Hardware and Troubleshoot PDF

Title Hardware and Troubleshoot
Course Hardware Interfacing And Networking
Institution SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Pages 12
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Hardware troubleshooting is the process of reviewing, diagnosing and identifying operational or technical problems within a hardware device or equipment. It aims to resolve physical and/or logical problems and issues within a computing hardware....


Question Correct Answer 1. Which of the following is an example of a real time Process Control operating system 2. The operating system manages ________. All of the above 3. How many types of virtual machines are there 2 4. Which command is used to copy the contents of one Diskcopy disk to another 5. The________________ displays the name of every Welcome Screen computer user on the computer 6. Name the text editor used to create and the program Gedit source file in ubuntu OS. 7. For initializing ubuntu OS what is the recommended 32 bit bit size? 8. Virtual machine can offer an instruction set True architecture that differs from real computers 9. The operating system creates ______ from the Virtual computer physical computer 10. Which is built directly on the hardware? Operating System 11. The operating system of a computer serves as a Hardware software interface between the user and the ________. 12. The operating system creates … from the physical Virtual computer computer 13. Which one is not operating system? P11 14. What does VM stand for? Virtual Machine 15. Which command is used to see the version of Ver operating system? 16. To start the installation process in your virtualbox New manager.We have to click the _______ icon. 17. Which is not application software? Windows NT 18. What program runs first after computer is booted Authentication and loading GUI? 19. Windows8 is an open source OS False You are leaving for a very short time and 20. You should choose Sleep option when want to resume you work shortly 21. Base Memory for OS is a fixed size of 512MB False You can increase free space of disk by 22. Identify false statement sending files in recycle bin 23. Which components appear in the initial windows st All the above art up display? 24. After selecting the storage location from the storage tree, we click the ____ button to start the Start installation

25. The primary purpose of an operating system is

To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware

26. The memory which allocates space for DOS and Conventional memory application is called 27. Operating system manages __________________ Memory, processor and I/O devices 28. In Windows, start button is used to All of above 29. Windows8 is an open source OS False 30. what should be the first step while OS upgrading? Backup Critical Data 31. Which of the following does not support more than DOS one program at a time? 32. Linux is multiuser, multitasking 33. We can install an OS in Virtual Machine usin g OS-DVD or ISO image of OS ____ or _____ 34. In PC from where you will connect internet? Network neighborhood 35. What is the software tool basically require to begin Either A or B the installation process 36. In Windows, start button is used to All of above 37. We cannot work on the host and guest OS False simultaneously 38. Which among these is the latest version of MS Windows 8.1 Windows? An illusion of extremely large main 39. Virtual memory is _________________ memory 40. Which of the following is an example of a real time Process Control operating system? 41. Which of the following does not support more than DOS one program at a time? 42. Why do we need a VM? A and B 43. Which one is true for unconditional disk Destroys every byte of data on a disk by formatting? overwriting it with with blank spaces 44. The ______ operating system was initially created Unix in the early 1970s at AT and T’s 45. An Virtual Hard Disk can be created using an True existing hard disk or by creating a new hard disk. 46. Which of the following operating system does not MS DOS implement the multitasking truly? 47. A co-processor___________ Is relatively easy to support in software 48. Linux is a(n) ______ operating system Open source A set of programs which controls 49. The term " Operating System " means ________. computer working 50. In PC from where you will connect internet? Network neighborhood

