Human Computer Interaction Coursework PDF

Title Human Computer Interaction Coursework
Author Rita Ippolito
Course Human Computer Interaction
Institution Glasgow Caledonian University
Pages 3
File Size 155 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 67
Total Views 140


HCI coursework description for Computer Games Art and Animation...


HCI Coursework


HCI – M21622931

Module Tutor:

Julie Campbell – [email protected]

Handout date – 29th January 2018

Coursework Requirements The coursework is worth 60% of the module assessment. The marks expressed in this document add up to 100% of that 60% coursework weighting. Part A Storyboard, Prototype,– group work (worth 80%) The work for Part A should be submitted from a group of two people and consist of: 1. Storyboard relating to the brief issued in the work simulation, present your static designs for your proposed design solution. Your work must be submitted via Blackboard presented in your practical during week 4. You will be given feedback that you must respond to in the prototype. You should be prepared to answer questions about personae design and requirements gathering at this stage Your work must be submitted via GCU Learn by 18 th Feb and presented in your practical during week 4. (20%) 2. Prototype following on from the storyboard and incorporating feedback from the storyboard submission. The prototype must incorporate your interactive solution of your proposed design. You should be prepared to answer questions about any Usability and accesibility goals you set out. Your work must be submitted via GCU Learn by 11 th March and presented in your practical during week 7. (30%) 3. Report containing a discussion of user centered design with reasoned argument and a rationale for the design. Evidence of iteration should be written up in report justifying reasons for design changes. The report should also provide evidence that follows design standards and guidelines, accessibility and design principles. The report should be structured and make use of references. Your work must be submitted via Blackboard 20th April (30%)

Part B Report- Evaluation Plan - individual (worth 20%) The work for part B should be submitted individually and consist of: 1. The procedure of your evaluation plan detailing the who, what why when and where e.g. who will take part, how information shall be captured, what type of setting etc. 2. The choice tools and techniques (one qualitative and one quantitative) you selected should be clearly outlined, choices should be justified and this can be completed by comparing and contrasting with techniques you decided not to use. Your work must be submitted via GCU Learn 6th April (20%) Please note that this part is a plan, the actual evaluations will not be carried out within the scope of this coursework Submission links have been setup for both Part A and Part B on GCU Learn. Multiple files can be loaded in a zipped file.

Late Submission: Work that is submitted late, without an official extension being granted, may not be marked and could therefore score 0%. If you have a genuine, documented difficulty which means that you will have trouble meeting the deadlines please contact Julie Campbell as soon as possible to discuss the situation.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the deliberate and substantial unacknowledged incorporation in a student's work of material derived from the work (published or unpublished) of another. Any instances of plagiarism found will result in the awarding of a score of 0%. Some examples of what is considered to be plagiarism are:  The substantial and unauthorised use of the ideas of another person without acknowledgement of the source.  Copying the work of another student with or without that student's knowledge or agreement.  Deliberate use of commissioned material and presented as the student's own.  Collusion.  Self-plagiarism (the re-use of own previously written work or data presented for assessment on a previous occasion).  The summarising of another person's work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation without acknowledgement. In order to ensure compliance with the above all students are asked to submit two draft versions of both of their reports on a CD or DVD along with the final paper version of their coursework reports. For further information on plagiarism see the university website:

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