Human resource management consists of the activities managers perform to plan for PDF

Title Human resource management consists of the activities managers perform to plan for
Author Jenny P
Course Principles of Management
Institution George Mason University
Pages 7
File Size 333.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 17
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Human resource management consists of the activities managers perform to plan for, attract, develop, and retain an effective workforce. es our c emanagementcons i s t soft heact i v i t i esmanager sper f or mt opl anf or , o Humanr at t r ac t ,dev el op,andr et ai naneffec t i v ewor kf or ce.


Strategic human resource management includes typical human resourcecomponents such as hiring, discipline, and payroll, and also involves working with employees in a collaborative manner to boost retention, improve the quality of the work experience, and maximize the mutual benefit of employment



j obanal y si si st odet er mi ne,byobs er v at i onandanal y si s ,t hebas i cel ement sofaj ob. j obdescr i pt i onands pec i fi cat i onwi t ht hei rat t endantc har act er i st i csi nt oadat abas e,an or gani z at i onc andocomput ers ear c hi ngf orc andi dat esbymat c hi ngk ey wor ds( nouns)ont hei r r esumeswi t ht hek ey wor dsdes cr i bi ngt hej ob. Pr edi ct i ngempl oy eeneedsmeansamanagerneedst obec omeknowl edgeabl eaboutt hest affing anor gani z at i onmi ghtneedandt hel i k el ys our cesofst affing,per hapsus i ng ahumanr esour cei nvent or yt oor gani z et hi si nf or mat i on.


Internal and external recruiting

oy eest endt obei nspi r edt ogr eat ereffor tandl oy al t y .Mor al ei senhanc edbecaus et heyr eal i z e 1. Empl t hatwor k i nghar dands t a y i ngputc anr es ul ti nmor eoppor t uni t i es . 2. Thewhol epr oc es sofadv er t i si ng,i nt er v i ewi ng,ands ooni scheaper . 3. Ther ear ef ewerr i s ks .I nt er nalc andi dat esar eal r eadyk nownandar ef ami l i arwi t ht heor gani z at i on.

DI SADVANTAGES 1. I nt er nalr ec r ui t mentr es t r i ct st hecompet i t i onf orpos i t i onsandl i mi t st hepool off r es ht al entandf r es h v i ewpoi nt s . 2. I tmayenc our ageempl oy eest oas s umet hatl ongevi t yands eni or i t ywi l l aut omat i cal l yr es ul ti n pr omot i on. 3. Whenev eraj obi sfil l ed,i tc r eat esav acanc yel sewher ei nt heor gani z at i on.

EXTERNAL RECRUITING ADVANTAGES 1. Appl i cant smayhav es pec i al i z ed k nowl edgeandex per i ence. 2. Appl i cant smayhav ef r es hvi ewpoi nt s .

DI SADVANTAGES 1. Ther ecr ui t mentpr oces si smor ee x pensi v eand t ak esl onger . 2. Ther i sk sar ehi gherbecaus et heper sonshi r ed ar el es swel l k nown.

el ect i ont ool sar ebac k gr oundi nf or mat i on,i nt er vi ewi ng,andempl oy mentt es t s .

nt er vi ewi ng:Uns t r uct ur ed,Si t uat i onal ,&Behav i or al Des cr i pt i onThei nt er v i ew,whi c hi st hemost c ommonl yus edempl oy ees el ect i ont ec hni que,mayt ak epl acef ac et of ace,byv i deoc onf er ence,or —as i si nc r eas i ngl yt hec as e—vi at heI nt er net . Themos tc ommonl yus edempl oy ees el ect i ont ec hni que,i nt er vi ewi ng,t ak est hr eef or ms :uns t r uct ur ed i nt er vi ewsandt wot y pesofs t r uct ur edi nt er vi ews .

Empl oy mentTes t s :Abi l i t y ,Per s onal i t y ,Per f or mance,I nt egr i t y ,&Ot her sI tus edt obet hatempl oyment s el ect i ont es t sc ons i st edofpaper andpenci l ,per f or mance,andphy s i cal abi l i t yt est s.

boundedr at i onal i t y—t hati s ,t hatt heabi l i t yofdec i si onmak er st ober at i onal i sl i mi t edbyenor mous c ons t r ai nt s ,s uc hast i meandmoney

boundedr at i onal i t y,t hec oncepts uggest st hatt heabi l i t yofdec i si onmak er st ober at i onal i sl i mi t edby numer ousc onst r ai nt s ,s uchascompl exi t y ,t i meandmoney ,andt hei rc ogni t i v ec apac i t y ,v al ues ,s ki l l s , habi t s ,andunc ons ci ousr efl ex es . manager sc oul dnotactt r ul yl ogi cal l ybecauset hei rr at i onal i t ywasboundedbys omanyr est r i ct i ons .

