HSBH1012 Unit outline PDF

Title HSBH1012 Unit outline
Course Introduction to Health and Health Care
Institution University of Sydney
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Faculty of Health Sciences HSBH 1012 Introduction to Health and Health Care 6 Credit Points Semester 1 2019

Unit of Study Outline 1.

Contact Details

Unit of Study Coordinator Details of the coordinator and contact information will be listed on the canvas website for this unit of study. The coordinator can be contacted through their listed email address. Please send any questions you may have regarding this subject via email. Consultations will be conducted only in specific circumstances by appointment at the Camperdown campus office. Most consultation will take place via email. Lecturing and Teaching Staff Details of the teaching staff and contact information will be listed on the canvas website for this unit of study. The best way to contact all teaching staff for this unit is by their listed email addresses on Canvas. This unit is foundational and introduces topics that you will study in more detail later in your degree if you undertake other Health units of study. You may receive lectures from guest lecturers during the semester. None of these lecturers are primarily located on the Camperdown Campus and are best contacted immediately after the lecture or by their provided email address.

Course Administrator Ms Trisha Corbett [email protected] Email: Phone: (02) 9351 7089

Student Administration Manual This unit of study outline MUST be read in conjunction with the Student Administration Manual on the Faculty of Health Sciences Current Students webpage: http://sydney.edu.au/health-sciences/currentstudents/coursework/student-administration-manual.shtml All students are required to familiarise themselves with their academic responsibilities, and the academic policies governing their enrolment and progression. The Faculty of Health Sciences student administration manual provides a direct link to The University of Sydney’s Coursework policy and Faculty provisions. When considering applications and appeals relating to these matters, it will be assumed that students understand their academic responsibilities and are familiar with these key policies and procedures.


Unit of Study Information

This unit will develop students' broad understanding of the different approaches to health (e.g. biomedical, psychological, sociological). This would include understanding the different factors which impact health; how different approaches may lead to different strategies for developing and evaluating health solutions; and different ways of measuring health. Students are then enabled to consider how these different approaches to health are reflected in health systems both locally and internationally. Students will explore the different healthcare systems and engage with current and future challenges for health systems and health policy in Australia and abroad.

HSBH 1012 – Introduction to Health and Health Care (UoS Outline V.1.2)

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2.1 Prerequisites and assumed knowledge There are no prerequisites required for this unit of study. Prohibitions HSBH1006 or HSBH1008 or HSBH1009 2.2 Attendance Requirements This unit includes attendance at a weekly lecture of two hours; a weekly tutorial of one hour; and occasional participation in online activities. Attendance in Tutorials is compulsory.


Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this unit students will be able to: • Evaluate the effectiveness of national and global health systems in supporting the different approaches to health • Explain the different approaches to health • Articulate how lay people understand and approach health • Evaluate the quality and value of different information sources for answering key questions in health • Demonstrate appropriate communication strategies in a range of contexts • Demonstrate critical thinking and critical writing skills.

4. Learning and Teaching Resources 4.1 Required Textbook / Resources Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2018), Australia’s Health 2018, Canberra. Available online from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/getmedia/7c42913d-295f-4bc9-9c24-4e44eff4a04a/aihwaus-221.pdf.aspx?inline=true This will also be uploaded to the eLearning (Canvas) site for this unit of study. 4.2 Learning Management System (LMS) A Learning Management System (LMS) called Canvas supports face-to-face teaching in this unit. Material presented in lectures will be posted after the lecture on the Canvas site, as will announcements and updates. It is accessible online as well as via a Canvas app available via Apples App Store or Googles Play Store for your smartphone. You should go to the HSBH1012 Canvas site at least twice a week to check class announcements and messages. You may also be required to access online learning activities that complement the tutorial program through the Canvas site. Online support for using IT Services at The University of Sydney is available at https://sydney.edu.au/students/student-it.html Make sure that you spend some time familiarising yourself with the eLearning Canvas site early in the semester, as this platform will be used in all your units of study at The University of Sydney. # Graduate Qualities Assessed 1. Depth of Disciplinary Expertise 2. Broader skills: o Critical thinking and problem solving o Communication (oral and written) o Information / digital literacy o Inventiveness 3. Cultural competence 4. Interdisciplinary effectiveness 5. An integrated professional, ethical and personal identity 6. Influence

HSBH 1012 – Introduction to Health and Health Care (UoS Outline V.1.2)

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5. Assessment 5.1

Assessment schedule

Assessment title

1. Group Presentation

2. Essay

3. Exam

Assessment Conditions Compulsory Participation by all Group Members. A serious attempt must be made. A failed presentation does not necessarily lead to failure of the unit. Compulsory A serious attempt must be made. A failed essay does not necessarily lead to failure of the unit. Compulsory Exam attempt. A failed exam does not necessarily lead to failure of the unit.

Individual/ Group

Length / duration


20min + 5min Q&A


Due date and time

Unit / Accreditation Outcomes Assessed (as applicable)

Assessment type (for special consideration purposes)

Graduate Qualities Assessed


In Tutorial Classes Between Weeks 9 - 11


Group work Presentation



Submitted work Assignment



Exam - Final exam





9am Monday 13th May 2019 via Turn-it-in on CANVAS




Semester 1 Exam Period


HSBH 1012 – Introduction to Health and Health Care (UoS Outline V.1.2)


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5.2 Assessment details Assessment Item 1: Group Seminar Presentation: Review of a Specific Health Issue Task description At the beginning of the semester, you will be assigned to work with a group of approximately 4 students to carry out the group project. You will need to practise skills associated with working in a group and will investigate an important contemporary health issue. All group members must present on the day of the presentation. You will be assessed together on the work that you present. All group members will receive the same mark for the seminar (unless evidence shows lack of participation by individual members). You will receive written feedback on your presentation during the week following the presentation. You will work in small groups to: a) Evaluate information about a key health issue. (Note: Potential topics will be provided early in the course). b) Consider the degree that this issue is a concern in Australia broadly and in specific areas of Australia (metropolitan, rural, remote). c) Examine the issue from at least two perspectives (e.g. biomedical, social, cultural, and/or psychological). You will collect information from a range of sources: • Reports, journal articles, books • Health promotion materials For this assessment, your group will present a 20-minute seminar in Weeks 9 to 11, providing information concerning a health problem. You must submit a complete list of references of the books, journal articles, websites, government reports, etc. used in preparing the seminar to your tutor on the day of the presentation.

