Human Resource Management - Assessment 2: Group Report - Shopee (DI) PDF

Title Human Resource Management - Assessment 2: Group Report - Shopee (DI)
Course Human Resource Management
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University Vietnam
Pages 13
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Subject Name:

Human Resource Management

Location & Campus:

RMIT Vietnam, HCMC

Student’s Name & ID:


Word count (Excluding titles):

Dr Jung Woo Han

2425 words

We declare that in submitting all work for this assessment, we have read, understood, and agreed to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.

Table of Contents I.


II. INTRODUCTION:......................................................................................................................3 III.

LITERATURE REVIEW:........................................................................................................4


HRM practices based on research:........................................................................................4 a.

Total Employee Involvement (TEI) and equal internal recruitment:.....................................4


High-Performance working system (HPWS) and corporate training programs:..................5



Evaluate the Best Practices:...................................................................................................5 a.

Total Employee Involvement (TEI) in internal recruitment:..................................................5


High-Performance Working System (HPWS) in Training:....................................................6 RECOMMENDATIONS:........................................................................................................6


Internal recruitment improvement:.......................................................................................6


Corporate training programs:................................................................................................7


Implications on the HRM Functions:.....................................................................................8 1.

Compensation policies:...........................................................................................................8


Employee relation:...................................................................................................................8






SUMMARY: Vietnam’s E-commerce market is highly potential with growing speed and increasing scale.

The top E-commerce, Shopee, currently leads in terms of mobile app usage. However, Shopee’s recruitment, Training, and development in their HRM functions are significantly affected by the COVID pandemic and qualified labor shortage. Shopee has implemented several practices to address these concerns. First, in terms of recruitment, the company has applied a multi-pronged internal recruitment method and organized a virtual recruitment day for fresh graduates and a backend virtual recruitment day for mid-careers employees. Simultaneously, the company also practices the greenhouse tool, an effective tool for both recruitment and onboarding. Second, in terms of Training and development, Shopee has organized various training programs and seminars and used the ZOOM platform to arrange meetings and foster connections among employees and between employees and managers. Besides Shopee, other E-commerce platforms such as Walmart, Amazon, and Lazada also apply many approaches in COVID crisis time regarding recruitment and T&D. Although the practices have been embraced, they are not comprehensive, so challenges and gaps still exist. First, regarding internal recruitment, favoritism and job vacancies are two issues that cause many negative consequences for Shopee’s work environment and productivity. Second, regarding Training and development, the scarcity of collaboration and question metrics is likely to cause problems related to work performance and skill gaps among employees. Several recommendations have been made to address the challenges and gaps in practices. First, from the recruitment aspect, Shopee should have strict policies and procedures on recruitment ethics, anti-favoritism measures, and a transparent communication system. Second, the company should reorganize working hours, diversify T&D activities, and apply cross-training and crossexperience from the training and development aspect. Ultimately, assignment 1 raised two big questions about how recruiters identify employees’ adaptability to changes and how to handle internal recruitment’s position dispute issue, which creates employee dissatisfaction.



Known as the top e-commerce site in Southeast Asia across all e-commerce platforms, Shopee is prospering throughout all facets of e-commerce in the region. Whereas being a newcomer to the e-commerce business, it is not far behind and is presently the superstar redefining Asian ecommerce (O’Neill 2020). In advance, Mr. Huy Nguyen, HR manager at Shopee, offered us an insight into the firm’s administration structure. During the presentation, Mr. Huy described how Shopee had achieved various successes in the e-commerce market via recruitment, and Training & development practices during the social distancing posed by COVID. Accordingly, the pandemic has majestically disturbed many companies, constructing a complicated and challenging situation for administrators and Human Resource Management specialists, who desire to locate creative clarifications to protect the stability of the firms and support the workers to handle the unprecedented change (Hamouche 2021). This study will examine the roles of two critical areas of HRM, Recruitment, and Training & Development, in the setting of Shopee. The upcoming parts will discuss in detail how the two elements link to and influence the quality of HRM, both in terms of benefits and appliances, and the difficulties that Shopee must overcome. As a result of these considerations, realistic suggestions will be made to indicate further growth for the business’s HRM. Throughout this paper, the literature regarding HRM practices such as Total Employee Involvement (TEI) and HighPerformance Working System (HPWS) are brought out to demonstrate how the evaluations and recommendations connected to recruitment and T&D will be developed for the growth of the company.


