Grocery Store Visit - Grade: A+ PDF

Title Grocery Store Visit - Grade: A+
Author Elizabeth George
Course Eating Cultures
Institution Temple University
Pages 2
File Size 46.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Mandatory writing assignment ...


Researcher: Elizabeth   George  Date of   visit: 10/30/2017 Time of   visit:   3pm  Name and   Type   of   Establishment:   Fresh   Grocer  A grocery store is a place where people can go   to buy   various types of food   a nd even  everyday items.   Most   grocery   stores   contain   produce,   meats,   processed   foods,   and   a  plethora   of different types   of   foods.   A grocery   store   is   usually   organized   by   different sections   that   contain a specific type   of food   such   as   dairy   or   bakery.   The grocery store I decided to visit was   called  Fresh Grocer.  Fresh Grocer   is   a  grocery   store   that   is   located   right   near   Temple’s   Campus.   It   is   also accessible by   Public   Transportation.   The store is located in North   Philadelphia and the  neighborhood is middle to lower class.  I came here looking for some fresh   fruits and that is the first thing   you see   when you first   enter   the   store.   The   produce   is   placed   in   the   very   front   and  bakery items are   right   behind it. However, while looking at the produce, it did not seem fresh.  Most of   the   fruits   and   vegetables   looked   like   they   were   a  couple   days   old.   Along with   this   lack   of  freshness most   of   the foods were overpriced. One bag of squash here cost about five dollars  while in most places they are   often   three   dollars   or   less.  While looking   further around in the store, none of the foods seemed non   categorical. The labels on the   food were rather   simple,   most   just   stated   what   type   of   food   it   was.   The   placement   of  the products   was   very   important.   Most   of   the   important   food   items   were   placed   in   the   back   of  store. For instance, milk, butter, and eggs were placed all the way   in the back, behind all the row  of aisles. This placement forces the customer to go   throughout the whole store before getting to  what they need,   which may increase   the   number   of things the customer purchases. 

The consumers of this store were all varied. There were a wide range of age groups and  diversities. I saw   a  big   number   of   Temple   students   to   elderly   people   buying   their   groceries.   The  employees at this store were polite   when you asked them   a  questions   and helped me find the  items I was   looking   for. The atmosphere of the grocery store was rushed and   busy.   Fresh Grocer contained a  big   selection   of   frozen   processed   foods.   These   foods   were   ironically   cheaper than the fresh produce. This shows the food   trends in America towards processed foods and shows what people are consuming. Overall, Fresh   Grocer   did   not   meet my   standards   of   freshness   or   quality.   The   produce did not seem fresh   and   was   very   overpriced.   I would   not   visit   Fresh   Grocer   again   unless   I needed  something for   an   emergency.   I would rather   take   an   uber   to   a  grocery   store   in   the   city   like   Trader Joe’s than waste money   on   products that lack quality....

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