GOT-2 - game of thrones PDF

Title GOT-2 - game of thrones
Author Ariana Modiri
Course Western Civilization I
Institution Farmingdale State College
Pages 3
File Size 41 KB
File Type PDF
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game of thrones


Ariana Modiri Professor Nicholson Games of Thrones

Watching season one of Game of Thrones has a lot of different focuses but I focused on family and children and how it differentiates from everyday life today. There are a variety of differences with how the characters in the game of thrones live their daily lives and how we live our lives today. With their parenting skills, marriage, and what is expected of the children. The younger boys train to be marksmen at a very young age and are trained how to fight and be soldiers because that is what is expected of them. They are exposed to a lot of blood and gore at young ages; the fathers want their sons to be the best soldiers and although mothers think it is too soon for them to be witnessing this gore and blood their fathers say that they will not be young forever and it is best for them to start at a young age because they need to be prepare for the winter. In the first episode the little boy witnesses someone who wasn’t supposed to be on their land beheaded and his father justifies it. The children of the leaders have a lot more expectations from them and are watched a lot more; they have to be the best fighters and marksmen so they can fight in the war if necessary. Comparing that life the children are expected to lead to the life children lead today are very different. Children now do not have to train for the winter or have to prepare for it in such a way; they play Xbox and Playstation all day with their friends and go out to parties. They do not have the expectation to lead their families one day or to be the heir to a throne. The girls are taught how to sew and crochet. Most of them haven’t even hit puberty yet are being set up for arranged marriages just to join houses for power. The girls

who are thirteen are thinking of marriage whereas thirteen year old girls right now are not thinking of anything remotely close to that, they are just discovering what boys are because they have just outgrown the phase of thinking boys have cooties. Girls now just want to hang out with friends, go shopping and go to the mall, a thirteen year old is not thinking of marrying any guy other than maybe her celebrity crush. Marrying for love is not something that is promoted; they marry for power and to gain a higher status;however, they are only allowed to marry within their social status. If you are from the royal family you are not allowed to marry someone that is a peasant; you can only marry from your own status and they is a lot of marrying within the family and that causes incest to take place. Where as in the world we live in now incest is a crime and arranged marriages are not as common, yes they do happen in some families and cultures but marrying for love is what people strive for and what people want. People today choose their partners in life and build their relationships; they are not told who they can and cannot marry and given no choice but to follow orders. Education is also not a priority for the parents, their focus is mostly on preparing the children for the winter and for a possible war in the near future. They do not care how smart or clever their children are and whether or not they have common sense. They want their sons to fight in war and be strong and to lead a family and they want the daughters to be mothers and have babies. They do not value the life of their children more than that and see no room for improvement because that is how their life has always been. Nowadays education is very important; whether it is a traditional four year university to get your bachelor’s, a two year program to get your associates, or going to cosmetology school or trade school a lot of people focus on furthering their knowledge and further their education. Marriage is something that people do not think about until in their mid to late twenties, not something they think about while

they are in their early teenage years; that is when kids grow up, go to school, sometimes work and try to figure out what they want to do with their lives. But the way the characters live in the show the children do not have any future other than what their parents did and how their parents live their lives. Although now, parents work extremely hard to try and give their children even more than they had growing up. That is what parents strive for to give their children everything they can, whatever it takes but in the show parenting is a lot of tough love and preparing them for war, there is no room for anyone to do manything different than what their parents did. In conclusion, life nowadays is very different from the life in the show. Children have a lot more room to grow and are not just chess pieces in their parents' games and are not used just to get more power. They go to school and their parents try to give them the best life that they can and they can be anyone they want to be....

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