Gold Experience B2 2nd Edition Teacher Book [book 4joy] PDF

Title Gold Experience B2 2nd Edition Teacher Book [book 4joy]
Author Anonymous User
Course Literatura Inglesa de la Restauración al Romanticismo
Institution Universidad de Salamanca
Pages 209
File Size 10.2 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 95
Total Views 149





B2 First for Schools


CONTENTS Introduction to Gold Experience 2nd Edition Course components Teaching pathways

Unit walkthrough Student’s Book unit Workbook unit

Classroom teaching ideas

4–7 5–6 7

8–12 8–11 12


How to teach for exams


How to fl ip the classroom


How to encourage independent Learning


How to teach with projects


How to teach with Readers


Unit 1

Wake up your senses!


Unit 2

On the bucket list


Unit 3

All in a day’s work


Unit 4

The heart of the city

Unit 5

A good sport

Unit 6



Unit 7

The full story


Unit 8

In it together


Unit 9

Get ting it right


Unit 10

A matter of taste


71–86 87–102

Switch on videoscripts


Workbook answer key


Speaking: success criteria


Writing: success criteria



INTRODUCTION GOLD EXPERIENCE 2 ND EDITION Gold Experience second edition is an 8-level course that prepares students for the Cambridge English exams while building their language and real-world skills. The course gives students thorough exam preparation in terms of both strategy and language, while simultaneously developing the life skills that students will need to use English successfully beyond the classroom. Real-world, engaging materials ensure students are switched on and curious to learn more. This second edition is fully updated with new content and a new design.

The B2 level is designed for classes where some or all students are preparing for B2 level exams such as Cambridge B2 First for Schools. However, the ‘general English’ feel and teen-centric topics and texts make it suitable for students at this level who are not studying for the exam. With all-new content for the second edition, Gold Experience B2 will continue its focus on developing students’ confidence in using English for communication and extending their knowledge of vocabulary and structures. It also aims to find surprising and engaging ways to introduce some thought-provoking topics and themes, and encourages students to reflect on their own knowledge and experience. Gold Experience second edition will equip students to succeed in the Cambridge B2 First for Schools exam, but also to succeed in their upcoming young adult lives.

First and foremost, you need your course to help you achieve students’ core aims of building language skills and passing exams. With Gold Experience second edition, the syllabus is based on a combination of exam requirements and the Global Scale of English, ensuring comprehensive language coverage. Meanwhile, we have brought together highly experienced authors and exam consultants to ensure accuracy and rigor in exam preparation, as well as managing the balance of general English, exam English and life skills. This means you can rest assured that your students will be learning the right language with suitable practice to help them excel in their exams and communicate with confidence.

We believe that students need training and practice to excel in exams, but that this doesn’t need to be the overarching feel of a class. In Gold Experience second edition, exam tasks are woven seamlessly into the flow of the lesson, but can be easily identified by the icon. Each unit includes work on every exam paper, giving students exposure to realistic tasks with a focus on the target language of the unit. Over the course of the book, students build their exam strategies and their confidence through the step-by-step core activities and task-based exam tips. For those classes or individuals wanting more targeted exam preparation we have a full practice test in the Workbook, and an additional Exam Practice book for practice of full papers.


Gold Experience second edition aims to bring new experiences to students, and encourage students to bring their own experience to the classroom. We believe that any text or discussion topic should be interesting regardless of the language, and we have tried to balance light, quirky topics that students will have fun with, with more weighty themes to really get them thinking. Where possible, we have used authentic texts and real people in reading texts allowing students to expand on anything that takes their interest. Authentic broadcast video from a variety of sources, and grammar ‘vox pop’ interviews with the general public introduce students to authentic accents and real experiences and stories. As every teacher knows, when students are engaged with the topic and the material, they are engaged with English and everything else is just that little bit easier.

