Hhooke EDIT502 Activity 3 PDF

Title Hhooke EDIT502 Activity 3
Course Aboriginal Education: PrEx 20 days
Institution University of New England (Australia)
Pages 29
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EDIT 502 ICT Activity 3 - 21st Century Skills, Computational Thinking and Coding Harriet Emily Hooke Parts 1 and 2

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


PART 1 of 2 - SCRATCH Maze Debug and Remix - 14 marks Criterio n

SCRATCH Aspects Assessed


1 mark

0.5 marks

0 marks


Fixed the issue of the left and right arrow keys going the wrong way for the control of the Moving Ball Sprite.


Arrows work correctly

Appropriate coding attempted

Weak or Inappropriate attempt


Fixed up the issue of the Moving Ball Sprite being able to pass through walls.


Moving Sprite bounces off red wall

Sprite “attempts” to bounce but tunnels through red wall


When the Moving Ball Sprite hits a Blue Wall the Moving Ball Sprite should glide back to the start of the maze.


Glide Block code is used to reposition the Moving Sprite to the start position

Some other method is used to move sprite to the start position


When the Moving Ball Sprite hits a wall or object (other than the Apple or the Goal) audio that you have recorded says “Ouch ...” plus audio saying the colour of that wall or the name of the object.


Obvious and Appropriate coding attempted


Dinosaur responds to a mouse click then dances for approximately 3 seconds - and has a speech bubble at the end AND Dinosaur responds to a loud sound - then dances for approximately 3 seconds - and has a speech bubble at the end declaring a loud sound was heard (Please Note: NO MUSIC SHOULD BE PLAYED AS THE DINOSAUR DANCES)


Audio response “Ouch” and colour or name played when Sprite hits wall or object Dinosaur dances in response to sound AND Dinosaur dances in response to mouse click AND Dinosaur has appropriate speech bubble

Sprite tunnels easily through red walls OR Weak or Inappropriate attempt Sprite does not return to start of maze OR Weak or Inappropriate attempt Weak or Inappropriate attempt

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke

Dinosaur dances in response to a sound OR Dinosaur dances in response to a mouse click

Weak or Inappropriate attempt


Criterio n 6

SCRATCH Aspects Assessed


1 mark

0.5 marks

0 marks

The Moving Ball Sprite draws a trail behind that is blue in colour with a pen width of 3 that clears if the Moving Ball Sprite returns to start.


Sprite draws a blue trail of width of 3

Weak or Inappropriate attempt


Apple Sprite changes colour from red to yellow (and remains yellow) when touched by the moving Sprite and a single audio “pop” sound should be heard. If the Apple Sprite is revisited by the Moving Ball Sprite nothing should happen. Apple Sprite should be reset to red with pop at the start of a new game. Notes: It is NOT a new game if the Moving Ball Sprite returns to the start after colliding with a blue wall. Colour change of Apple sprite should use Costume Changes


Sprite draws a blue trail of width of 3 AND The trail is cleared if the Moving Sprite is moved back to start of maze Apple changes from red to yellow and remains yellow AND A single Pop sound AND Reset to red with pop for a new game

Weak or Inappropriate attempt


When the Goal is reached there is an exciting end of game with a change of background, animation and sound etc!


Apple changes from red to yellow OR More than one Pop sound heard OR Block other than costume change used to change Apple Sprite colour Goal activates simple animation and/or sound


Appropriate addition of some more walls to the original Stage Background of the original provided maze


Note: See Criterion 12 - as walls and new sprites need to work together to make a playable game! 10

A new informative audio welcome message that outlines the nature of the game and how to play it.

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


Super SCRATCHeee end! New Background, Animations and Sounds Appropriate new walls added AND Moving Sprite interacts with them appropriately Catch-eee new audio welcome message that outlines nature of the game and how to play it.

Weak or Inappropriate attempt

New walls added

Weak or Inappropriate attempt

Simple new welcome message

Weak or Inappropriate attempt


Criterio n 11

SCRATCH Aspects Assessed Add three new Stationary Sprites which when touched by the Moving Ball Sprite disappear and the game score is increased by 1.


1 mark

0.5 marks

0 marks


Three stationary sprites added AND Score Variable Working AND Score is reset to zero if game is replayed One animated Sprite is added AND Main Sprite is sent back to start correctly if it touches this sprite AND Scoring works correctly Replaced the Moving Ball Sprite with a newly designed and drawn Sprite AND The new Sprite is centred correctly on the canvas The Play Again and Exit options function correctly AND The Maze Game parameters are all properly reset.

Three stationary sprites added AND Appropriate coding attempted

Weak or Inappropriate attempt

One animated Sprite is added AND Main Sprite is sent back to start if it touches this sprite

Weak or Inappropriate attempt

Changed colour of the existing Ball Sprite OR Replaced with a new Sprite from library

Weak or Inappropriate attempt

The Play Again or Exit Menu has been obviously attempted

Weak or Inappropriate attempt

Note: You should use the built-in variable called “score”.


Add one animated moving sprite that blocks the entrance to the goal (for example a flying bat). If this sprite is touched by the main Moving Sprite. The Main Sprite is moved back to the start of the maze and trail is cleared. One point is subtracted from the score.



Change the Moving Ball Sprite to a new Sprite


Note: Ensure you have backed up your work before to attempt this one! Use the drawing tools to create a new sprite.


At the end of the game the player given a Menu with two options.  Play Again  Exit Notes: Play again returns to the start of a new game. Exit sends to a background with a thank you for playing message.

