Human Computer Interaction 1 PDF

Title Human Computer Interaction 1
Course Human-Computer Interaction 1
Institution University of York
Pages 5
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Human Computer Interaction 1 - Lecture 6 - Prototyping...


Human Computer Interaction 1 (HCI1) Module Prototyping Spring Term 2021 By, Katrina Attwood

What is prototyping useful for:   

Communication within the design team Encouraging further reflection on different designs and choosing between alternatives Getting feedback during user testing by giving something to interact with

Prototypes Answer Questions: 

Serve a variety of functions o Test functionality feasibility of an idea o Clarify vague requirements o Allow for user testing and evaluation o Check that a design direction is compatible with the rest of product development The questions you are trying to answer will influence the kind of prototype you build

Dimensions of Prototyping:

High-fidelity:   

Use materials you would expect to find in the end product or system and looks more like the final thing. You begin to program portions of the system, implementing either across the breadth of the system or deep into a particular task. High fidelity prototypes are much closer to the final system but without the fullfunctionality and polish of the final product.

When the evaluation testing reveals problems:  

You will have to redesign the prototype For high-fidelity prototypes with lots of functionality built in this will be: o Time consuming o Very expensive Instead, start with low-fidelity protypes o Create something provides mor of an impression of how something will look and behave but without loss of implementation o Can still evaluate with user to get feedback but make changes much more easily o Allows for much quicker and cheaper iterations

Low fidelity prototyping: 

Paper based prototyping o Hand drawings and mock-ups o Use range of materials o Users perform realistic tasks by interaction with this paper version.

Digital Prototyping:   

Prototyping dimensions are on a continuum from low to high fidelity There are tools for digital prototyping that are higher in fidelity than paper and cardboard Wireframes

Digital v paper prototyping:  

Digital prototyping can take a little effort to learn and often involves and more precision However, some things are easier to implement and change using a digital tool

High v Low fielifty: 

High fidelity o Advantages  You get the real look and feel  More interactive – allows for more exploration of design features during evaluation  Good marketing and sales tool o Disadvantages  Expensive and time-consuming  Much harder to change  Developers can be reluctant to make changes to high investment of resources. Low fidelity

o Advantages  Cheap, simple, fun to make and modify  Allow for rapid iteration  Clear to stakeholders that they can be criticized  Designers do not have too much at stake in them o Disadvantages  Less interactive  Do not allow for realistic use Wizard of Oz in UCD: 

Two main components o Front end interface for user o Wizard controls user interface behaviour

Wizard of Oz: Pros and Cons: 

Makes it possible to get early feedback from users o Allows for building an interactive application without too much effort for implementation However, o May simulate technology that doesn’t exist yet o Wizard control can be inconsistent o Some features may be difficult to simulate effectively.

Throwaway vs Evolutionary prototypes: 

On multidisciplinary user experience teams you will usually see a mix of these o Designers provide throwaway prototypes and developers use evolutionary prototypes in their code bases Throwaway prototyping uses artefacts at each stage but does not use the actual components in future iterations o Prototype only serves to elicit user feedback o Must be rapid and cheap, otherwise too expensive to throw away Evolutionary prototyping provides actual components that are used in later iterations o Eventually becomes part of the final product.

Pros/Cons: 

Throwaway: o Advantages  Often low fidelity so all the good things that come with that  Not worried about issues around integration o Disadvantages  Have to do design twice in transferring design from one format to working code Evolutionary

o Advantages  Often high fidelity, so good things that come with that  Can run actual scenarios  Disadvantages  Code base creep  Poor coding techniques persist  Poor high fidelity prototyping which alienates stakeholders Breadth v Depth: 

Breadth o Prototype functionality across different user journeys o Look for journeys with common start points, or share common routes to try to reuse components Depth o Provide an entire user journey taking the user from start to finish

Pros/cons: 

Breadth o Advantages  Can cover a wide range of possible functionality  Can be used to investigate hard problems like navigation o Disadvantages  May lose detail about problems in the dialogue  May lose detail of gaps in user journeys Depth o Advantages  Can explore a journey though to completion  Check for major problems in dialogues or in feedback o Disadvantages  Requires commitment to a particular user journey dialogue  Takes more time – difficult to do many deep journeys....

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