Honors Scientific Knowledge Activity ljdsljc alsdj jsldka jc laksdj ljclk asjdl PDF

Title Honors Scientific Knowledge Activity ljdsljc alsdj jsldka jc laksdj ljclk asjdl
Author Tony Vanderah
Course Ethics and Philosophy
Institution Hamilton High School
Pages 2
File Size 48.9 KB
File Type PDF
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HONORS SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE ACTIVITY nf or mat i oni nt hear t i cl eshowst hatt her esear chhasbeensubj ectt opeerr evi ew? 1. Whati Pr ovi deanexampl e. Tobegi nwi t h,i tsay st her eI sacoaut hor ,sot her ei smanymi ndswor ki ngont hi spaper . , Secondl y ,t her ei smanyquot at i onsf r om ot herpr of essi onal sst udyi ngorexper i enci ngt he samesubj ect .Nex t ,t hear t i cl ei snotcr edi t edt oanyspeci ficaut hor ,onl yanor gani z at i on, whi chusual l ymeanst her ewasat eam cont r i but i ont owar dst hear t i cl e.I naddi t i on,wi t hi nt he ar t i cl e,i fyoucl i ckont ot hel i nkt ot her eal ar t i cl e,att heend,t her ei scount l essnumber sof peopl eandor gani zat i oni ncat egor i esl i k eAcknowl edgement s,Affil i at i ons,andCont r i but i ons . Fur t her mor e,i tsay s" Whi l eoz onedepl et i onf r om di chl or omet hanei scur r ent l yqui t emodest , i ti suncer t ai nhowat mospher i cconcent r at i onsoft hi sgaswi l lchangei nt hef ut ur e, "sai dl ead aut horRyanHossai ni ,oft heLancast erEnvi r onmentCent r eatLancast erUni ver si t y . ”Thi s showst hatot herr esear cher shav egoneov erandcomment edont hear t i cl e.

2. Whati nf or mat i onaboutt hear t i cl edemonst r at esi t sgl obal acc esst oot hersci ent i st s ?Pr ovi de anex ampl e. Downatt hebot t om oft hear t i cl e,i tst at est hat“ Ther esear chpaper ,' Thei ncr easi ngt hr eatt o st r at ospher i coz onef r om di chl or omet hane' ,waspubl i shedi nt hej our nal Nat ur e Communi cat i onsonJune27,2017. ”Sot hear t i cl ei spubl i shedf orot hert ovi ew.

3. Pr ov i det woex cer pt sf r om t hear t i cl et hati ncl udeanal ysi sorconc l usi onst hatdemonst r at e l ogi calt hi nki ngandr easoni ng.Expl ai nwhyt heex ampl essel ect eddemonst r at el ogi cal t hi nki ngandr easoni ng. 1) “ Weshoul dbemi ndf ul t ot hegr owi ngt hr eatt ost r at ospher i coz oneposedby di chl or omet haneandsi mi l archemi cal snotcont r ol l edbyt heMont r eal Pr ot ocol . " - Thi sst at ementi sal ogi cal andr at i onal concl usi onbecauseaf t eraddr essi ngt he upr i si ngpr obl em andt hepossi bl epr obl em,hegi v esal ogi cal r esol ut i onandsol ut i on f ort het i mebei ng 2) “Sci ent i st sr ancomput ermodel si mul at i onst odet er mi net hei mpactoft hedi chl or omet hane i ncr easeont heoz onel ay ert odat e,andhowt hati mpactcoul dchangei nt hef ut ur e. ” - This shows that scientists and researchers discovered a problem and immediately got to work on discovering the possible outcome and problems. Therefore demonstrating a detailed and logical analysis.

4. Pr ov i det woex cer pt sf r om t hear t i cl et hatdemons t r at et her ul esofevi denceandt hesci ent i fic met hodwer ef ol l owedwhencr eat i ngsci ent i ficexpl anat i ons.Expl ai nwhyt heexampl es sel ect eddemonst r at et hatt hesci ent i ficmet hodandr ul esofevi dencewer ef ol l owed. api di ncr easei ndi chl or omet hanewasr ev eal edbyl ongt er m NOAAat mospher i c 1) ”Ther measur ement satsi t esacr osst hegl obe.Sci ent i st sr ancomput ermodel si mul at i onst o det er mi net hei mpactoft hedi chl or omet hanei ncr easeont heoz onel ay ert odat e,andhow t hati mpactcoul dchangei nt hef ut ur e. ” t hi sshowst hatt hesci ent i st shadpr edi ct edt hatt hechemi cal di chl or omet hanecoul d bever yhar mf ul anddanger ousi fi twascont i nuedt obeused.Thenpr oceededt odi scov er andr esear cht het opi c,di scov er i ngmor eandmor eabouti t .Thi sf ol l owst hesci ent i fic quest i onbecauset heyhadcomeupwi t haquest i on,t henfigur edouthowt or esear chand l ear nmor eabouti t Whi l eoz onedepl et i onf r om di chl or omet hanei scur r ent l yqui t emodest ,i ti suncer t ai nhow 2)" at mospher i cconcent r at i onsoft hi sgaswi l l changei nt hef ut ur e, "sai dl eadaut horRy an Hossai ni ,oft heLancas t erEnvi r onmentCent r eatLancast erUni ver si t y ." Weshoul dbe mi ndf ul t ot hegr owi ngt hr eatt ost r at ospher i coz oneposedbydi chl or omet haneandsi mi l ar chemi cal snotcont r ol l edbyt heMont r eal Pr ot ocol . " -t hi sdemonst r at est hatt hesci ent i st shadr esear chedandcameacr osst hi spr obl em, madehypot hesi saboutt hesi t uat i on,andt henpr oceededt ot estanddr awaconcl usi onon t hesi t uat i on....

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