Hist 111 discussion notes PDF

Title Hist 111 discussion notes
Course United States History to 1865
Institution University of South Carolina
Pages 3
File Size 78.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Image: America Guided by Wisdom (John Bartlett, 1815)  Flag is significant because it represents a unified America  Painted after the war of 1812 (young republic America just beat Great Britain and established itself by showing the ability to beat a great power)  Represents classical rome → empire; virtue (character, honesty, policy), rome was a republic  Expanding borders  Hermes (god of trade, diplomacy) pointing out to sea (trade ships) → represents economic prosperity  Basket of fruit = prosperity  Buildings: o roman pillars = power; ready for war o Shack in the back represents self sufficiency 

George washington statue → big symbol of unity

Letter to Cato, 1781  Backgrounds: o Written by a previous slave in response to the new re-enslavement laws being passed in Philadelphia  Themes: o Rhetoric of revolution applied to slaves (declaration of independence; “ALL men are created equal” o Harsh slave masters  Significance: o Different revolutions o language of liberty

Thomas jefferson’s Virginia Bio  Backgrounds: o Difference in races and values o Physical differences  Themes/ significance: o Scientific racism o Slavery 10/13 Madison’s Speech  Backgrounds: o Right after the war of 1812 o Given to the Senate/ House (as a letter)  Themes: o New tariff (on goods and imports) → promote U.S. industries because local companies are unable to compete with low prices in foreign areas o Construction of roads and canals (funded by national government, calling for a big expansion) → increase trade, make it easier (country just got bigger because of the Louisiana Purchase) → unity

o National university (knowledge upholds democracy) Significance: o Shift to market/ profit society o Growth to national government o Rise of middle class

Erie canal: immigrants coming in and taking in labor → diversity Mill workers riot 1836  Backgrounds: o Wages cut for mill workers o Mill workers strike in order to revolt  Themes: o Rich and poor conflict o Urban life  Significance: o Middle class o Urbanization (growth of cities) o First time we see bosses controlling workers De Tocqueville  Background: o French  Themes: o Gender roles → men do political things outside the home, women do domestic things (raise children, take care of the home)  Significance: o Separate spheres (moms have to stay home and dads should go out and bring in money to support the family) → rational?? (natures manifest design… “men and women are physically different and these differences should lead to different roles in society” ← this is what he observes and he believes it is great) “by making one sex equal to another it makes men weaker and women more disorderly” BY NATURE AND DESIGN THERE ARE DIFFERENT ROLES IN SOCIETY David Walker’s appeal to the colored citizens of the world  Background: o Freed slave o 1829  Themes: o Hypocrisy in democracy o Enslaved population → treated worse than the non-christians before → call yourself a “land of liberty” but people are not treated equally o Betray their own D.O.I.  Significance: o Democracy o Expansion 11/10

Manifest destiny, John O’sullivan, 1845 He was a editor and columnist 1. US values and institutions justify national tension (Our institutions are better so we have the right to spread, as it is better for life and societies) (democracy) 2. Open land → Anglo Americans can use this free land to its full potential therefore we own the land Significance:  Westward expansion  Native American conflict  Mexico...

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