As well as language and exams, we know you care about developing your students as citizens of the world. This means helping them develop their ability to think critically, assimilate new information and points of view, and formulate, express and defend their opinions. This means helping them develop research techniques, work both alone and with others, and reflect on their own learning. In Gold Experience second edition, these skills are developed throughout each unit in the Speak up sections, where students are encouraged to discuss and debate, and in a more focused way, at the end of each unit in the Project and Independent Learning strands. The Projects are designed to be flexible and you can decide to do them quickly in class, or expand them into longer-term projects over several classes or weeks. The Independent Learning syllabus builds over the course of the book to help students discover both study tools and techniques, and more about themselves as learners.

We know that the real classroom can often be far more complex than the ideal classroom we imagine. For that reason, we’ve provided a wealth of materials to provide extra support or further challenge for students who need it, plenty of additional and alternative ideas and resources for you, and a full suite of components to allow you to tailor your teaching package to your classroom.


• Full Student’s Book in digital format with embedded audio, video and interactive activities. • Suitable for computer or tablet.

• Mirrors the Student’s Book lesson by lesson and consolidates learning with targeted practice. • Nine topic-based units divided into 8 main teaching lessons, plus video, project, independent learning, wordlist and unitcheck.

• Additional topic-related practice of reading, writing, speaking, listening and use of English skills. • Extensive practice of course grammar and vocabulary, including practice of Extend vocabulary from the back of the Student’s Book for stronger students.

• Final tenth unit review provides revision of language and skills from the course in exam task format.

• Complete practice exam in Unit 10. • Designed for either independent study at home or in-class extra practice.

• Training and practice for the Cambridge B2 First for Schools exam is seamlessly integrated into every lesson. • Students and teachers can easily identify exam-like tasks with the

• Audio for listening lessons available on the Student’s App.


• Additional examples of vocabulary sets in Extend vocabulary in the back of the book.

• Fully interactive digital version of the Workbook, which complements and consolidates the Student’s Book material. • Remediation videos and activities powered by MyGrammarLab. • Students are encouraged to explore their ideas, opinions and knowledge of the world through frequent discussion opportunities, for example through Speak up activities. • Video clips expose students to a variety of authentic broadcasting formats, accents and ideas, and encourage students to think critically about what they watch. • Where appropriate, grammar vox pop interviews give authentic examples of target grammar in use. • End of unit projects can be adapted depending on the time available, and encourage students to explore a topic, collaborate and work creatively with classmates, and present back to the class. • Independent learning sections guide students through different aspects of self-reflection and help them become more successful learners.

• Instantly graded activities with supportive feedback. • Personal gradebook for students to review their performance. • Access to Student’s Book video and audio for students.

• Additional intensive practice for the Cambridge B2 First for Schools. • Two complete practice tests, one with tips and guidance for every task. • Extensive support for productive tasks at the back of the book. • Online answer keys, audio and speaking test videos with teacher’s resources.

• The back of book Grammar file gives a full page of detailed grammar and language explanation, plus a full page of practice activities for every unit. • Writing file and Speaking file give task-by-task exam-related help and useful language for productive tasks. • Student’s App gives access to videos and the extensive class and workbook audio, as well as additional fun practice of course vocabulary. Accessed via a code in every Student’s Book


Resources • Teaching notes (digital teacher’s book). • Teaching notes with a wealth of additional and alternative classroom ideas, including for mixed ability classes, fast finishers, and additional questions to encourage critical thinking. • Exam information, including how Student’s Book activities may differ from exam tasks (for example, shorter text length, fewer items, a focus on unit language meaning less variety of tested language than in the exam, etc.).

• Detailed grammar PowerPoint presentations for each unit’s grammar points. • Three photocopiable worksheets (Grammar, Vocabulary + skill or exam focus) per Student’s Book unit, with full teaching notes and answer key. • Class audio and video. • Assessment package (see below).

• ‘How to’ sections in the introduction, giving advice on teaching for exams, flipping the classroom, developing your students as independent learners, teaching with projects and teaching with readers. • Speaking and Writing Success Criteria at the back of the book to help you and your students understand what a solid answer, a good answer and an ‘acing it’ answer looks like. • Photocopiable audio scripts and videoscripts at the back of the book. • Workbook answer key. • Access code for all Gold Experience digital teacher tools. READING

1 Re fe r the s tude nt s to the photos and as k if the y re cognis e any of the place s or can gue s s whe re the y migh t be . Conduct clas s fe e dbac k and lis t ne w words on the board. Pos s ible a ns we rs 1 St. Bas il’s Cathedral in Mos cow: impos ing, colourful, domes . 2 A road in Northern Ireland, going through afores t: gnarled, tunnel, ancienttrees , dark. 3 The Northern Lights (or Aurora Borealis ) in Iceland: vibrant, magical, luminous , icy. 4 A waterfall near a fores t in North Carolina: s erene, peaceful, natural.

