How to quickly print comments in Excel PDF

Title How to quickly print comments in Excel
Course Information Administration
Institution Mangosuthu University of Technology
Pages 2
File Size 159.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 18
Total Views 142




Howt oqui ckl ypr i ntcomment si nEx cel ? Wei ns er ts omec omment si nt ot hewor k s heett omar ks omei mpor t anti nf or mat i on,and s omet i mes ,weneedt opr i ntal l comment si nEx c el .Forabouthowt opr i ntc omment si n Ex c el ,pl eas egot opr i ntc omment si nEx c elasf ol l ows : 1.Opent hewor k sheet ,andcl i ckRevi ew >Show Al lComment s,t hecomment swi l l di s pl ay .I fnec es s ar y ,r ear r anget hecomment s ,s ot heydon' tov er l aporcov ert hedat a. Seesc r eens hot :

2.Thenc l i c kPageLayout>Pr i ntTi t l es,andaPageSet updi al ogboxwi l l di s pl ay . 3.Andt henc l i c kSheett abont het opr i bbon,andc l i c kt hedr opdownl i s tf r om t he Comment sopt i on,y oucansel ectAtendofsheetorAsdi spl ayedonsheet .See s c r eens hot :

4.Thenc l i c kPr i ntbut t ont opr ev i ewt hepage.I fy ouhav esel ect edAtendofsheet opt i on,y ouwi l lgett hef ol l owi ngr es ul t :...

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