How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design PDF

Title How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design
Author A. Mohd Sahabuddin
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“How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?” ARCH 11019: Design, Value and Architecture Session 2011-2012 Semester 1 Coursework 2: ‘How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design’ Prepared by: Mohd Firrdhaus Mohd Sahabuddin (S1131077) MSc. Advanced Sustainable Desi...


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How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design Ar. Dr. Mohd Firrdhaus Mohd Sahabuddin

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How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

ARCH 11019: Design, Value and Architecture Session 2011-2012 Semester 1

Coursework 2:

How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design

Prepared by: Mohd Firrdhaus Mohd Sahabuddin (S1131077) MSc. Advanced Sustainable Design

The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA)

2011 1

How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

Introduction Contemporary architecture is a range of style of architecture appropriate to the current time or period. It is evolution of modern architecture that connects the internal space and external contexts, which are optimized for current use. Some opinions (as stated below) reflect contemporary architecture is antivernacular, comfortable with new materials and are not influenced by the traditions and typography. Contemporary Architects' suggests a position that is anti-vernacular, comfortable with new materials and non-local materials & forms, using architectural language that is contemporary, in example not generally steeped in past typographies or traditions.


Context is external elements that influence a design. These elements are physical and non-physical. Roads, buildings, and land contour are examples for physical elements while non-physical elements are the weather condition, local culture, as well as political and financial constraints.

Master planning starts with an assessment of the ecology of the site and its context; we need to know what is there before we can insert anything new.


Thus, the contexts are influencing contemporary architecture design. Design for a house in four seasons countries, for example, is different from the design in

tropical countries. Understand the local contexts are crucial for designers to produce a good building design.

The context determines the architectural style, building material selection and site layout, which is particularly beneficial in creating an effective design. All these foster continuity between the building and local circumstances. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Adrian, W. & Isabelle, L., 2011, Contemporary Architects, viewed 12 December 2011,

2. Ken, Y., 2009. Ken Yeang Eco Master Planning, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, p.16.


How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

The Importance of Climatic Context The climatic context plays the decisive role in the design. Ken Yeang explained climate context as understanding the site ecological history gives further clues as

to what design strategies should be adopted .3 There are three basic climate groups, low-latitude climates, medium-latitude climates and high-latitude climates. Each of the climates has its own features; with the architecture strategies should also be appropriate in the circumstances.

Figure 2: The different design approach of a modern igloo house in Alaska and a contemporary tropical house in Singapore. 4 Designers need to design buildings that meet the criteria of local climate such as building orientation, materials, and also size and openings. For an example, a house with large window openings in low latitude climate will use more electrical energy for air-conditioning to cool the building which arises of electrical power that consumes more maintenance budget. Because of lacking attention to the climatic design and depending merely on artificial cooling and heating systems, the buildings are very hot in summer and are so cold in winter and in result they are quietly uncomfortable.


Unfortunately, the improvement of the technology and inventions in mechanical engineering system make designers so depending on artificial heating and cooling.6 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Ken, Y., 2009. Ken Yeang Eco Master Planning, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, p.16. 4. Cubeme, n.d., Architecture, viewed 6 December, 2011, . 5 & 6. Nasim, I. & Elahe, B., 2009. Climatic design and low carbon city. ISOCARP Congress, pp.1-6.


How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

Figure 3: The old house and new contemporary house design in Iran.7 Wind catchers have been served as a cooling system, used to provide acceptable ventilation by means of renewable energy of wind.


Iran has variable climates which are hot, dry and cold at different parts of the country. Therefore, the wind towers or wind catchers are considered as a part of building form. It plays a role as a modifying mechanism to adjust heat and wind flow into the interior spaces and make the spaces comfort naturally.9

Therefore, the new contemporary design of Iran Architecture has to integrate with wind tower system. The climatic context is so vital in Iran because of its geological location. As a comparison, below is an Iranian contemporary house that adopted the concept of traditional wind tower.

Figure 4: The new contemporary wind tower design in Iran.10 The understanding to the local s climatic context is the most important strategy in contemporary architecture otherwise the building would be less comfort.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Green Solutions Magazine, 2011, Gym with wind towers, viewed 6 December, 2011,

8 & 9. Mahnaz Mahmoudi, Z., 2009. Analysis on Iranian Wind Catcher and Its Effect on Natural Ventilation as a Solution towards Sustainable Architeture. Qazvin Islamic Azad University. 10. Cubeme, n.d., Architecture, viewed 6 December, 2011, . 4

How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

The Importance of Economical and Political Context The economical context is related to the condition or situation of a country s economy. Through these few decades, recession has given a big impact to slow down the building's construction and development. It has also given the psychological impact to all practitioners in the construction industry.11

Economic consideration were always important in modern architecture, but aside from a few, exceptional clients, the trend today is not only toward cost-effective buildings, but also toward structures which are not aesthetically challenging.


