Implicature - vcnvfdbvc bvcb vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxsdcs x ccdsc sxdhg, cxvbgnghnh,xfnh PDF

Title Implicature - vcnvfdbvc bvcb vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxsdcs x ccdsc sxdhg, cxvbgnghnh,xfnh
Author Như Quỳnh
Course Kỹ năng giao tiếp
Institution Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Pages 34
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vcnvfdbvc bvcb vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxsdcs x ccdsc sxdhg, cxvbgnghnh,xfnh mn,vnvn...



IMPLICATURE Exercise 36: Write down one implicature that can be drawn from the second speaker’s response in each of the following conversations:

(1) Mary: ‘Did you manage to fix that leak?’ Jim: ‘I tried to.’ His utterance may implicate that …

(2) Steve: ‘What happened to your flowers?’ Jane: ‘A dog got into the garden.’ Jane’s utterance may implicate that … and that …

(3) Laura: ‘Who used all the printer paper?’ Dick: ‘I used some of it.’ His utterance may implicate that …

(4) Gina: ‘I hear you’re always late with the rent.’ Robin: ‘Well, sometimes I am.’ His utterance may implicate that …

(5) Jenny: ‘Mike and Annie should be here by now. Was their plane late?’ INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



Alfred: ‘Possibly.’ His utterance may implicate that …

(6) Gwen: ‘This cheese looks funny. The label said not to store the cheese in the freezer.’ Alvin: ‘Yeah, I did see the label.’ His utterance may implicate that …

(7) Mat: ‘What’s with your mother?’ Bob: ‘Let’s go to the garden.’ His utterance may implicate that …

(8) Carmen: ‘Did you buy the car?’ Maria: ‘It cost twice as much as I thought it would.’ Her utterance may implicate that …

(9) Robert: ‘Where’s the salad dressing?’ Gabriela: ‘We’ve run out of olive oil.’ Gabriela’s utterance may implicate that …




(10) Maggie: ‘The bathroom’s flooded!’ Jim: ‘Someone must have left the tap on.’ His utterance may implicate that …

(11) Austin: ‘Want some fudge brownies?’ Jenny: ‘There must be 20,000 calories there.’ Her utterance may implicate that …

(12) Alice: ‘Have you seen my sweater?’ Max: ‘There’s a sweater on the sofa.’ His utterance may implicate that …

(13) Phil’s mother: ‘How did you do on these exams?’ Phil: ‘I failed physics.’ His utterance may implicate that …

(14) Paul: ‘I didn’t take it.’ Virginia: ‘Why do you always lie?’ Virginia’s utterance may implicate that ….





(15) Tom: ‘It works now.’ Janet: ‘When did Eric fix it?’ Janet’s utterance may implicate that …

(16) Liza: ‘I hear you’ve invited Mat and Chris.’ Ed: ‘I didn’t invite Mat.’ His utterance may implicate …

(17) A: ‘What are the Nelsons like?’ B: ‘They were rich.’ B’s utterance may implicate that ….

(18) A: ‘What is this examination in Semantics like?’ B: ‘It is so easy this time.’ B’s utterance may implicate that …

(19) A: ‘Did you get the milk and the eggs?’ B: ‘I got the milk.’ B’s utterance may implicate that …




(20) A: ‘Did Carmen like the party?’ B: ‘She left after an hour.’ B’s utterance may implicate that …

Give an implicature of the second speaker’s utterance in the following dialogues. Then say whether the second speaker has flouted the maxim of (Q) Quality, (R) Relevance,(I) Informativeness=Quantity,(C) Clarity. Some are done as example. Complete the rest. Maxim of Relevance: Keep to the topic of the conversation. 1.Kevin:’Would you like a piece of cake?’ Gina: ‘I’m on a diet’ Implicature: I do not want any piece of cake./No, thanks. (B changes the topic from ‘’ like a piece of cake’’ into ‘’be on a diet’’.) Maxim flouted: R Relevance

