Hist. Notes P - Grasser PDF

Title Hist. Notes P - Grasser
Author Kelsey Tombaugh
Course US history
Institution High School - USA
Pages 67
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Reconstruction(1866-1877) ○ b4 this, abe came up w/ 10% plan...10 percent of voting population of south say we want to come back FROM THE SOUTH ○ 1864 - Wade-Davis Bill, basically want 50% of south to say they never rebelled….p much impossible, bc they didn’t want the south back(congressman & senator) ○ 13th Amendment - No more slavery...Dec., 1865 ○ Right after war is done, US established Freedmen’s Bureau(1865) - designed to help ppl make transition from slave to an equal….helped newly freed ppl w/“free” housing & food ○ President Andrew Johnson ■ Jacksonian Democrat ■ Anti-aristocrat….hated the wealthy ■ more concerned about getting back the South rather than aiding the blacks ○ Black Codes - series of laws in south designed to deprive black ppl of civil liberty ■ forced many blacks to become sharecroppers...help w/ cultivating food & then get paid in percentage of that...problem w/ this is many become sharecroppers their whole life ○ 14th Amendment - July 1868...says black ppl have rights EVERYWHERE, including southern states Reconstruction Acts of 1867 ○ Military Reconstruction Act ■ Divide the 10 southern states into 5 military districts ■ basically means that they have no constitution, can be ruled however US gov. wants ○ Command of the Army Act ■ ○ Tenure of Office Act ■ if you are the president, you can’t fire anybody ○ Edwin Stanton - basic political enemy of Andrew Johnson...Johnson tried to fire him(told him to resign)...but Stanton refused to leave his office Johnson’s Impeachment ○ 11 charges of impeachment for Johnson bc of this, Feb. 24, 1868 ○ 11 week trial...Johnson’s acquitted 35 to 19(one short of required 2/3s vote) 1868 Election ○ Ulysses S. Grant wins w/ Colfax for VP...Texas, Mississippi, & Virginia not even allowed to vote Grant is not a good prez., one of worst ever had….bc ○ great growth & corruption w/ three scandals ○ Credit Mobilier Scandal ■ Congress pays for railroad construction twice...so ppl Grant knows get a lot of money, BUT he commanded the war...so he “gets away” w/ this

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Whiskey Ring ■ Whiskey is heavily taxed...except for Grant & his friends/family...less tax ○ The “Indian Ring” ■ fjlaf Election of 1872 ○ Democratic candidate Greeley dies on November 29, 1872...few weeks after election, but was not elected Panic of 1873 15th Amendment ○ allows black men to vote, 1870...women’s rights groups furious they’re not granted right to vote Nathan Bedford Forrest ○ KKK KKK ○ not real big at the time, more of a mythical idea at the time….#1 enemy were the Yankees more than the freedmen ○ 1st group ever banned by the US gov. by Enforcement Acts of 1870 & 71 Northern Support Wanes ○ by the 70’s northerners don’t care about the South anymore...have bigger problems to solve, don’t really care about blacks in the South anymore either 1876 Players - 100th anniversary of America ○ Rutherford Hayes - Republican ○ Samuel Tilden - Democratic ○ all states now have the right to vote again 1876 Election - the corrupt bargain election ○ Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina send both electoral voter parties (demo & republican) ○ starts era that Democrats run the south for about 90 yrs. do whatever they want p much

● The Gilded Age(Civil War-1900ish) ● ● ● ●

Gilded means….metal that looks really nice, but it’s fake Mark Twain called this the Gilded Age This going to be built in topic based order, not timeline Railroads ○ in order to get transcontinental railroad built, US told 2 companies to start building in opp. direction, first one that gets there(being paid by # of tracks) gets paid more ■ good idea bc gets quickly ■ downside - becomes impossible to finance railroads w/out forming a new type of company...big businesses ○ Timezones created bc of railroads, international trading and such ○ Modern investment majorly popularized, stock exchanges & stuff ○ Two of them meet in Utah - Promarty Pt.

