Game of Thrones opgaver med svar PDF

Title Game of Thrones opgaver med svar
Author Henrik Hansen
Course Engelsk
Institution Gymnasie (Danmark)
Pages 3
File Size 134.9 KB
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Game of Thrones opgaver med svar...


1c / fantasy / RA

George R. R. Martin: A Game of Thrones. Book One. (USA 1996)

1) Maps a) Take a look at the maps. What do they show? Which country do the lands resemble? The north and the south

b) Find the Wall. Where is it? It its located in top of the north

2) The prologue a) What is a prologue? An introduktion

b) Which three characters are we introduced to? Will, Gared and Ser Waymar Royce

c) What has one of them seen? Gared “He was an old man, past fifty, and he had seen the lordlings come and go.”

1c / fantasy / RA

d) Describe the setting and the atmosphere. (Use six words or sentences from the text to illustrate your description) Winter, cold, dead, frighten, wall, watch

e) What indications do we have showing us that this is a fantasy book? The wildlings, the map f)

Do you think that this book is high or low fantasy? high fantasy. We are in a another world with different rules and laws.

g) How does George R. R. Martin create suspense in order that the reader continues reading? Because he keep using describing words h) Do you like the story so far? (here you may write individual answers) I like the story. I find it interesting and thrilling. I have also watched all the series

3) The film version: A Game of Thrones has been turned into a series with five seasons so far. Watch the trailer to season 1:

a) Describe the setting and the atmosphere. Very dark. Old times like the middle-ages. It its very thrilling. Lot of action on short time.

b) What indications do we have showing us that this is fantasy? (if any) Not really some signs c) Do you think that the series is high or low fantasy? High fantasy. Totally different world. Fantasy elements like dragons and so d) How does the filmmaker create suspense in order that the viewer gets interested in watching the series? The sound, music and the cutting. Good actors.

1c / fantasy / RA

e) Which techniques are used in the trailer to make it dramatical? (camera techniques, cutting [klipning], colours, lighting [belysning: high key: klar belysning, low key: dunkel belysning], sounds,

acting, costumes, scenery, etc.) The lighting is low key, the fast cutting (montage). Dramatically music, good actors. The scenery is very realistic. The costumes realistic to the time period. f)

Does this trailer make you interested in watching the series? (again you may give individual answers) Have already watched it, but the trailer was interesting and catchy

-We will end this theme with a look at fantasy video games. Do you play any? “The Elder Scrolls”, “Deadpool”, “Destiny”, or another one? If so, let Randi know....

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