2.A: ‘ I really like that dinner.’ B: ‘I’m a vegetarian.’ Implicature: I do not like the dinner. (B changes the topic from ‘’ like that dinner’’ into ‘’ be a vegetarian.’’ If meat had been the main course,A would draw the implicature that B did not like the dinner.) Maxim flouted:_____________

3. A: ‘Is X a good candidate for the professorship?’ B: ‘His handwriting is very legible.’ INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



Implicature: No, he isn’t. (B changes the topic from ‘’ a good candidate’’ into ‘’ very legible handwriting.”) Maxim flouted:____________

4. A: ‘Is Tom a good student?’ B: ‘ He has beautiful handwriting and is neatly dressed.’ Implicature: No, he isn’t. (B changes the topic from ‘’ is a good student” into “has beautiful handwriting and is neatly dressed.”) Maxim flouted:______________

5. A: ‘Is Peter a good cook?’ B: ‘ He’s a good guy.’ Implicature: No, he isn’t. (B changes the topic from ‘’ a good cook ” into “ a good guy.”) Maxim flouted:…………….

6. A: ‘ Where’s the sausage?’ B: ‘ The cat looks very happy.’ Implicature: The cat may have eaten the sausage. (B changes the topic from ‘’the sausage ” into “ the cat” Maxim flouted:…………….




7. A: ‘His garden looks awful.’ B: ‘Well, Mark’s got those dogs now.’ Implicature: Mark’s dogs have wrecked the garden. (B changes the topic from ‘’Mark’s awful-looking garden ” into “: Mark’s dogs . ” Maxim flouted:…………

8.Christine: ‘Mrs.Smith is an old bag’ Bob: ‘ The weather has been delightful this summer, hasn’t it?’ Implicature: We should not talk about Mrs.Smith. (B changes the topic from ‘’Mrs.Smith” into “the weather . ” Maxim flouted:…………

9. A: ‘ Do you like ice-cream?’ B: ‘Do cats like dogs?’ Implicature: No, I don’t. (B changes the topic from ‘’you like ice-cream” into “cats like dogs . ” Maxim flouted:…………

10. A: ‘What’s the time?’ B: ‘Well, all the workers have just left for lunch.’ Implicature: It’s about lunch time. (B changes the topic from ‘’the time” into “all the workers. ”




Maxim flouted:…………

11. A: ‘Where’s Bill?’ B: ‘There’s a yellow VW outside Sue’s house.’ Implicature: Bill is probably in Sue’s house. (B changes the topic from ‘’Bill” into “a yellow VW. ” Since there could be connection between the location of Bill and that of a yellow VW, Bill is now in Sue’s house.) Maxim flouted:…………

12. A: ‘ How old is your wife?’ B: ‘What a lovely dress you’re wearing!’ Implicature: I cannot answer your personal question. (B changes the topic from ‘’ your wife” into “a lovely dress . ” Maxim flouted:…………

13. A: ‘ What qualities does John have for this position?’ B: ‘ John has nice handwriting’ Implicature: John has no qualities for this position. (B changes the topic from ‘’ John’s qualities for this position” into “John’s nice handwriting . ” Maxim flouted:…………




14. A: ‘ Can you tell me the time’ B: ‘Well, the milkman has come.’ Implicature: I do not know the exact time, but I can provide the approximate time. (B changes the topic from ‘’ the time” into “ the milkman. ” Maxim flouted:…………

15. A: ‘ Has the kitchen been painted?’ B: ‘ Tom is away.’ Implicature: No, it hasn’t. (B changes the topic from ‘’ the kitchen” into “ Tom. ” Maxim flouted:…………

16. A: ‘ Are you going to Mark’s barbecue?’ B: ‘Well, Mark’s got those dogs now.’ Implicature: No, I am not going to Mark’s barbecue. ( “Mark’s dogs” is not relevant to a discussion about “ going to Mark’s barbecue.”) Maxim flouted:…………

17. A: ‘We’re going to the movies.’ B: ‘ I’ve got an exam tomorrow.’ Implicature: I am not going to the movies. ( “B’s exam” is not relevant to a discussion about “ going to the movies.”)




