History 1301-Ch 3. Outline PDF

Title History 1301-Ch 3. Outline
Author Jessica Richardson
Course United States History I
Institution Dallas College
Pages 9
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History 1301- U. History 1Chapter ThreeI. IntroductionA. In 1675, King Philip and his forces attacked nearly forty-five New England towns. B. The settlers counterattacked in 1676, breaking the Indians’ power once and for all. II. Global Competition and the Expansion of England’s Empire A. The Mercan...


History 1301- U.S. History 1 Chapter Three I. Introduction A. In 1675, King Philip and his forces attacked nearly forty-five New England towns. B. The settlers counterattacked in 1676, breaking the Indians’ power once and for all. II. Global Competition and the Expansion of England’s Empire A. The Mercantilist System 1. England attempted to regulate its economy to ensure wealth and national power. a. Commerce, not territorial plunder, was the foundation of the English empire. b. Mercantilism was the theory that the government should regulate economic activity to promote national power. 2. The Navigation Acts required colonial products to be transported in English ships and sold at English ports. a. These acts stimulated New England’s shipbuilding industry. B. The Conquest of New Netherland 1. The restoration of the English monarchy came in 1660, and the government chartered new trading ventures such as the Royal African Company. 2. In 1664, during an Anglo-Dutch war, New Netherland was surrendered by the Dutch without a fight in order to retain their holdings in Africa, Asia, and South America. C. New York and the Rights of Englishmen and Englishwomen 1. The terms of Dutch surrender guaranteed some freedoms and liberties but reversed others, especially for blacks. 2. The Duke of York governed New York; by 1700, nearly 2 million acres of the colony were owned by only five families. D. New York and the Indians 1. The English briefly maintained an alliance with the Five Nations known as the Covenant Chain, but by the end of the century the Five Nations had adopted a policy of neutrality. E. The Charter of Liberties 1. New York colonists demanded more liberties, especially the right to consent for taxation.

2. The English of New York got an elected assembly, which drafted a Charter of Liberties and Privileges in 1683. F. The Founding of Carolina 1. Carolina was established as a barrier to Spanish expansion north of Florida. 2. Carolina was an offshoot of Barbados and, as such, a slave colony from the start, yet agriculture was not initially central to the economy. 3. Early settlers sought Carolina-area Indians as allies and encouraged them to attack and capture Florida Indians as slaves. 4. From 1670 until 1720, Carolina engaged in a slave trade that sold captured Indians to other mainland colonies and to the West Indies. 5. The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina envisioned a feudal society, but the colony was not established as such. The colonial government did allow for religious toleration, an elected assembly, and a generous headright system. 6. The economy grew slowly until planters discovered rice, which would make them the wealthiest elite in English North America. G. The Holy Experiment 1. Pennsylvania was the last seventeenth-century colony to be established and was given to proprietor William Penn. 2. A Quaker, Penn envisioned a colony of peaceful harmony between colonists and Indians and a haven for spiritual freedom. H. Quaker Liberty 1. Quakers believed that liberty was a universal entitlement. a. Liberty extended to women, blacks, and Indians. 2. Religious freedom was a fundamental principle. a. Quakers upheld a strict moral code. I. Land in Pennsylvania 1. Penn established an assembly elected by male taxpayers and "freemen," which meant that a majority of the male population could vote. 2. He owned all of the colony’s land and sold it to settlers at low prices rather than granting it outright. 3. Pennsylvania prospered under Penn’s policies, as it attracted settlers from several European countries. 4. As Pennsylvania grew, the benevolent Indian policy would start to change. III. Origins of American Slavery A. Englishmen and Africans

1. The spread of tobacco led settlers to turn to slavery, which offered many advantages over the use of indentured servants. 2. In the seventeenth century, the concepts of race and racism had not fully developed. 3. Africans were seen as alien in their color, religion, and social practices. B. Slavery in History 1. Although slavery has a long history, slavery in North America was markedly different. 2. Slavery developed slowly in the New World because slaves were expensive and their death rate was high in the seventeenth century. 3. Slavery came to be associated with race, drawing a permanent line between whites and blacks. C. Slavery in the West Indies 1. By 1600, huge sugar plantations worked by slaves from Africa were well established in Brazil and the West Indies. 2. Prior to 1600, Indians and white indentured servants had done the labor; by the first few decades of the sixteenth century, disease had killed off the Indians and white indentured servants were no longer willing to do the backbreaking work required on sugar plantations. 3. Sugar was the first New World crop to be mass marketed to Europe. 4. In contrast to Brazil and the West Indies, slavery developed slowly in North America. a. Cost b. High death rate D. Slavery and the Law 1. On paper, slaves in Spain’s American empire had more legal rights than slaves in the English American empire. 2. The line between slavery and freedom was more permeable in the seventeenth century than it would become later. a. Some free blacks were allowed to sue and testify in court. b. Anthony Johnson arrived as a slave but gained his freedom and then eventually owned slaves and several hundred acres of land. E. The Rise of Chesapeake Slavery 1. It was not until the 1660s that the laws of Virginia and Maryland explicitly referred to slavery. 2. A Virginia law of 1662 provided that in the case of a child born to one free parent and one slave parent, the status of the offspring followed that of the mother.

