Haematology - Collated from sources such as Passmed, Zero to Finals, AMBOSS, BMJ best practice PDF

Title Haematology - Collated from sources such as Passmed, Zero to Finals, AMBOSS, BMJ best practice
Course Medicine
Institution Cardiff University
Pages 12
File Size 681 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 17
Total Views 135


Collated from sources such as Passmed, Zero to Finals, AMBOSS, BMJ best practice...


Anaemia  Hb 2 osteolytic lesions  Low Hb  Low albumin

lesions = back ache, vertebral collapse, pathological fractures  Infection

for bone lesions XR spine, skull (“punched out pepper pot skull”), pelvis  Urinary BENCE JONES PROTEINS

 Radiotherapy for focal disease  Orthopaedic input if there’s vertebral collapse  Recurrent Immunoglobulin infusions  Chemotherapy

Tumour Lysis Syndrome  

Triggered by Chemotherapy or steroid use Tumour breakdown releases toxic chemicals o Uric acid o Phosphate o Potassium  Low Calcium PROPHYLAXIS IS KEY: o IV Allopurinol or Rasburicase before and during 1st few days o IV Fluids 2 days before o Loop diuretic

Neutropenic sepsis     

Neutrophil count 38 7-14 days after chemo PROPHYLAXIS = Fluoroquinolone Mx: o IV Abx without waiting for bloods  Tazocin  If still unwell after 48 hrs switch to Meropenem +/- Vancomycin  If not responding, consider fungal cause - CT

SVC obstruction   

SOB Swelling of face, neck, arms Headache o Worse in morning  Visual disturbance  Jugular venous distension  GET A CT WITH CONTRAST  Mx: o Dexamethasone + balloon venoplasty and stenting o Lie pt on side whilst awaiting surgery (relieves pressure)

Hypercalcaemia  

IV Fluids IV bisphosphonates if severe (>3.4)

Spinal cord compression  Back pain o Worse when lying down or coughing  Numbness

    

Paraesthesia Bladder/bowel dysfunction Muscle wasting T2 MRI Mx: o Immobilise pt o Dexamethasone o Urgent decompression surgery

Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Polycythaemia Vera

Essential thrombocytosis


Cell type involved RBC







 JAK2 mutation  >60 y/o  Hyperviscosity sx e.g. headaches, dizziness, vision changes, tinnitus, pruritis (esp after hot bath), burning in fingers/toes  Thrombosis  Facial plethora  Splenomegaly  Gout (from ^ RBC turnover)

FBC:  ^RBC’s (so ^Hb)  ^WBC’s  ^Plt’s

Venesection if low risk

--> Myelofibrosis in ~30%

       

FBC:  Plt’s >450x109

JAK2, CALR or MPL Usually clinically well Bleeding Atypical chest pain Headache Dizziness B Symptoms Bone marrow failure sx  Massive hepatosplenomegaly - causes abdo discomfort

Bone marrow shows panmyelosis Low serum EPO


--> Acute leukaemia in ~5%  Monitor FBC’s every 3 months

+ Aspirin 75mg OD Aspirin 75mg OD Hydroxyurea if high risk Blood film:  Tear drop RBC’s (nucleated) FBC:  Low Hb  ^WBC’s  ^Plt’s Bone marrow biopsy is Dx


Hydroxyurea if high risk:  >60 y/o  Previous VTE (or IFNa if child-bearing age)

JAK inhibiters - Ruxolitinib Supportive e.g. transfusions, Abx, Allopurinol Bone marrow transplant is curative

Median survival 4-5 yrs...

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