Maxim flouted:…………

18. A: ‘ The window is open’ B: ‘ I’m cleaning my room’ Implicature: I cannot close the window as( indirectly) requested. ( “B’s cleaning his room” is not relevant to A’s request of “ closing to the window.”) Maxim flouted:…………

19. ‘Wife: Who is picking up the children today?’ ‘Husband: I’ve got a meeting at 3.30’ Implicature: I cannot pick up the kids. You should. ( “The husband’s meeting” is not relevant to a discussion about “picking up the children .”) Maxim flouted:…………

20. A: ‘How about a game of snooker (= một ván bi-da)?’ B: ‘I’ll have to get up early tomorrow morning.’ Implicature: I cannot accept your invitation. ( “A game of snooker” is not relevant to a discussion about “getting up early tomorrow morning .”) Maxim flouted:…………

21. A: ‘Are you going to Paul’s party?’ INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



B: ‘I have to work.’ Implicature: No, I am not going to Paul’s party. (B changes the topic from ‘’ going to Paul’s party” into “ having to work. ” Maxim flouted:…………

22.(Husband and wife are getting ready to go out for the evening) Husband: ‘How much longer will you be?’ Wife: ‘Make yourself a drink.’ Implicature: I will be long enough for you to have a drink ( “Make yourself a drink” is not relevant to the question about “How much longer will you be? .”) Maxim flouted:…………

23. A: ‘Do you use your local swimming pool very much?’ B: ‘The salt water hurts my eyes.’ Implicature: Yes, I do (B changes the topic from ‘’your local swimming pool ” into “ salt water. ” Maxim flouted:…………

24. A: ‘Is it Ok if I park here?’ B: ‘It’s a driveway.’ Implicature: No, it isn’t. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



Maxim flouted: (C) Clarity: speak in a way that the hearer will understand

25. A: ‘Do you see my shoes?’ B: ‘Good night.’ Implicature: No, I don’t. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: …………..

26. A: ‘Coffee?’ B: ‘It would keep me awake all night.’ Implicature: I would rather not drink coffee./No, thanks. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: ……………

27. A: ‘Did Joan take her umbrella today?’ B: ‘It’s still downstairs.’ Implicature: No, she didn’t. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: ………..

28. A: ‘Did you finish your report?’ B: ‘I started it.’




Implicature: No, it isn’t. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: …………

29. A: ‘Did your new assistant do a good job today?’ B: ‘I couldn’t say he was helpful.’ Implicature: No, he didn’t. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted:

30. A: ‘Do you know where Billy is?’ B: ‘Well, he didn’t meet me for lunch as he was supposed to.’ Implicature: No, I don’t. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: ………

31. A: ‘Can you tell me what’s on TV tonight?’ B: ‘I never watch TV.’ Implicature: Sorry, I can’t. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: ………..




32. A: ‘Has Betty gone to bed?’ B: ‘Her desk lamp is still on.’ Implicature: No, she hasn’t. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: ……….

33. A: ‘Do you like Linguistics?’ B: ‘Well, let’s just say I don’t jump for joy before class.’ Implicature: No, I don’t. (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: ………………..

34. A: ‘Do you expect a lot of rain this month?’ B: ‘It hardly ever rains in March.’ Implicature: No, I don’t (B avoids saying ‘’No” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: …………..

35. Student: ‘May I hand in my final paper tomorrow?’ Professor: ‘I’m afraid that I cannot give you any more time.’ Implicature: No, you may not/ No, you can’t. (The Professor avoids saying ‘’No” clearly to his/her student’s asking for permission.) INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



Maxim flouted: ………….

