Great Gatsby - Comprehension Questions - Chapter 9 - Week 6 PDF

Title Great Gatsby - Comprehension Questions - Chapter 9 - Week 6
Author Jim Wyles
Course Literatures in English
Institution Laurentian University
Pages 7
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This is some comprehension questions from the great gatsby book. Taken from Professor Barthowmolew. Week 6 of the half course....


Chapter 1 1. Who is the narrator? Where is he from? The narrator is a man by the name of Nick Carraway. He is from a city in the middle-west and follows tradition from the Dukes of Buccleuch. He graduated from New Haven in 1915 and participated in the Great War. He currently resides in the West Egg. 2. How does Nick know Daisy? Tom? Nick knows Daisy because she is his second cousin, once removed. He knows Tom as they went to college together. 3. What is the name of the book Tom is reading? What does this show us about him? The name of the book that Tom is reading is The Rise of the Coloured Empire. It shows us that Tom has very traditional views on society. He states his worries about the suggested loss of power the white race will face in the upcoming years, and how they need to suppress the minorities. 4. Who is Jordan Baker? Jordan Baker is a friend of Daisy Buchanan, who also is a professional golfer. She acts differently than Daisy, mostly reserved and quiet, but with loud outbreaks occasionally. 5. Who is Gatsby? Gatsby is Nick’s neighbour dinner, i.e. he lives beside him in a luxurious mansion in the West Egg. We learn very little about him other than the fact that Nick idolizes him in some fashion.

Close Reading: Chapter 1 1. What have we learned about Nick Carraway, the “I” We have learned that he has a reserved character and is inclined to reserve all judgements. He realizes later that this is impossible. He makes exception for Gatsby, who he seems to idolize. 2. How would you describe his personality? His personality seems very timid and reserved. He seems very nice as he doesn’t judge anyone and puts up with people he doesn’t necessarily like. 3. Is the author of The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald or Carraway according to this passage? Which lines indicate the answer? The author of The Great Gatsby from this passage seems to be Carraway. This is indicated by the line “Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my reaction”. 4. If Nick is the “author” of this text, what effects might this have on the story? What kind of information may be missing? The effect this will have is bias toward characters that Nick likes, and vice versa. The contrast to Nick’s opinions will be missing.

5. Who is Gatsby? Gatsby is the opposite of all of Nick’s previous values. Gatsby is exempt from Nick’s reactions and accept all of Gatsby’s flaws. Gatsby is the subject of the rest of the novel. 6. The narrator states: “If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to on of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away.” What do you think the narrator means by this? a. What does he mean by “gestures”? He means actions taken by a person, or character traits they possess. b. What does he mean by “the promises of life”? Think especially about the 1920s context of this novel and Ms. Winick’s opening lecture. He is referring to the American Dream. He references the ideal goal of life, and what people set out to achieve, why they live. 7. What do you think may have “preyed” on Gatsby? It is his obstacles keeping him from attaining his ultimate dream. The hope of the American dream, and the hope of Daisy. 8. Why does Fitzgerald contrast “hard rock” with “wet marshes”? What do you think he means. He is referring to the way people make decisions. Whether it is founded on a tough mentality or a soft cautious manner. 9. Explain the 2 conflicting attitudes towards Gatsby. What is the effect of this paradox? First, the idealization of Gatsby. Then the realization that he goes against everything Nick previously believed in. Leads to Nick having varying views on Gatsby. 10. Overall, this paragraph contains 2 contrasting ideas, what are they? First, Nick states that he is inclined to reserve all judgements. By the end however, he abandons this and judges Gatsby.

Chapter 2 1. What and where is the “Valley of Ashes” The “Valley of Ashes” is about halfway between West Egg and New York. It is a fantastic farm filled with ashes and features a huge statue of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. 2. Who is George Wilson? What is his wife’s name? George Wilson is a working male; he runs a car repair and sale shop. His wife’s name is Myrtle Wilson. 3. What is the relationship between Myrtle Wilson and Tom Buchanan?

