Hamlet notes PDF

Title Hamlet notes
Course Shakespeare and Performance
Institution The University of Western Ontario
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I ACT ONE, SCENE ONE: 1. Describe the prevailing atmosphere in this scene and explain how it is created -

Prevailing atmosphere: ominous


It’s midnight which is the witching hour, and two characters are speaking of how they’ve seen a ghost for the past two nights


They begin attempting to speak to the ghost, but the ghost disappears before Horatio has the opportunity


The ghost looks exactly like the king when he passed

2. What reasons does Horatio suggest for the appearance of the ghost? -

Something bad is going to happen

3. Provide 2 character traits for Horatio and an example from the play to support your choices -

He’s wise since he’s a scholar “Thou art a scholar, speak to it Horatio”


close friends w hamlet

ACT ONE, SCENE TWO: 1. Does Claudius reveal himself as a capable Monarch in this scene? Explain -

Yes, he sent people to resolve Fortinbras’ issue


He knows how to control/manipulate others

2. What contrasts are set up between Hamlet and Laertes? 3. Explain the Norwegian situation as presented in this scene -

Young Fortinbras wants land from Denmark

4. Examine Claudius’ first speech as a state of the union address. Note: His presence as King -

He clearly states himself as the King as he dismisses his brother’s passing and his marriage to Gertrude

His diplomatic skills


Sends people to Fortinbras to discuss what young Fortinbras is doing


He is able to control the situation and state that he is King and Hamlet is to only come after him once he is more mature (he puts down Hamlet as unintelligent as well)

His rhetoric (diction) -

Uses third person to refer to himself as the king


Uses words like we and us to make others feel inclusive

The credibility of the statement -

He makes himself sound as if he has everything under control and knows what to do as the ruler

The “state” of the union -

He is stating that he has everything in control concerning taking over the throne and the Fortinbras situation

5. What qualities of Hamlet’s character are brought out in a. His first words: a little less than kin and less than kind -

Filial, thinks about his father


Smart, he has thought about the possibility of Claudius killing the king to usurp the throne

b. His soliloquy -

He is depressed

c. His conversation with Horatio and the sentries -

Smart and tactful as he makes a plan to overthrow Claudius and makes sure his close friends don’t interfere

ACT ONE, SCENE THREE: 1. The word “advice” is an apt description of this scene. Outline the advice given: a) Laertes’ advice to Ophelia ○ Hamlet is not free to choose his marriage, his uncle Claudius has that power ○ Tells Ophelia not to give up her virginity to Hamlet cuz no one will want her then (warns her that her reputation will be ruined or her heart will be broken)

b) Polonius’ advice to Laertes ● Think before you act/ speak ● Be friendly but not too close, keep some distance ● Keep those you trust close, but don’t give your trust away too easily ● Don’t pick fights or arguments and don’t cause them but if someone challenges you make sure to win ● Listen more than you speak ● Take other people’s judgments but don’t judge others ● Buy nice clothes but not extra/showy clothing ● If you lend money you might lose the money and that friend (same with borrowing money) ● Be true to yourself c) Polonius’ advice to Ophelia ● Don’t see Hamlet anymore ● Tells Ophelia not to believe anything Hamlet says; that she is foolish to believe it cuz he is a young man and all his words come from lust not love 2. How is sympathy created in this scene for: a) Ophelia ○ Ophelia has no choice because she is a woman b) Hamlet ○ Hamlet is trapped in a way too because of his obligations as royalty ○ Hamlet is seen as a bad person in the eyes of Polonius and Laertes 3. What does Polonius’ advice and the manner in which he gives it, tell the audience about his character? How do Laertes and Ophelia respond to his advice and what does this reveal about each? ○ Polonius is a strict parent who doesn’t want to risk how the family is seen in society ○ Laertes ○ Ophelia is smart because she decides to listen to her father rather than disobey him and get grounded (she also tests to see polonius’ opinion on hamlet)

ACT ONE, SCENE FOUR: 1. Identify one example for each of the following in this scene: a) Contrast b) Irony c) Suspense -