36. Ms.Gray: ‘Won’t you com in?’ Ms.Gray’s neighbor: ‘Sorry that I’m busy today. Maybe next time.’ Implicature: No, thanks. (The neighbor avoids clearly refusing Ms. Gray’s invitation.) Maxim flouted: …………….

37. A: ‘Try the roast pork.’ B: ‘It’s pink.’ Implicature: No, thanks. (B avoids clearly refusing A’s invitation.) Maxim flouted: …………….

38. A: ‘Would you like a cocktail? It’s my own invention.’ B: ‘Well, mmm uh it’s not that we don’t drink.’ Implicature: I am a bit dubious about drinking that cocktail. ( Since B could not help being unclear, A would draw the implicature that B is not sure about drinking that cocktail.) Maxim flouted: …………….

39. A: ‘Do you feel hungry?’ B: ‘I’ve not eaten for three days.’ INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



Implicature: Yes , I do. I am starving (B avoids saying ‘’Yes ” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: …………..

40. A: ‘Did the television get fixed?’ B: ‘I had Bob look at it, and now it works.’ Implicature: Yes , It did. (B avoids saying ‘’Yes ” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: …………..

41. A: ‘Was the concert well received?’ B: ‘The audience applauded for a long time.’ Implicature: Yes , it was. (B avoids saying ‘’Yes ” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: …………..

42. A: ‘Shall we sit here and talk?’ B: ‘There’s no better place than here.’ Implicature: This is the best place for private talks. (B avoids saying ‘’Yes ” clearly and directly.) Maxim flouted: …………..




43. A: ‘Do you like my new hat?’ B: ‘It’s pink.’ Implicature: No, I don’t. (B avoids saying clearly that he/she dislikes A’s new hat.) Maxim flouted: …………..

44. A: ‘We went to see The Omen last night but it wasn’t very scary.’ B: ‘It would keep me awake all night.’ Implicature: The Omen was scary. (B avoids clearly saying something opposite to A, which is “ The Omen was scary .”) Maxim flouted: …………..

45. A: ‘How are Mr.Smith’s daughters?’ B: ‘The youngest is OK.’ Implicature: Mr.Smith’s other daughters are not nice. (B avoids saying clearly that the other daughters are not nice.) Maxim flouted: …………..

46. Student [ taking an exam]: ‘I’ve just asked the student next to me for a correct pen.’ Teacher: ‘Is it right to cheat in any exam?’ Implicature: It is not right/It is quite wrong to cheat in any exam. INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



(The teacher avoids saying clearly that cheating is not accepted.) Maxim flouted: …………..

47. Five- year- old daughter [ keeps asking her mother to do this or that]: ‘Do it,Mum.’ Mother [annoyed because too busy with a lot of housework]: ‘What else do you want?’ Implicature: Stop asking your mom to do this or that. ( The mother avoids saying clearly that her daughter’s misbehavior is not accepted.) Maxim flouted: …………..

48. Alan : ‘What?’ Becky: ‘Why are you laughing at me?’ Implicature: You should not laugh at me . (Becky avoids saying clearly that Alan’s laughing is not appropriate.) Maxim flouted: …………..

49. Son: ‘I’ve lost my laptop somewhere on campus.’ Father: ‘What did I tell you?’ Implicature: You should have kept your laptop carefully (The father avoids saying clearly that his son’s carelessness is not accepted.) Maxim flouted: …………..




50. Helen: ‘To make a long story short, Ed’s girlfriend falls in love with his brother.’ Grace: ‘Who will believe this story?’ Implicature: ‘Nobody will believe this story’ (Grace avoids saying clearly that Nobody will believe this story.) Maxim flouted: …………..

51. Victor: ‘I told Jane that she was a talented liar.’ Jack: ‘ How dare you talk to her like that?’ Implicature: You should not have done that. (Jack avoids saying clearly that Victor’s rudeness is not accepted.) Maxim flouted: …………..