S B p 21


On the bucket list READING


topic: ins piration for travel s kill: finding s pecific information

multiple-choice cloz e open cloz e

tas k: multiple matching

G RAMMAR pas t tens es articles

SPEAKING topic: s ummer holidays , photo bombing s kill: giving concis e ans wers tas k: interview

VOCABULARY travel anecdotes and apps idiomatic phras es and expres s ions collocations ; linkers


WRIT ING topic: bes t and wors t holiday experiences s kill: des cribing, narrating and expres s ing contras t

topic: travel-writing

tas k: article

s kill: lis tening for s pecific information and opinion


tas k: multiple choice

video: Sidi Dris s project: film location map

Focus s tude nts ’ atte ntion on the photograph and as k: What’s the photo of? Whe re do you think it is ? Howd o you think s he ’s fe e lin g? You may ne e d to provide the ve rb balance to he lp s tude nts de s cribe what the pe rs on is doing. Re ad the quote w ith the clas s , Whe ne ve r I le ave , I want to come back. As k s tude nts what the ythink it me ans and if the yhave fe lt the s ame way. Put s tude nt into s mallgroups to dis cus s the thre e que s tions . T he ymay give ge ographical name s in the irown language . I f s o, write up the Englis h e quivale nts and che ck pronunciation.

Organis e s tude nts into s mall groups an d as s ign e ach group one of the photographs . T he y s hou ld dis cus s vocabulary that can be us e d to de s cribe the photo and find at le as t thre e ne w words in a dictionar y. T he y can write a s hort de s cription of the ir ph otograph to re ad to the clas s .

Anna Kare nina is a 1,000- page book by the Rus s ian author Le o T ols toy which is cons ide re d by many to be one of the gre ate s t books e ve r writte n. I t was fi rs t publis he d in 1878 and follows the tragic s tory of a young, marri e d aris tocrat who falls in love with a count. T he s tory d e als with many political and moral is s ue s of the time an d has be e n filme d and te le vis e d many time s . The Hunge r Game s is a trilogy of young adult n ove ls by Suz anne Collins which have be e n made into fo ur ve ry popular films , the firs t in 2012. T he books are s e t i n a future time whe re childre n from 12 dis tricts are force d to compe te in a te le vis e d de ath match. T he b ooks have be e n an inte rnational s ucce s s , with more than 6 0 million s old around the world.

Point out that in the multiple matching part of the Re a ding e xam, s tude nts ne e d to find diffe re nt information in s e parate parts of a te xt or s hort te x ts . T he re are te n que s tions and s tude nts ide ntify which pa rt of the te xt or te xt give s the ans we rs . Some s e ction s might ans we r part of a que s tion, but only one will have the comple te ans we r.

• A/B versions of core tests to prevent cheating. • Versions for students with special educational needs. • Available as ready-to-print pdfs or editable word documents.

Re ad through the e xam tip box with the clas s . Stude nts th e n s can the te xts to find which contains th e ans we r. I n pairs s tude nts s hare favourite photos of lands cape s or vie ws on the ir phone s that the y have take n or have be e n s e nt. T he y te ll e ach othe r whe re the p hoto was take n and any othe r inte re s ting de tails . Stude nts re port back to the clas s on the ir partne r’s favourite photo, de s cribing it in as much de tail as pos s ible .

2 Re ad through the title of the fo rum pos ts on page 23 with the clas s . As k the m whe the r th e y can now gue s s which book, film or T V s e rie s might have ins pire d s ome one to vis it the place s in the photos . At this s tag e , do not confirm or re je ct any s ugge s tion s . Stude nts re ad the pos ts quickly to match the photos . Re mi nd s tude nts that the y are re ading quickly to find the place s m e ntione d and that the y s hould not worry about unfamilia r vocabulary at this s tage . Conduct clas s f e e dback.