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The Bronc Buster - COWBOYS, THE WEST Frederick Remington frequently makes paintings of cowboys & such Colt .45 Revolver...deadly w/ a lot of shots...has 6 shots loaded, reload 5-6 seconds, p. revoluntionary. ○ levels the playing field w/ indians as previous guns were slow & had to reload more often Post civil war period of the Gun Fighter - Gunslingers & Train Robbers ○ Jesse James - all of this historically not all that important ○ Billy the Kid - shootings not actually that common in the west, but was highly media’d out Prospecting ○ Gold, precious metals, coal, mining...of course included is the Gold Rush ○ most everyone who went out to get everything, don’t get wealthy ○ boom towns, now ghost towns The Cattle Trails ○ go to southern texas...cows p cheap(like 2$ maybe), take 2-3 months walking to Kansas & up to 300$ a cow...could retire w/ that kind of money ○ what kills this - fences & more railroads...this boom maybe lasts five years ○ most famous - Chisel Trail New Agricultural Technology ○ Steel Plow ○ Windmills/Water Pump ○ Barbed Wire - Biggest invention of all of these - invented by Joseph Glidden...remarkably easy to use, also remarkably cheap ○ b4 this ^^^ have to use wood fences...allows ppl to fence literally miles a day how to beat the STAAR test ○ if have women or minorities, importnt. for the test ○ Black “Exoduster” Homesteaders….leave area of their slavedom & go to their freedom, WEST ○ most african americans after civil war, stay ○ Buffalo Soldiers - went around killing indians, african american ppl group Land of Milk & Honey - the Dakotas & western moving - white ppl too ○ Reality - v small houses...looks almost deserted ○ ppl move out of the Wests bc OG from East….MASSIVE farms bc of this ○ Rain is horribly depleted in Western...until Dust Bowl ppl don’t really realize this & the farming was BAD in west...until ppl realized this Colonel John Chivington ○ rides in at first light and kills everyone(all indians in western area he wants to send message) - most ppl. at this time he arrived were women, children, & elder ppl. BC indians went on the offensive b4 this and killed & raped bunch of white ppl. ○ Nov. 29, 1864 W/ Capt. William J. Fetterman

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○ the response of indians ○ 80 soldiers massacred Dec. 21, 1866 ○ Gang rape was common ○ this is all apart of a nasty war btwn. whites & Indians Reservation Policy ○ if you want to surrender as an Indian, we’ll give you a piece of land….but you have to stay on it according to US’s understanding, but Indians understanding of treaty QUITE different, meaning….just bc called the same thing, doesn’t mean they are part of same group bc diff. chiefs & everything...so treaties broken quite often Gold found in the Dakotas - more whites move in ^^^Causes The Battle of Little Big Horn, 1876 ○ Gen. George Armstrong Custer ■ newspapers filled w/ his exploits ○ Indians following pattern ○ Chief Sitting Bull sets trap for Custer ■ made it WELL known that group of men in area abt. to leave for hunt...village “unprotected” ■ Custer hears abt. this & rushes in….run into classic ambush, & p. much all wiped out bc of that US starts killing lots of Indians Chief Joseph ○ kind of unique among Indian leaders, he’s half-white...mixed ○ fights till he surrenders eventually Geronimo, Apache Chief ○ Captured & lives imprisoned till the end...surrenders ○ becomes famous bc during WW2, needed something to shout out when jumping out of airplane…”Geronimo!” Helen Hunt Jackson ○ writes a book, “A Century of Dishonor”, 1881 - critcizes Indian policy Destruction of the Buffalo Herds - near extinction of the buffalo ****MISSED stuff before this, chck pwpt. ○ indians at one pt. used fire to run buffalo off the cliff ○ buffalo’s not real smart ○ Indians weren’t as precious w/ animals as “known” as they are now...p much same as whites ○ probably missed some here Yellowstone National Park ○ first national park built in 1872 ○ made sort of - as reservation for buffalo’s, amongst other things as well ○ also some in Texas Conservation Movement

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John Muir - wanted to preserve bc he believed humans should not disturb nature all that much ○ President Theodore Roosevelt - wanted to preserve nature so America would always have hunting grounds Thomas Alva Edison ○ one of the reasons why America is good during this time period - invention ○ he gets smart ppl together & tries to figure out issues/unexplained phenomena ○ Invented The Phonograph (1877) - amazing feature is that ppl can record sound & play it back, gets better p quickly ○ The Light Bulb - b4 this mankind got up & went down as the sun did...but now 24 hours a day we can live ○ The Dictaphone/Ediphone - temporary recording, lil bit different from phonograph ○ The Motion Picture Camera - first “movie” he does is the train robber or smthing. ○ his company - general electric Alexander Graham Bell ○ Telephone(1876) ○ bell & italian fella invent it at the same time, BUT doesn’t matter...bc Bell gets the patent 1st ○ for like 100 yrs. not huge amount of automations of this, til 1980s really George Westinghouse - & Tesla(the guy who he works for) ○ Alternate Current - advantage is that you can transmit it over a lot of distance ○ Edison finds that this is majorly dangerous...figures out by electrocuting an elephant ○ BUT it’s cheaper than DC & Westinghouse markets it well LOt of ppl all of a sudden Horatio Alger ○ his idea is that you can “make it” in America, “the American Dream” ○ writes 100’s of books w/ p much same plot each time where some dude struggles AND makes it ○ promotes this idea, clearllly US Federal Gov. in this time period didn’t really do much ○ p much only ran the mill service Well-Defined Voting Blocs - p. much the same for abt. 100 yrs Democratic Bloc ○ White southerners - not so much now ○ Catholics - then & now...but less now ○ Recent immigrants(esp. Jews) - now ○ Urban working poor(pro-labor) - less & less today, but most of the time ○ Most farmers - then & now Republican Bloc ○ Northern whites(pro-business) - still is to a large extent...besides big tech ppl really ○ African Americans - then, not NOW, obvi.