Question Correct Answer 1. __________ is the intermediate storage for deleting files Recycle bin 2. The ROM BIOS startup program performs a ___________, which involves surveying hardware resources and needs and POST assigning system resources to meet those needs. 3. During this sub phase, the system initializes the registry, loads and starts the devices and drivers that are not marked session initialization BOOT_START, and starts the subsystem processes. 4. What is the function of operating system? All the above 5. Which of the following is not the system tool Folder 6. During this subphase, the kernel initializes data structures and kernel initialization components. 7. _______executes runlevel programs Init 8. Operating system is a System software 9. POST stands for Power On Self Test 10. MBR is also referred as Master boot sector 11. Unix operating system is an All the above 12. MBR is the area where__________ information resides Booting 13. What is the final stage of li nux booting process? Runlevel 14. _________ is most often done after fixing a problem or Restart adding new program or while making configuration change. 15. __________________Subphase initializes the desktop and Desktop setup displays it for the first time. 16. The first program to be executed by linux kernel is INIT. True 17. LILO in linux operating system stands for Last in last out 18. A boot method that helps to load only specific files and Clean boot programs that is absolutely required is called 19. How to identify damage or problem in booting process. Through system boot sequence 20. Expansion of EBPB? Extended BIOS Parameter Block 21. ______________ is built directly on the hardware. Operating system 22. During this subphase, the user logon screen appears, the service control manager starts services, and Group Policy scripts winlogon initialization run 23. The rebooting of computer is referred to Both B & C 24. Expansion of TCG? Trusted Computing Group 25. The work of kernel in linux operating system is Mount root file 26. Master partition table consist of ____________ to load the Master boot code operating system 27. The loader which loads the entire operating system is Boot strap loader 28. When system is booted, it fetches information from Main memory 29. Loading of windows xp is controlled by ________ file NTLDR 30. Which is loaded into memory when Linux system is booted? Kernel 31. The ___________ is the core of an operating system and the part of the operating system that loads when you first turn on your Kernel computer. 32. For booting, it is enough that BIOS alone works properly False 33. Size of MBR is 512 bytes 34. LSASS stands for? Local Security Authority 35. BIOS is stored in ________ ROM 36. BIOS locates and reads configuration information stored in CMOS 37. ________ are small programs stored on the hard drive that Ddevice drivers

tell the computer how to communicate with a specific hardware device. 38. Expansion of MBR is Master boot record 39. What should be the first step in upgrading the os? Backup critical data 40. In order to perform soft boot __________keys are use. Ctrl +Alt +Del 41. During boot time, computer hardware can perform many False complex tasks. 42. Once the operating system initializes, the BIOS copies its files Memory into 43. The BI OS will encounter_______________in order to find the Boot record location that has OS booting program. 44. You can look into __________ when you encounter some Support center error during boot process 45. Booting is a sequence of steps that takes place during Starting _______ of computer 46. To recover the MBR manually we need to know the address All the above of 47. Which of the shut down method is often called as warm boot? Restart Complementary metal oxide 48. CMOS stands for ___________ semiconductor 49. POST stands for __________ Power-on self-test 50. In Linux boot process GRUB stands for Grand Unified Boot Loader

Question Correct Answer 1. Positive wires connecting the front panel to the Solid motherboard are usually ______ color 2. The _____ is bracketed to the motherboard using a COOLER wire or plastic chip. 3< /font>. In the world of computer, the term____________refers to the computer’s physical Hardware components, such as the monitor, keyboard, memory chips and hard drive. 4. _________ cord supplies supplemental power 4-pin auxillary power required for the processor. 5. The processor uses permanent storage, sometimes called secondary storage, to hold bot h data and False instructions while it is processing them. 6. To Protect a ________, do not touch it with a Microchip magnetized screwdriver. 7. ____________________, commonly known as static ESD electricity, is an electrical charge at rest. 8. An expansion card fits in a slot on the motherboard Screw and is anchored to the case by a single ______ or clip. 9. Example for Left connectors are USB 10. Molex style connector provide _______ powe r to Auxillary PCI graphics card. 11. What is first step during the opening a computer Backup important data case when we are starting with a working computer? 12. A liquid cooling system pumps _______ outside and away from components where fans can then cool Liquid the liquid. 13. RAM modules are attached to the PCI slotes False 14. When you reassemble the PC, you need not insert False same screws in same holes. 15. When you remove a circuit board or drive from a computer, carefully lay it onan _________ mat or in an Antistatic __________ bag in a place where it won’t get bumped 16. The approximate wattage rating for fan is 5 watts 17. Felt-tip marker can be to mark the front case wires. False 18. The thermal compound transmits heat better than air and makes a airtight connection between the ___ Fan and the processor 19. To remove the motherboard, unplugging the SATA True is one of the steps. 20. In regards to drives, what does HDD stand for? Hard disk drive

