HIST284 - Readings PDF

Title HIST284 - Readings
Author kylie
Course History of the Hawaiian Islands
Institution University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Professor John P. Rosa


Week 1: Thursday 8/29/19 Hawaiian Antiquities pgs. 1-40

Biographical Sketch of David Malo: - Ralph Waldo Emerson translated this book of Davida Malo’s - Nathaniel Emerson is from New England (Chrisitan/Protestant/Congregationalist or United Church of Christ missionaries) - Ability to read in Hawaiian and/or English is widely credited to missionary influence - Davida Malo was born at seaside town of Keauhou, North Kona, HI - Exact date of birth is unknown, but said to be about 1793 - Son of Aoao (dad) and Heone (mom) - During early life, he was connected with the high chief Kuakini (Governor Adams) - Became known as the great authority and repository of Hawaiian lore - Became in great demand as a raconteur of the old-time traditions, meles, and genealogies, as a master in the arrangement of the hula, as well as of the bobler sports of the Hawaiian arena - After a while, his views changed against the whole system due to influences from overseas - Married to a widow of alii blood named A’a-lai-oa. She was older than him and said to be the daughter of the great king of Maui, Kahekili (not likely) - A’a-lai-ao died while Davida was still in Hawaii, freeing him from the judgments of the marriage - When he moved to Lahaina, Maui, he met Rev. William Richards who settled as a missionary in 1832 by invitation from queen-mother Keopuolani - Davida was converted to Christianity and changed his name to David (baptimal name) - Could not grasp the English language so resorted to reading - Married an older woman with chiefish blood named Pahia. Marriage ceremony was Christian - High school in Lahaina-luna established in 1831, David enrolls at around 38yrs old - After Pahia dies, marries young woman anmed Lepeka (Rebecca) and has a daughter named A’a-laioa in memory of first wife. This marriage is unhealthy and leads to David’s death - Lived out the rest of his life devoted to Christianity in the seaside village of Kalepolepo, Maui


Wife was unfaithful, leaving him shameful and without the strength to eat Last wish was to be taken in a canoe to Lahaina, where he would be close to his chosen resting place, Pa’u-pa’u Died October 21, 1853

Introduction: - David sets an example of a man who does his own work and works for what he wants Ch. 1 - General Remarks on Hawaiian History: - Some traditions handed down are not all factual - Reason for obscurity of facts is that the ancients did not write, so there is no way of recording data - Ancients left no records of when the lands were discovered, of what people drove them out, who were their leaders, what lands they visited, and what gods they worshiped - Memory was the only means of passing down tradition - Likely tradition and history is more accurate in later dates - Faults in memory lead to contradictions - Contradicting memories lead to a variety of different versions of traditions and history - Faulty memory also is the cause of contradictions in genealogies - Different people had different gods - Genealogies have different lines that run into each other - Three genealogies that indicate Hawaiian people as their kings, Kumu-lipo, Pali-ku, and Lolo Ch. 2 - Formation of the Land: - Surprising how contradictory accounts of history are - In the genealogies that we see the disagreement of their ideas in this regard - Moo-kuauhau (genealogy named Pu-anue) says earth and heavens were begotten - Kumukumu-ke-kaa gave birth to them with her husband Paia-aka-lani. Another version says Ka-mai-li gave birth with Kumuhonua - Wakea says Papa gave birth to these islands - Error because women do not give birth to countries - Kumu-lipo says land gew upon itself - Scientists propose land came from volcanic rocks, meaning it did give birth to itself Ch. 3 - Origin of the Primitive Inhabitants of Hawaii Nei: - Kumu-lipo says the first human was a woman named La’ila’i


and her ancestors were of the night and she was the progenitor of the Hawiian race. Her husband is Ke-alii-wahi-lani (king who opens heaven) Lolo says that the first native Hawaiian was a name named Kahiko who marries Kupulanakehau and has two children named Lihauula and Wakea

Ch. 4 - Of the Generations Descended from Wakea: - From Wakea to the death of Haumea there were six generations in Lolo-i-mihani, then comes nineteen generations who migrated to Hawaii. It is clear people continued to populate Hawaii from there, but there is no indication of where they came from Ch. 5 - Names Given to Directions or the Points of Compass: - Point where the sun rose was kukulu, and where the sun set was kukuli komohana Ch. 6 - Terms Used to Designate Space Above & Below: - Ka-lani-paa: solid heavens - Keokeo or Kea: white cloud - Ao: daylight - La: sun rises and the day comes - Awakea: noon - Ua aui ka la: afternoon - Ahi-ahi: evening - Napoo ka la: sunset - Po: nighttime - Awa: rain - Lalo: ground - Maloko o ke kai: ocean, where fish live Ch. 7 - Natural & Artificial Divisions of the Land: - Moku or Aina: island - Pae-moku or Pae-aina: multiple islands grouped together Hawaiian Reader pgs. 331-336


