HRM-FPX5310 Allen Amy Assessmet 1-1 PDF

Title HRM-FPX5310 Allen Amy Assessmet 1-1
Author Amy Allen
Course Strategic Human Resource Management
Institution Capella University
Pages 9
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Fleet, Farm, and Home Recruiting Plan Strategy Amy Allen Capella University HRM-FPX5310 Strategic Human Resource Management 11/24/2020


Introduction of Fleet, Farm, and Home Fleet, Farm, and Home is looking to hire around 100 part-time and full-time employees. Their preferred laborer would have at least one to two years of college experience and at least one year of retail customer service ( FFH is in Appleton, Wisconsin and was established in 1955. They currently have 47 locations to date ( I will be conduction a business report on FFH and making my recommendations on a recruiting plan strategy. I will also be working with HR Management on some expansion ideas for FFH. The company has purchased several businesses that manufacture products that FFH sells in their stores. The products that they sell fill the needs of many farm, home, automotive, and hardware customers. FFH prides itself on their exceptional customer service. This is one of their major strengths. Even though the family members still hold a big percentage of the stocks, the company has moved to a more corporate structure with managers and leaders that have experience in working at places such as Home Depot and Lowe’s. The company has several issues it will face soon ( FFH will need to have their HR Program look at some training for employees to learn other jobs within the company. That way people within the company can move up to other jobs. They will also need to use some new recruitment strategies to hire new employees to fill positions that become empty because of retirement, sickness, or just because a new position has been opened. FFH also needs to become diverse within its walls. The company needs to put into place recruitment of people from color, race, gender, and such. HR needs to provide programs for


good relations between the employees. The companies that make products for FFH have grown and are now over producing the products. The stores can not use so many products so FFH is building distribution centers in several foreign countries. The problem is that HR is not ready to take this on (

Comparing and Contrasting Labor Markets Fleet, Farm, and Home is looking to open a new location in on of these three places, Ottumwa, Iowa, Ottawa, Illinois, or Grand Island, Nebraska. Ottumwa, Iowa The population here is 24,148 for year 2020. The average household income is $55, 225. The median age is 35.6 years, 34.7 for males, and 37.2 for females. The education levels for Ottumwa residents are 34.95% have a high school education, 22.97% have some college, and 10.75% have a bachelor’s degree ( 46% of Ottumwa college graduates will stay in Iowa seeking job employment opportunities. The unemployment rate here is 3.6%. This shows that is has a good labor pool that the company can use in hiring and recruiting ( 33.3% of Ottumwa residents are currently seeking employment. 86.2% are looking for jobs with attractive benefits, while 83.5% are looking for competitive wages. 1.6% of the workforce is looking for jobs in the retail trade ( Ottumwa’s diversity is as follows, whites make up 78.8% of the population, Hispanics make up 14.6%, and African Americans make up 3.2% (


Ottawa, Illinois The population of Ottawa is 18,180. The median age is 38.1 years. Ottawa’s median household income is $52,274 and the average is $53,482. Ottawa’s race is 82.6% of the population is white, 4.4% African American, and 9.2% Hispanics ( The rate of unemployment is 4.9% where the average is 3.7%. Ottawa’s education levels of their residents having a high school education is 85.2%, 17.5% have a bachelor’s degree, and 1.5% holding a master’s degree ( With only a 90-minute drive from Chicago, Ottawa has access to 2 railways and the Illinois River Barge Service. Accessibility is abundant for Ottawa making it ideal for businesses and industries (

Grand Island, Nebraska The population is 51,440. Grand Island’s median household income is $68,030. The median age is 35 years, 33.6 years for males, and 36.2 years for females. Grand Island’s demographics are 86.14% are White, 2.95% are African American, and 6.93% are another race. Education attained by its resident’s area as follows, 30.26% have a high school education, 14.44% hold a bachelor’s degree, and 5.78% hold a graduate level degree ( Grand Island has 30,211 working in the city, 24,171 of those workers live in the community, and an additional 6,040 workers commute to Grand Island each day for employment. Grand Island is booming with young professionals who have helped to diversify, grow, and have a positive impact on the community (


Laws Impacting Fleet, Farm, and Home FFH will have to consider many laws that will influence the new location for their store and for their recruitment process. Let us start with one law that protects people that are 40 years of age and older. It is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 ( Next, let us look at American’s With Disabilities Act of 1990. This law is provided for people with disabilities so that they many are not discriminated against in employment ( Another law to consider is the Uniformed Service Employment and Re-employment Rights Act of 1994. This law deals with the rights of veterans. The fourth law to consider is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law protects labors from discrimination based on race, skin color, religious beliefs, gender, and such. The last law we are going to consider is Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970. This law protects labors form physical and environmental hazards in the company ( There are many more laws that will affect FFH and its recruitment so that they will know the relevant statues and not get into legal battles. Depending on which location is chosen we will want to look at minimum wage, overtime, and other state laws.

