ICT assignment task 1 PDF

Title ICT assignment task 1
Author chiedza Marime
Course information technology and communication
Institution Botswana Accountancy College
Pages 7
File Size 109.1 KB
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effects of using ICT


Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................................ii INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1 EFFECTS ON ICT ON EDUCATION/ E-LEARNING........................................................1 EFFECTS OF ICT ON EMPLOYMENT.............................................................................2 EFFECTS OF ICT ON HEALTH........................................................................................3 EFFECTS OF ICT ON SOCIETY......................................................................................4 IN CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................5



Today’s world, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is widely, expended by our farmland and it is influential to our live daily. The maturing of the populace is an unstoppable change that dares education,



and society. Simultaneously, the connections and trial proof does not offer a persuading case for the general impression of l technology on learning results. This is not to say that it is not value endowing by means of technology to improve learning. But it should inspire us to be careful in the face of technological keys to educational confronts. Careful









impression. The introduction of technology has guided to major physical alterations in the economy and there is also a positive and significant effect of the ICTs on employment rate and increase efficient at work place, nevertheless the effects affect the short run only. Technology improved many lives in terms of health, some years ago checks up where done at the hospital only. However, due to technology even at home you can test yourself. Perhaps, the main impression that ICT use has on people is letting

limbs of



have significant


entrance to

information. However, this can affect society negatively by causing divisions between those who can afford to have technology gadgets and those who cannot.



Technology can be confidant, and technology can also be the enormous worrier of our lives. It intrude in our own lives, intrude our capability to have a hallucination, to visualize something glorious, because we're too busy traverse the walk from the cafeteria back to the office on the cell phone [ CITATION Ste \l 1033 ]. In a global world that we live right now, technologies become a part of our lives. People are now able to speak immediately with each other globalization without incurring more cost. [ CITATION Chr10 \l 1033 ] Defines information and communication technology as a way of providing information through telecommunications, it’s also a way of providing the community with an extreme range of new communication capabilities [ CITATION Chr10 \l 1033 ]. This means that you can now convey the information with people thousand miles away. This report serves to discuss on the effects of ICT such as effects on education/e-Learning, healthy, employment and society lastly summing up with the conclusion.


ICT is tremendously manipulating every regulation under the sun including education; this means that it has both positive and negative impact. ICT covers a wide range both conceptually and along the teachers, therefore it can have impact on teachers, administration and change in the work process in education. ICT can act as a catalyst for schooling yet can be a powerful handle for comprehending planned education innovation [ CITATION Ven04 \l 1033 ] . Furthermore, due to ICT teachers can also check information and knowledge concerning software for lessons plans, can interrelate with other teachers in order to share ideas and help student to produce high results [ CITATION Car04 \l 1033 ]. More so, ICT formulate new trellis feasibilities without 1

deviation with other schools or secondarily, to informational facts bases on the global web [ CITATION Car04 \l 1033 ]. ICT has brought to students easy learning skill and the information is now in your fingertips. However, as it is known that things of life are like two sides of coin, there are always benefits and drawbacks. This means that there are other social issues that arise because of technology. Due to ICT, students and sometimes teachers can get obsessed by the technology appearance rather than the subject content; social media trellis sites can be a diversion to students and teachers [ CITATION Ola14 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, it may generate unanticipated consequences for ICT disseminating and they are also proliferating too fast [ CITATION Mol07 \l 18441 ]. ICT might be a disadvantage to students who came from poor background where they cannot afford to access technology.


ICTs observed as both Benfield and harmful, supporting the impulse those ICTs comprises a dual bordered foil [ CITATION Dia12 \l 18441 ]. The main quarrel can be modestly stated: Even though there are thoughts to worry concerning the impressions of technological unemployment, there are also thoughts to comprise. Development of ICT has a countless vital in the workplace with enlarged output, effectiveness, functioning and at the same time eliminating the risks and human errors [ CITATION Imp18 \l 18441 ]. Trading with and retrieving information remotely permit employees to establish their work with great time-based and exclusive flexibility [ CITATION Ada15 \l 18441 ].This progressively smudged limitations between life fields, as a mark of the connecting technologies may essentially create a chance for enhance equalizing work and confidential life due to greater elasticity [ CITATION Ada15 \l 18441 ]. ICT have promoted the concept of job creation especially to journalist [ CITATION Liu06 \l 18441 ], however, [ CITATION Imp18 \l 18441 ] explained that jobs are only for those who can adopt and with speed to the changes of technology. More so ICT promote investments thus creating employment, [ CITATION Mck17 \l 18441 ] goes on to say 2