Myrtle and Tom are having an affair behind the scenes. They tell other people that neither of them can stand the person they are married to as an excuse because of religion. 4. Does Nick feel comfortable at the party in the apartment? Nick doesn’t feel comfortable at the party in the apartment, he feels as out of place, everyone there is rich and glamorous, they tell lies, all of which go against his personality. They are drinking which is illegal. 5. How does Myrtle’s nose end up broken? Myrtle’s nose ends up broken because Tom punches her in the face.

Chapter 3 1. Explain the invitation process for Gatsby’s parties. Very few people actually get invited, most people just show up and may not even meet Gatsby all night. 2. Give a minimum of 3 details about Gatsby’s parties.  He had caterers come every once every fortnight to decorate his garden like a “Christmas tree”  Very rich culture (catering, etc…)  Lots of people come  Held in Gatsby’s mansion 3. Who is the “owl-eyed man” and what does he do while the party is going on? He gets drunk and sits upon a table admiring the many “real” books lining Gatsby’s shelves. 4. Does Gatsby get involved in the festivities of his parties? Give examples in your answer. He doesn’t, he mostly interacts with select guest. He gets his butler to track Jordan down, and take them to his office where he can have a word with her. 5. Is Jordan an honest person? Give examples. Not at all, Nick suspects the rumour of her moving her golf ball out of a bad spot is true. Also, she lies about her driving skills, among many other things.

Chapter 4 1. A man named Klipspringer is known as “the boarder” because he was at Gatsby’s house so often. His name is Ewen.

2. Meyer Wolfsheim is a friend or acquaintance of Gatsby, who they have lunch with. He seems to be involved in criminal business, evident by his wrist cuffs. He mistakes Nick for a criminal and asks him if he needs a “connection”

3. First, Gatsby says he is the son of some wealthy people from the middle west who are all dead now. Then he states he was born in America but educated at Oxford. Lastly, he tells Nick he was part of the war, a major in the army.

4. They first met as teenagers, where Gatsby as an officer stood outside her house, demanding the privilege of monopolizing her that night. Daisy didn’t notice him, but he was entranced by her. It seems as though they have been linked romantically in the past.

5. He doesn’t normally trust anyone, but he seems to trust her.

Chapter 5 1. Gatsby wants to have Nick’s lawn cut because he doesn’t think it looks very nice. He wants to impress Daisy to the max and provide favours for Nick in exchange for his help.

2. He says he is going to go home because he feels so nervous and would rather be alone in the comforts of his own house.

3. Gatsby and Daisy have broken their awkwardness, and he wants to show off his house.

4. Gatsby says that he had worked for three years to acquire this wealth, contradicting his previous statement of acquiring wealth from his family.

5. Gatsby throws shirt after shirt into a huge pile in front of Nick and Daisy, showing that he believes he can win Daisy over with material possessions. This shows that he values wealth heavily.

Chapter 6 1. Gatsby’s real name is James Gatz and he is originally from North Dakota. Gatsby used to do illegal work for a man named Dan Cody, and they got drunk often together. Worked on his boat.

2. Dan Cody gave Gatsby a job, a new identity, and a friend. Gatsby learned a lot from him about how to make money, and also learned about alcohol. Cody also gave him 25000 dollars.

3. Daisy had a very excited and happy reaction to Gatsby’s party, and she was entranced by the spectacle of it all. Gatsby gets snobbier in a way, showing off more and more.

4. Gatsby acts very snobbish, showing off all the celebrities and his many material possessions. Daisy is wrapped around his finger; however, Tom sees through this image. He acts very welcoming towards Daisy and condescending towards Tom.

5. Tom immediately senses that Gatsby is a bootlegger because he doesn’t like the way Gatsby is acting towards his wife first off. He also knows that the West Egg is earned money, and the easiest way would be illegal.

