Haccp Quiz - Hazard Analysis and Critical Contol Points Quiz PDF

Title Haccp Quiz - Hazard Analysis and Critical Contol Points Quiz
Author Xandrinne Magbag
Course Risk Management as Applied to Safety, Security, and Sanitation
Institution STI College
Pages 2
File Size 22.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 30
Total Views 155


Hazard Analysis and Critical Contol Points Quiz...



Quest i on1 As ys t em t hati dent i fi es ,ev al uat es ,andcont r ol shaz ar dssi gni fic antf orf oods af et yi s c al l edHACCP. Res pons e:Tr ue Cor r ectans wer :Tr ue Sc or e:2outof2Yes

Quest i on2 Theactofc onduct i ngapl annedsequenc eofobs er v at i onsormeas ur ement sof c ont r ol par amet er st oass es swhet heraCr i t i cal Cont r ol Poi nt( CCP)i sundercont r ol i scal l edv al i dat i on. Res pons e:Fal se Cor r ectans wer :Fal se Sc or e:2outof2Yes

Quest i on3 Haz ar dAnal y s i sandCr i t i cal Cont r ol Poi nt( HACCP)i saf or m ofr i skas ses s ment us edasaf oods af et ycont r ol . Res pons e:Tr ue Cor r ectans wer :Tr ue Sc or e:2outof2Yes

Quest i on4 As s embl i ngt heHaz ar dAnal y si sandCr i t i cal Cont r ol Poi nt( HACCP)t eam i nv ol v es i dent i f yi ngandt r ai ni ngk eyper sonnel t hatwi l lwor kt oget hert oappl yt heHACCP pr i nc i pl es . Res pons e:Tr ue Cor r ectans wer :Tr ue Sc or e:2outof2Yes

Quest i on5 Anact i onoract i vi t yt hatcanbeus edt opr ev ent ,el i mi nat e,orr educeahaz ar datan ac cept abl el ev el i scal l edacr i t i cal l i mi t . Res pons e:Fal se Cor r ectans wer :Fal se

Sc or e:2outof2Yes

Quest i on6 Thes af et yl i mi t st hatmus tbeachi ev edf oreac hCr i t i cal Cont r ol Poi nt( CCP)t o ens ur et hatt hef oodi ssaf ear ecal l edcont r olmeas ur es . Res pons e:Fal se Cor r ectans wer :Fal se Sc or e:2outof2Yes

Quest i on7 Li s t i ngofal l pot ent i alhaz ar dsi sdonedur i ngt hefi f t hs t epi nt heCodexl ogi c s equenceofHaz ar dAnal y s i sandCr i t i cal Cont r ol Poi nt( HACCP) . Res pons e:Fal se Cor r ectans wer :Fal se Sc or e:2outof2Yes

Quest i on8 Thef our t hpr i nc i pl eofHaz ar dAnal y si sandCr i t i cal Cont r ol Poi nt( HACCP)cal l sf or es t abl i shi ngc r i t i cal l i mi t st omanageCr i t i cal Cont r olPoi nt s( CCPs ) . Res pons e:Fal se Cor r ectans wer :Fal se Sc or e:2outof2Yes

Quest i on9 I nt heCodexl ogi csequenc e,t hepur pos eoft hepr oces sflowdi agr am i st o doc umentt hepr oces sandpr ov i deaf oundat i onoft hehaz ar danal y s i s . Res pons e:Tr ue Cor r ectans wer :Tr ue Sc or e:2outof2Yes

Quest i on10 Val i dat i oni nv ol v esv ar i ouspr ocedur esandmet hodst hatwi l lbeus edt odemons t r at e c ompl i ancewi t hf oodsaf et yr equi r ement s . Res pons e:Fal se Cor r ectans wer :Fal se Sc or e:2outof2...

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