Illegal Immigration Essay PDF

Title Illegal Immigration Essay
Author Kelcie Petit
Course Texas Government
Institution San Jacinto College
Pages 5
File Size 81.8 KB
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Essay on Illegal Immigration in Texas ...


America doesn’t need illegal immigration in the U.S

The topic of illegal immigration is a very controversial subject with many people angerly holding opinions such as wanting to remove the president from office due, citizens wanting to completely close off borders leading into America and some citizens even taking the issue into their own hands by discriminating against anyone that has expatriated to America. President Trump has attempted to try to alleviate some of the illegal immigration by putting into motion the building of a wall along the Mexican border. This wall that is currently being built is to keep immigrants from illegally entering the United States. Illegal immigration is a huge issue facing America today, therefore it is crucial that steps are taken to control this issue before it destroys the American economy. Let me be clear, most would agree with the fact that immigrants want to better their lives and their families lives by getting away from a country that is governed by the Cartels. In these countries that the immigrants are running from, there is nothing but despair and bloodshed. For example, in Mexico not only do the cartels govern the cities but they also control the Federales which would be equal to police in America. The situation in Mexico is so bad that very recently a prominent leader for Mexico’s Federales was prosecuted in the United States for helping the cartels. “A top Mexican law enforcement official was charged in Brooklyn federal court Friday with taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to leak US information to El Chapo’s Sinaloa Cartel.” (Denney) The United States can only do so much to help the unfortunate immigrants 1

facing hardships such as this in their homeland and we as Americans would be heartless to not wish for them a better life. But with saying that, citizenship should be accomplished the right way and obtained legally despite the illegal’s dire circumstances. Many Americans are praising President Trump on starting construction on the wall in an attempt to keep the undocumented illegals out of the country. “There was a recent invasion in El Paso, Texas where there were one-thousand illegals who tried to sneak across the border illegally, this sequence of events forced the president to take action by putting a tariff of five percent on Mexican goods.” (Sadler) Trump believed his call to action was in order and was a warning for Mexicans- to tell their government to take serious action on the undocumented amount of illegal immigrant coming into the U.S. from the Mexican border. Ah, but yes, there is a downside to this tariff that Trump initiated. It will raise the price of food items which is not fair to the American people and also not fair that we have to be punished due to illegal immigrants coming into our country. We, the American People, who pay our taxes and do what we should are essentially paying for and enabling the illegal immigrants. But wait I have a lot more statistic to prove my case here. Let talk about how much healthcare cost for an illegal immigrant which also is costing the taxpayer money as well will blow you away. “Cross-subsided healthcare for an unauthorized illegal immigrant will cost the government a tune of 18.5 billion a year to support these peoples.” (Sadler) That amount of money that we, as taxpayers, are providing for illegals to enter the United States is astronomical. A recent Washington Times post shared some 2

alarming statistics so one can understand just how dire the immigration issue is, ”3.9 billion Uninsured immigrants who are unauthorized likely receive about 4.6 billion in health care services paid for by federal taxes, 2.8 billion in health services finance by state and local taxpayers, 3 billion bank rolled through cost shifting, and 1.5 billion in physician charity care. “(Sadler) Now think about this, if you add up everything that was mentioned in the Washing Times post, we are paying over 10 billion to unauthorized illegal immigrants that are infiltrating our country. There are people who are currently legal citizens of the United States that can’t even feed their own children or obtain access to healthcare, but our government paid over 10 billion to unauthorized illegal immigrants so they can have access to all of these resources? These people come into our country and take these resources away from people who need it the most. It is absolutely wrong and absurd for this to be taking place after reviewing the statistics that were previously shared. Illegal immigrants coming to America and basically stealing these precious resources from the everyday American is detrimental to the economy and most importantly the people who need it the most. Even after giving the illegal immigrants access to resources that some don’t even have access to nevertheless this is on the taxpayer’s dime, these are increased crime rates in cities that have a reported higher rate of illegals living there. Of these crimes the most alarming for illegal immigrants is forty-two percent are kidnapping convictions. (Camarota) These kidnapping charges can be assumed are from Human Trafficking that has taken place in America for years due to illegal immigrants. If they don’t want to abide


by our laws by entering the country legally then why would they feel the need to follow any laws for the matter. From the crime rates increasing and the amount of money they are taking away from the taxpayer’s pockets is ridiculous and I think that it’s time for the wall to be built to keep these immigrants out of our country for good. I believe if they did want to try to come over to our country legally then they can. But at what the cost do we take a stand and decide to stop illegal immigration? Would we have to continue to pay the total of 10 billion to unauthorized immigrant that come into our country? That’s the question we would have to ask when we are thinking about illegal immigrants coming into our country. There is a laundry list of reasons why this country should not allow illegal immigrants into our country and I think Donald Trump should force the government to build the wall and to stop the crimes rate. Trump should continue to put on tariffs and other sanctions on the Mexican government so they can finally take seriously the problem of unauthorized illegal immigrant coming into our country. All in all, Illegal immigration is a huge issue facing America today, therefore it is crucial that steps are taken to control this issue before it destroys the American economy because it will it is only a matter of time.


Works Cited Camarota, Steven A. “Non-Citizens Committed a Disproportionate Share of Federal Crimes, 2011-16.” Center for Immigration Studies , 10 Jan. 2018, Denney, Andrew. “Ex-Mexican Police Official Charged with Taking Bribes to Help El Chapo's Cartel.” New York Post, New York Post, 24 Jan. 2020, Sadler, Kelly. “The Real Cost of Illegal Immigration, and It's Not Avocados. .” Washington Times , Washington Times , 5 June 2019,


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