Gr.11 English Personal Response Assignment PDF

Title Gr.11 English Personal Response Assignment
Course English Studies
Institution High School - Canada
Pages 1
File Size 41.6 KB
File Type PDF
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ENG 3U1 - Topic: cellphones in our daily lives...


1 Student name Teacher name ENG 3U Date Cellphones Are a Distraction in Our Daily Lives Even when not in use, studies have shown that cellphones are a distraction. According to an article in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, the mere presence of our cellphones can impact our performance. I agree with this statement because there have been several times in class when my teacher is teaching a lesson, and I see my phone on my desk and have the impulse to reach for it and check for notifications or text messages. If I did not have my phone nearby, I would have paid full attention to the teacher and be able to excel. Aside from this study, I have seen an article where it explained that once you are addicted to your phone, you will start hearing ringing bells even when there’s no notifications. The power that a phone can hold is crazy to me and I just hope that they do not control our lives. Research has also shown that cellphones negatively affect our sleep, health, and productivity. Many people, especially teenagers, are now losing sleep because of the time they spend on their mobile phones. Teenagers have the habit of checking their social media before going to sleep which is a cycle that needs to be stopped. From experience, it can be very straining for the eyes and increase stress levels. I am working to break this habit by disconnecting from my phone about 2 hours before bed which has made me feel almost like a sense of relief. I encourage other individuals to take a digital detox, as our world should not be based around a phone, it should be through face-to-face interactions....

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