We believe that any text or discussion topic should be interesting regardless of the language, and we have tried to balance light, quirky topics that students will have fun with, with more weighty themes to really get them thinking. Where possible, we have used authentic texts and real people in reading texts allowing students to expand on anything that takes their interest. Authentic broadcast video from a variety of sources, and grammar ‘vox pop’ interviews with the general public introduce students to authentic accents and real experiences and stories. As every teacher knows, when students are engaged with the topic and the material, they are engaged with English and everything else is just that little bit easier.

As well as language and exams, we know you care about developing your students as citizens of the world. This means helping them develop their ability to think critically, assimilate new information and points of view, and formulate, express and defend their opinions. This means helping them develop research techniques, work both alone and with others, and reflect on their own learning. In Gold Experience second edition, these skills are developed throughout each unit in the Speak up sections, where students are encouraged to discuss and debate, and in a more focused way, at the end of each unit in the Project and Independent Learning strands. The Projects are designed to be flexible and you can decide to do them quickly in class, or expand them into longer-term projects over several classes or weeks. The Independent Learning syllabus builds over the course of the book to help students discover both study tools and techniques, and more about themselves as learners.

We know that the real classroom can often be far more complex than the ideal classroom we imagine. For that reason, we’ve provided a wealth of materials to provide extra support or further challenge for students who need it, plenty of additional and alternative ideas and resources for you, and a full suite of components to allow you to tailor your teaching package to your classroom.


• Full Student’s Book in digital format with embedded audio, video and interactive activities. • Suitable for computer or tablet

• Mirrors the Student’s Book lesson by lesson and consolidates learning with targeted practice. • Nine topic-based units divided into 8 main teaching lessons, plus video, project, independent learning, wordlist and unitcheck.

• Additional topic-related practice of reading, writing, speaking, listening and use of English skills. • Extensive practice of course grammar and vocabulary, including practice of Extend vocabulary from the back of the Student’s Book for stronger students.

• Final tenth unit review provides revision of language and skills from the course in exam task format.

• Complete practice exam in Unit 10. • Designed for either independent study at home or in-class extra practice.

• Training and practice for the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam is seamlessly integrated into every lesson. • Students and teachers can easily identify exam-like tasks with the

• Audio for listening lessons available on the Student’s App.


• Additional examples of vocabulary sets in Extend vocabulary in the back of the book.

• Fully interactive digital version of the Workbook, which complements and consolidates the Student’s Book material. • Remediation videos and activities powered by MyGrammarLab. • Students are encouraged to explore their ideas, opinions and knowledge of the world through frequent discussion opportunities, for example through Speak up activities. • Video clips expose students to a variety of authentic broadcasting formats, accents and ideas, and encourage students to think critically about what they watch. • Where appropriate, grammar vox pop interviews give authentic examples of target grammar in use. • End of unit projects can be adapted depending on the time available, and encourage students to explore a topic, collaborate and work creatively with classmates, and present back to the class. • Independent learning sections guide students through different aspects of self-reflection and help them become more successful learners.

• Instantly graded activities with supportive feedback. • Personal gradebook for students to review their performance. • Access to Student’s Book video and audio for students.

• Additional intensive practice for the Cambridge C1 Advanced exam. • Two complete practice tests, one with tips and guidance for every task. • Extensive support for productive tasks at the back of the book. • Online answer keys, audio and speaking test videos with teacher’s resources.

• The back of book Grammar file gives a full page of detailed grammar and language explanation, plus a full page of practice activities for every unit. • Writing file and Speaking file give task-by-task exam-related help and useful language for productive tasks. • Student’s App gives access to videos and the extensive class and workbook audio, as well as additional fun practice of course vocabulary. Accessed via a code in every Student’s Book


Resources • Teaching notes (digital teacher’s book). • Teaching notes with a wealth of additional and alternative classroom ideas, including for mixed ability classes, fast finishers, and additional questions to encourage critical thinking. • Exam information, including how Student’s Book activities may differ from exam tasks (for example, shorter text length, fewer items, a focus on unit language meaning less variety of tested language than in the exam, etc.).

• Detailed grammar PowerPoint presentations for each unit’s grammar points. • Three photocopiable worksheets (Grammar, Vocabulary + skill or exam focus) per Student’s Book unit, with full teaching notes and answerkey. • Class audio and video. • Assessment package (seebelow).