52. Gary: ‘Why don’t you marry her?’ Morris: ‘Do you think I’m an idiot?’ Implicature: Never/ I can’t (Morris avoids saying clearly that Gary’s suggestion is not accepted.) Maxim flouted: …………..

53. Carol: ‘I will pay you back in two days.’ Linda: ‘Can I trust your words?’ Implicature: I don’t trust you. INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



(Linda avoids saying clearly that Carol’s promise is not reliable.) Maxim flouted: …………..

54. Husband: ‘Hurry up or else we’ll miss the train.Do you know what time it is?’ Wife: ‘Wait a minute!’ Implicature: You do not need to be so worried. (The wife avoids saying clearly that her husband’s worry is unnecessary. ) Maxim flouted: …………..

55. Dick ‘My mother broke her right leg in the collision.’ Mary: ‘Who does not fear accidents?’ Implicature: Everyone fears accidents. (Mary avoids saying clearly that everyone fears accidents.) Maxim flouted: …………..

56.Mother: ‘Someone said that you’ve got fired?’ Adult daughter: ‘Yes, but I’ve already applied for another job .’ Implicature: Yes, I’ve got fired. (The daughter avoids saying clearly that she’s got fired.) Maxim flouted: …………..

57.Roy: ‘Why don’t you study French?’ Dick: ‘That’s what I thought,too.’ INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



Implicature: I think that I will study French. (B avoids saying clearly that Jim’s advice is accepted .) Maxim flouted: …………..

58.Jane: ‘How nice to see you!’ Beth: ‘Yes, it’s been quite a while.’ Implicature: I’m glad to see you, too. (Beth avoids saying clearly that she is glad to see Jane,too.) Maxim flouted: …………..

59. Employee: ‘Can I talk to you for a while?’ Manager : ‘Why don’t you take a seat?’ Implicature: Yes, you can. (The manager avoids saying clearly that the employee’s request is accepted.) Maxim flouted: …………..

60. Liza: ‘How can we come to that place?’ Ben: ‘Can you swim across this river?’ Implicature: You must swim across the river. (Ben avoids saying clearly that swimming across this river is the only way to come to that place.) Maxim flouted: …………..




61. A:’What time do we have to check out the room?’ B: ‘Let’s ask the front desk.’ Implicature: I do not know the check- out time. (B avoids saying clearly that he/she does not know the check- out time .) Maxim flouted: …………..

62. A: ‘What was her essay like?’ B: ‘The second draft was not better.’ Implicature: Her essay was not good. (B avoids saying clearly that the essay was not good .) Maxim flouted: …………..

63. A: ‘Bill and Martha are leaving tomorrow.’ B: ‘I will miss Martha.’ Implicature: I will not miss Bill. (B gives less information than required.) Maxim flouted: Informativeness.: (Quantity): tell the hearer just what he needs to know,no more no less

64. A: ‘I hope you brought the bread and the cheese.’ B: ‘Ah, I brought the bread.’ Implicature: I did not bring the cheese. (B gives less information than required.) INSTRUCTOR: ĐOÀN PHAN PHƯƠNG DUNG



Maxim flouted: ……………

65. A: ‘Have you finished the student’s evaluation form and reading list?’ B: ‘I’ve done the reading list.’ Implicature: I have not done the evaluation form. (B gives less information than required.) Maxim flouted: …………

66. Mother: ‘Have you finished your homework and put your books away?’ Son: ‘I have finished your homework .’ Implicature: I have not put my books away. (The son gives less information than required.) Maxim flouted: …………

67. A: ‘Did you meet Tom and Harry at the party?’ B: ‘I met Tom there.’ Implicature: I did not meet Harry at the party. (B gives less information than required.) Maxim flouted: ……..

68. Teacher: [towards the end of a lecture]: ‘What time is it?’ Student : ‘It is 10: 44 and 35.6 seconds.’



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