3. In 1667, the Virginia House of Burgesses decreed that conversion to Christianity did not release a slave from bondage. 4. By 1680, the black population was small, but notions of racial difference were well entrenched in law. 5. No mixed-race class existed, as the law treated everyone with African ancestry as black. F. Bacon’s Rebellion: Land and Labor in Virginia 1. Virginia’s shift from white indentured servants to African slaves as the main plantation labor force was accelerated by Bacon’s Rebellion. 2. Virginia’s government ran a corrupt regime under Governor Berkeley, who maintained peaceful relations with the Indians. 3. Good, free land was scarce for freed indentured servants, and taxes on tobacco were rising as the prices were falling. 4. Nathaniel Bacon, an elite planter, called for the removal of all Indians, lower taxes, and an end to rule by "grandees." His campaign gained support from small farmers, indentured servants, landless men, and even some Africans. 5. In some ways, Bacon’s Rebellion was a clash between two different elite groups. G. The End of the Rebellion, and Its Consequences 1. Bacon promised freedom (including access to Indian lands) to all who joined his ranks. 2. The rebellion’s aftermath left Virginia’s planter elite to consolidate their power and improve their image. H. A Slave Society 1. By the end of the seventeenth century, several factors had made slave labor very attractive to English settlers; slavery began to supplant indentured servitude between 1680 and 1700. 2. By the early eighteenth century, Virginia had transformed from a society with slaves to a slave society. a. In 1705, the House of Burgesses enacted strict slave codes. I. Voices of Freedom (Primary Source document feature) 1. A Maryland Act Concerning Negroes and Other Slaves (1664) a. A law from the 1660s that arose from the expansion of slavery within the colonies 2. Letter by a Female Indentured Servant (1756) a. A letter emphasizing the challenges of servitude within the American colonies J. Notions of Freedom 1. From the start of American slavery, blacks ran away and desired freedom. 2. Settlers were well aware that the desire for freedom could ignite the slaves to rebel. IV. Colonies in Crisis

A. The Glorious Revolution 1. The Glorious Revolution in 1688 established parliamentary supremacy and secured the Protestant succession to the throne. 2. Rather than risk a Catholic succession through James II, a group of English aristocrats invited the Dutch Protestant William of Orange to assume the throne. 3. The overthrow of James II entrenched the notion that liberty was the birthright of all Englishmen. a. Parliament issued a Bill of Rights (1689) guaranteeing individual rights such as trial by jury. b. Parliament adopted the Toleration Act (1690), which allowed Protestant Dissenters to worship freely, although only Anglicans could hold public office. B. The Glorious Revolution in America 1. In 1675, England established the Lords of Trade to oversee colonial affairs, but the colonies were not interested in obeying London. 2. To create wealth, between 1686 and 1685 James II created a "super-colony," the Dominion of New England. a. The new colony threatened liberties. C. The Maryland Uprising 1. News in America of the Glorious Revolution in England resulted in a reestablishment of former colonial governments. 2. Lord Baltimore was overthrown in Maryland. D. Leisler’s Rebellion 1. Jacob Leisler, a Calvinist, took control of New York. 2. New York was divided along ethnic and economic lines. 3. Leisler was hanged, and New York politics remained polarized for years afterward. E. Changes in New England 1. In New England, Plymouth was absorbed into Massachusetts, and the political structure of Massachusetts was transformed. a. Land ownership, not church membership, was required to vote. b. A governor was appointed in London rather than elected. c. The colony had to abide by the Toleration Act, which increased the power of some nonPuritan merchants and landowners. d. These events, along with French and Indian raids, created tension in Massachusetts.

F. The Prosecution of Witches 1. Witchcraft was widely believed in and punishable by execution. 2. Most accused were women. G. The Salem Witch Trials 1. In 1691, several girls suffered fits and nightmares, which were attributed to witchcraft. 2. Three women, including a Caribbean slave named Tituba, were named as witches. 3. Accusations snowballed; ultimately, fourteen women and six men were executed before the governor halted all prosecutions. 4. Increase Mather published Cases of Conscience concerning Evil Spirits, which advised people not to take accusations of witchcraft seriously. V. The Growth of Colonial America A. A Diverse Population 1. In the eighteenth century, African and non-English European arrivals skyrocketed. 2. As England’s economy improved, large-scale migration was draining labor from the mother country. a. Efforts began to stop emigration. B. Attracting Settlers 1. London believed colonial development bolstered the nation’s power and wealth. a. Fifty thousand convicts were sent to the Chesapeake to work in the tobacco fields. 2. One hundred forty-five thousand Scottish and Scots-Irish immigrants came to North America. C. The German Migration 1. Germans, 110,000 in all, formed the largest group of newcomers from the European continent. 2. Germans tended to travel in entire families. 3. Their migration greatly enhanced the ethnic and religious diversity of Britain’s colonies. D. Religious Diversity 1. Eighteenth-century British America was not a "melting pot"; ethnic groups lived and worshipped in homogeneous communities. 2. Eighteenth-century British America was very diverse, a host to many religions. 3. Most colonies did not adhere to separation of church and state. a. Taxes were levied to pay for ministers.

