Writing a Personal Response PDF

Title Writing a Personal Response
Course Introduction to Literature: Studies in Story
Institution Mount Royal University
Pages 2
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Instructions on how to write a personal response to literature...


In your high school years, a personal response could be any kind of personal reflection. At this stage of English, this is no longer the case. There are expectations that must be met and although they are referenced in the course content, you may have missed them. Here are aspects of a Personal Response requirement that must be evident in the course and on your exam: 1. Your personal response should be 1.5 - 2 pages double-spaced in length. This is a requirement on your 30-1 Diploma. It is best that you practice it now. The idea behind this short piece is to provide you a starting place to begin your thoughts regarding the thematic question which will be similar for both your PR and your CAR on your Diploma but also to see how well you can articulate your ideas using an economy of words. 2. The prose form you take (anything other than a poem) must suit the personal response you are writing. The choice of format you use can determine the effectiveness of your Ideas and Impressions (which you are marked on). Choose your prose form carefully. 3. Your personal response must address the text(s) you have been given to read. Ideally, choose only ONE text on which to write. The text does not have to be directly referenced but it must be clear that you have understood the text and that this is evident in your writing. For example, you can indirectly reference the text or texts through voice, stylistic choices, characterization, plot and/or setting in your PR. 4. Your personal response must respond to the thematic question provided for you. Your reader/marker will be looking for your controlling idea or thesis statement. Without a thesis or controlling idea, your personal response will lack focus and organization. It is the controlling idea that answers the thematic question which serves as the backbone of your personal response. It holds your ideas together and provides for a shaped, focused response. 5. On your exam, if it is not evident to a marker that you have responded to the question provided for you or you have not read the text and addressed it within your personal response you will receive a mark of Insufficient which means you will earn a zero. 6. A personal response does not mean that one paragraph should be devoted to responding to the text and one paragraph should be about you. This is an old way of looking at a personal response. Instead, think of your personal response as a holistic piece which directly or indirectly allows your reader a glimpse into your thoughts on the theme provided for you. You can do this creatively by choosing a format like a script or newspaper article or critically with a standard short essay format.

7. The marking rubric used for the PRs in the course is the same marking rubric used for the Personal Response. Read it carefully and come to know the descriptors and categories well. 8. Presentation marks refer to the relative absence of errors and the stylistic choices you have made in your writing. Using a computer to create your written work is always advisable. You have the advantage of a spell check, dictionary, thesaurus and, in some instances, a grammar check. Use them. There are very few instances where mechanical errors such as spelling should affect your writing on a computer. Your computer is telling you where these errors are. Are you paying attention to it? Revise and edit to make sure that you submit the best draft possible. TO SUMMARIZE: A. Keep your personal response short to within 1.5 – 2 pages in length. B. Choose your format (anything other than a poem) carefully. It should lend itself to the theme and the text(s) provided for you. C. You must directly or indirectly refer to the text(s) provided. Usually, you will be given two written text excerpts and one visual. Ideally, refer to only ONE of the texts. D. You must develop a controlling idea or thesis which responds to the thematic question provided for you. E. Develop your writing as a holistic piece. It should provide your reader a glimpse into your thoughts about the theme as it applies to the text you’ve chosen from those provided for you....

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