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T ypes of Circulat ory Syst ems 1ram shahid A CROSS SECT IONAL DESCRIPT IVE ST UDY OF HAND WASHING KNOWLEDGE AND PRACT ICES AMONG … Journal .in(UGC Approved) Fisiologi angelit o carceres


By : Name Student ID Group Subgroup Assistant

: Alif Arfa Maulida Firdauzi : B1B017008 :2 : VII : Siti Masrifah



I. INTRODUCTION A. Background The circulatory system is a transport system that supplies substances absorbed from the digestive tract and oxygen to the tissues. The circulatory system restore carbon dioxide to the lungs and other metabolic products to the kidneys, regulating body temperature and distribute hormones and other substances that regulate cell function. Blood transport these substances through a closed circulatory system that found in mammals (Ganong, 1995). Blood is a liquid in the human body that circulates through the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins. The circulatory process is also influenced by the speed of blood, the cross-sectional area of blood vessels, blood pressure and the work of the muscles found in the heart and blood vessels (Jonuarti, 2013). A general dysregulation of the immune system with impaired distinction between self and nonself seems essential to pathogenesis; the T-cell mediated regulation of the humoral immune system has been shown to play a critical role (Berentsen & Sundic, 2015). The blood circulation system consists of a system of blood vessels (blood vascular system) and lymphatic system (lymph vascular system). The vascular system consists of the heart which pumps blood, the arteries that carry blood to the organs and tissues, capillaries, small tubes that diastosome and divide to exchange substances between blood and tissue, and veins that return blood to the heart (Barvelender & Judith, 1988). Blood is a transport medium from the circulatory system. Circulation is a continuous trajectory which is the main characteristic of circulation. The same amount will flow through each part of the circulation if a certain amount of blood is pumped by the heart (Junquiera et al., 1995). Gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) is a freshwater fish that originated from swamps. His body was flat and wide, body height more than half the length of his body. The body of the gourami is covered with brown or red brown scales with black spots on the pectoral fin. His back is reddish-dark brown, while his stomach is silvery or yellowish. When he was young, his head was pointed and after his adult age his head became blunt. Gouramy is an omnivore fish that has a labyrinth, so it is resistant to lack of oxygen. Gouramy has a long pair of threads and serves as a

touching tool (Agus, 2001). Gouramy is one type of fish that has high economic value, this is due to the chewy taste of the meat and the price is not too expensive (Ahmad et al., 2016). The circulatory system consists of channels or spaces (cavities) contained in the animals body which transport liquid and solid that dissolved throughout the body. Channels and cavities are places where fluid flows to take substances needed by the body and substances that must be removed from the body. Temperature-induced damage is thought to be related to enhanced sympathetic reactivity followed by activation of the sympathetic nervous system, renin-angiotensin system, as well as dehydration and a systemic inflammatory response (Liu et al., 2015). A circulatory system has a fluid pumping organ, the organ is the heart (Zug, 1993). The circulatory system consists of the heart, arteries, capillaries, implanted duct veins, blood, and spleen fluid. The most important function of the blood circulation system is to bind O2 and CO2 between respiratory system and tissues throughout the body, transporting food substances from one place to another in the body, transporting organic residue and mineral salts that are no longer useful and transporting hormones in the body, transporting food and water from digestive tract to other organ (Kay, 1998). B. Purpose The objectives of this laboratory activity are : 1. To observe the way of blood circulation in fish. 2. To be able distinguish artery and vein.

II. MATERIAL AND METHODS A. Material The materials that used in this practice are larvae of gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) and water. The tools that used in this practice are microscope and cavity slide. B. Methods 1. Fish larvae is put on cavity slide. 2. Observed the blood circulation with microscope. 3. Picture is taken or noted the differences of vein and artery.