○ Northern Protestants - v. much repub. now ○ Old WASPs(support for anti-immigrant laws) - white, anglo, saxxon, & protestants ○ Most of the middle class 1880 Election ○ James Garfield wins ○ most prez. from this time period are Generals from the civil war- from the NOrth obvi. Conference of the Americas ○ July 2, 1881 ○ Garfield decides a few months in his presidency, he’s going to give a speech at Williams College & rides a train to it ○ then gets assassinated by Charles Guiteau - no debate over this & he clearly yelled it out after, up close shot Takes him 80 days to die ○ Sept. 19, 1881 at 10:20pm heart attack ○ looks like several times b4 this he would survive ○ final words - “my work is done” ○ 3rd in a pattern Chester A. Arthur: The Fox in the Chicken Coop? ○ from the new york/democratic machine ○ notoriously crooked politician ○ first thing that happens under his watch - The “Chinese Question”, Chinese Exclusion Act ■ US employed Chinese ppl. to build railroad ■ Californians didn’t like them hanging around ■ so US told them not to hang around there anymore...clearly racist, however quite popular Pendleton Act(1883) - named over congressman that wrote it...as all acts do ○ the big deal Arthur does ○ supposed to make it where you can’t just give your cousin or your friend the job have to take civil service reform ○ based on how Chinese & French do it Other Two Legacies of Arthur ○ single guy——“I may be prez of the US, but my private life is nobody’s damned business.” - America went by this for abt. 60 yrs. ○ Building of the Navy - doesn’t get credit for this much now bc it takes it abt. 20 yrs to build a decent Navy, BUT he started this Laissez Faire ○ the ideology of the Industrial Age ○ Basically means that government stays out of business ○ if you want to start something, you can ○ market not man-made Social Darwinism

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adapted Darwin’s ideas from the “Origin of Species” to humans Notion of “Survival of the Fittest” idea that white men generally are the “best to survive”, next best was white women….farthest away was black women ○ bc of this “science” - it is proven that women cannot think at high levels ○ when this is introduced, this time period is a big time for science, but almost everything from it has been refuted. ○ catches on in 3 countries- like Gospel….America, Germany, & Britain Dawes Severalty Act(1887) - assimilation policy ○ need to help little indian kids to be more like white ppl. ○ so we put them in school(one in Carlisle, PA - to separate them from what they knew...no contact w/ their parents/family) ○ take language, customs, & religion...form into “white idealisms” 1884 Issues ○ a lot like a modern election ○ economic attacks & stuff ○ began to attack candidates personally...ie.(“Plain Blaine) ○ rumors that Cleveland had bastard(kids born out of marriage) kids 1884 Players ○ Grover Cleveland (DEM) - wins! ■ cleveland to bastard kid talk, “I might”...men go “eh”...at least he’s honest ■ First Democratic elected since 1856 & only one until 1912 ■ only prez to serve two diff. terms non-consecutively ■ a democratic known for not spending money, said “the gov. is not a handout machine” ○ James Blaine(REP) 1888 Players ○ Benjamin Harrison - wins!(REP) ■ Campaign is that Grover did not do anything ○ Cleveland Grover - loses When Cleveland leaves the whitehouse lotta money...Harrison spends it all Arapahoe “Ghost Dance”, 1890 ○ the US bans this ○ look up what it is...i think where Indians try to bring back/cleanse their ancestors faf****don’t know name of battle but have indians ○ for all intensive purposes, ends the indians in the US until the late 1960’s Jacob Riis: - mayb want to put year in ○ this period is a time where some of the wealthiest ppl. live ○ publishes book “How the Other Half Lived” - a lot of it’s fake ○ has photos & stuff w/ “horrific” photos of poor ppl. - he was criticized for staging photos ○ but made ppl. think, wow we have kids sleeping on streets, what should we do abt. this?

