History 2020 - Unit 2 Study Guide PDF

Title History 2020 - Unit 2 Study Guide
Course U.S. Since 1877
Institution East Tennessee State University
Pages 4
File Size 79.6 KB
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History since 1877 unit 2 study guide. Instructor - Storie...


History 2020 - Unit 2 Study Guide Chapter 22 ● Open Door Policy: John Hay’s statement of American policy to keep trade open with China ● Who opposed US involvement in War and why? ○ Woodrow Wilson declared neutrality ○ Most American did not want to enter was because we were not attacked and there were many immigrants with loyalties to all places. ● What effects did the war have on Race Relations in the US? ○ Progressives forced people to be Americanized ○ Separated schools ○ The gentlemen's agreement stopped Japanese emigration ○ Asians could not own or lease land ○ The draft included everyone even many did not have rights of citizens ● How did participation in the war change US society? ○ Loss of 100,000+ lives ○ Stimulated US economy, created jobs and increased wages ● The Treaty of Versailles: ended World war I between the Allies and Germany ○ Wilson wrote it and signed it but the Senate did not ratify it because they objected the League of Nations and the US did not join the League. Chapter 23 ● Impact of the automobile? ○ It impacted America economically and socially. It promoted the economy by creating jobs and growing other industries. It gave Americans a new pastime and form of entertainment. ● Religion and consumer culture in the 1920s ○ Modernist-religion: stopped literally interpreting the bible and living life in a more fulfilling way and abandoned some traditions ● “New Woman” in the 1920s ○ Myth: women could smoke, drink, and be sexual, and this was them f=breaking from their constraints ○ Reality: Women still relied on men for money and security ● Nativism in the 1920s ○ Before the war immigrants were needed in the workplace but after the war immigrants were associated with radicalism, this led to the KKK back in the 1920s ● How did the 1920s represent a society in conflict? ○ The Racism was a conflict because the American needed them for the economy

and industry and war, but they were not treated as actual citizens Chapter 24 ● 1929 stock market crash and the Depression ○ The crash happened due to people buying stock on margin or credit ○ The depression was caused by a weak economy, unregulated stock prices, unequal purchasing power, unstable business system, international crisis, and failed gov. Policy ● Farmers during the Depression ○ Declining income and land ○ Major drought at the same time ○ Crops failed ● Radio effects on social life and family life ○ Radios connected people across the country ○ Made communities stronger ○ Brought families together to spend time together ● Protests during the depression ○ Veteran pensions and hunger strikes ○ Bonus army - not successful ○ Hunger strikes were generally successful ○ Farmers holiday association - withheld products and ultimately hurt themselves ● New Deal programs aimed at agriculture and industry ○ Agricultural: ■

Agricultural Marketing Act- Farm Board made loans or bought surpluses to raise prices

Hawley-Smoot Tariff- increased tariffs on 75 farm products, but actually hurt agriculture

Resettlement Administration/Farm Security Administration- loans to help farmers relocate

Farm Credit Administration- Worked to refinance farm mortgages

Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act- Enabled some farmers to regain land even with foreclosure on their mortgages

○ Industrial: ■

Wagner Act- National Labor Relations Board to compel employers to recognize/ bargain with unions

Fair Labor Standards Act- established a minimum wage and 40-hour workweek, also limited child labor

Section 7a (NIRA)- legalized unions and collective bargaining; not enforced

● Criticism the New Deal faced ○ Left: blamed Hoover personally for unemployment, Hoovervilles ○ Right: Hoover did too much to influence the economic system ● Organized Labor in the 1930s ○ They had greater numbers ○ Represented women and minorities ○ More strikes were being settled in favor of unions ● New Deal programs and minorities ○ More relief programs ○ Gained more recognition but still not as citizens ● The legacy of the New Deal ○ It shifted government philosophy Chapter 25 ● US policy 1920s and 1930s ○ Roosevelt introduced the good neighbor policy which renounced US intervention in armed affairs in Latin America, they also began trade agreements ● How did the goals of the neutrality acts change? ○ They were designed to keep the US out of the war, but we realized Europe needed help so the Cash and carry was made ● Pearl Harbor ○ The US froze Japanese assets and cancelled trade with them, they also cut off oil supply ● How the War affect US society ○ Women: they had to take over when the men left, so they all joined the workforce and contributed to the war ○ Workers: gained more work because the country needed to provide for the war ○ African Americans: They also got the chance to join the military although the country was still segregated ○ Japanese: They were discriminated against because of the bombing at pearl harbor even though they were just as American as anyone else ○ Immigrants: were looked down upon because of the people American was fighting in the war, were not treated as full citizens ● Development of the Atomic Bomb ○ Scientists and physicists like Albert Einstein came from Germany because they disliked Hitler and they work on the atomic bomb for America. Chapter 26 ● How did they settle postwar issues?

○ The allies split up Germany and Berlin, they create the United Nation because the League wasn't working ● Postwar economic problems ○ The economy boomed because people were able to buy cars and house and production was increased because there was high demand ● War with Korea? ○ Because the US did not want communism to spread and would go to any length ● Fear of Communism ○ Americans feared communism because they wanted freedom and thought it would spread through Europe to the US, everyone had hysteria of it...

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