GProject STA 220 PDF

Title GProject STA 220
Course Fundamentals of Research
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
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Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA KelantanGROUP PROJECTTHE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEARNINGENVIRONMENT TOWARDS STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE EFFICIENCYPREPARED BY:Student Name Student ID Group Muhammad Alif Izzuddin bin Mat Ta’eh 2018236514 D1...



: Mac 2020 – Julai 2020 : Fundamentals of Research : STA220 : MUHAMMAD FAIEZ BIN SUHAIMIN

PREPARED BY: Student Name Muhammad Alif Izzuddin bin Mat Ta’eh Siti Nurniera Basma binti Azemi

Student ID 2018236514 2018800332

Group D1CS1114A D1CS1114A

Nur Ayusha Bt Che Daud Nik Aireen Yasmin binti Nik Azam

2018445674 2018273232

D1CS1114A D1CS1114A

Date Submission:

of 22/07/2020

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Time is an important thing every student needs in order to achieve their goals and objectives. It's so fragile it can't be rescued but can only be wasted . Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines time as a long or short period during which you do something or something while managing is described as the act or ability to communicate with people or sit with themAs indicated by Ojo and Olaniyan (2008), coming up next are the qualities of time: Time is a one of a kind asset; It is the most difficult to find asset known to man; Time can't be supplanted by man; Time can't be aggregated like cash; Time can't be turned here and there like machine; Time can't be loaded like crude materials; Time goes at a pre-decided rate whatever occurs; Everybody is similarly invested with a similar measure of it independent of his position and Time like some other scant asset must be overseen and utilized sensibly. Along these lines, time the executives can be viewed as a period, either short or long, which includes how individuals utilize their time wisely to deliver result. Time the executives begins with the pledge to change. According to Shirley (2008), better time management can be achieved if goals have been set and then all future work is prioritized based on how it moves the company towards meeting the goals. The value of time management lies in the fact that people have too many tasks they need to do but not enough time for the things that they want to do. Time management helps identify needs and wants in terms of their importance and matches them with time and other resources. Time management brings about orderliness and enables one to be more productive and fulfilled. As student,, time is an important factor needed to enhance the study performances i.e. the way time is being managed inside and outside of the class will reflect on its performance either positively or negatively. The secret to achieving success or failure in life is effectively managing this resource that everyone possesses equally and paying sufficient emphasis to planning (Macan, Shahani, Dipboye & Phillips, 2000). Though effective and efficient use of time varies with respect to the tasks performed, the further increase in the level of knowledge and skills expected from modern employees has further increased the necessity of time planning. The road to success in social life passes through effective and efficient working which is only possible via time management. The competitive environment we live in today encourages people from as early as their elementary education to plan and manage time effectively. The high performance required by competitive conditions forces organizations and directors to use time effectively and stipulates the search to control time (Alay & Koçak, 2003). Time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic performance and achievements. Each and every student should have time management ability which includes setting goals & priorities, using time management mechanism and being organized in using time. Here time management is only possible through self-motivation; performance, ability and motivation (Brigitte, Claessens, Eerde & Rutte,2005). These are the few activities performed by today’s university students, which act as a barrier between them and their academic performance. Due to miss management of time, they gap behind. This study will help to analyze the positive or negative impact of time management on academic performance of students. It will also help to make some decision about changes we would like to make to use our time more effectively (Noftle, Robins & Richard, 2007). There is no one right way to manage our time; however; it is important to get to know our self, so we can make good decisions about how to use our time. Likewise, in the process of providing educational services, this issue has been a subject of interest discussed and emphasized in