21. Which is considered a part of a computer's All hardware? 22. Which order is to be followed to install components Powersupply, drives, motherboard, cards in the computer case? After the step – Connect the 20 or 24 pin ATX connector and the 4-pin power 23. When do you mount the DVD-ROM drive. supply control connector to the motherboard. 24. The motherboard _____ records the temperatures of BIOS the processor an d inside the case 25. A(n) ____________________ is software that Operating system controls a computer 26. Reset SW (Switch) is used to shutdown the False computer 27. To keep the board from touching the case, screw holes are elevated, which are round plastic or metal Both a & b pegs that separate the board from the case. They are called..... 28. Most cases have panels on each side of the case and it is usually necessary to remove only the one panel to True expose the top of the motherboard. 29. Remove loose jewelry that might get caught in True cables and components as you work. 30. Power On button functionality covers in Pin 15 * 16 31. When selecting any fan or cooler, take into consideration the added ____ and the ease of Noise level installation. 32. What is first step during disassembling of the PC? Plan & organize the work 33. What type of equipments can be considered as Both monitor and power supply "Black boxes"? 34. Which of the following are main components you Motherboard see inside after opening a computer case. 35. Minimum screw sets required for placing the 6 motherboard is 36. When you reassemble the PC, you need not insert False same screws in same holes. 37. The motherboard _____ records the temperatures of Slots the processor and inside the case. 38. What is the second step in process to build a Mount the CPU in the socket of the desktop computer Mainboard 39. In order to keep the motherboard from touching the case, screw holes are elevated or _______ which are Spacers round plastic or metal pegs that separate board from the case.

40. Generally, when troubleshooting a PC problem, you begin by asking a question and determining the answer True from there. 41. Dust is not good for a PC because it insulates PC parts like a blanket which can cause them to Overheat ____________. 42. You have to make sure to always unplug the ______ Power Cord before opening a case. 43. Which of the following are external storage External hard drive devices? 44. Liquid cooling systems tend to run quieter than True other cooler methods. 45. Clip a ground bracelet to side of computer case to True dissipate any charge between you and computer 46. The power supply and ______ can contain enough Monitor power to kill you even when they are unplugged. 47. ______ is more expensive but does a better job of Silver conducting heat. 48. What is the range of fan size? 80mm to 150mm 49. Power LED+: Positive LED controls the power On light and indicates that power is ____ 50. Devices that are used to keep a system cool include: All

Question Correct Answer 1. Each client and server application on computer listens at a predetermined address is called a _________ Port address. 2. IP address is ________ bits string. 32 3. Cables used for connecting unlike devices are Straight through _______. 4. Topology in which every device has exactly two Ring neighbours for communication purpose. 5. A private network which uses TCP/IP protocols is Intranet _________ 6. Using __________ address, packets are delivered to Broadcast all nodes in a network. 7. FTP is faster than Telnet. False 8. _________ device is used to connect the devices Switch physically together in the network. 9. Root level of communication is __________. Hardware 10. Cisco Packet Tracer was developed by _______. Cisco system 11. ________ network work best with a limited number Bus of devices. 12. ________ protocol is used for sending emails. SMTP 13. When two computers communicate using a local Third network , communication happens at __________ level. 14. Static IP address is assigned by a server each time it False connects to the network. 15. Hubs reduce the amount of unnecessary traffic. False 16. ______ is a LAN or WAN bounded by routers. Link 17. The scalable topology is ___________. Tree 18. A device or computer that network traffic can use to leave one network and go to a different network is Gateway _______. 19. Telnet transmissions are not ______________. Encrypted 20. Using __________ address, packets are delivered to Multicast group of nodes in a network. 21. Full form of TCP Transmission Control Protocol 22. __________ networks are typically wireless. Mesh 23. In tree topology only ________ device connect Hub directly to tree bus. 24. ________ c ables are also known as Yost cables. Roll Over 25. Using __________ address, packets are delivered to Unicast only one node in a network.