LITERATURE REVIEW: 1. HRM practices based on research: a. Total Employee Involvement (TEI) and equal internal recruitment:

According to Kiran (2017), Total Employee Involvement (TEI) is viewed as the concept to boost the voluntary involvement process for the whole laborers towards the company’s events, including employee career development activities. Management involves the human resource at TEI was performed through a system of planning, implementation, and evaluation of employee performance (SC Goh 2012). Despite the competition among workers in their career progression, this is helpful for the employees’ recognition needs. In essence, TEI first helps build authenticity in the workspace, when everyone takes part in all work-related issues, even internal hiring assessment (Snape, Wilkinson & Redman 1995). It entails certain equality because everyone must contribute to their profession and work for the general purpose (Nasurdin et al., 2005). So, implementing TEI is

akin to giving employees partial autonomy to co-create and establish a transparent prerequisite for employee advancement (Kiran 2017). In addition, a mediated and private nature of recruitment internally may provoke discontent amongst employees since its process has never been transparent (R Batt 2011). So, this attribute of involvement would instill strong ties across organizational employees because their total involvement may help to preclude internal friction and unfair promotion decisions (Barney 1991). Thereby, the implementation of TEI is assumed as a referral for companies to exercise the internal hiring, concurrently, giving publicity to employee’s equal respect and rights (N Dew 2009). b. High-Performance working system (HPWS) and corporate training programs: High-performance work systems (HPWS) are designed to explain the human management practices correlated to the comprehensive Training, which nurtures the employee’s perception of the work environment (Zhu, Liu & Chen 2018). Based on Maslow’s hierarchy model, HPWS is constituted from a set of consistent practices which can motivate employees (Zhang et al. 2018). What is more, its motivation can expedite the skills acquisitions of the personnel. So, these factfindings elucidate the impacts of HPWS on sustaining the staff commitment towards the institutional goal (Collins 2003). To explicate, the employees will be benefitted from extensive Training and be encouraged self-worth perceptions while experiencing the HPWS mechanism (Bartel, Wrzesniewski & Wiesenfeld 2012). Huselid (1995) has already recognized that a set of rigorous Training within HPWS focused on the employee’s comprehension about the organization’s setting goals through exercising a cross-responsibility to work-related issues. Also, it is discussed in order to enhance employees’ competency through co-creation systems of knowledge inside the organization during Training (Dibella 1996). Similarly, this program motivates the performance appraisals during Training, which helps workers spot areas for improvement and encourage them to intensive learn the specialties knowledge at the workspace (Edwards 2001). 2. Evaluate the Best Practices: From the conclusions drawn from assignment one and the above-listed theories, this section will assess the two conceptual frameworks, namely High-Performance Working systems (HPWS) and Total Employee Involvement (TEI), that are highly influential in the Shopee internal recruitment and its training systems. a. Total Employee Involvement (TEI) in internal recruitment: Each employee is considered a unique individual, a cog in a machine, who contributes to the organization’s goals. As a result, since every employee is involved in the company’s operation, total employee involvement is a critical practice for the company’s long-term success (Apostolou 2000). The idea of TEI was studied using factor analysis in research conducted by Thun et al. (2001; cited in Carlson 2012), and the following five components were introduced: Autonomy (employees

oversee their responsibilities); Communication (interactions between employees and managers); Information (comprehensive system to exchange regularly); Skills (duty performances); and Training (Job enrichments). TEI has been demonstrated to be a powerful component for all human resource management aspects known to date in several national and international studies. The more involved laborers are, the more likely a company’s revenue growth will surpass the industry average (Kasaya & Munjuri 2018). Further, TEI has been claimed to be a significant component of a firm’s high-performing working system (Carlson 2012). Thus, by utilizing TEI, Shopee can formulate the internal recruitment formality, as well as fair promotion policies. According to, TEI has positive influences on the job assignment within the organization since the promotion decision will depend not solely on interviewers’ judgment but also account to employees’ involvements on an average basis. Besides, in the case of Shopee, it is necessary to establish a trustful process of recruitment, which solicits the union engagement and restricts the unfair career promotion inside the company. b. High-Performance Working System (HPWS) in Training: Firms are in the business of achieving long-term high performance. They do it by putting in place work systems, which are controlled and operated by people. As a result, high performance is ultimately about enhancing performance via people. A study of 39 businesses was performed to investigate high-performance programs’ concept, design, and efficacy. According to the findings, HPWS is primarily driven by substantial firms seeking to strengthen themselves (Politeknik NSC n.d.). Since human assets are valuable and inimitable for organizations, employees are viewed as a firm’s sustainable competitive advantage (M Ehrnrooth 2012). The use of HPWS intensifies employee motivation, performance, and competence. It is linked to higher employee satisfaction, productivity, commitment, and lower turnover (Dayarathna 2019).

Furthermore, HPWS’s

utilization has also been demonstrated to improve the added value of certain HR operations in terms of company performance and long-term competitive advantage (Do 2016). Given the vital role HPWS plays in operational efficiency, it can be concluded that Shopee can be ahead in HPWS implementation. Nonetheless, work process theory was used by Ramsay et al. (2000; cited in White & Bryson 2019) to suggest that HPWS is meant to elicit a higher degree of employee work effort, which might contribute to increased workplace stress. Furthermore, the employees' absorptive capabilities are likely to confine the launch of HPWS within the firm (Fai Pun 2002). Because professional expertise requires a comprehensive procedure, implementing HPWS is estimated as not easy for the firm to adequately disseminate knowledge for entire employees in order to achieve its strategic objectives. Therefore, Shopee is recommended to be prudent before starting HPWS without any additional tools to assist it concurrently.


RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Internal recruitment improvement:

As demonstrated, the best way to build authority within internal recruitment is to create formal procedures through the involvement of employees to minimize the stereotyping of previous policies and refrain the internal disputes (Jed & Hodaka 2013). As inscribed in the literature reviews and evaluations, Shopee recommended implementing Total employee involvement (TEI) in internal recruitment for ensuring fair progress that gives more promotion opportunities for staff with the established disciplines that candidates must follow and compete fairly (Fai Pun 2002). Hence, in terms of employment relations, we highly recommend Shopee maintains their authenticity in internal recruitment and formulate a genuine relationship amongst everyone within an organization by publishing a transparent dispute system in bargaining enterprise agreement and a clear communication system between employees and employers for avoiding unexpected issues at the first step (Arokiasamy 2021). 2. Corporate training programs: Coupled with the integrated policy system from internal recruitment, High-Performance Working System (HPWS) is necessitated for Shopee to enhance its training function. As above theory review and general evaluation, by committing to a High-Performance Working System (HPWS), Shopee would obtain the competitive advantages, which is human resource while confronting COVID-19 (Datta et al., 2005). By which, HPWS inspires individual self-management across departments and formulate the employees’ development (Cohen & Bailey, 1997). By utilizing this approach, Shopee could empower their employees’ optimal competencies and, most significantly, cost savings through HPWS (Markease & Thomas 2018). They not only strengthen their remote training and development activities but also financially optimize resources. Nevertheless, as our estimated challenges above, HPWS would not be strong enough to independently boost the organization’s productivity and easily applied since it may raise the workload for employees with extensive training agenda (Maree 2017). Therefore, we assume the two additional concepts, coupled with the advantage of the High-Performance Working System (HPWS), assist Shopee in parallelly reinforcing their employees’ Training and development to achieve the outcomes effectively. Firstly, cross-training is an effective strategy for employees to complete their assigned tasks and enhance the knowledge foundation by vicarious learning (Dessler 2017). To explicit, employees can equip themselves with unique knowledge by observing colleagues’ behaviors and taking a lesson from someone’s experiences. Adding Cross-training, Shopee’s managers also help speed up the subordinates’ learning productivity while following the High-Performance Working System (HPWS). Since Shopee is confronting the lack of employee

engagement during the remote Training (Upchurch & Grassman 2016), we would like to posit another tool besides cross-training to simplify its training functions, Web 2.0 learning (Markease & Thomas 2018). By which, employees can exchange experience, attain conceptual knowledge about work-related issues. In essence, the app is serving organizational information sharing and monitoring supervisory. Accordingly, this option may benefit Shopee well since Dessler (2017) had proven that most professional practitioners across industries find it easier when the company applied Web 2.0. Ultimately, we have perceived that these approaches would be better than its conventional practices at Shopee. With the Total employee involvement (TEI) and mechanism of HighPerformance Working Systems (HPWS), the workers can express their interests, develop training and development activities as an opportunity to exchange perspective, experience, and improve their competencies (Zhu, Liu & Chen 2018). As a result, Shopee can swiftly adapt to external stimuli and effectively manage its talent pools, regardless of the pandemics (Abrams & Berge 2010). Therefore, it would be a win-win strategy for Shopee’s long-term hiring and training approaches, especially in the line of remote supervisory during this pandemic.


Implications on the HRM Functions: 1. Compensation policies: In the literature of High-performance Working Systems (HPWS), we also acknowledge the

importance of employee recognition and rewards for a business's goal attainment. Thus, we make an assumption on another Human management role, which is its extrinsic reward systems. Accordingly, it is necessitated for Shopee to re-design its compensation or reward policy to motivate the employees in gaining their commitment to company targets, specifically during the challenging duration posed by COVID-19. To be specific, we would like to notice Shopee about the monetary reward bearing on employee performance. Although this approach could cost the company financially, it is worth fostering the whole organization's productivity. Besides, with technologies supported in performance appraisal, organizations more conveniently keep track of employees’ disciplinarily working (Connelly et al., 2021). And coupled with HPWS functions, the performance management system bearing on adjustment of the compensation would encourage employees to dedicate themselves to the general objectives, which appropriately fit the Shopee case. 2. Employee relation: As a representative of Shopee, Huy has stated the firm was trying to minimize the layoffs when confronting the pandemic. Moreover, that fact is aligned with its current practices, which is internal recruitment. Yet, according to Total Employee Involvement (TEI) literature, we have to admit that it is necessary to maintain employee contribution in all organizational activities.

Therefore, in this context, we assume that Shopee needs to increase the employee morale for the personnel (Evans 2008). To the issue of fair treatment in internal recruitment, the new stringent policies and genuine procedures in internal recruitment may be considered since Shoppe also needs to resolve favorit...

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