several platforms and an attempt has been initiated to assess and analyze time and the time management attitudes and behaviors of students in educational institutes (Denlinger, 2009). In developing countries where students have a lot of issues during academic journey have a new story for the researcher to dig out much more interesting results. Time management practices have an impact on the results of students as empirical studies done by past researchers. In spite of knowing about the impact of time on academic achievement, this relationship is not given importance by the students (Sevari & Kandy, 2011). At higher education level the study schedule must properly planned, implemented and controlled for better results. Emphasizing time also helps to develop cost effective educational policies by the authorities especially at higher education level (Kaushar, 2013). Ongoing problem of scarcity of knowledge in connection with time management and academic outputs is due to lack of easiness and of costly ways of collecting data. Driven by this fact, particular emphasis has been paid in the modern education system to time management issues by evaluating students’ attitudes and behaviors related to time and its management (Karim, Sevari, Mitra & Kandy, 2015). Based on the necessity of effective time management required from students during their academic and professional life, field research has been conducted in the present paper towards the aim of designating their position with respect to effective time management and determining the effect of their time management skills on their academic achievements. One’s ability to choose between the important and the unimportant things can be determined to follow the correctly chosen sequence is the key determinant of effectiveness in time management. In order to manage time, students must be creative and introduce various ways of producing output within a stipulated time. They must be able to manage their emails and phone calls, that is, they must be able to minimize the time they spend receiving phone calls and reading emails. The key to successful time management is planning and then protecting the planned time, which often involves re-conditioning your environment, and particularly re-conditioning the expectations of others. Indeed, learning environment plays a major role in shaping the quality of academic achievement in mathematics (Tella, 2008). It seems there is perceptional consistency among mathematics scholars about learning environment and the student’s cognitive and effective outcome (Lizzio, et al, 2002). It was observed that the learning is optimal when body, soul and spirit are in accord; otherwise learning will be ineffective (Frenzel, et al, 2007)). Hence, clean, quiet and comfortable environment are important components of learning environment. Furthermore, creating of an ideal learning environment must be a top priority of every concern educator. Being comfortable should be a combination of several factors which include; temperature, lighting, and noise control (Murugan & Rajoo, 2013). And for a learning environment to be ideal, learning components such as furniture, ventilation, and thermal comfort must be provided (Bosque & Dore, 1998), In addition, Fraser and Fisher, (1982) examined the normal learning climate. They proposed 680F to 740F as the required learning temperature. Although Lizzio et al, (2002) noted that optimal learning climate varies from region of a country and with seasons of the year. So, the usage of actual learning environment varies according to different type of schools and society. Nevertheless, it is indeed a well known fact that academic achievement in mathematics among science students is greatly influenced by several components of learning environment as revealed by various research works (Akinsola., Tella & Tella, 2007).

1.2 Problem Statement

In Nigeria, many secondary schools are been established at various places by government, private organizations or individuals (Tella, 2008). As a result, teaching and learning takes place under different environment. Every school has its location, facilities and also operates under different classroom condition, but all the students are expected to write the same standard examination (i.e. Senior Secondary Certificate Examination) at a completion of secondary education. It may be reasonable to expect a uniform performance from all the candidates since they were taught using the same curriculum and syllabus but in most cases some schools seem outperform others in all respect. Frankly speaking, there must be a definite determinant that is really responsible for the constant failure or success of various schools. Apart from that, time management has a significant impact on the lives of the students commonly for those who are studying in the higher education institutions where there is no direct existence of parent and teacher supervision. The issue of time management of students needs to be answered in terms of what are the major activities in which the students are spending their time and in what extent. This statement was taken as a problem statement in this study.

1.3 Research Objectives The main objective of the study is to examine the effects of time management on students’ performance. The specific objectives are to: i. To determine the relationship between effective time management and students’ performance. ii. To identify the relationship between learning environment on students’ performance.

1.4 Research Question i. ii.

What is the effect of effective time management on company’s perfomance? What is the effect of learning environment on students’ perfomance?

1.5 Research Hypotheses The following null hypotheses were raised for the study: 1.5.1 First Hypothesis H0: There is no significance relationship between effective time management on students’ performance. H1: There is a significant relationship between effective time management on students’ perfomance. 1.5.2 Second Hypothesis H0: There is no significant relationship between learning environment towards students’ performance. H1: There is a significant relationship between learning environment towards students’ performance.

1.6 Significance of The Study

From this study, the researcher can detect the number of respondents that really have effective time management. Moreover, by conducting this research, we can show the factos than can affect students’ study perfomance. When answering the questionnaire, the respondents will automatically aware of their time managemnt as well as their study perfomances, thus this study could make the students become more aware of their current situation. The results of this research proposal will make students have a clearer understanding and information on how time management and learning environment can affect student’s academic performance. When the the students do not have an effective time management, they will experience the negative impacts on their academic performance. This study also provides the students with some knowledge about the relationship between learning environment on a student’s academic performance. The knowledge gain from this study will enlighten the students about how learning environment affects student’s academic performance whether positive or negatively.

1.7 Scope of The Study This study involved all students from UiTM Cawangan Kelantan Campus Machang, but since there are too many respondents and we have a very limited time, so, the researcher only limits the scope of the research to the Part 4 students from Diploma Statistic UiTM Cawangan Kelantan Campus Machang.

1.8 Limitations of The Study The limitation refers to some difficulties that the researcher has to face while conducting and completing the study. However, the researcher has overcome these limitations with a good plan and endless effort. First and foremost, the limitation of this study is the time constraints as the researcher only have a few months to complete this research. It is difficult for researcher to collect data, make a finding and interpretation about the study. Next, the limitation is respondent’s cooperation because it has becomes an obstruction for the researcher. Some respondents tend to give late response to the questionnaire given and some of the student does not respond to the questionnaire as student think it does not important to them.