Hamlet wants to talk to the ghost but everyone around him is telling him not to

2. What differences are brought out between Hamlet and Claudius? -

Hamlet finds it not elegant and shows weakness when Claudius celebrates his crowning


Claudius is always taking action whereas Hamlet weighs all his options first and makes decisions in a more scholarly way

3. Identify 2 traits of Horatio and give an example of each from this scene -

Worrisome/caring as he is afraid of hamlet being lured/hurt by the ghost


Wise and thinks logically as he doesn’t come to any conclusions immediately

4. How does Hamlet respond to the ghost? Why does he follow it despite Horatio’s fears and warnings? -

Hamlet wants to follow the ghost bc he isn’t scared of him since he has nothing to lose

ACT ONE, SCENE FIVE: 1. Summarize the revelation the Ghost makes to Hamlet -

The ghost who poses as the king tells ‘hamlet that the ‘serpent’ who killed him is Claudius


His father was killed by poison which was poured into his ear while he was laying in the orchard


Since King Hamlet did not get to repent before he died so he was sent to hell

2. What is Hamlet’s response to the information given to him about his father? -

‘I knew it!’ (he’s already suspected claudius)

3. What part do you feel Gertrude had in what happened to King Hamlet? Explain. Why does the Ghost say not to harm her? -

Gertrude seemed to have an affair even before he died (adulterated) and most likely either

doesn’t suspect Claudius or knows and is a bystander -

The Ghost does not want Gertrude to be harmed because he believes that Claudius was able to trick her and that Gertrude is not at fault at all

4. Explain the lines: “The time is out of joint; O cursed spite That e’er I was born to set it right!” -

He will get revenge (this is his purpose in life)

5. What reasons would Hamlet have for feigning madness? -

People will let their guard down around him if he acts mad and then he can see and listen to figure out what’s really going on


spying or lying or both of them ?? Hamlet Act I Film Notes Branagh




- dark forest and foggy

- dark castle - eerie background music

- bright setting inside apartment building

Portrayal of Ghost

- scary/intimidating hoarse voice, glowing eyes) - remorseful/regretful ? - vengeful, angry - less ghost-like and more human?? But still supernatural (homie has contacts)

- weak and feeble - pasty and pale - more human-like than the Branagh version - betrayed - more of a fatherly figure - was not wearing the armor, like he was supposed to according to Shakespeare

- very very human (most human-looking compared to the other two) freaky bc he’s real real - is able to touch hamlet unlike the other ones - remorseful - wants hamlet to take revenge for him - loving father

Portrayal of Hamlet

- a lot older than expected - sad - desperate - talks more (responsive towards the ghost)

- frightened - shocked - sympathetic - driven to act (get revenge)

- feeble - confused - hella shook

Effectiveness (Pros/Cons)

- flashbacks of previous events (king’s death or Claudius seducing

- didn’t show scenes of how he was poisoned - the eeriness was more

- ineffective bc they’re speaking w shakespearean words but in a modern

gertrude) which makes it effective easier to follow - sad parting - i feel like the ghost is kinda pathetic— the outfits and his acting were unrealistic - low budget

film ??


ACT TWO, SCENE ONE: 1. At the opening of this scene, to where is Polonius sending Reynaldo? -


2. Why does Polonius send him on his journey? -

To find out what others think about his son

3. By what trick is Reynaldo supposed to get information about Laertes -

By spreading rumours about Laertes (if Reynaldo is like ‘I know Laertes, he gambles all the time etc. people will either respond with ‘no Laertes is not like that’ or agree with Reynaldo). This is how Polonius will get information about how his son is acting

4. What does this reveal about Polonius’s character? -

Polonius is worried about his position in the kingdom (he wants to be favoured by the king) and he is willing to make sacrifices

5. How would you describe the effect of Polonius’s rambling speech to Reynaldo in line 50-67? 6. How does Ophelia describe Hamlet’s appearance to her” -