26. Before data transmission, each data segment is put Packet into a _____________. 27. Which are the set of classes defined for the IP Class A,B,C addresses : 28. Bus networks use a common backbone to connect all True devices. 29. Full form of DHCP is _________ . Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 30. Cables used for connecting like devices are Cross over _______. 31. Cisco Packet Tracer is a network ___________ Simulation program. 32. ______ Cable is used to connect PC to PC. Crossover 33. In Star topology , if failure occurs the entire LAN is False disrupted. 34. Expand DNS : Domain Name System 35. Home networks use ______ topology. Fire 36. TCP is ________ oriented protocol. Connection 37. Connection from a network device to TV generally Co-axial uses _________ cables. 38. _________ cables are not much used. Roll over 39. ________ protocol is used to transfer files between FTP two computers. 40. ________ protocol is used to access remote Telnet computer. 41. ______ cables allow two devices to communicate at Cross over the same time. 42. _______ are used to link d evices together. Cables 43. Node’s attachment to Link is called ________. Interface 44. From the following which is not the kind of Hub Protocol _______ 45. DHCP supports a mix of ______ and ______ IP Static and Dynamic addresses. 46. All the fibre ports use _______ cables. Fibre 47. Full form of NAT is ____________ Network Address Translation 48. Active Hub regenerates signals on input side. False 49. A hub is a device that manages traffic between two False or more network. 50. Switches ______ the network whereas Hubs ______ Congests , divide the network.

Question 1. Why was the OSI model developed?

Correct Answer Standards were needed to allow any two systems to communicate

2. A ________ is an extension of an enterprise’s private intranet across a public Network such as the Internet across VPN a public Network such as the Internet, creating a secure private connection. 3. ISP exchanges internet traffic between their networks by internet exchange point Screening packets to/from the 4. Firewalls operate by Network and provide controllable filtering of network traffic. 5 . Which of the following is a geographical network WAN classification? 6. TCP uses __________ to check the safe and sound arrival an acknowledgment mechanism of data. 7. Which of the following describes a network where all computers are considered equal with no one computer in Server charge? 8. In network terms, your ability to decide whether to share your food in the school’s lunchroom puts you mostly in None of the above which of the following positions? unauthenticate d interactive logins 9. What can a firewall protect against? from the "outside" world 10. The Internet can be classified as a giant: Server 11. OSI stands for & how many layers open system interconnection,7 12. Which of the follow ing is required before a computer All of the above network is present? 13. In computer security, __________ means that the information in a computer system only be accessible for Authenticity reading by authorized parities. 14. Which of the following is not a purpose for a network? Centralize management 15. Which address identifies a process on a host? port address 16. Which of the following cannot be considered a Modems peripheral device? 17. A network consists of what minimum number of entities Two sharing resources and information? 18. Which of the following is the most often used feature of Centralized maintenance the largest known WAN? 19. The components used by LANs can be categorized into All of these 20. The various LAN protocols are Both A & B 21. Which layer is responsible for process to process transport layer delivery?

22. Which of the following is not a reason for reduced Fewer dissimilar components maintenance costs when using networks? 23. The cost savings usually brought about due to buying Economies of scale increased numbers of an item involves: 24. Whether a nine-digit number is easily recognized as a zip code or a Social Security number is determined by Its format which of the following? 25. The first operational computer network in the world was ARPANET the _________ for the United States Department of Defense 26. A network composed of inter-domain router is called Backbone 27. Which of the following is NOT a good property of a traffic must only be allowed to pass firewall? from inside to outside the firewall 28. TCP/IP ________ layer corresponds to the OSI models Transport to three layers. 29. _______ is the protocol that hides the underlying Internet Protocol(IP) physical network by creating a virtual network view. 30. A _____ is a device that forwards packets between networks by processing the routing information included in router the packet. 31. Data communication system spanning states, countries, WAN or the whole world is 32. Proxy application gateway (i) acts on behalf of all intranet users wanting to access interne securely (ii) monitors all accesses to internet and allows access to only i, ii, iii specified IP addresses(iii) disallows use of certain protocols with security problems (iv) disallows all internet users from accessing intranet 33. A VPN relies on a special protocol understood only by the VPN software to transmit packets, a technique called encryption __________. 34. Data communication system within a building or LAN campus is 35. Which layer provides the services to user? application layer 36. Which of the following is true regarding the hierarchy of Data stored higher should be shared data? freely 37. When an attempt is to make a machine or network resource unavaila...

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