Heart and Circulatory Practice Test PDF

Title Heart and Circulatory Practice Test
Author Emma Wilson
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Institution Liberty University
Pages 11
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Heart and Circulatory Practice Test 1. The heart pumps blood into two divisions, the ____ and the ____ division A. Circulatory, lymphatic B. Cellular, lungs C. Systemic, pulmonary D. Top, bottom 2. The Vena Cava empties into which chamber of the heart? A. Right Atrium B. Right Ventricle C. Left Atrium D. Left Ventricle 3. The Left atrium receives blood from this vessel/group of vessels A. Aorta B. Vena Cava C. Pulmonary Arteries D. Pulmonary Veins 4. This chamber of the heart has the thickest layer of myocardium A. Right Atrium B. Left Ventricle C. Right Ventricle D. They all have the same amount of myocardium 5. The two semilunar valves include A. Aortic valve, Mitral valve B. Right atrioventricular valve, Left Atrioventricular Valve C. Aortic Valve, Pulmonary valve D. Left Atrioventricular valve, mitral valve 6. Which chamber of the heart expels the oxygen rich blood away from the heart? A. Right atrium B. Right Ventricle C. Left Atrium D. Left Ventricle 7. The heart expels deoxygenated blood to where? A. All over the body, all cells B. The lungs C. The pericardium D. The coronary arteries 8. The pericardium is a double-walled sac that A. Encloses the heart B. Allows the heart to beat without friction C. Anchors heart to the diaphragm D. Protects heart from debris E. All of the above 9. The muscles of the heart contract in a spiral manner. Why A. To prevent from heart disease









B. To wring all of the blood out of the ventricles C. To prevent cramping D. They do not contract in a spiral manner The coronary vessels are a part of which layer of the heart A. Endocardium B. Myocardium C. Epicardium D. Outer pericardium What is the purpose of the tendinous chords A. Clean debris out of the heart B. Allow the heart to grow in an organized, safe manner C. Anchor the heart to the diaphragm D. Prevent AV valves from flipping the wrong way during ventricular systole Which of the following carry oxygen poor blood A. Aorta, pulmonary arteries B. Vena cava, Pulmonary veins C. Pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins D. Pulmonary arteries, vena cava Coronary circulation receives __% of the blood ejected by the heart A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 The ____ receives deoxygenated blood from the coronary veins and empties into the Vena cava A. Coronary Vein supreme B. Coronary sinus C. Coronary cava D. Coronary vena Lactic acid build up in cardiocytes is the main symptom of a. Myocardial infarction b. Sudden cardiac arrest c. Angina pectoris d. Heart attack If the myocardium becomes damaged, it is repaired with fibrosis. This results in a. Brand new healthy tissue b. Scar tissue c. A hole in the heart d. Smooth muscle This structure provides very fast communication/passing of electrical stimulation which allows for unified contraction. a. Gap junction b. desmosomes c. Myocardiocytes d. AV node

18. Myocardial metabolism is best described as a. Aerobic b. Anaerobic c. Glycogenic d. Fast twitch 19. The circulatory system consists of… A. The heart and blood B. The blood C. The heart, blood vessels and blood D. None of the above 20. What is the smooth inner lining of the heart and blood vessels A. Endocardium and tunica interna B. Myocardium and tunica media C. Epicardium and tunica externa D. Myocardium and tunica externa 21. The valves of the heart open and close because of A. Pressure B. Oxygen C. Blood flow D. A and C E. Osmolarity 22. Intercalated discs consist of… A. Interdigitating folds B. Electrical junctions C. Mechanical junctions D. Fascia adherens E. All of the above 23. The order of electrical stimulation of the heart is as follows. A. Purkinje fibers, AV node, SA node, AV bundle/ Bundle of His B. AV node, Purkinje fibers, SA node, AV bundle/Bundle of His C. SA node, AV node, AV bundle/Bundle of His, Purkinje fibers D. SA node, AV bundle/Bundle of His, AV node, Purkinje fibers 24. An ectopic focus is the random firing of a region of the heart other than the SA node A. True B. False 25. When the voltage rises within an action potential __________ is flowing into the cell. A. Calcium B. Potassium C. Sodium D. None of these 26. The plateau of myocardiocyte action potential is caused by an influx of A. Calcium B. Potassium