• ‘How to’ sections in the introduction, giving advice on teaching for exams, flipping the classroom, developing your students as independent learners, teaching with projects and teaching with readers. • Speaking and Writing Success Criteria at the back of the book to help you and your students understand what a solid answer, a good answer and an ‘acing it’ answer looks like. • Photocopiable audio scripts and videoscripts at the back of the book. • Workbook answer key. • Access code for all Gold Experience digital teacher tools. 5 All ornothing


3 Re mind s tude nt s that quickly re ading for gis t is an S Bpp64 –65

I f you have the te chnology available , play an inte re s ting adve rtis e me nt in Englis h. D is cus s the te chnique s the adve rtis e me nt us e s to influ e nce the buye r. As k s tude nts to work in pairs to s e e how many form s of the word adve rtis e me nt the y can come up with: adve rtis e (ve rb), adve rt, adve rtis e me nt (nou n), ad (informal nouns ),e tc.

1 Share an e xample of s o me thing you’ve be e n pe rs uade d to buy re ce ntly by an adve rtis e me n t. For e xample , s ay: Re ce ntly, I s aw an online adve rt for a ne w k ind of chocolate bis cuit and I jus t had to buy a packe t. Che ck

S Bp63 Write the unit title All or nothing on the board and as k what the e xpre s s ion me ans (it is us e d to s ay that unle s s s ome thing is done comple te ly, it is not acce ptable , i.e . half-he ar te dne s s won’t do – it’s got to be all ornothing). As k s tude nts to look at the picture o n page 63. Re ad the quote aloud and e licit ide as of what it me ans (p e ople today are s o bus y thinking about mone y that the y los e s ight of what is re ally important in life or forge t to be grate ful). Stude nts dis cus s the que s tions in pairs . Elicit s ome i de as . Pos s ible a ns we rs

All ornothing




topic: future ofadvertis ing s kill: identifying expans ion or exemplification ofpoints

opencloz e wordformation

tas k: gappedtext

G RAMMAR ways of talking about thefuture verb phras es +prepos itions

SPEAKING topic: gender paygap s kill:s peculating tas k: longturn

1 The child is enjoying the s imple pleas ure of feeling rain on his /her face. The photo contras ts with the quote becaus e it s hows s omeone who appears grateful for a s mall pleas ure that does n’t cos tanything. 2 Spending time with friends and family, having s ome time alone, a break, working towards goals ,etc. 3 • I value my phone the mos t becaus e it contains my mos t important information and is the pos s es s ion I us e mos toften. • I was given a s pecial locket by my late grandmother and I always wear it to remind mys elf ofher. • I have a s igned pos ter from one of my favourite s tars who I was lucky enough to meet. It’s more than a s ignature to me –it’s the memory of meeting myidol.

pronunciation of pe rs uade / pəˈs weɪd/. As k s tude nts to dis cus s the que s tions in pairs the n e licit s ome re s pons e s to e achone . Pos s ible a ns we rs 1 • I’m a s ucker when it comes to advertis ing, and I know it. I’m quite eas ily pers uaded, es peciallywhen it comes to online advertis ing. The advertis ers s eem to know exactly what I’m looking for and put it right in front of me. Whoam I to res is t? For example, recently… • I’m quite critical of advertis ements and that helps me not to be taken in. For example, am I really going to be popular, rich and good-looking jus t becaus e Iwear a new fragrance? However, recently,I did buy… 2 My favourite advert at the moment would probably be the one for …. I s ay this becaus e… One ad I really like is …becaus e… It’s hard to top the advert for … as …

Stude nts could s how e ach othe r a favourite adve r tis e me nt and dis cus s how pe rs uas ive it is , and why it is me morable forthe m.

Focus s tude nts on the picture on pa ge 65 and e licit/ point out that it re pre s e nts vir tual re ality (VR), which allows a pe rs on we aring a he ads e t to watch or e xpe rie nce an e nvironme nt produce d by a compute r that l ooks and s e e ms re al. As k: Have you e ve r trie d VR? Wh at is it like ? How do you think the ris e of virtual re ality may change adve rtis ing?

