HBS110 Unit Guide 2020 T3 PDF

Title HBS110 Unit Guide 2020 T3
Author Chloe Rimington
Course Health Behaviour
Institution Deakin University
Pages 10
File Size 120.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 9
Total Views 134


Download HBS110 Unit Guide 2020 T3 PDF


Faculty of H

HBS110 Health Beha

Deakin University Unit G

Trimester 3,


WELCOME ..........................................................................................................................................................................

WHO IS THE UNIT TEAM? .................................................................................................................................................. Unit chair: leads the teaching team and is responsible for overall delivery of this unit ............................................. Unit chair details ........................................................................................................................................................ Administrative queries ............................................................................................................................................... ABOUT THIS UNIT .............................................................................................................................................................. Unit development in response to student feedback .................................................................................................. Your course and Deakin's Graduate Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................... Your Unit Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................................................... ASSESSING YOUR ACHIEVEMENT OF THE UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES .......................................................................... Summative Assessment during teaching period ........................................................................................................ - Summative assessment task 1 ................................................................................................................................. - Summative assessment task 2 ................................................................................................................................. - Summative assessment task 3 ................................................................................................................................. - Summative assessment task 4 ................................................................................................................................. Your learning experiences in this Unit - and your expected commitment .................................................................. Scheduled learning activities - cloud .......................................................................................................................... Note ............................................................................................................................................................................ UNIT LEARNING RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................. Essential learning resources ....................................................................................................................................... Recommended learning resources ............................................................................................................................. KEY DATES FOR THIS TRIMESTER ......................................................................................................................................

UNIT WEEKLY ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................................................

08 October 2020

Deakin University, Faculty of

HBS110 Health Behaviour - Trimester 3

WELCOME Welcome to the unit HBS110 Health Behaviour.

As your unit team, we hope that you will find this unit both intellectually stimulating and relevant to your studies in you current course and your future directions as a Deakin graduate. We also hope you learn a little about yourself in terms your own behaviour change and have some fun along the way!

You may need to contact us as the unit team at some stage during this trimester. Most communication will be via the discussion boards in CloudDeakin. For personal matters or in an emergency, you may need to contact us directly. Our c details are below. We love this unit and we hope that you will too! We look forward to having you on board this trimester!

This unit guide provides you with the key information about this unit. For the best chance of success, you should read carefully and refer to it frequently throughout the trimester. Your unit site (accessed in DeakinSync) also provides information about your rights and responsibilities. We will assume you have read this before the Unit commences and expect you to refer to it throughout the trimester.

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, you may be learning in a way that is new to you. We appreciate your flexi and dedication to learning. For a range of helpful services and resources, please go to study support https://www.deakin.edu.au/students/studying/study-support.

WHO IS THE UNIT TEAM? Unit chair: leads the teaching team and is responsible for overall delivery of this unit Tim Chambers

Unit chair details Name

Tim Chambers


Melbourne Burwood


[email protected]


+61 3 924 46787 (Extension: 46787)

Administrative queries

● ●

Contact your Unit Chair or Campus Leader Drop in or contact Student Central to speak with a Student Adviser

For additional support information, please see the Rights and Responsibilities section under 'Content' in your unit site.


This unit explores relevant health behaviour issues and their impact on an individual's health and wellbeing. These behavioural issues include: tobacco smoking, alcohol / drug use and abuse, healthy and disordered eating, weight

08 October 2020


Deakin University, Faculty of

HBS110 Health Behaviour - Trimester 3

management, engagement in exercise, managing stress, and managing chronic illness. The unit examines the impact of socio-cognitive factors including self-efficacy and locus of control on behaviour change how to harness this to enhance behaviour change and goal achievement. Further the unit discussed theoretical explana of health behaviour and how they are applied to derive effective approaches to achieving behaviour change. The unit examines the skills and principles of behaviour modification. Students undertake experiential and reflective le approaches to develop and understanding of the process, challenges and skills involved in health behaviour change.

Unit development in response to student feedback

Every trimester, we ask students to tell us, through eVALUate, what helped and hindered their learning in each unit. Yo strongly encouraged to provide constructive feedback for this unit when eVALUate opens (you will be emailed a link). In previous versions of this unit, students have told us that these aspects of the Unit have helped them to achieve the learning outcomes: ●

The iterative nature of the assessment (low stakes assessment spread out over the trimester)

They have also made suggestions for improvement, and so this is what we have done:

● ● ● ●

We have simplified the assessment structure, whilst still allowing for iterative assessment throughout the trimest We have shortened the duration of the classes We have updated our textbook with a brand new Australian edition We have now included recorded video learning objectives

If you have any concerns about the unit during the trimester, please contact the unit teaching team - preferably early in trimester - so we can discuss your concerns and make adjustments, if appropriate. Your course and Deakin's Graduate Learning Outcomes GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities:

appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession

GLO2 Communication:

using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect c

GLO3 Digital literacy:

using technologies to find, use and disseminate information

GLO4 Critical thinking:

evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment

GLO5 Problem solving:

creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems

GLO6 Self-management:

working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions

GLO7 Teamwork:

working and learning with others from different disciplines and backgrounds

GLO8 Global citizenship:

engaging ethically and productively in the professional context and with diverse communities and cultures in a global context

Each Deakin course has course learning outcomes which explain what the Deakin Learning Outcomes mean in your discipline. Learning in each unit builds towards the course learning outcomes.

Your Unit Learning Outcomes

Each Unit in your course is a building block towards these Graduate Learning Outcomes - not all units develop and asse every Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO).

08 October 2020


Deakin University, Faculty of

HBS110 Health Behaviour - Trimester 3 These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this Unit At the completion of this Unit, successful students can:

Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes


Identify examine and discuss relevant health behaviour issues and their impact on an individual’s health and wellbeing.

GLO1: Discipline-specific know and capabilities GLO2: Communication


Identify and summarise the skills and principles of behaviour modification.

GLO1: Discipline-specific know and capabilities


Recognise, explain, discuss and critically evaluate the impact of sociocognitive factors, including self-efficacy and locus of control, on behaviour change and apply these factors to enhance behaviour change and goal achievement.

GLO2: Communication GLO4: Critical thinking

Search the digital literature for discipline specific knowledge, interpret this information and communicate ideas in discipline specific language.

GLO1: Discipline-specific know and capabilities GLO2: Communication GLO3: Digital literacy

Experience reflective learning approaches to develop a critical argument of the processes, challenges and skills involved in health behaviour change.

GLO2: Communication GLO3: Digital literacy GLO5: Problem solving GLO6: Self-management




Deakin has a universal assessment submission time of 8:00pm AEDT. A late penalty will apply to assessments submitte 11:59pm AEDT. (tasks that will be graded or marked)

NOTE: It is your responsibility to keep a backup copy of every assignment where it is possible (e.g. written/digital re essays, videos, images). In the unusual event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit the ba copy. Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/o plagiarism.

When you are required to submit an assignment through CloudDeakin (accessed in DeakinSync), you should receive an to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignmen the Submissions view of the Assignment folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submiss

- Summative assessment task 1 Health behaviour journal 1

08 October 2020


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