that jobs that are connected to deploying and developing like engineers may also grows. However, technologies are accountable for technological unemployment since decades technological progresses have substituted human beings in the workplace, nowadays this process is affecting the rate of employment at a greater rate [ CITATION Rif16 \l 18441 ] , this means that the work that was supposed to be done by men is now done by computers. For example, companies prefer to hire robots instead of human beings because they do not go to the holiday or get tired always working 24 hours. ICT may also cause structural unemployment because it receipts time to regulate; it even affects the wage floors squanders [ CITATION Bah19 \l 18441 ].


Nowadays moderns' technologies such as computes have improved our lives, human health have been promoted in different ways. Health knowledge has been brought, analytic resolve improves health status of people and that social media is flattering a promotions and communications tools for providers. Information is the foundation of a well operative health system, more so knowledge is the key agent for transmuting both our universal society and resident neighborhoods [ CITATION Ale07 \l 18441 ]. The process of sharing ideas concerning health is improved by guaranteeing reasonable access to information for enlightening, technical doings, foremost to a hefty public health domain of information. ICT have greatly an impression on healthy also by refining broadcasting of public health information’ [ CITATION Ale07 \l 18441 ]. [ CITATION Can18 \l 18441 ] goes on to say some of the information concerning health they get from social media that has impact on their health care decisions, this contain the superior of hospital and cure centers. ICT have solved the problem that was between physician and patient by substitution a traditional office visit [ CITATION Hea19 \l 18441 ].


However, there have been unenthusiastic effects due to daily use of technology; this may lead to healthy problems. Some of the problems that are caused by ICT include hearing loss, poor posture, and poor eyesight. Hearing loss is caused by putting headphones with high volume for more than 5 minutes; headphones increase risks for permanent hearing loss [ CITATION Chr18 \l 18441 ]. The use of technology every time lead to poor posture, back issues and neck strain. [ CITATION Chr18 \l 18441 ] Emphasize that over long period of time, this sort of conduct can lead to chronic pain and uneasiness that isn't effortlessly reversed. The table below shows one of the strong effects caused by ICT with symptoms, causes and measures of preventing poor eyesight. Causes



poor Symptoms of poor Measures eyesight


of poor

1) working in dim headache

eyesight Do a regular eye

light 2) using a screen Dryness of eyes

check up Use the anti-glare

which flickers screen 3) being too close Burning and itching Position to the screen

of eyes

Vision not clear Source: [ CITATION imp18 \l 18441 ]


computer screen at eye level Use proper lighting


The advancement of technology usually suggests different sentiments in people from all factory of life. Technologies allow everyone to convey with one another in ways harmonizing to old style expression, telephonic, and composed modes. They allow cooperative’s work connecting to disperse societies of performers who rarely, if ever, meet bodily (reference). These technologies exploit contact substructures that are both worldwide and continually up, thus permitting 24-hour activity and asynchronous as well as synchronous relations including individuals, bands, and governments (Deb, 2014). 4

However, technology has also brought some negative effects on society such as social interface, it promotes laziness to the society and divisions within the community. The continuous using of technology promotes social isolation (Elsevier, 2011), because it will become harder for many to resist from online events especially to children. As a result, maximum of those, into online events devote fewer time with their loved ones and rather spend it all with an online façade. Being able to work at home is considered as an advantage but there is a negative feature as well. Most intimates need some form of relations in their day to day lives and they do not get a chance to they feel displeased (Deb, 2014). (Deb, 2014) Stress that although ICT is helping us but it did not cater for disabled people, for example screen reading software permitting blinded people with ordinary txt rather than Braille

IN CONCLUSION The expenditure of technology is immeasurable; it has frolicked an extensive part in countless meadows like health care, job creation, in education and lastly in society. This technology will continue alterations according to the stresses of people and the markets. It is the duty of the world to keep on up to date with trending technology. [ CITATION Gee11 \l 18441 ], propose that the worth and perform of a certain culture or orderliness provided the lenses through which a person observe, discerns and constructs meaning. The way the world use technology will verify if it’s evil or suitable, destructive or helpful . However, the presence of technology does not guarantee equity and accessibility in our lives, but it has the power to reduce obstacles to both in ways before unfeasible.


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