Each of the country in the world has different economic viability. This difference makes the practice of contemporary architecture is different from place to place. Therefore, this context makes the architecture style is geared towards the simple and clean facade elements.

One of the design methods that exist due to the economic context is cost-effective construction method. Thus, the emergence of new methods such as prefabricated components and module systems have greatly utilized in architectural design today. This method was introduced to reduce labour costs and speed up the construction period. It also can provide the best value for money and client s satisfaction.

Prefab homes are becoming popular in Europe, Canada and United States as they are relativity cheap when compared to many existing homes on the market.


Prefabricated system makes construction costs cheaper with a better quality as well as environmental friendly. On that basis, the economic context is also influencing the contemporary architecture design. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 & 12. Philip, J., 1996. Contemporary American Architects : Volume II, Italy: Taschen, p.6. 13. Wikipedia, 2011, Prefabricated Home, viewed 7 December, 2011 5

How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

Figure 6: Prefabricated Trojan House Designed by Jackson Clements Burrows.14 In addition, political influence is also affecting the character of a building. As stated by Philip Jodidio in his compilation book, Contemporary American Architects: Volume 2; Fortunately, the private entrepreneurial spirit which made

for much of the success of United States still exists, and many of the buildings published in this book were built thanks not only to the talent of the architects, but also thanks to the open minds and spirits of the clients. From the statement above, the political influence proved vital in the success of the contemporary architecture and creativity of the architects to realize a building that meets the client requirements. Politics also plays a large role in determining the direction of contemporary architecture. For example in Malaysia, the government has made a policy that all government buildings must use the methods of industrialized building system to reduce the dependency on foreign workers. Recently, the concept of sustainability was introduced to reduce the amount of electricity and water bills in government buildings. As it happened in Switzerland, the minaret that traditionally constructed apart with the Muslim religious buildings is prohibited due to local s public protests and referendum.15

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Zinmag Chronicle, n.d., House Design, viewed 7 December, 2011, 15. Wikipedia, 2011, Minaret Controversy in Switzerland, viewed 7 December, 2011>


How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

The Importance of Computational & Technological Context The latest technology here is not about construction methods but also current technology in building design process. The design methods have become more attractive with the creation of computer software that helps speed up the design process and simulation. Another significant element of change which has already begun to substantially alter the built environment is the generalization of the use of computer assisted design.


It assists architects to understand and explore new design in architecture. Assists to create and construct new forms and also gives a new dimension and exploration to the designers. The software innovation happens when contemporary architecture is also becoming popular. Thus, the development of this style of architecture has been more productive as well as many contemporary architects appear all around the world. Not only does such technology, which has progressively become more affordable and easy to use, facilitate design in its technical aspects, it also invites architects to explore hitherto unheard of possibilities in creating new forms.


Figure 7: Frank Gehry, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain. Computer drawing.18 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 & 17. Philip, J., 1996. Contemporary American Architects : Volume II, Italy: Taschen, p.6. 18. MoreAEdesign, n.d., Guggenheim Museum, viewed 7 December, 2011,


How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

Apparently the effect of using computer technology in the design process of the building is extremely dominant and powerful in contemporary architecture. Through computer software, architects can understand the exact situation of the building on the site. It also demonstrates how the building response to the local climate and be aware of the construction issue before construction begins. Therefore, exploration of the contemporary architecture forms is acutely prominent since 1990s.

Figure 8: Zaha Hadid Architects, a 3D simulation. 19 These were developed as 3D CAD models by Zaha Hadid Architects and were then imported into acoustic modeling software by Sandy Brown Associates. This enabled the investigation of different finishes and sculptural shapes to enhance acoustic conditions around the stage and audience areas of the space.


Building forms that were once difficult to design now can be demonstrated using computer software technology. It is undeniable that the achievement of computer technology in building design is supremely essential. The current technology context helps to improve the quality of the architecture in conceptual and practical. For example, the construction drawing will be much faster than old methods whilst coordination with other disciplines such as engineering drawings will be more accurate and precise. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

19 & 20. Tecnicheparametriche, n.d., viewed 7 December, 2011,


How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

The Importance of Cultural & Current Context Culture is a way of life of a place. It is the best way to accept the constraints of a place and is followed from generation to generation. Sometimes it becomes a symbol and identity of a place. Adaptation into the architecture is the most popular way to show the identity of a place. Contemporary American architects often make reference to local tradition in their work, as though the United States could call on a history as rich and varied as that of Europe, which of course it cannot.