C. Sodium D. None of the above In a nodal cell, there is a gradual depolarization due to… A. Slow calcium inflow B. Slow potassium outflow C. Slow sodium inflow D. Slow sodium outflow Sinus rhythm refers to A. The AV node slowing down depolarization B. The rhythmic sounds of the heart beat C. The depolarization of the ventricles in unison D. The regular firing from the SA node to trigger normal heart beats This innervation uses the pathway that involves ganglia A. Parasympathetic B. Sympathetic C. Somatic D. Peripheral The parasympathetic innervates which of the following A. SA node B. AV node C. Myocardium D. Purkinje fibers Ventricular fibrillation results from… A. The heart not pumping blood B. Random electrical signals C. Heart attack D. All of the above Having thin cardiocytes and fewer gap junctions most accurately describes which structure A. SA node B. AV node C. Bundle of His D. Purkinje fibers Ventricular filling is when… A. The ventricles expand and pressure drops below the atria B. Atria remains in diastole C. Ventricular pressure exceeds arterial pressure D. Semilunar valves open The isovolumetric contraction of ventricles is when A. The semilunar valve is open and the atrioventricular valve is closed B. The semilunar valve is closed and the atrioventricular valve is open C. Both atrioventricular and semilunar valves are closed D. Both atrioventricular and semilunar valves are open Total duration of the cardiac cycle on average lasts about A. .5 sec









B. .8 sec C. 1 sec D. 1.5 sec Cardiac output is… A. The difference between a person’s maximum and resting CO B. The amount of blood ejected by each ventricle in one minute C. The amount of blood ejected by the ventricle in a heartbeat D. None of the above Norepinephrine binds to ______ receptors to increase HR A. Alpha adrenergic B. Beta adrenergic C. Gamma adrenergic D. Alpha aldosteric Preload is… A. How hard the myocardium contracts B. The sum of all the forces opposing ejection of blood from the ventricle C. The amount of tension in ventricular myocardium before contraction The positive inotropic agents include A. Hypercalcemia B. Hypocalcemia C. Catecholemines D. Caffeine E. Hypercapnia F. hypokalemia The negative inotropic agents include A. Hypercalcemia B. Hypocalcemia C. Catecholemines D. Caffeine E. Hypercapnia F. Hypokalemia Frank-Sterling Law states that stroke volume is proportional to A. EDV B. ESV C. CO D. Preload Stroke volume is increased by A. High arterial pressure B. Negative inotropic agents C. Increased venous return D. Increased afterload E. Dehydration Nicotinic receptors trigger the release of A. Catecholamines





B. Acetyl Choline C. ATP D. cAMP Thyroid hormone is a _______ agent A. Chronotropic positive B. Chronotropic negative C. Inotropic positive D. Chronotropic negative Caffeine A. Attacks RBC’s B. Releases massive amounts of calcium C. Prevents breakdown of cAMP D. Binds to nicotinic receptors Which of the following is not one of the three layers of the vessel wall? A. Tunica interna B. Tunica Medium C. Tunica externa Which of the following is a term used for the vessels that supply blood vessels with their own blood supply? A. Vasodilators B. Vaso vasorum C. Capillaries D. Metarterioles

48. What type of muscle are mostly found in muscular arteries? A. Skeletal B. Striated C. Smooth D. Epithelial 49. What are the vessels called that link arteries to capillaries in some places? A. Metavenules B. Metartery C. Metarteriole D. Metavein 50. Site of gas, nutrient and waste exchange A. Vein B. Metarteriole C. Capillary 51. What capillaries have filtration pores and are found in the kidneys? A. Continuous B. Fenestrated

C. Sinusoid D. Systonome 52. What veins are a result of the failure of valves leading to the pooling of blood in distended veins? A. Problem veins B. Closed veins C. Varicose veins D. Continuous veins 53. A. B. C. D.