T woe x ampl esofnonr at i onalmodel sofdeci si onmaki ngar e( 1)s at i sfi c i ngand( 2)i nt ui t i on.

Nonr at i onalmodel sofdeci si onmaki ngex pl ai nhowmanager smak edec i s i ons ;t heyas s umet hat deci si onmaki ngi snear l yal way sunc er t ai nandr i sk y ,maki ngi tdi ffic ul tf ormanager st omak eopt i mal deci si ons .

Nonr at i onalmodel sofdeci si onmaki ngex pl ai nhowmanager smak edec i s i ons ;t heyas s umet hat deci si onmaki ngi snear l yal way sunc er t ai nandr i sk y ,maki ngi tdi ffic ul tf ormanager st omak eopt i mal deci si ons .

 Typically there are four stages associated with rational decision making.  1 The four steps in rational decision making.  Whether you're confronted with a problem or an opportunity, the decision you're called on to make is how to make improvements—how to change conditions from the present to the desirable.

Rei nf or cementt heor yat t empt st oex pl ai nbehav i orc hangebys uggest i ngt hatbehav i orwi t h posi t i v econsequenc est endst ober epeat edwher easbehav i orwi t hnegat i v ec ons equenc est endsnott o ber epeat ed.

Rei nf or cementt heor yat t empt st oex pl ai nbehav i orc hangebys uggest i ngt hatbehav i orwi t h posi t i v econsequenc est endst ober epeat edwher easbehav i orwi t hnegat i v ec ons equenc est endsnott o ber epeat ed.

Ther ear ef ourt y pesofr ei nf or cement :posi t i v er ei nf or cement ,negat i v er ei nf or c ement ,e x t i nct i on, andpuni s hment .

howt ous es omer ei nf or cementt ec hni quest omodi f yempl oy eebehav i or .

 Positive Reinforcement: Strengthens Behavior Positive reinforcement is the use of positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior.  Negative Reinforcement: Also Strengthens Behavior Negative reinforcement is the process of strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative.

Group –

two or more freely acting individuals who share norms, share goals, and have a common identity

Team –

small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable

Dysfunctional conflict –

Functional conflict –

conflict that benefits the main purposes of the organization and serves its interests

Leadership –

conflict that hinders the organization’s performance or threatens its interest

the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational gains

Determining what needs to be done - setting a direction

Creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda - aligning people

Ensuring people do their jobs - motivating and inspiring

Legitimate power •

Reward power •


to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization


planning, clarifying, monitoring, and problem solving

Initiating-structure leadership leader behavior that organizes and defines—that is, “initiates the structure for”—what employees should be doing to maximize output

Transactional leadership o

derived from one’s personal attraction

Task-oriented leadership behaviors


results from one’s specialized information or expertise

Referent power •

results from managers’ authority to punish their subordinates

Expert power •

results from managers’ authority to reward their subordinates

Coercive power •

results from managers’ formal positions within the organization

focusing on clarifying employees’ roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance.

Relationship-oriented leadership o

primarily concerned with the leader’s interactions with his or her people



Empowering leadership


Reactive change o

making changes in response to problems or opportunities as they arise

Proactive change o

involves making carefully thought-out changes in anticipation of possible or expected problems or opportunities


also called planned change

Demographic characteristics

Technological advancement

Shareholder, customer, & market changes

Social & political pressures

Allow room for failure

Give one consistent explanation for the change

Look for opportunities in unconventional ways

Have the courage to follow your ideas

Organization development (OD) o

• •

set of techniques for implementing planned change to make people and organizations more effective

 ersonality consists of the stable psychological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his or her identity.  2 As a manager, you need to understand personality attributes because they affect how people perceive and act within the organization

per sonal i t ydi mens i onsar e( 1)ex t r ov er s i on,( 2)agr eeabl enes s ,( 3)c ons ci ent i ous nes s ,( 4)emot i onal s t abi l i t y ,and( 5)opennes st oe x per i ence....

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