Recruitment and Recruiting Minorities It is important to always make a good first impression. If you treat your recruitment like you would any of your customers, that in turn makes them feel special. FFH is known for their exceptional customer service. Always make your recruitment feel at home. Show them around the company, where the restrooms are, and ask if they would like something to drink. Make them feel welcomed and wanted (Gaylord, 2020). Social media is a great place in today’s time for


recruitment. You can chat with them in a relaxed atmosphere, at no specific time, and no appointment must be made. You have your whole entire social media network to pull candidates from. If they end up not being interested in the job, they may know of someone who is (Gaylord, 2020). Employee referrals are another good recruiting strategy. If they are a good employee themselves then they are sure to know other people would make good employees as well. Employees are, I am sure, already doing this but if you make job referrals a program then they will be more likely to share with friends. Another good recruitment strategy is job description. The job description needs to be catchy and interesting. It needs to include everything the candidate needs to know about what their responsibilities would be, and how that job fits into the overall scheme of the company (Gaylord, 2020). The next recruitment strategy we want to look at is branding yourself. When talking about branding we need to look at employee practices such as, motivation retention, recognition, reward, accountability, promotion, involvement, flexibility, and work-life balance. These are some of the things that will help the company stand out and be a place where people want to work (Gaylord, 2020). When employees go out and tell others, what a good place it is to work at, then it is easy to recruit new people. Human resource managers have a new technology at their fingertips for recruiting employees. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting the recruitment operation. It will help to save money, time, and will have no bias (Milne, 2018). Past candidates are also a recruitment strategy to be considered. Always keep past candidates on file for future reference. Just because they did not fit the job, they interviewed for does not mean they will not qualify for a different job later. Peer interviews are another way to recruit employees. What better way to fill a position, other than letting the employee who already holds that position do the interviewing. They know what to expect, how


to do the job, and what to look for in the new candidate. Another important factor to consider is compensation. Compensation packages need to include good benefits and be comparative to other companies in the industry. Candidates want to go where they are compensated well for their work and have the best pay. This is how you will attract your best talent. Finally, consider using an Applicate Tracking System (ATS). ATS is a software that automates posting jobs and finds qualified people. This often includes one-click job post to different sites, application sorting, and scheduling interviews (Garner, 2018). Diversity means we all should have the same opportunities to do well in our jobs, it does not matter, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, or age. But it can also include skills, work history, and personality. Building a diverse workforce will benefit the business. A team of employees that includes diversity will understand a diverse customer base better. A Harvard Business article said that if an employee felt like they could be themselves at work and felt included even if they are different, they were less likely to leave and go to another job. And if the manager were all inclusive the employee would feel excited to do their work. Greater innovation increased 83% when the worker felt the organization wanted to have strong diversity. To have more perspective, more diverse team means many different minds working together to build and solve work jobs. This leads us to an extraordinarily strong operations team. Higher revenue of 19% more has been proven with more diversity than without (Blogger, 2020). To increase a racially diverse team you need to work with black colleges and recruit from there. Also, visit with people from the LGBTQ community and get to know them to include more diverse workers. Use a scientific process to recruit the kind of candidate you are looking for. Automation hiring is good for time saving but it could cause a candidate that would be a good fit for the job


to be left out. Machines cannot see a person’s personality like a human can. Get out into the community and gain their support so that they may bring employees to you. Especially if they are aware of you wanting to have a more diverse group (Council, 2018). Diversity will be a great advantage to FFH. It will help with both the satisfaction of their customers and the revenue of the company. As a company focuses on becoming more diverse it will begin to have more and more people see that they believe in diversity. That away more diverse people will apply. The company will begin to get a reputation of hiring more diverse people. That away it becomes a circle. You hire more diverse and the company becomes more diverse (Blogger, 2020).

Recommendation on New Store Location After researching the statistics and comparing the three new location prospects, (Grand Island, Nebraska, Ottawa, Illinois, and Ottumwa, Iowa), I have decided that Grand Island, Nebraska is the best place for FFH to locate and begin their expansion. Their statistics show employment rates would be good, minority recruitment would be diverse, and the population is higher. Also, FFH requirements were 1 to 2 years of college, and Nebraska fits that requirement ( They have high unemployment which will work in favor of FFH. The population of Grand Island is 51,440 and their unemployment rate is 5.5%. Because of this unemployment rate they will be able to hire more people form a more diverse group. The plans for expansion into Grand Island will be a good plan for FFH.


References Best Retrieved from Blogger, Guest. (2020, September 29). “7 Proactive Strategies to Recruit a More Diverse Workforce”. BambooHR. Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Council, Forbes Coaches. (2018, August 24). “10 Ways To Attract More Diverse Talent”. Retrieved from Retrieved from Garner, P. (2018, July 17). “8 Employee Recruitment Strategies to Improve Your Hiring Process”. Technology Advice. Retrieved from Gaylord, I. (2020, January 5). “10 Human Resources Recruiting Tips To Attract Top Candidates”. HR C-Suite, LLC. Retrieved from Grand Island. Retrieved from Iowa Work Force Development. Retrieved from Milne, J. (2018, January 28). “How Using AI In Recruiting Allows HR To Be More Human”. Rework. Retrieved from World Population Review. Retrieved from

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