Historical Journal of immigrant coming to America through ellis island PDF

Title Historical Journal of immigrant coming to America through ellis island
Author Bryce Brehm
Course US History
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 2
File Size 54.1 KB
File Type PDF
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It was an assignment and he said have fun with it, he gave a specific word count which I surpassed and I would include some not-so-relevant facts but it keeps the reader entertained and that's how you get a good grade....


Historical Journal Dear Karl, it is the year 1960, you have done it. You have completed a life full of adventure. You started your life as a son of Anne and David, two die-hard Italians who didn't have much but still tried their best to get you to be as successful and not live the crummy grueling life they had to endure. They had both lived a demanding life in Naples, Italy where one day they met after they both had finished a long day of work under the unworthy rule. They ended up hanging out that night and having an enjoyable time they decided to go back to David's place, although it wasn't big and was missing windows and his roommate was on the other bed hacking his lungs out, they still spent the night together. They enjoyed each other's presence greatly and had a memorable night, but the next morning was the last they saw of each other until a month later Anne had been looking for David as she had important information to tell him, that one-night stand got her pregnant. There was a question on what they should do other than getting married and that they did, they agreed that Naples was no place to raise a kid, so they decided to risk it all and move to Venice. A few months later you were born and here is where a life of ups and downs begins. As your mother was pregnant with you, she always talked about the land of opportunity she heard once that it was where she wanted to give birth to you and live the life she always dreamed of. Unfortunately, on February 18, 1897, while giving birth to you she sadly passed away to loss of blood. She was so excited to see you and raise you and it was devastating to your father to see it end like that. However, he made it his dedication to bring you to the new world per your mother’s last request. You went a couple of years just you and your father he relentlessly looked for an opportunity to get you to the new world but during that time you started in the workforce fast while it wasn’t back-breaking work a 9-year-old working 8 hours days wasn’t what your mother had in store for you and that ate at your father, until one day; I can't remember the exact date but I do remember it was in the year 1907, the year most Italian immigrants made it to America. He said son, pack your bags, we are leaving this life and going off for better forever and before you knew it, you along with 100 plus other Italians looking for a better future all boarded the ship for the long 3-month voyage. It was fun at first. I will admit that it was like a big sleepover, but then it got very daunting and dreadful, the constant throwing up due to nausea induced by the rough unforgiving seas, the crying of babies as their stomachache restless, and the growing pains too much to bear, and how could you forget the same exhausting meal of rationed fruits and salted fish, as a pescatarian that was awful. But no one complained we all knew we were on the way to a better life which kept all of us motivated and positive, about two months into the voyage the weaker of the few started to fatigue and even pass away while on the boat and as much as it pained people to see it the day you woke up to see your father’s lifeless body next to you knowing he wasn't going to make it to the new world with you was devastating. For the first time in your life, you were on your own and in the middle of the ocean, the grieving of your father lasted many weeks. However your mood picked up when you woke up to the ringing of a bell, oh how I never forget that sound, and you walked out on deck to see a glimpse of the statue of liberty before you knew it the whole bunk area of the boat emptied itself all to the port side of the ship where you could feel the boat tip and rock a bit as all the wait got shifted because everyone wanted to see their new home and futures for not only themselves but also their future generation for years to come. The boat approached the statue and land became more visible and the haze cleared up and people started shifting around the boat. Eventually, the boat comes to a stop, and you look around and see numerous boats with immigrants on it as well in the same awe that you are. A few hours pass and your boat begin to trug forward as you inch closer and closer to land the adrenaline and fear and excitement all come rushing out that you full on just blackout on the deck, you wake up to seawater being splashed on your face as you see people debarking the ship into the new destine for hope. As you hop the ship, you’re getting off the ship you see people are nauseous

and can hardly walk straight, as you step foot onto land you realize you feel the same way, the captain yelled from his post and said: “sea legs got you there are?” That was the only word you ever heard from him as the boat pushed away to make another voyage back to Italy to pick up more immigrants. After you found your bearings, you looked around to see what you can and saw a sign that said Ellis Island, while your father was still alive, he would always say this is the place my mother would always talk about. What felt like 10 minutes but, was roughly 6 hours they had processed you and gave you a piece of paper, and there you were a little 10-year-old boy on a brand-new continent ready to start a new life. After spending the night on the streets, you went searching around to find a job and stumbled across this family who saw you and took you under their wings. They had just gotten to America from Italy as well and they had a little blonde daughter whose name was Lucy. You quickly became to be really good friends with Lucy and was ecstatic when her parents said you can live with them, you and Lucy got an education together and lived through ups and downs together and both got demanding jobs when you and Lucy were 19 you both agreed to move out as her parents were old and decrepit and Lucy couldn't stand to see them be like that and you no longer could see someone you love to leave your life in such a devastating way yet again. As history repeated itself on Lucy’s parents you and she became more independent, you both moved in together, and as you guys were celebrating a new chapter in your life the condom broke, and before you know it you had four on the way. Yes, four children and as you think it couldn't get worse 9 months later when they all came out not a single son was conceived from the wound, you had every man's nightmare x4 a daughter. You and Lucy raised 4 amazing daughters who all grew up to start their own condom manufacturing business called, Mistakes no more. and well for Lucy and yourself you lived a boring career life but together you made outstanding memories that will never be forgotten, but life can only last so long until you eventually wither away and face the inevitable and that is death, as for yourself this is where your story ends but it was damn sure a hell of one. Love Karl,...

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