2 Stude nts dis cus s the que s tion in pairs . Elicit s ome re s pons e s .

WRIT ING VOCABULARY buying ands elling s eparable andins eparable phras alverbs nouns from phras alverbs

topic: a charityevent s kill: writing topics entences tas k:report

SWIT CH ON video: the s cenicroute

LIST ENING topic: bus ines s s tart-ups

project: trip around theworld

s kill: unders tanding points ofview tas k: multiplematching

As k: To what e xte nt do you think the quote re fle cts s ocie ty in your country? Doe s it de pe nd? If s o, onwhat? As k s tude nts to work in pairs to think of s ome s imple ple as ure s that the y are grate ful for. Elicit s ome ide as .

Pos s ible a ns we r By 2030, I think mos t advertis ing will be done online and print advertis ing will be a thing of thepas t. I’d s ay adverts are goingto get more and more res pons ive to the individual. We might walk by the s ame billboard and it will s how one advert to me, and a different one toyou. By then, heaps of people will have acces s to virtual reality heads ets s o we will be able to view online purchas es much more clos ely before buying. Imagine walking around a hotel before you booked,or getting to walk around a univers ity campus abroad before you enrolled– that’s thefuture!

important s trate gy for unde r s tanding the main ide as in all the Re ading and Us e of Englis h tas ks , and will pre pare the m to ans we r the individual que s ti ons more accurate ly and e fficie ntly. Give s tude nts thre e minute s to re a d the article and paragraphs to s e e if any of the ir ide as from Ex 2 we re me ntione d.

tas k: g appe d te xt Re ad through the e xam tip with s tude nts , givin g the m time to follow the ins tructions in the s e con d part. Elicit the ans we rs . C The highlighted phras es in paragraph iii all relate to the idea of pers onalis ation, firs t generally(that means pers onalis ation; all about us ) and then with the s pecific example of pers onalis ed cus tomer s ervice operatives ,bas ed on what each individual finds attractive or not.Paragraph C gives other examples of pers onalis ed products : As well as this , …you’ll be able to buy a robot friend …us e a s mall chip to meas ure how many times a day you blink,to as s es s your eye health and find the perfect mas cara. Driverle s s public trans port will interact with us all individually.) The linking phras e As well as this , atthe beginning of paragraph C, provides a clue thatthis paragraph is likely to fit after a paragraph where anotherexample of a pers onalis ed product has beengiven.


As k s tude nts to do the re mainde r of thi s e xams tyle e xe rcis e .

1 B (At the end of paragraph i,it s ays … the defining point of the whole film was whenthe proud creator of Hawking’s world-famous voice s ynthes is er turned it on and announced, ‘Welcome to the future.’ This moment is referred to in B as … a s ingle moment s ummed up s o wonderfully the extent to which technologycan change lives for the better…) 2 G (Paragraph ii ends with a ques tion: how is this going to happen? i.e. howis every s ingle advertis ing mes s age going to be relevant to the receiver? Paragraph G res ponds directly to this : To put it briefly, over the next ten years , advertis ing will movefrom communicating to predicting, and emoting…) 3 C (See exam tip ans wer keyabove) 4 E (Paragraph iv ends with the ques tion how will brands actually us e it [VR]? This ques tion is referred to at the beginning of paragraph E: That is where the imagination mus t take a leap becaus e in reality,even the experts don’t know. Paragraph E goes on to s peculate on how the ques tion from paragraph iv might be ans wered: Alogical progres s ion would be … and to give a current example of VR us e In fact, there is actually aVR advert now… ) 5 A (The firs t s entence in paragraph vi s ays Wearable and connected devices will be providing the data to enable this targeting to become more detailed, referringto Screens and pos ters will dis play different images bas ed on the information on your mobile in paragraphA.) 6 D (Paragraph vi ends with We’ll enter a s tore to hear our own playlis t playing and be immediately directed to … This links to the s imilar example in paragraph D,To m Cruis e walks pas t a number of digital ads that addres s him by name as hepas s es .)


Assessment package • Extensive range of tests for use throughout the course. • A/B versions of core tests to prevent cheating. • Versions for students with special educational needs. • Available as ready-to-print pdfs or editable word documents. • Answer keys and audio files. • Test pack includes: • Diagnostic test to help place students and identify strengths or weaknesses.


All the support a busy teacher needs in one place, accessed via the access code in the back of the Teacher’s Book or via your Pearson consultant. Presentation tool

• Unit te...

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