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John D. Rockefeller - 1839 ○ Richest man who ever lived ○ first billion-dollar corporation ○ at one pt. by HIMSELF - was 2% of the US economy ○ 1912 his fortune so big, US gov. creates tax system to get some of it ○ made hundreds of dollars a year….100 dollars a year was a lot for this period, let alone hundreds ○ when he’s 14, his mom says “can’t afford to feed you, good luck” ○ 16 yr. old goes to Cleveland as clerk $0.50 a day ○ 19 yr. old, business w/ someone - Rockefeller and Clark ○ 1865 buys out partners for $72,500 - equiv. to 7 mil. now ○ got his 1st job bc he wrote well ○ broker - a middleman btwn. two things, primarily food & commodities, look up what is ○ first use for oil - kerosene to light stuff, not for heat ○ by 1890, 90% of all oil is controlled by Rockefeller ○ in a natural monopoly, price actually goes down bc of efficiency in the system ○ one great thing he did - world refinery(in order to use oil u have to refine it)...he is the one who cleans it up/stores it, doesn’t own any oil barges….so they all have to sell it to him & he holds onto it until value goes up...how his fortune grows so much ○ big company is Standard Oil Co. - first gigantic coorporation in US history ○ by 1912 US gov. breaks standard oil up - break it into 36 diff. companies….in order to destroy Rockefeller’s riches….but he gets 13x richer from this...so they failed...competition makes money go ^^^ ^^^ companies so big, controlled politics ppl. astonished by his power - gave 10% of all he owned to the church...p much builds modern America….gives money to colleges, helps cure diseases, 1916 Income tax created to get some of his money 19something - Death inheritance tax or smthing. Ida Tarbell ○ makes book called “the history of oil”...p much ruins Rockefeller’s reputation ○ bc to her he screwed over his father J. Pierpont Morgan ○ starts out w/ a lil bit of money ○ the broker - the guy who puts deals together ○ reputation of evil guy who fires ppl...but it’s bc he put two not great company’s together, and made it a good company as one...first thing you do as a newly together company, you FIRE ppl. ○ he says “if you’re company was so good b4, i wouldn’t have been able to buy it” ○ 1905 big stock crash - causes panic, in one day ○ changes Wall Street when he gets there ○ stock in reality is what a person is willing to sell it for & ppl willing to buy it for

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1905 when ppl. panicking, he doesn’t - walks onto the stock market floor - & says “who is selling, I am buying”...market back up by the end of day - fixed the entire US economy ppl. got/get really wealthy bc. they create new industries Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt ○ built big fortune through ships & trains ○ but gives it to his son William Vanderbilt ○ bad guy who makes evryone hate the rich ○ v. opulant, throw v. big parties ○ french revolution party - 10-20 mil. dollar equiv. just for a party B4 WED. ○ find out what ur research paper is abt. ○ will ask….why? Andrew Carnegie ○ 16 yrs. old basically running the US railroad network ○ After war, Carnegie goes to Thomason and asked for a loan to run a steel mill ○ Start plant in pittsburgh ○ by 1900 he has no children bc he has huge fortune, feels guilty...he already has more money than he can already spend ○ so he writes a book ■ about that white ppl. need to help the “lesser” ppl. because they will always be surperior ■ wealthy should act as “trustees” for their “poorer brethren” ■ inequality is inevitable and good ○ at this pt., just wants to retire to scotland & play golf all day...he p. much gives up 80% of his fortune ○ JP Morgan founds the 1st billion dollar corporation America has Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) ○ law says that if companies are so big that they can restrain other companies, then they need to be broke up...bc ppl. didn’t want any monopoly’s ○ 1910’s and 20’s used a lot...then 80’s & lil bit in the 90’s Child Labor ○ at this time rising labor force, sent kids to factories, some to farms ○ where it changes...all of a sudden we decide that using kids is a greed Labor Unions ○ formed at this time period ○ big in factories ○ goals of Knights of Labor ■ Abolition of child & prison labor - bc they would work for less, which means the common would not earn more ■ equal pay for men & women ○ The American Federation of Labor(1886)(AFL)

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■ diff. btwn. this & KOL is that this one still exists ○ Homestead Steel Strike(1892) Populism: An Agrarian Revolt - 2020, classic argument The Grange Movement ○ a bunch of farmers ○ basically communists ○ believed we should all work together & should all reap the benefits together ○ first organized in 1870s in Midwest, the south, & Texas ○ these guys write the Texas Constitution, so that banks, railroads & big businesses can’t run the state Australian secret ballot ○ how we vote now, y’know, no one knows ○ used to vote you just shout out who you’re voting for 1892 election ○ Cleveland won A “Company Town” ○ a company would make a town ○ a lot ppl. who lived here would get “script” that you could only use at their store The Socialists pop. for like 10 seconds in 1830s when first invented...then p. popular in a lot of countries in turn of the century (1880’s & 90’s) idea we should all share everything International Workers of the World (IWW) ○ Bill Haywood “Big B...

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