7. What is Polonius’s conclusion about Hamlet -

Hamlet has gone crazy because ophelia, his love, rejected him

ACT TWO, SCENE TWO: 8. At the beginning of scene 2, for whom has Claudius sent?


guildenstern and rosencrantz

9. Why has he sent for them? -

He wants guildenstern and rosencrantz to ‘talk’(spy on) to hamlet and report back to him so he knows what’s going on inside of his head

10. What news do Voltimand and Cornelius bring back from Norway? -

the king of norway wasn’t really sick,, his son was lying


the king of norway punished his son


he sent his son to attack the pollack, but to attack the pollack they need to go through denmark

11. In lines 76-80, what request does Norway make of Claudius? -

Norway asks Claudius to let them pass through Denmark for them to attack another country

12. What is humorously ironic about Polonius saying “Brevity is the soul of wit” -

Polonius is saying that talking concisely with few words is best, however he rambles on with a ton of words

13. In lines 158-165, what plan is formed to test Polonius’s hypothesis that Hamlet is mad from rejected love? -

The king, queen and polonius agree on letting hamlet and ophelia meet during hamlet’s walk while they spy on them

14. Hamlet calls Polonius a “fishmonger”. Why? -

A fishmonger is basically a pimp and Polonius is basically using Ophelia to his advantage and wants to make use of her

15. In lines 204-209, what does Polonius say about the contrast between madness and sanity? 16. Why does Hamlet tell Rosenctantz and Guildenstetn that “Denmark’s a prison”? -

Denmark’s a prison to hamlet because of his status and how carefully he has to act


His uncle now restricts his actions further and isn’t allowing him to return to school

17. In lines 293-310, what reason does Hamlet give to his friends for his current condition? -

Hamlet tells his friends that he is depressed

18. According to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, why are the players travelling? -

The players are travelling because of a riot that occured in London (??)

19. Hamlet realizes that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern cannot be trusted. What does he let them

know in lines 376-377? -

He lets them know that he is still a bit sane and is able to distinguish between friends and spies.

20. Why does Hamlet call Polonius “Jephthah” in line 407? -

Jephthah is a story about a man who vowed to sacrifice the first living creature he sees who happened to be his daughter. Polonius is saying he is sacrificing Ophelia and makes use of her.

21. In lines 447-515, Hamlet and the First Player recite lines from a play. This play tells how Pyrrhus slays the Trojan king Priam to avenge his father’s murder. How is Hamlet like Pyrrhus? How is Hamlet unlike Pyrrhus? -

Hamlet is similar to Pyrrhus as he is seeking revenge for his father by wanting to attack Claudius


hamlet and pyrrhus both did not take action

22. In lines 531-539, what two questions does Hamlet ask the First Player? -

Hamlet asks the first player to play the murder of gonzago


Hamlet asks the first player to remember an extra bunch of lines

23. What causes Hamlet to exclaim, “O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!”? -

Hamlet is moved by the first player’s acting (which happens to depict hamlets ‘purpose’) but has done nothing to complete the ‘task’ given to him by his father

24. In the passage beginning with line 586, what plan does Hamlet devise? -

Hamlet wants the play to be similar to that of King Hamlet’s death so he can get a reaction out of Claudius and confirm his guilt

25. In lines 596-601, why does Hamlet feel he must have evidence of Claudius’s guilt? -

Hamlet wants to make sure the ghost he saw wasn’t just the devil (inside of him) who wants to trick him and if Claudius shows a reaction/remorse, then he will take action

26. In thinking about Act 2, list examples of one or more characters spying on another character. -

Claudius wants to spy on hamlet and ophelia’s conversation


Cluadius gets rosencrantz and guildenstern to spy on hamlet


Polonius gets reynaldo to spy on Laertes and spread rumors about him

27. Make a list of character traits Hamlet possesses, as seen in Acts 1 & 2. -

Smart and determined -

He knows when to acts and doesn’t act rashly, he makes sure to get a reaction out of