Close Reading: Chapter 6 1. What is happening in this scene? What realization does Gatsby have? In this scene, Gatsby and Daisy are standing outside his house looking across the water at her house. He realizes that he no longer needs to work, throw spectacular events, and do illegal behaviour. 2. Why do you think Fitzgerald makes it rain in this scene? Fitzgerald makes it rain in this scene to signify the end of Gatsby’s fantasy about Daisy. He no longer needs to stare at her green light, and the rain clouds his view of the light, marking the end of this hobby. 3. What does the green light represent? Why? The green light represented Daisy and Gatsby’s passion and love for her. The green colour is normally thought of as good, and this love is good as well. It represents this because it hangs at the end of her dock, and was something he could see at all times, reminding him of her. 4. What has changed about the green light? Why has it vanished forever? The green light is now clouded by the mist on the bay and Gatsby is no longer able to see it. It has vanished forever because Gatsby has fulfilled his passion and achieved his goal of getting Daisy. 5. What are his other “enchanted objects”? His house. 6. How does this scene relate to the overarching theme of illusions (or appearances that contradict reality)? Jordan seems honest but is really dishonest. All the affairs going on.

Chapter 7 1. At Gatsby’s house, he has fired all his servants replacing them with people who never have come into West Egg village before. The reason he gives for this is to only have people who don’t gossip, as Daisy has started to come over quite often.

2. Gatsby decides that he is going to tell Tom that Daisy loves him only.

3. Gatsby looks at Daisy’s daughter Pammy with surprise because a child signifies a strong relationship, and it shocked him as he probably dreamt up another fantasy.

4. The main reason George gives for moving away, is he says him and Myrtle have always wanted to move away.

5. Myrtle is the one looking out the window above George’s garage. She is jealous because she sees Tom with Jordan Baker and thinks they are married.

6. Gatsby is surprised after that statement because he never believed that Daisy truly loved anyone but him. He dreamt up other realities refusing to accept any outcome other than him and Daisy.

7. Myrtle is run over by Daisy driving in a blue coupe, as she runs out onto the road.

8. He says that to protect himself from the law and to cover his tracks ending all previous ties with Myrtle.

9. It is Nick’s thirtieth birthday.

10. It is quiet, a little tense, however intimate, both pretending like the accident didn’t happen at all.

Chapter 8 1. To Nick, Gatsby’s house feels different and something is off/missing. It feels so big, yet empty as there was no people around.

2. Gatsby feels married to Daisy because they made love when they were younger, before Gatsby left for the war. She also represents his American Dream and takes responsibility for all bad things that happened to her in life.

3. Daisy is attracted to Tom Buchanan first from her need to have a man and be loved. She is also attracted to his social status and the fact that her parents approve of him.

4. Nick says “They’re a rotten crowd … You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together” to help Gatsby feel good about himself. Gatsby was at a low mental point here, and Nick was trying to help him along. It was good he chose this moment as it was the last time, he saw Gatsby alive.

5. Ultimately, Gatsby is murdered by George Wilson. George mistakes Gatsby for Myrtle’s lover, kills him, then turns the gun on himself, taking his own life as well.

Chapter 9 1. Nick feels like he is the only person who knew Gatsby truly. After Gatsby dies, everybody who knew him disappears leaving only Nick. Nick is also the only person willing to put together a funeral for him.

2. Gatsby's father is proud of his son. He thinks he would have been a great man someday. Travelled all the way from Minnesota and shows Nick stuff from his childhood.

3. Klipspringer makes an excuse to get out of going to the funeral. He says he has to attend a picnic in Connecticut.

4. The Owl -eyed man, just like the eyes on the statue for T.J. Eckleburg represents God.

5. Nick says Tom and Daisy are careless people because they use their money as an out for everything. Whenever life becomes tough, they use their wealth to leave that situation. They had part responsibility in three deaths but ran away upon hearing about them. Essay due the 12th Annotated bibliography due Friday Test on Tuesday...

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