Task length Links to unit’s intended learning outcomes

Assessment conditions

Assessment criteria Dates and times due

These must include at least two peer-reviewed academic journal articles and at least one national and/or one international report from a government or non-government agency. Weekly Group Work to prepare for the 20min Presentation + 5min Q&A Decision making in health is evidence-based and skills in research and inquiry are core competencies for those working in the health and community sector. Our understanding of health, the factors that contribute to health status, and the interventions that are most effective for improving health status, continually change as research and inquiry processes advance our understanding of these processes. Additionally, you will learn about working in groups and develop skills in information literacy and spoken communication. Each of these skills are part of your professional development. Rubric marking criteria by tutor. All students must present, those that do not may not pass this assessment. This assessment must be attempted. If not attempted the student will receive an Absent Fail for the Unit of Study for missing one of the compulsory assessments. Marking criteria for Assessment 1 will be accessible on the eLearning (CANVAS) site for HSBH1012 – Introduction to Health and Health Care During Weeks 9 – 11 in specified Tutorial Classes

HSBH 1012 – Introduction to Health and Health Care (UoS Outline V.1.2)

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Assessment Item 2: Essay Task description This unit introduces the concept of the bio-psycho-social model of health and healthcare, as well as the principles of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and the political and social context of healthcare provision. Contemporary issues in healthcare will be provided as selected topics for your essay. You are required to apply your knowledge of health and healthcare to evaluate one of these issues. Exam topics will be provided early in the lecture series on eLearning site (CANVAS) and discussed in tutorials. Task length 1250 Words + Abstract of 250 words = TOTAL 1500 Words Note: Reference list (at the end) does not count in the word limit, but in-text referencing does count toward the 1250words. The assessment is designed to develop your critical thinking and Links to unit’s intended learning professional/academic writing skills. Moreover, it is designed to teach outcomes you how to read and evaluate evidence-based literature to formulate coherent, written arguments, for the improvement of health policy or health research. Assessment Turn-it-in submission via Canvas; assessed via rubric marking Conditions criteria. Assessment criteria The essay topics and the marking criteria will be presented on the eLearning (CANVAS) site and discussed in lectures and tutorials. Time will be made available in tutorials for discussing the essay answer and writing criteria in detail. 9am Monday 13th May. Submit via Turn-it-in on CANVAS. Dates and times due Assessment Item 3: Exam Task description The exam will comprise of 35 multiple-choice questions, worth 1 mark each, on the lecture topics and specified readings; additionally, there are 5 short answer questions worth 2 marks each. Task length 90min (including 10min reading time) This introductory unit presents a conceptual framework for Links to unit’s intended learning understanding health in Australia and presents introductory material outcomes concerning the factors that contribute to health and wellbeing; the biological, behavioural, socio-cultural and environmental determinants of health; the systems and resources that contribute to health in society; the role of prevention and treatment interventions in health. The final exam will assess material from the lectures to ensure that students clearly understand foundational material before progressing to later units of study related to health. Assessment End of semester exam conditions. Conditions Assessment criteria 35 MCQ questions worth 1 mark each + 5 Short Answers worth 2 marks = Total 45 marks Dates and times due Timetabled Semester 1, 2019 Exam Period

HSBH 1012 – Introduction to Health and Health Care (UoS Outline V.1.2)

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6. Lecture and Seminar Schedule: Topics and Assessments Semester Week

Week Beginning


Tutorial / Assessment Information

Introduction: What is Health?

No Tutorials


25 February


4 March

Measuring Health


11 March

Patterns of Health and Disease


18 March

Professional Social Media Use + Academic Writing Lecture

Intro to Tutorial Program Forming Groups for Presentation Assessment Presentation Topic Selection + Understanding Work Styles Complete Academic Honesty Module and Meet with Group Members


25 March

Health Promotion Campaigns

Health Promotion Campaign Conceptualising


1 April


8 April


15 April

Financing Health Care


29 April

Rural and Regional Australian Health Approaches

Group Presentations


6 May

Australian Health in an International Context

Group Presentations


13 May

Navigating the Health Care Maze

Group Presentations


20 May

Health Professionals and Self-Care

Self-Care Workshop


27 May

Review & Reflection

Tutorial Series Conclusion and Study Review

Approaches to Health and Health Systems: Mental Health Australian Health System & Organisation of Health Care

Workshop for Preparing Essay Funding for Health Systems No Tutorials

Reading AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018

Mid-semester break (22 April – 26 April)


Study vacation (3 June – 7 June)


Exam Period (10 June  – 22 June)

AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW Report: Australia’s Health 2018

Public Holidays  Friday 19 April Good Friday  Monday 22 April Easter Monday  Thursday 25 April ANZAC Day  Monday 10 June – Queen’s Birthday

HSBH 1012 – Introduction to Health and Health Care (UoS Outline V.1.2)

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