What is the biggest factor affecting resistance? Viscosity Change in lumen diameter Length of a vessel Type of tissue in the vessel

54. Which of the following are located in the wall of the aorta and carotid bodies and monitor blood pressure? A. Proprioreceptor B. Osmoreceptor C. Baroreceptor D. Chemoreceptor 55. Sinusoid capillaries allow ______________ to enter tissue. A. Albumin B. Clotting factors C. Formed elements D. A and B E. All of the above 56. At any given time, ___________ of capillaries are shut down. A. ½ B. ¾ C. ¼ D. 2/3 57. Veins are _______________ vessels and hold the _____________ amount of blood. A. Capacitance, least B. Resistance, most C. Capacitance, most D. Resistance, least 58. What allows blood to flow back towards the heart within the veins? A. Pressure gradient B. Valves

C. D. E. F.

Skeletal muscle Respiratory pump A and D All of the above

59. Hypotension can be caused by: A. Blood loss B. 140/90 C. Dehydration D. Anemia E. A,C, D

60. Peripheral resistance is determined by blood viscosity, vessel length, and vessel radius. A. True B. False 61. Blood pressure is determined by A. Peripheral resistance B. CO C. Pulse Pressure D. Blood Volume E. A, B, D 62. Laminar flow describes : A. That flow is greatest near the vessel wall B. That flow is greatest near the center of the vessel C. That flow is the same throughout the vessel 63. Blood flow is proportional to the _______ power of the radius A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 7 64. Which of the following is not correct regarding the baroreflex? A. Automatic B. Negative feedback response C. Monitors change in BP D. Short-term response E. Long-term response 65. Angiotensin II, Aldosterone and ADH _____________ BP

A. Raise B. Lower 66. Atrial natriuretic peptide ______________ BP, _________________ vasodilation, and _______ blood volume. A. Lowers, reduces, promotes B. Increases, reduces, promotes C. Increases, increases, decreases D. Lowers, increases, decreases 67. What hormones are associated with adrenergic receptors? A. NE B. E C. Ach D. A and B E. All the above 68. Chemicals pass through the capillary wall by A. Diffusion B. Transcytosis C. Filtration D. Reabsorption E. A and C F. All the above 69. What percent of fluid is reabsorbed by the capillary? A. 95% B. 80% C. 85% D. 70% 70. Circle all of the vasoactive chemicals A. Histamine B. Bradykinin C. Prostaglandins D. Prostacyclin E. Nitric Oxide F. All of the above 71. If BP decreases, the sympathetic nerve activity ________ causing heart rate and stroke volume to ____________ A. Increases, increase B. Decreases, decrease C. Increases, decrease D. Decreases, increase

72. If BP increases, the parasympathetic nerve activity _____________ causing a __________ in heart rate. A. Increase, increase B. Decrease, decrease C. Increases, decrease D. Decrease, increase 73. Methods of controlling vasoreflexes include: A. Local control B. Neural control C. Hormonal control D. Conscious control E. A,B,C 74. If O2 is low, while CO2 and PH is high, what will happen? A. Chemoreceptors will sense it and vasodilation will occur B. Baroreceptors will sense it and vasoconstriction will occur C. Chemoreceptors will sense it and vasoconstriction will occur D. Baroreceptors will sense it and vasodilation will occur 75. Hormones influence blood pressure by influencing A. Water balance B. Vasoactivity (vasoconstriction/dilation) C. Body temperature D. A and B 76. Fluid filters out of the ___________ end of the capillary and reenters at the ___________ end. A. Venous, arterial B. Arterial, venous 77. All of the following are mechanisms of venous return except… A. Pressure gradients B. Cardiac suction C. Skeletal muscle pumps D. Filtration E. Thoracic respiratory pumps 78. Calculate the ESV if the SV is 50ml and the EDV is 113 A. 63 B. 54 C. 52 D. 28 79. The femur has ________________ flow but _________________ perfusion than the ovary.

A. Lower, greater B. Greater, lower 80. The greater the pressure difference between two points, the ________ the flow. The greater the resistance the _________ the flow. A. Greater, less B. Less, greater 81. The farther the liquid travels through a tube the __________ cumulative friction it encounters. A. Less B. More 82. What is the mean arterial pressure for a person with 110 and 65 mm Hg as systolic and diastolic pressure respectively? A. 45 mm Hg B. 80 mm Hg C. 87.5 mm Hg D. 90 mm Hg E. 175 mm Hg...

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