Importance of symbolism in fences PDF

Title Importance of symbolism in fences
Author Karley Baker
Course Composition and Modern English II
Institution Troy University
Pages 5
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Karley Baker Eller Comp 2 11:30 T/Th 12 February 2018 Importance of Symbolism in Fences

In the play “Fences”, written by August Wilson there are three examples of symbolism that are very significant in the play. The three symbols that are used throughout the play are; baseball, fences, and Mr. Death. The symbolism of baseball is important because it shows the injustice and racism throughout the play. The fence shows how many characters in the play are trying to keep their loved ones either in or out of their lives. Then, the third example of symbolism we see is Mr. Death. At first the author uses it as personification, but eventually the author turns to real life and the main character, Troy dies. In some literary pieces, not all examples of symbolism are important, however, that is not the case for the play Fences. Although, it is arguable that symbolism is or is not critical in the play, the three examples of symbolism are crucial because they give the play a deeper understanding, meaning, and adds emotion to the plot. The symbolism of baseball is a big part of the play, because the main characters in the play, Troy and Rose have a son named Cory. Cory wants to play

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professional football as his career. However, his father is strongly against his son pursuing this. His father does not let him play professionally because he believes he will not be treated the right way because of racial reasons. “Troy refuses to let his son, Cory, accept a football scholarship to college, claiming that athletics will never provide blacks with real opportunities to excel” ( Pereira). The baseball symbol resembles injustice and racism. Also, it symbolizes the racism of Troy, Cory’s father, who is not allowed to be the truck driver because African American people in that time did not do that, they only were used to pick the garbage up. One other reason Troy does not want Cory playing professional football is because Troy was one of the top baseball players during his time, but he had missed his opportunity. This was because professional sports were segregated at that time. This example creates a bigger understanding of the time period of the play. Because of this, the reader is able to get a bigger grasp of the setting of the novel and are able to connect better with the characters. The next example of symbolism is the fence. The fence displays how each character in the play treats one another. The main two charters that are used in this example are Troy and Rose. The two are a married couple who are going through hard times with one another. Rose wants her husband Troy to build a fence for the two. Although, this is what she wants, her husband does not want to build it for her. He complains and makes excuses every time she asks him. With this example, the

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fence stands for how Rose is trying her hardest to keep her family from falling apart and is trying to keep everyone as close and keep them all together. However, her husband is doing just the opposite. Troy pushes this off because he does not care for his family and is trying to push Rose and her son away.” For most of the play's action, though, Troy is in no hurry to complete Rose's fence, after all, he has spent time in prison with fences limiting his movements” (Metzger). The fence helps give more meaning to the play. This lets the reader understand and know that there is more to life than just a fence that is repeated over and over, and shows the true colors and heart of the characters. The third example of symbolism that is shown a multiple of times throughout the play is Mr. Death. Mr. Death is personified throughout the play. Troy talks about Mr. Death as if he is a real person. Troy refers to “him” in times when he is vulnerable, such as times when he’s making the wrong decision, or when he is in times of bad health. He mentions Mr. Death multiple of times in different scenarios. The symbol of Mr. Death is important because it creates an emotional aspect that we can connect to Troy’s emotions. Tr oy: "Ain’t nothing wrong with talking about death. That's part of life. Everybody gonna die. You gonna die, I'm gonna die. Bono's gonna die. Hell, we all gonna die" (Wilson,1037). The three examples of symbolism in the play are essential to understanding the play. Without the symbols in the play it would not be as deep of a play as it is

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meant to be. Although, it is arguable that symbolism is or is not critical in the play, the three examples of symbolism are crucial because they give the play a deeper understanding, meaning, and, adds emotion to the plot.

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Works Cited Metzger, Sheri. “An Essay on Fences.” Drama for Students, Gale, Detroit. Accessed 13 Feb. 2018. Pereira, Kim. "August Wilson: Overview." Reference Guide to American Literature, edited by Jim Kamp, 3rd ed., St. James Press, 1994. Accessed 13 Feb. 2018. Wilson, August, and Samuel G. Freedman. Fences. Pearson, 2016....

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