Gov PLP- Lesson 10 PDF

Title Gov PLP- Lesson 10
Author CapRedBeardX
Course American National Government
Institution Estrella Mountain Community College
Pages 12
File Size 520.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 38
Total Views 149





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commerce [KOM-ers] – interchange of goods and services pertaining to business

enact [en-AKT] – to bring into being

levy [LEV-ee] – to collect

revenue [REV-uh-noo] – income

suppress [suh-PRES] – to stop

tyranny [TIR-uh-nee] – an abuse of power


Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress negotiated the Treaty of Paris ending the Revolutionary War, enacted the Northwest Ordinance that established a precedent for national expansion, and united the states under one loosely tied alliance known as a “league of friendship.” While Congress’ accomplishments benefited the 13 states, its lack of power weakened the Articles’ effectiveness. Most of the provisions in the Articles had existed prior to its adoption. The colonists had gladly supported unity during the war because it meant their survival. However, once the Revolutionary War had ended, the states were less motivated to cooperate.



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Weaknesses of the Articles The Articles forged a confederation of powerful state governments and a weak national government. This weak national government was ineffective for several reasons: • The Articles failed to create separate government branches that could check one another. Congress had no executive or judicial functions to complement its legislative duties. As a matter of fact, Congress had no authority to enforce any law. • The states feared a return to tyranny as experienced under Parliament. Therefore, the states were reluctant to share any power with a central government. Thus, the majority of the power remained within the state governments. • Since the Articles did not allow the government to levy (collect) taxes, it depended on donations from the states. Each state was supposed to give based on the value of its property. States often made late payments, if any payment at all. • Since Congress could not tax the states, it lacked the needed revenue to respond to potential crises. This inability to levy taxes made America’s economy unstable, producing unrest among the states. The states were dependent on trade for their survival. After the war, the British denied the states access to trade with other British colonies. However, Great Britain continued to export its goods to Americans. Congress’ inability to regulate commerce through trade tariffs kept the nation from generating revenue for the government. State restrictions on interstate commerce—trade between two states—created bitter feelings. For example, merchants from one state were not allowed to sell their crops in another state’s market without paying high fees. • The “one state, one vote” system limited the central government’s power

A monument to Shays’ Rebellion

because it required 9 of the 13 states to approve new laws. Since the states had many competing interests and ideological views, approving any major decision was very difficult. • Finally, any changes to the Articles itself required the unanimous approval of all states. Convincing all 13 states that a change was in their best interest was nearly impossible. Although the Articles brought about some successes as America’s first form of government, its ultimate achievements were minimal and ineffective in resolving the mounting problems of the newly formed United States of America.



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A Need for Change In the words of George Washington, the Articles of Confederation were “little more than a shadow without substance.” The states refused Congress’ requests for financial support. They made trade agreements with foreign countries contrary to Article VI. Nine states had organized their own armies, and several had even gone so far as to build small navies of their own. Each state minted its own coins, thus creating confusion and depreciating the value of the currency. Following the war with Great Britain, farmers struggled to find a market for their crops, and trade restrictions forced many farmers into debt. In Massachusetts, farmers faced losing farms to foreclosures. Once an army captain in the Revolutionary War, Daniel Shays had become a debt-ridden farmer. Shays and other protest leaders organized and led 1,500 farmers, who forcibly closed courts to postpone farm foreclosures. The mob, referred to as Shays’ Rebellion, went from town to town closing courts, burning judges’ barns, and freeing imprisoned debtors. In 1787, while attempting to seize a government arsenal, the state militia captured Shays along with 150 of his men. Sentenced to death for treason, they were later pardoned.



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Shays’ Rebellion exposed a major weakness of the Articles. There was no national army to suppress the uprising because Congress lacked the funding. The order and security of the nation was threatened. Other problems with the economy began to emerge. Larger states with ports or rivers would charge ships from smaller states higher navigation fees than those charged to local ships. In addition, larger states would deny smaller states fishing, trade, and navigation rights. With all of this chaos, it was clear that the nation needed a more effective form of government. In 1786, Virginia called a conference to discuss commerce between the states. Only 5 of the 13 states sent representatives to meet in Annapolis, Maryland. However, since few states attended the Annapolis Conference, New York representative Alexander Hamilton called for a meeting of all states. Instead of resolving national commerce problems, the meeting would focus on amending the Articles. Congress was displeased that the states had not allowed it to settle the disputes concerning commerce and borders, but in 1787, Congress did agree to Hamilton’s meeting to revise the Articles. On May 25, 1787, 55 delegates from 12 states—excluding Rhode Island, which chose not to participate—gathered in Philadelphia. The delegates soon realized revision was not enough. They would form a new government through the Constitutional Convention.

Answer the following questions. 1) Select the best answer. How did Congress raise revenue under the Articles of Confederation? through import tariffs through requests to the states through the Committee of State through taxation of the states



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2) Select the best answer. What did Shays’ Rebellion illustrate to Congress about the weakness of the Articles? Without a President, there was no one to whom protestors could air grievances. Without a strong ruler, anyone could organize a rebellion. The inability to fund and maintain an army threatened Congress’ ability to keep peace and order. Farmers could take over the government if the economy suffered enough.

3) Select the best answer. The failed ___ in 1786 led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. New York Accord Philadelphia Experiment Annapolis Conference Massachusetts Meeting



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4) Select the best answer. In 1787, Founding Father and New York representative ____ called for a convention to amend the Articles of Confederation in Philadelphia. George Washington John Adams James Madison Alexander Hamilton

5) Select the best answer. If Congress wanted to pass a major law, passage required ___ of the 13 states to agree. 10 9 8 7



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6) Select the best answer. In which of the following ways did large states NOT take advantage of smaller states? Large states denied fishing rights to smaller states. Large states denied trade rights to smaller states. Large states charged smaller states expensive navigation fees to use rivers and ports. Large states used larger armies to demand tribute money from smaller states.



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7) Select the best answer. Which event does the chart describe?

Annapolis Conference opening of the Northwest Territory convening of the Third Continental Congress Shays’ Rebellion



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8) Select the best answers. Check all that apply. Select FOUR weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Congress could not defend the states because it had no power to create a military on its own. Congress could not enforce the laws it made. The Articles did not provide for checks and balances of power. Congress did not have representation from each state. States had more power than Congress. Congress’ imposition of fees and tariffs hurt the states’ economies. To pass any law required a unanimous vote.

9) Select the best answers. Check all that apply. Select THREE achievements by Congress under the Articles that had far-reaching benefits to the states. Congress negotiated the Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War. Congress passed the Naval Act of 1783, creating a permanent navy. Congress secured new land for the young nation by negotiating the Louisiana Purchase. Congress passed the Judicial Review Act, creating a national court system. Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance, providing the framework for westward expansion. Congress united the states in a league of friendship.



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10) Match the definitions with the terms.

to stop

interchange of goods and sciences pertaining to business


to bring into being

an abuse of power

to collect



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11) Answer the question using complete sentences. Why would requiring more than a simple majority in order to pass a law be considered a weakness under the Articles of Confederation?



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12) Answer the question using complete sentences. What do you think George Washington meant when he once complained “We are one nation today and thirteen tomorrow. Who will treat with us on such terms?”


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