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke



PART 2 of 2 - SCRATCH Remix an Existing - Numeracy or Literacy Game - 6 marks Criterio n 15


SCRATCH Aspects Assessed Select an existing SCRATCH Activity/Game from the MIT Scratch site that supports English Literacy and/or Numeracy. AND Extract and APA Reference to appropriate NSW Syllabus

Screenshot of SCRATCH Scripts and Flowchart

Chec k X


Note: You can use a Flowchart program or Draw them by hand!

Criterio n 17

SCRATCH Aspects Assessed Remix the graphical elements of the SCRATCH Game/Activity

Chec k X


Remix the script elements of the SCRATCH Game/Activity



Outline the educational benefits of your newly remixed SCRATCH game/activity and explain how it will improve the English Literacy and/or Numeracy of the target audience with


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke

1 mark

0.5 marks

0 marks

Game and URL provided AND Copy of Syllabus Extract AND Syllabus Reference in APA style Screenshot(s) of Scratch Script AND Flowchart(s) which correctly reflect the script(s)


Incomplete information provided

Screenshot(s) of Scratch Script AND Flowchart(s) which reasonably reflect the script(s)

None or Weak or Inappropriate attempt

1 mark

0.5 marks

0 marks

Remix of Graphical Elements shows a complete change of theme Remix of Scripts demonstrates significant new logic

Remix of Graphical Elements modifies existing theme

None or Weak or Inappropriate attempt

Remix of Scripts demonstrates some modification of existing logic One Element missing

None or Weak or Inappropriate attempt

Detailed Outline AND Explains how it will

None or Weak or Inappropriate attempt OR


reference to the identified syllabus.


Provide a meaningful and authentic artefact (anything you deem appropriate) that demonstrates your learning and engagement in this activity. It must be able to be inserted into this template. e.g. A story, a poem, a piece of code, a picture etc AND Self-Assessment by completing 20 checkboxes with selfassessed mark for all Criterion e.g. The column to the right of this one


improve Numeracy/Literacy WITH Alignment to Target Audience AND Alignment to Syllabus Artefact Thrills and Inspires the marker AND Completed Checkboxes with selfassessed mark for all Criterion

two or more elements missing

Mildly impresses marker

Depresses marker

SUBMISSION TEMPLATE Submission Template for Criterion 15 Elements URL for your Selected SCRATCH Game Syllabus Extract

Use the below Table Cells to type or paste your response https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/182293348/#player English k-10 Syllabus> Stage 1> Objective B: Grammar, punctuation and Vocabulary A student uses basic grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary appropriate to the type of text when responding to and composing texts. Students: 

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke

Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features 6

APA Reference for Syllabus

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke

Understand that simple connections can be made between ideas by using a compound sentence with two or more clauses usually linked by a coordinating conjunction (ACELA1467)

Explore differences in words that represent people, places and things (nouns, including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs)(ACELA1452)

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). (2017). English K-10 – Stage 1- Objective BGrammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary. Retrieved from https://syllabus.nesa.nsw.edu.au/english/english-k10/content/873/


Submission Template for Criterion 16 Images of the Script and associated Flowchart(s)

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


Submission Template for Criterion 17 Images of the before and after PLUS include a short-written description of your remix enhancement Before

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke



EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


The new graphics enhance the remix because they are more relatable to the students and realistic. The new graphics depict a male and female student outside a school, in a park and finally at the beach when the work has not yet begun or is over! The graphics are more interesting to look at as the characters have been given accessories yet they are not too distracting that they take away from the questions being asked.

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


Submission Template for Criterion 18 The Before scripts (please see above) and after scripts and a short-written description of the remix enhancement After scripts (for before scripts please see above)


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


I have enhanced this activity by adding in hints if the student gets the answer wrong. That way students are reminded of the purpose of the part of speech, they are then given thinking time and are then presented with the same sentence again and have another attempt. This hint will limit students just guessing until they get the right answer but instead make them think about their second attempt. I have EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


added in sounds- a thump once a new question appears, a clap for the right answer and crickets if the answer is wrong thus further enhancing the game. The sprites also jump up and down if the answer is correct. The sprite changes after a right answer as well as the background and the sprite’s position on the screen. All of these changes are aimed to make the activity more interesting and engaging for the student to revise English grammar.

Submission Template for Criterion 19 Elements English Literacy and/or Numeracy? Target Audience?

Use the below Table Cells to type or paste your response to each element English Literacy Students in stage 1 of their schooling

The Educational Benefits The benefits of the remixed scratch are that it now provides effective and instant feedback to the students about what they are learning, which is crucial to develop their understanding. If the students answer correctly they receive praise and if they answer incorrectly an explanation of what the part of speech needed to be identified is, is thus clarifying in a simple and repetitive manner what each part of speech is and the role it plays in a sentence at a level appropriate for stage 1 students. Without this clarification, students could be left unsure about the role of the part of speech and wondering why their answer was incorrect, thus the comment in the speech bubble ensures there are no gaps in their understanding of language features and their use in a sentence, as outlined in the syllabus outcome (NESA, 2017). Overall students will achieve an objective B (Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary) outcome in the English K-10 Stage 1 syllabus: to use basic grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary appropriate to the type of text when responding to and composing texts (NESA, 2017) . More specifically, a Student will understand that simple connections can be made between ideas by using a compound sentence with two or more clauses usually linked by a coordinating conjunction (ACELA1467),explore differences in words that represent people, places and things (nouns, including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs)(ACELA1452) and recognise that a preposition placed in front of a noun group can show where, when, eg 'on the box' (where), 'before my birthday' (when) (NESA, 2017). It is important for students to understand and have the skills to identify and apply language forms and features as this knowledge forms the basis of their understanding words, sentences, paragraphs and finally texts as a whole.

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


Submission Template for Criterion 20 Authentic Artefact- see cartoon below AND Self-Assessment completed

EDIT ICT Activity 3 – Harriet Hooke


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