Long poem in Hawiian Queen Liliokalani writes poem down Publishes a version of the poem

Week 2: Thursday 9/5/19 Hawaiian Antiquities -

Ch. 8 - Concerning the Rocks: - Pohaku: rocks/stones

pgs. 41-91


Koa: coral stone

Ch.9 - Plants & Trees: - Laau: every plant that grows in the earth - Ohia: large tree - Mauu: grasses - Koakoa: tree that grew to be of the largest size in all the islands - Ohe: bamboo Ch. 10 - Divisions of the Ocean: - Kai: ocean and all its parts - Kai-koo: violent, raging surf Ch. 11 - Eating Under the Kapu System: - Men cooked with two ovens, one for him, one for his wife - Women typically only were made taro which was pointed into poi and put into the calabash - Men had to thatch a house for himself to eat in, one to worship his idols as a sanctuary, one for him and his wife to sleep in, one for his wife to eat in, and one for his wife to beat tapa in - While women were menstruating, they stayed in a separate house. Husbands were not allowed to associate with women during this period because women were seen as unclean and unlucky Ch. 12 - The Divisions of the Year: - Year was divided into two seasons: kau & ‘hoo-ilo - Kau: six month season when the sun was directly overhead, when daylight was prolonged, when the trade-wind, makini noa’e, prevailed, when the days and nights were warm and the vegetation put forth fresh leaves - Hoo-ilo: six month season when the sun declined towards the south, when the nights lengthened, when the days and nights were cool, when herbage (vines) died away Ch. 13 - The Domestic & Wild Animals: - It is not known where the animals in Hawaii come from - The hog was the largest animal in Hawaii nei - Dogs were classified by the color of their hair - Mai’a : banana - Flour, rice, Irish potatoes, beans, Indian corn, squashes and melons were brought from foreign countries - Wai maoli: real water/water from the heavens Ch. 14 - The Fishes:


Pa-pai: wholesome crab

Ch. 15 - The Tapas, Malos, Paus and Mats of the Hawiians: - Tapa: fabric of the clothing - Ma’o-ma’o: green - Pa’i-ula: red print Ch. 16 - The Stone Ax & The New Ax: - Hawiian axes were made of stone and passed down through generations - Ax-makers were greatly esteemed class in Hawaii Ch. 17 - The Aliis & The Common People: - Physical characteristics of the chiefs and common people of Hawaii were the same because they were all one race, alike in features and physique - Commoners and allies were all descended from the same ancestors, Wakea and Papa - King is over all people: supreme executive as long as he did right - The most suitable partner for a chief was his sister in a union called pi’o. Next suitable partner for a great chief as his halfsister. This was known as a naha. If neither of these could be obtained, he would be paired with the daughter of an elder or younger brother, or a sister in a union called hoi - When a tabu-chief ate, the people in his presence must kneel, and if anyone raised their knee, they were put to death - Auhau-puka: beggars - Makaainana: fixed residents of the land

Week 3: Thursday 9/12/19 Hawaiian Reader pgs. vii-36

Editor’s Note: - Arragended in chronological order by day of incident or setting, starting with the discovery of the islands by Captain Cook - Editors have been able to include selections for their choice - Honolulu, June 1959 (University of Hawaii)

Introduction: - Poems, stories, recollections, adventures - Editors, though judicious selection of materials, give recognition to the fact that Hawaii’s population today is about fifty percent Oreintal ancestry - 1826 Captain James Hunnewell: Journal of the Voyage of the “Missionary Packet” - 1855 Mrs. Lucy Goodale Thurston: The Life and Times of Lucy G. Thurston - 1928 Miss Teura Henry: Ancient Tahiti - 1948 Dr. Elwood C. Zimmerman: Insects of Hawaii - 1948 Kathleen Dickenson Mellen: In a Hawaiian Valley - 1934 Ruth Elanor McKee: The Lord’s Anointed - Honolulu, July 1959 The Discovery of the Hawaiian Islands: - January 18, 1778 Captain James Cook discovered the Haaiian Islands - First island he saw was Oahu, Kauai, then Niihau - First named them the Sandwich Islands in honor of Earl of Sandwich, First Lord of the British Admiralty - Hawaiians wanted anything made of iron so they traded pigs, taro, and sweet potatoes for nails - Captain Cook left after two weeks but returned less than a year later - At first the passengers of Captain Cook’s ship thought no one would have inhabited the islands, but were soon met by canoes being sent out to meet their ship - Hawaiians brought small stones as weapons of defense just in case when meeting Captain Cook’s ship but threw them overboard when they realized he was not a threat - Hawiians referred to iron as toe which signifies a hatchet - Lieutenant Williamson was sent with three armed boats to look for a landing place and for fresh water - Williamson tried to land and was stopped by natives so he had to shoot one of them and kill them - Describes Hawaiian people as rigorous, active, and the most expert swimmers - From James Cook and James King, A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, London, G. Nicol and T. Cadell, 1784 The Last Days of Captain Cook: - Captain Cook was killed on Kealakekua Bay on February 14, 1779 by natives - Private journal of James Burney describes the deathly account