Claudius to confirm his guilt before he takes any measures -




III ACT THREE, SCENE ONE: 1. What do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern report to Polonius? -

They report on how Hamlet is acting


They tell polonius that he gave no cause as to why he is mad and that hamlet is unwilling to talk

2. How does Claudius react when Polonius says, “...with devotion’s visage, and pious action we do sugar o’er/ The devil himself ”? -

Claudius feels something in his conscience / feel guilty (because he actually killed his brother) cuz polonius said that a good appearance often covers evil

3. What plan do Polonius, Claudius and Ophelia now put into action? -

Set up hamlet for ophelia to meet him and find out the reason for his madness and his plans

4. What is the nature of Hamlet’s soliloquy, lines 57-91? -

Considers the idea of suicide

5. What is Hamlet’s main argument against suicide? -

Fear of what comes after death

6. Why does Hamlet treat Ophelia as cruelly as he does? What has changed him? -

Hamlet doesn’t like women at the moment because of his mom


Hamlet suspects that Ophelia is being manipulated and cant trust her

7. What thinly veiled threat to Claudius does Hamlet voice, after he becomes of his hidden presence? (lines 148-150) 8. At the end of this scene, what does the King decide to do with Hamlet? -

Decides to send Hamlet to England


Have Gertrude speak to Hamlet

ACT THREE, SCENE TWO: 9. What qualities in Horatio cause Hamlet to enlist his assistance? -

Not in it for the money/reward


No matter what good things or bad things have happened to Horatio he has been reasonable

10. What does hamlet ask Horatio to do? -

Watch for Claudius’ reaction to the play

11. Summarize what happens in the play-within-a-play. -

Summarizes what happened between claudius, king hamlet and gertrude. Gertrude promises not to wed another but ends up.

12. Why, in line 233, does Hamlet refer to the play-within-a-play as “The Mouse-trap”? -

Hamlet is trying to trap Claudius and get a reaction out of him. He says how the play is villainous and those without clear consciences will flinch.

13. What is the King’s reaction to the play? -

The king is outraged and stands up and leaves with his people

14. In lines 354-363, to what object does Hamlet compare himself? Why? -

Hamlet compares himself to a recorder to tell rosencrantz and guildenstern that they cannot play him like how they cannot play a recorder (because they don’t know how to play a recorder)

15. As Hamlet goes to his mother at the end of this scene, what does he admonish himself to do? -

Hamlet plans on scolding and demeaning his mom with words to affect her mentally (he can’t physically bc of his promise w the ghost)


He plans to kill Claudius

ACT THREE, SCENE THREE: 16. What does Claudius ask Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to do? -

Claudius wants to send Hamlet to England along with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to supervise him

17. In lines 11-23, what do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern say in support of Claudius? -

Whatever happens within the royal family can affect the entire kingdom (eg. hamlets a bad child and brings a bad image to the royal family)

18. In lines 39-40, what does Claudius find nearly impossible to do? -

Claudius wants to pray and admit to his sins but finds that he can’t because of his guilt and because he wants to keep his gains

19. Why doesn’t Hamlet kill Claudius when he discovers him in an attitude of prayer? -

Hamlet doesn’t want to kill Claudius in a state of salvation where he could possibly be forgiven and sent to a higher place

ACT THREE, SCENE FOUR: 20. What does Polonius urge the Queen to do? -

To tell Hamlet that his actions have been unrestrained and unorderly

21. Under what misapprehension does Hamlet slay Polonius? -

Hamlet didn’t know it was Polonius behind the arras and thought it would have been Claudius instead

22. In line 20-21, Hamlet says to his mother, ‘You go not till I set you up a glass/ Where you may

see the inmost part of you.” Beginning with line 55, in what way does he do this? -

He shows Gertrude an old photo of King Hamlet and praises him heavily talking about how this was her husband and now she’s married to her husband’s brother betraying King Hamlet

23. Why does the Ghost appear to Hamlet again? -

The ghost is reminding Hamlet not to torture his mother

24. What does Hamlet ask of his mother? -

Hamlet ...

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