Hephaestus notes PDF

Title Hephaestus notes
Course Mythology Of Greece And Rome
Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pages 1
File Size 17.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Hephaestus notes...


Hephaest us( Vul can) godofv ol canoes,f r equenti nGr eekl i f e godofmet al l ur gy My t h:Thr ownf r om Ol ympus Zeust hr ewHephaes t usoffMt .Ol y mpus hef el lf oranent i r eday l andedonLemnos di sabl edandbr okebot hhi sl egs Sanct uar yatLemnos Templ eofHephaest usi nAt hens I conogr aphy:hol dst ool si nhi shand My t h:Thet i s&Hephaest us Achi l l esmot herThet i s Hephaest usmakesnewar morf orAchi l l es My t h:Hephaest usonwi ngedchar i ot flyi ng l ocomot i v e phal l i csymbol sass oci at edwi t ht heRet ur nofHephaest us assoc i at edwi t hEgypt i angodPt ah manuf act ur er / i ndust r i al pr omi nenti nEgypt i anci t y/ st at eofMemphi s Hephaest usnamecomesf r om t heRoset t aSt one mar r i edt oAphr odi t e Aphr odi t e( Venus Bi r t hofVenus camef r om t hef oam oft hesea Kr onos ’geni t al s Ani coni c -noi mage possi bl yor i gi nat edasanI ndoEur opeangoddes s( notl i kel y ) pr obabl ySemi t i c,l i keI sht ar My t h:Venus&Adoni s Adoni si sgor edwhi l ehunt i ng gr eatl ovest or y My t h:JudgementofPar i s Her a-act i vel i f e,soci alwor k At hena-cont empl at i vel i f e Aphr odi t e:l i f eofl ust Par i schoosesAphr odi t eandhi sc i t yi sdest r oy ed I conogr aphy :us ual l ynude...

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