Hammer v is about a man and a dog that like chiccken PDF

Title Hammer v is about a man and a dog that like chiccken
Author Xavier Holmes
Course Medical Surgical II
Institution Florida College
Pages 2
File Size 46.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 16
Total Views 118


its a man and a dog fighting demons in their sleep while watching youtube and eating noodels and also spicy cheetos...


Hammer v. Dagenhart(1918) Child Labor The background on this case was that children in the 1800’s and late 1900’swould work really long hours in Industrial places like factories and mills. The people had come concerned about the effects of all this labor like what it could do to the child and its body. A lot of families were dependent on what their children earned during those days.

Who brought the case to the Supreme Court and why? The person who brought this case to the supreme court was Roland Dagenhart. He was a man that Lived in North Carolina and worked at a mill with 2 teenage sons and he believed that the law was unconstitutional and he sued for not having the right to let his children continue to work at the mills. And Hammer was an attorney.

How is the case an issue of federalism? The case is an issue of federalism because congress had passed an act called the Keating-Owen Act of 1916. The law forbids the shipment across state lines of all goods made in the factories which haad employed children under the age of 14 or children between 14-16 who had worked then 8 hours a day.

What were the majority and minority opinions of the Supreme Court? Majority- William Day Minority- Oliver W . Holmes

What was the rationale for the justices’ opinions on the case? Dagenharts liberty and property was protected by the 5th Amendment which had allowed him and his children to continue working. The 10th amendment left the power to make those rules for child labor to all the states and some states supported it others did not.

OPINION: In my opinion I support the minority ruling because I believed no child should be worked so hard as they were in that time. The effect of working a child so hard in the long run can be dangerous. Even if the families need them too because it's the source of their income , their parents should find a job or try to get a raise.

Hammer v. Dagenhart (1918). US Conlawpedia. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2021, from http://sites.gsu.edu/us-constipedia/hammer-v-dagenhart-1918/. Hammer v. Dagenhart (1918). Bill of Rights Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2021, from https://billofrightsinstitute.org/e-lessons/hammer-v-dagenhart-1918....

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