Refers to the Hawaiian natives as “Indians” February 13: Captain Cook landed at Kavarna with Lieutenant Phillips of the Marines Cook fires at canoes trying to get out of the harbor and kills chief Nooekemar Cook received a blow from a club and fell off a rock into the water Boats told the marines that Cook and four marines were killed and the Hawaiians had the bodies From a manuscript in the Mitchell Collection of the PUblic LIbrary of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

With Vancouver at Kealakekua Bay: - Thomas Manby sailed with Captain George Vancouver in 1791 - Spent three weeks at Kealakekua Bay in 1793 - Reached Karakakooah Bay on February 15, 1793 - John Young is from Lancashire and does not want to go home - Natives consider Young a chief - From The Honolulu Mercury, July and August 1929 Hawaiian Antiquities pgs. 92-120

Ch. 18 - Life in the Out-Districts and at the King’s Residence: - Out-district life was different than those in residence of the chief - They lived comfortably, with vegetables, animal food, tapa for coverings, girdles and loin-cloths and other comforts were in abundance - People were very humble and willing to work - Some of the country people were very industrious and engaged in farming or fishing - Many people left the country to live near the chiefs - Bulk of supplies of foods and goods for chiefs and people was produced in the country districts - People would stay with one chief for a while then move to the next - Only a few people in court wee married - The people liked passing the time by playing sports Ch. 19 - Concerning Kauwa: - Kauwa: slaves - Kauwa had two meanings. One who were kauwa by birth as well as those who were alii by birth - Those who had charge of the chief’s goods or who looked after his food wre kauwa - Some people went in front of the chiefs to declare themselves as kauwa as a form of respect


Those who lived with the rich were referred to as kauwa but were not really kauwa Many ways in which one could be considered a kauwa, but in reality it is just one who is not abiding by the rules or is inferior to another

Ch. 20 - Wrong Conduct & Right Conduct: - If one has evil thoughts against another there are many ways they can express that through anger, indignation, sarcasm, scolding, fault-finding, sourness, etc. - If someone killed another, nothing was done about it because there was no law - It was rare for someone to be punished at the time - Things that were considered wrong - Shifting husbands/wives frequently - Getting food at other people's houses - Laziness Ch. 21 - Valuables & Possessions of the Ancient Hawaiians: - Bird feathers were the most valuable possessions - Canoe with its furniture was considered a valuable possession - Tht house was esteemed a possession of great value - Tapa was valuable Ch. 23 - The Worship of Idols: - Women believed that the deity was the one to bring good luck to them in any work - Commoners performed religious acts by uttering prayer to themselves - When a king or alii worshiped, the priest or keeper of the idol uttered the prayers while the alii only moved his lips and not not say anything

Week 4: Thursday 9/19/19 Hawaiian Journey - pgs. ii-25

Preface: - Book originally appeared under the title Hawaii 1776-1976 to commemorate Hawaii's participation in the nation’s bicentennial observance - Narrative is based on facts that are available but not everyone may agree with the interpretation

Introduction: - Hawaii's history in story and legend dates back at least a thousand years before the American colonies became a nation in 1776 - Modern Hawaiian history begins on January 20, 1778 when Captain Jmes Cook’s expedition made its first contact with the Hawaiian people on Kaua’i and Ni’ihau - American whaling fleets began wintering in Hawai’i in 1819 - By 1844 there were 490 American whaling ships in Honolulu and Lahaina - Protestant missionaries from Puritan New England arrived in 1820 - California Gold Rush of 1849 stimulated Hawaiian agriculture Early Hawaii: - Hawaii was first settled by migrants from the Marquesas - First settlement may have been as early as 300-800 A.D. - Chiefs ruled over portions of the land at the whim of the king, who could remove and replace them at will - Commoners were not bound to the territory or chief, they could leave anytime they wished as long as they found another chief willing to accept them - Kapu system was a way of life - Heiau: hawaiian temples containing images that symbolized the gods - In some temples, human sacrifices took place Surfing: - Body surfing is without a surfboard - Alaia: shorter board used to ride waves closer to shore - Olo: longer board used to ride bigger waves further out - Alaia is usually made of koa or breadfruit wood which was heavy compared to the light wiliwili wood of the longer olo boards - Common people could not use boards made of wiliwili - Ali’i placed a kapu on the best surging grounds - After missionaries came, surfing almost went distinct - In 1874 King Kalākaua made it popular again only for it to disappear once he died - 1900s Hawaii’s economy improved and surfing was back Captain Cook: - Came upon Hawaii when in route to the North Pacific in search of the Northwest Passage - Whenever possible he attempted peaceful contact with