The cultural context plays a prominent role in influencing contemporary architecture. The influence of this tradition has evolved since the beginning and also has influenced the thinking of many contemporary architects. To this day, American architecture, like the very history of the country, is the product of wide range of influences, the most important of which clearly found their origin in the old continent.


Figure 9: Louis Sullivan: Wainwright Building, St. Louis, Missouri. 23 For an example, the Wainwright Building designed by Louis Sullivan was built with the elements of modern and also adaptation from its original classical forms. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 & 22. Philip, J., 1993. Contemporary American Architects : Volume I, Italy: Taschen, p.7. 23. Wikipedia, 2011, Wainwright Building, viewed 8 December, 2011


How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

A form that comes from a culture and has been an icon might also influence the contemporary architecture forms. For example, an Egyptian pyramid form has become a popular form across the world and has been imitated by many architects. An immediate example is Louvre Pyramid in Paris designed by I.M. Pei. The building has been triggering controversy due to its form that very contra from the classical building at background. Meanwhile, some others stating that it is a symbol of the success of the merger between the old and new concepts. 24

Figure 10: Louvre Pyramid in Paris designed by I.M. Pei.25 Contemporary architecture is essentially related to the issues and the current style. Therefore, architecture is constantly changing according to the times. Recently, the environmental issue such as pollution that rising are tremendously pertinent to overcome. Architecture also plays a decisive role to reduce the pollution by making innovative changes in design, utilization of environmental friendly materials and implementation of renewable energy approaches are a few strategies to solve the problems. We no longer live in a world of cheap and abundant energy. Promises of electricity too cheap to meter have been and gone, and the climate change caused by our burning of fossil fuels is an increasingly urgent issue.


Sustainable design is increasingly a popular idea due to rising fossil fuels. These changes would logically change the style and form of the future contemporary architecture to the new style and paradigm. It also will be the main idea for the new architects in their future design. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24 & 25. Wikipedia, 2011, Louvre Pyramid, viewed 9 December, 2011 26. Chris, B., 2010. Local Sustainable Homes, United Kingdom: TJ International.


How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

Figure 11: EDITT Tower, Singapore by Ken Yeang Architects.27 Yeang s response was the development of the concept of the bioclimatic skyscraper as a more environmentally appropriate model, which consumes less energy and provides a better and more humane environment for its users while establishing a unique cultural identity related to the location.


The example of an architect who profound the idea of sustainable design is Ken Yaeng. He is one of the leaders in green architecture movement, especially for green skyscraper. He applied green elements such as sky parks and roof top vegetation in his design, which brought a new dimension to the appearance of contemporary architecture in a tropical country. Shigeru Ban, a young Japanese architect for instance has a different way of current context contemporary architecture. The most famous for his innovative work with paper, particularly recycled cardboard paper tubes used to quickly and efficiently house disaster victims.


Figure 12: Shigeru Ban recycled building.30 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27 & 28. Sara, H., 2011. EcoArchitecture the work of Ken Yeang, Italy: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, p.11. 29 & 30. Wikipedia, 2011, Shigeru Ban, viewed 9 December 2011, 11

How Important Is Context In Contemporary Architectural Design?

Conclusion In conclusion, contemporary architecture is influenced by many factors. These factors are the main context for the architects in designing a building. The design process should not only fulfill the designer s desires but must take into account the surrounding contexts locally and globally.

Response to the surrounding contexts is supremely crucial because it determines the success of a buildings design. In response to these contexts will create

communication channels between buildings and people around. Sometimes people will appreciate the architecture if designers appreciate their cultural and aesthetic values.

Thus, the context of climatic, cultural, economic, political, computational and environmental cannot be denied is particularly influential in determining the contemporary architectural design.

References Books 1. Philip, J., 1993. Contemporary American Architects : Volume I, Italy: Taschen. 2. Philip, J., 1996. Contemporary American Architects : Volume II, Italy: Taschen. 3. Philip, J., 1997. Contemporary American Architects : Volume III, Italy: Taschen. 4. Ken, Y., 2009. Ken Yeang EcoMasterPlanning, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 5. Sara, H., 2011. EcoArchitecture the work of Ken Yeang, Italy: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 6. Chris, B., 2010. Local Sustainable Homes, United Kingdom: TJ International.


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