2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW Previously a lot of research has been done on this topic. Different researchers researched on various variables and a lot of different variables were studied. This research is different in a way that it is the first research in which a variable “proper guidance” is studied, moreover in Pakistan only one research was carried out on this topic and it was conducted by Abid Hussain in 2006 and that too was based on the findings of school’s whereas this research is conducted on colleges. Our contribution to this study is that we explore the two factors that affect students’ performance. These factors are effective time management and learning environment. In Pakistan scenario, many researchers have done a lot of work on communication, learning environment and family stress. This research will be helpful for the parents as well as the teachers of the students to guide them properly and as per their abilities.

1. Effective Time Management There is a titanic difference between secondary and higher education when it comes to managing time and academic responsibilities. In secondary education, there was the kind of learning that includes an explanation of everything. On the other hand, when students enter university, they find out that what they learn is a lecture, that only includes superficial information and the rest is their job to know about and explore further (Britton & Tesser, 2001). Time management is a skill that every student should not only know, but also apply. A lot of university students complain about running out of time when asked to do a certain task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make it before the deadline. Time management is extremely important, especially when it comes to university students because it will boost their grades and enhance their productivity (Laurie & Hellsten, 2002). However, most of the time students face problems like task aversion and uncertainty, so they start to procrastinate because they lack organizational skills. As a result, students will not be able to organize duties according to their priorities, so they get distracted easily, ending up procrastinating. As we can see, time management is quite essential to any university student, and it is one of the keys to higher academic achievements (Kelly, 2004). In the relevant literature there are great number of academic studies focusing on the relation between time management and academic achievements. The related literature showed that the time management attitude and skill levels of university students and the effects of these skills on their academic achievement. The research revealed that a majority student possesses moderate level time management skills and only a significantly small portion has high level time management skills (Yilmaz, Yoncalik & Bektaş, 2006). The literature revealed that the students’ time management skills affect their academic achievement at a significant level and the

skills are one of the predictors of academic performance. The relevant literature suggested that students should start to acquire time management senses on their own in their primary school years by reading materials on the issue or via the framework of psychological counselling and guidance studies applied in schools and adopt effective time management attitudes and techniques to determine how and where they spend their time (Lisa & Robert, 2008). The various group of students who exploited time-saving proficiencies notably had rich academic achievement. They accomplished those students who do not use time saving techniques in their educational surrounding having significantly lower academic as compared to results students who employ time- management tactics have considerably higher achievement (Mercanlioglu, 2010). To calculate the cumulative time spent working during a week, these objects were also added. Time management practices have been proven to be some of the top indicators toward achieving a high level of academic success and performance. They not only influences on the achievement but using time management techniques also serve only one reason meaning that there are multipurpose fulfilled by time management (Fazal, 2012). Taking part in proceedings and being engaged in other outside class activities, not inevitably a job, but being energetic in institution also has a strong correlation to reaching high academic achievements. Various studies showed that time management practices serve for many purposes not only for challenging performance of the students. Time management practices show the way not only to a high level of academic performance, but to good physical condition and lower levels of stress. The foremost purpose of the present study was educational competency, using time managing techniques, test pressure, and test proficiency (Faisal, Miqdadi, Abdulla & Mohammad, 2014). Academic competence scores were established to some extent improved in the current sample indicating that students found course material/content encouraging and enjoying their classes.

2. Learning Environment Karemera (2003) found that students' performance is significantly correlated with satisfaction with academic environment and the facilities of library, computer lab and etc. in the institution. With regard to background variables, he found a positive effect of high school performance and school achievement he found no statistical evidence of significant association between family income level and academic performance of the student. Robert & Sampson (2011), found that the member of educational board will be educated and their impact on school is positive, for professional development it is essential for student learning. The students who are actively engage in the learning process are observed to have a positive correlation with the CGP. A Study effort from student and the proper use of the facilities provided by the institution to the student, a good match between students’ learning style and are positively affect the student's performance (Norhidayah Ali, et. al., 2009)

Young (1999), held the view that student performances are linked with use of library and level of their parental education. The use of the library positively affected the student performance. The academic environment is the effective evariable for students and has positive relationship with fathers’ education and grade level (Kirmani & Siddiquah, 2008). 3. Students’ Performance Efficiency Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005), used GPA to measure student performance because they main focus in on the student performance for the particular semester. Some other researchers used test results or previous year result since they are studying performance for the specific subject or year (Hijazi and Naqvi, 2006 and Hake, 1998).


Effective Time Management Students’ Performance Efficiency Learning Environment

Figure 2.2.1 The Theoretical Framework for The Study

Based on the figure above, it shows that ...

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