GRQ Week Four - Guided reading week 4 PDF

Title GRQ Week Four - Guided reading week 4
Author Kayden Hallett
Course Introduction To Sociology
Institution Drexel University
Pages 2
File Size 58 KB
File Type PDF
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Guided reading week 4...


Week Four Guided Reading Questions 1. Compare Genie, Anna, and Isabelle's development with that of average children their ages. In which ways are they different from other children their age? a. Anna spent most of her life in isolation. She did not learn to walk, speak, or take care of herself. By the time she was eight she could walk, understand simple commands, remember people, but she did not speak. Average eight year olds develop their own sense of style and tastes by this age, they normally can ride a bike or start cooking with the help of someone older. Isabelle grew up similarly to Anna, she spent around six years of her life isolated with her mother. She did not learn to speak, but learned to communicate with gestures. She was fearful of strangers, especially men, and acted like an infant. Growing up with a deaf-mute mother, she did not use most of her senses. It took her two years to reach the average level of a child. Although Isabelle was able to catch up to children her own age, at six other children were learning how to read and write. She was learning to communicate with gestures. Lastly, Genie grew up in isolation until she was thirteen. She was locked in a room tied to a chair by herself. She had no one to talk to and little to look at. When she was found she was making noises and talking to herself. Thirteen year olds normally look up to older teenagers and try to emulate them. Females start being more concerned with body image and are in the middle of puberty. Due to unfortunate circumstances Anna, Isabelle, and Genie grew up in isolation. They had limited contact and no exposure to the outside world. 2. What is the "forbidden experiment"? a. The forbidden experiment is the study of Victor of Aveyron. It is called this because it is incredibly unethical to take a human infant and neglect them of socialization. 3. Do people learn language from their environment or are they born with an innate ability to speak? Explain your answer. a. People learn language from their environment. Anna had limited contact and did not know anything when she left her mother's care. Depending on where a child grows up, they learn different languages. Each language has a specific way of making sounds and facial positions to make sounds. If children were born with an innate ability to speak, languages would all sound similar. I believe that people are born with an innate ability to communicate, but not speak. Babies cry when they are born to signal distress. As they get older, they discover different ways of communicating which eventually lead to speech. Language is an aspect of

communication, but the base level deals with sounds and motions. People are born able to communicate, but speech is taught by observing and listening.

4. Explain Nature vs. Nurture. Was Genie born this way or did her environment make her the way she was? What are some examples of “nurture” in Genie’s case? What is an example of “nature” in Genie’s case? a. Nature is how your genetics determine your behavior. Nurture deals with your upbringing and environment. We are nurtured to behave in certain ways. Genie was used as an example to show that a strong sense of nurturing can help a rough past. In Genie’s case, one example of nurture was her her animal-like walk. From being tied up for so long her legs weren’t “normal”. She was also never taught to walk like most children. Genie’s father initially isolated her due to her being “retarted”. Being born with mental retardation would be an example of nature. 5. Is it ethical to conduct research on such fragile children? a. Honestly, this is a really difficult question. On one side, conducting research is necessary to learn more about communication and child development. However, these children are fragile and in need of care and love. I think if the research is done very carefully it is ethical. Instead of shoving cameras and doctors at the children maybe have a psychologist spend some time with the child or observe the child being taught. Genie responded well to the butcher. He never asked her questions about her, but instead gave her the freedom to explore. After being in a new environment, children like Genie are at first shocked and afraid. After they get over the initial shock they are curious. In order to make “fragile children” feel safe it is imperative to allow them to be themselves instead of forcing them to learn or confine to expectations....

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