b. Catholics and Jews could not vote or hold office in most colonies. c. Jews, however, were able to escape the rigid religious restrictions of German-speaking parts of Europe. 4. Other liberties also attracted settlers: a. Availability of land b. Lack of a military draft c. Absence of restraints on economic opportunity E. Who Is an American? (Primary Source document feature) 1. Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind (1751) a. A letter from Benjamin Franklin that emphasizes the ethnic and religious diversity of American colonists F. Indian Life in Transition 1. Indian communities were well integrated into the British imperial system. 2. Traders, British officials, and farmers all viewed Indians differently. 3. The Walking Purchase of 1737 used deceit to gain more land from the Pennsylvania Indians. G. Regional Diversity 1. The backcountry was the most rapidly growing region in North America. 2. Farmers in the older portions of the Middle Colonies enjoyed a standard of living unimaginable in Europe. a. Pennsylvania was known as "the best poor man’s country." H. The Consumer Revolution 1. Great Britain eclipsed the Netherlands in the eighteenth century as a leader in trade. a. Colonial products like coffee and tea b. Manufactured goods such as linen, metalware, pins, ribbons, glassware, ceramics, and clothing 2. Eighteenth-century colonial society enjoyed a multitude of consumer goods from England and Asia. I. Colonial Cities 1. Spanish colonial cities such as Mexico City were much more populated than British North American cities. 2. Although relatively small and few in number, port cities like Philadelphia were important. 3. Cities served mainly as gathering places for agricultural goods and for imported items to be distributed to the countryside.

J. Colonial Artisans 1. The city was home to a large population of artisans. a. Myer Myers was a Jewish silversmith from New York whose career reflected the opportunities open to men of diverse backgrounds in colonial cities. 2. Despite the influx of British goods, American craftsmen benefited from the expanding consumer market. K. An Atlantic World 1. Trade unified the British empire and connected it to other parts of the world. 2. Membership in the empire had many advantages for the colonists. a. Colonists did not complain about British regulations of trade. b. Lax enforcement by the British led to smuggling. c. The Royal Navy protected American shipping. VI. Social Classes in the Colonies A. The Colonial Elite 1. Expanding trade allowed for the emergence of a powerful upper class of merchants. 2. In the Chesapeake and Lower South, planters accumulated enormous wealth. 3. America had no titled aristocracy or established social ranks. 4. By 1770, nearly all upper-class Virginians had inherited their wealth. B. Anglicization 1. Colonial elites began to think of themselves as more and more English. 2. Desperate to follow an aristocratic lifestyle, many planters fell into debt. C. New World Cultures 1. Before the American Revolution there was no real "American" identity. 2. Many European immigrants maintained traditions from their home countries. 3. English immigrants sought to create a dominant "English" identity in the New World. 4. British identity was partially defined in opposition to other groups, such as Indians and African slaves. D. The South Carolina Aristocracy 1. The richest group of mainland colonists was South Carolina planters.

2. The tie that held the elite together was the belief that freedom from labor was the mark of the gentleman. E. Poverty in the Colonies 1. Although poverty was not as widespread in the colonies as it was in England, many colonists had to work as tenants or wage laborers because access to land had diminished. 2. Taking the colonies as a whole, half of the wealth at mid-century was concentrated in the hands of the richest 10 percent of the population. 3. The better-off in society tended to view the poor as lazy and responsible for their own plight. a. Communities had policies to ward off undesirables. F. The Middle Ranks 1. Many in the nonplantation South owned some land. 2. By the eighteenth century, colonial farm families viewed land ownership almost as a right: the social precondition of freedom. G. Women and the Household Economy 1. The family was the center of economic life, and all members contributed to the family’s livelihood. 2. The work of farmers’ wives and daughters often spelled the difference between a family’s self-sufficiency and poverty. 3. As the population grew and the death rate declined, family life stabilized and marriages became lifetime commitments. 4. With growing colonial structure, opportunities for women decreased. a. The division of labor along gender lines solidified. b. Despite there being more consumer products, women’s work increased. c. As infant mortality decreased, women spent more time engaged in childcare. H. North America at Mid-Century 1. As compared to Europe, colonies were diverse, prosperous, and offered many liberties....

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