Pos s ible a ns we rs 1 I’d love tovis it this place, becaus e I like to s pend time near the s ea, even if it s’ windy or cold. 2 There is a river near my s chool,and I often go there with friends . I like it becaus e it feels far from the city, even though it is n’t. It’s relaxing and a good place to have fun. 3 I’d like tovis it Aus tralia, becaus e they

1 C –Alexandra has been reading a book by a Rus s ian author. 2 A –Tris h was interes ted in locations from a TV s eries . 3 B – Rich had s een a documentary aboutvolcanoes and the Aurora Borealis . 4 D – Sam had won a competition.

have very nice beaches there and lots of wildlife. I’d like to vis it any country where you can eas ily s ee animals in the wild.


• Extensive range of tests for use throughout the course.

S B pp22–23

Game of Throne s is Ame rican fantas y T V s e rie s which s tarte d in 2011 and is bas e d on A Song of Ice and Fire T e ll s tude nts about the las t place you we nt to on holiday and by Ge orge M artin. T he s e rie s co nce rns the s truggle s the re as on you we nt the re , for e xample , Las t ye ar my s is te r of s e ve ral familie s to gain the I ron T hrone and othe r and I we nt to Ibiza for a we e k. Our frie nd had gone the re the familie s ’ fight to be come inde p e nde nt from it. T he s e rie s ye ar be fore and love d it. He r s torie s and de s criptions m adeis e xtre me ly popular inte rnatio nally and has won many us want to go. Put s tude nts into pairs to dis cus s diffe re nt awards . T he s e rie s has the appe aranc e of a his torical re as ons pe ople might choo s e a particular holiday. Conduct drama and the focus is more on battle s a nd war than on clas s fe e dback and find the mo s t common s ugge s tions . magic. One of the primary film l ocations is ne ar Be lfas t, N orthe rn I re land with othe r loc ations in the UK , Canada and many othe r countrie s acros s the globe .

Re fe r s tude nts to the title of the unit On the bucke t lis t and as kif the y can gue s s what the me aningof this phras e is (things youwant to do in your life time ). Put s tude nts into pairs and give the m two minute s to lis t what might be on the ir‘bucke t lis ts ’.

Assessment package

D: Sam hadn’t expected to win the firs t prize of a trip to the USA; he had planned to travel to Greece but went to the USA ins tead.

tas k: mu ltiple matc hing I n the Cambridge e xam the re ading te xt s do not us ually have e ngaging le ad-ins , us e d he re to inte re s t the re ade r, but s horte r introductor y title s .


Re ad through the tas k with the clas s . Stude nts comple te the e xam tas k in dividually and the n compare ans we rs . M onitor we ake r s tude nts an d he lp whe re ne ce s s ary by indicating t wo (as oppos e d to four) of the te xts to choos e a particularl y difficult ans we r from. Conduct clas s fe e d back and as k s tude nts to jus tify the ir ans we rs . 1 D (I was due to go off on holiday to Greece jus t then, but I ended up going to the US ins tead!) 2 C (It was jus t like being on a movie s et! ) 3 A (… the er cent boom in vis itors to parts of Ireland …) 4 B (The volcanic lands cape does n’t appealto everyone,…) 5 C (This year, s ince I am s tudying Tols toy’s Anna Karenina at s chool, my mother decided the time was right to go back.) 6 A (I live in Northern Ireland, where s everal s cenes from the Game of Thrones TV s eries were filmed. I hadn’t realis ed that until …)

• Answer keys and audio files. • Test pack includes: • Diagnostic test to help place students and identify strengths or weaknesses.


All the support a busy teacher needs in one place, accessed via the access code in the back of the Teacher’s Book or via your Pearson consultant. Presentation tool

• Unit tests with two papers: Grammar, vocabulary and Use of English; Listening and reading. • Review tests every three units with three papers: Grammar, vocabulary and use of English; Writing; Speaking. • End of Year test with three papers: Listening, Reading and Use of...

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