1 2

Figure 3.1. Circulatory System of Gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) Magnification : 40x Details : 1. Vein 2. Artery

B. Discussion Based on observations it was found that the fish blood circulation system is a closed circulatory system. Arterial blood pressure is greater than the pressure of venous blood vessels. This is in accordance with the statement of Storer & Usinger (1987), which states that the pressure of the heart on the arteries is very strong, so that large blood vessels are needed and balanced with elasticity of the arterial wall. The speed of arterial flow is greater than the vein. Arterial flow velocity is more radiated out rapidly, while for veins blood flow when cut off it will just drip because heart pressure begins to decrease (Zug, 1993). Arteries will become smaller at the time of branching and have the function of carrying blood, nutrients, and oxygen to the tissues, while veins are efferent vessels of the heart which bring about carbon dioxide metabolism, etc. into the vascular system (Junquiera et al., 1995). Circulation have an important role for all animals. The function of blood circulation in animals is to transport dissolved substances, to transport heat throughout the body, and to transport energy in the body. The main blood vessels in the circulatory system include arteries and veins. Arteries function to transport blood under high pressure to the tissue. Veins function as a reservoir for transporting blood from the tissue back to the heart (Guyton & Hall, 1997). Blood circulation is an important role in heat transfer between living tissues, especially in peripheral vessels where temperature is generally closely related to blood flow level. According to Fachri (2012), the function of blood vessels to oxygenate blood is optimally obtained by means of blood distributed to the pulmonary segments with well-oxygenated alveoli. Fish have a closed and single blood circulation, meaning that blood always flows through the vessels and only passes through the heart once in the circulatory system. The mechanism of blood circulation in fish is blood pumped by the heart which consists of a sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle and conus arteriosus which are arranged in a linear sequence, then blood is released through capillaries and gills. When it passes through the gills the CO2 is released and O2 is taken so that a gas exchange occurs between CO2 and O2. this will turn blood into arterial blood, then into the body's tissues and back to the heart through the vein (Ville et al., 1988). Circulation system is divided into two types, open circulatory system and closed circulatory system. Open circulatory system is a circulatory system throughout the body that does not always pass through blood vessels. Circulation of

blood flowing in the blood vessels is called a closed blood circulation system. The organs of circulatory system are circulatory solution, heart and blood vessels. The circulatory system in fish involves the circulatory solution, heart and blood vessels. The heart of the fish is divided into two spaces, atrium and ventricle. The blood vessels that has an important role in fish, are the ventral aorta, the brachial artery, the anterior cardinal vein, and the posterior cardinal vein (Abdurrahman, 2008). Examples of animals that have closed circulatory systems are in vertebrate classes (eg. fish, frogs, crocodiles, lizards, snakes, monitor lizards, chickens, mice, birds, cats). Animals that have open blood circulation are grasshoppers, snails, crabs, scorpions, centipedes (Aryulina et al., 2004). The blood circulation system in fish is a closed circulatory system, and a single circulatory system is a circulation in which blood passes through the heart only once in its blood circulation throughout the body and blood remains in a closed system. Fish are the oldest vertebrates and have a primitive circulation system. The heart of a fish, consisting of one atrium and one ventricle, is pumped by the heart through the bulb arteriosus to the ventral aorta, then the ventral aorta enters venous blood to the gills through the branchial artery. The circulatory system is clearly visible without the need of surgery to remove the tunic and body wall (Michael, 2017). There are several types of blood circulation system components. First, the cardiovascular system is part of the circulatory system. This system consists of the heart, blood vessels (arteries, capillaries and veins), as well as blood flowing in them. The heart is a muscular pump to move blood. Blood vessels are a series of tubes where blood flows. Second, the lymphatic system is also part of the circulatory system. This system consists of lymph vessels and lymph nodes located in large lymph vessels. Third, blood forming and storing organs such as lymph, liver, bone marrow, thymus gland, and lymph tissue (Sloane, 1995). According to Kay (1998), artery has some characteristics: has thick wall, leave the heart, high pressure, contain many of O2, spreading, light red-colored, flow rate is fast. The characteristics of vein are opposite of artery: has thin wall, towards the heart, low pressure, contain many CO2, accumulate, dark red-colored, flow rate is low. Arterial dilatation involves also the recruitment of new vessels and formation of collaterals and arteriovenous shunts, hypoxic vasodilation due to hypoxia-

generated metabolites, flow mediated vasodilatation, and endothelium-derived relaxing factor (Mozos, 2015).

IV. CONCLUSION Based on the result can be concluded that : 1.

The blood circulation system in fish is a closed circulatory system, and a single circulatory system is a circulation in which blood passes through the heart only once in its blood circulation throughout the body and blood remains in a closed system.


Artery has some characteristics: has thick wall, leave the heart, high pressure, contain many of O2, spreading, light red-colored, flow rate is fast. The characteristics of vein are opposite of artery: has thin wall, towards the heart, low pressure, contain many CO2, accumulate, dark red-colored, flow rate is low.

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