natives He tried to prevent sexual contact between his men and natives but it was unsuccessful First sea captain to prevent scurvy among his crew by insisting on a daily ration of sauerkraut for all his crew 50 years old when he died

Kamehameha I: - Born circa 1753-1758, died 1819 - About 25 years old when Captain Cook arrived - Conquered Hawai’i, Big Island, Maui, Laāna’i, and Moloka’i - To conquer O’ahu he built a fleet of canoes - He was the first to unite the islands of Hawaii - Was very interested in all things foregin - Brought in plants, firearms, diseases, alcohol Ka’ahumanu: - Born 1772, died 1832 - Epitome of beauty, being large was a sign of prosperity and health - Favorite wife of Kamehameha - Openly had affairs even after the king placed a kapu on her - Primarily responsible for the overthrow of the kapu system - Married King Kaumuali’i of Kaua’i and then later his son - Died alongside Kamehameha II while visiting London Kamehameha II: - Born 1797, died 1824 - Real name is Liholiho - 22 when he was sworn in as king at Kailua-Kona on May 20, 1819 - Died in London with wife Kamehameha III: - Born 1814, died 1854 - Real name is Kauikeaouli - Last son of Kamehameha the Great to rule - Became king at 10 years old - Reigned 29 years as the longest monarch in Hawaii - Hawaii moved from autocracy toward democracy and from kingship to constitutional monarchy - Died in Honolulu on December 15, 1854 after naming his nephew as his successor Kamehameha IV: - Born 1834, died 1863


Real name is Alexander Liholiho First grandson of Kamehameha the Great to rule 1856, married Emma Rooke, part-European descendant of Hawaiian chieftains and granddaughter of an Englishman Anti-American Son named Prince Albert who died at four years old Died on November 30, 1863

Kamehameha V: - Born 1830, died 1872 - Real name is Lot Kamehameha - Final direct descendant of Kamehameha the Great - Was very sick for several years before his death - Never spoke of naming a successor - Died on December 1, 1872 on his 42 birthday without naming a successor - Ended dynasty founded by Kamehameha the Great and so monarchs would then be elected Lunalilo: - Born 1835, died 1874 - Real name is William Lunalilo - King after informal popular vote - Took oath of office at Kawaiaha’o Church on January 12, 1873 - Liked music, literature, and the arts - Known as a drinker - Liberal views and tried to democratize the constitution - Reign lasted only slightly more than a year - Failed to name a successor - Died February 3, 1874

Week 5: Tuesday 9/24/19 Hawaiian Antiquities pgs. 187-213

Ch. 36 - Concerning the Makahiki - Makahiki: time when men, women, and chiefs rested and abstained from all work - People did not engage in usual religious affairs either, just offered food - Four days for every man to rest - Began in Ikuwa, the last month of Kau (October) and continued through the first three months of Hooilo, Welehu,

Makalii and Kaelo (November, December, January) Ch. 37 - Concerning the Luakini - Great undertaking for a king to build a heiau of luakini - Two types of worship

Week 5: Thursday 9/26/19 Hawaiian Journey - pgs. 36-73

Missionaries: - 1837-1840, nearly 20000 Hawaiians accepted Chrisitainity - Missionaries who came to Hawaii in the early years were from Puritan New England - Missionaries organized Hawaiian language in written form - Taught Hawaiians to read/write in their own language - First mission press printed Bibles, hymnals, textbooks, pamphlets, and periodicals in Hawaiian and English - Schools were established as quickly as possible - Missions encouraged development of agriculture and manufacturing - Introduced Western medicine Father Damien: - Born as Joseph de Veuster on January 3, 1840, in Tremeloo, Belgium to a family of grain-growing peasants - Assigned to the Sacred Hearts Mission in Hawaii and was ordained a priest in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu on May 21, 1864 - Worked alongside those affected by Hansen’s Disease and helped them - Built chapels and orphanages - Once word got out, donations came from all over the world to help his cause - Died on April 15, 1889 Whaling: - First American whalers moved into the Pacific off Chile in 1791 as whales were becoming more scarce in the Atlantic - By 1...

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