In the Womb documentary questions PDF

Title In the Womb documentary questions
Course Human Devel And Mental Health
Institution University of Georgia
Pages 4
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Dr. Whitney Marks...


Life Before Birth - In the Womb Naked Science

In the Womb –Naked Science Documentary Madeleine Johnson Professor Marks ECHD 4380 19 January 2021 What happens at conception? A single sperm from the male finds and attaches itself to the female’s egg, fertilizing it. How is a person’s genetic code stored and transmitted? Genetic code is stored in bundles called chromosomes, 23 from each parent for a total of 46. Our genes that make up our existence lie along the double helix of DNA molecules and act as a set of instructions for the cells. What influence do genes have on an individual’s development? Our genes act as a set of instructions for the cells, and they come largely from our parents, equally. They hold all of our physical and mental makeup, which can be affected by our environments. Our genes are determined at the joining of the egg and sperm. How is a child’s biological sex genetically determined? Typically, by the father’s sperm, dependent upon whether the egg was fertilized by an X sperm for a girl or a Y sperm for a boy. What is unique about stem cells? They are able to turn into any one of 200 types of cells and they grow into any and every part of the human body. Describe some of the physiological changes women experience during pregnancy -

Blood volume may increase by 50% to produce more oxygen Hormonal changes are produced by the placenta & can induce morning sickness; progesterone keeps mother from ovulating - Changes in taste, mood swings, anxiety, nausea - Weight gain, increased thirst, faster heartbeat @ 9 weeks What happens during the first trimester (to 12 weeks / 3 months)? 1

Often called the “period of adjustment” - Other organs start growing (numbs for arms/legs & black spots for eyes) - The placenta becomes fully formed & the yolk sac isn’t needed anymore: signaling a change from embryo to fetus - First ultrasound around10-14 weeks - 11 weeks = building blocks to learning how to walk later on “Stepping reflex” - 6-11 weeks is most dramatic transition (from being to human being) & the fetus gets 5X bigger - No difference between male & female genitals at this point What distinguishes a fetus from an embryo? After 8 weeks, a fetus becomes an embryo because its placenta is now mature and fully formed, thus the connection with mom is fully formed. The embryo was originally relying on nutrients from the yolk sac attached to the placenta, which then shivers away after the placenta is fully formed. What happens during the second trimester (to 24 weeks / 6 months)? Often called the “period of radiant health” - Brain extends reach, intricate movements, more mobile, fingers and toes separate, bones hardening, hands develop first then feet, awareness of space around them (proprioception) through senses - Baby moving is felt by mother - Eyes beginning to open from 18-24 weeks (blinking) - At end everything has developed and is functioning as it will outside of the womb, just very small - Possible to survive outside of womb at 6 months (abortions are carried out till 24 weeks for this reason) What variables increase the risk of miscarriage? How common are miscarriages and when do they usually occur? During the first trimester, only 50% of fertilized eggs survive all the way through pregnancy, with the other half resulting in a miscarriage. Anything can trigger a miscarriage such as a mother’s stress, if the mother was just pregnant, etc. Describe premature birth and its possible effects on development. Babies born prematurely have an increased risk of brain damage and issues with their lungs because the lungs are not fully formed and are barely capable to get enough oxygen to grow. What happens during the third trimester (to 36 weeks / 9 months)? 2

Often called the “period of watchful waiting” - Development of the senses - Put on fat and learn how to work their bodies - Mother aware of movements & is feeling better than any other time in pregnancy and is energetic - Eyelashes develop - Preparation for life outside (breathing, swallowing, sucking), startle reflex - Triple weight and double length; dramatic growth in brain & nervous system & create 1 st memory - Hear heartbeat through abdomen - Last to develop is the lungs/ practice chest movements - Nervous system becomes advanced - Mother toward end becomes very uncomfortable & breathless - At this point babies spend 90% of time asleep (REM sleep is possible – signals dreams) What senses and reflexes may develop in the womb? -


Mouth & nasal is filled with amniotic fluid – strong tastes/smells are passed through to the fluid which helps establish breastfeeding because the milk will have similar tastes from fluid Opening and closing the eyes (cannot “see” until birth) and eye color will not develop (blue at beginning for white, brown at beginning for darker races) Hearing most keenly developed b/c sounds pass easier from the fluid Sense of touch very developed, so much that they can feel pain

How might a mother’s health (physical and emotional) affect fetal development? If she drinks or smokes (alcohol & nicotine) those substances are passed directly through her bloodstream to the fetus, which is dangerous. The mother’s thoughts & emotional state/ moods can be passed to the baby. Furthermore, increased heart rate & blood pressure have an effect on the baby, which can be passed on outside of the womb leading to more predisposition to chronic illness later in life, low birth weight, and premature birth. All of these can be harmful to a child’s mental development early in life. What can a fetus “know” about its mother and environment before birth? The fetus can recognize its mother’s voice, particularly vowels, as well as the sounds of the environment around her. They can recognize what she thinks and feels as well as what tastes and smells she is experiencing. What cognitive development may occur in the womb?


The nervous system becomes so advanced that a fetus is able to have its own memories, like when their mother repeats a rhyme. It is possible for them to recognize things like certain music sounds. Thinking, learning, & remembering is very developed by birth. They may also experience REM sleep & dream, which further develops their brains. Their brain & head has grown as big as it can in the womb. What happens during labor and delivery? What role do hormones play? Contractions start to happen more frequently - lungs & placenta signal time for labor with a fluid that alters hormones & triggers a hormone that starts labor called oxytocin (which also makes the mother forget the excruciating pain of childbirth which plays a big role in aiding to the bond that mother’s feel to their babies instead of trauma from childbirth) 1st Stage - Baby’s head is locked in uterus, creates stress on baby & as result their body produces a lot of adrenaline to keep the heart pumping - Each contraction pushes the baby farther until the head is just visible 2nd Stage - The head comes through and the rest of the baby is delivered - As soon as the baby is delivered his lungs drain the fluid and air rushes in expanding the air ducts, & now all vital life systems are working independently, and he can how life on his own rd 3 Stage - The placenta follows the baby out through the vagina

Did watching this change your perception of pregnancy/growth? Yes, because I didn’t have any idea about how much the mother affects the fetus. I now know how cautious and careful mother’s need to be with their physical and mental state during pregnancy. I also learned very useful information about what happens to the fetus during this time, which is important to know if I decide to have children one day. What new information did you learn in this watching this documentary? I learned that - it takes a week for the fertilized egg to travel down the fallopian tube into the uterus - One of the first organs formed is the heart - 1.5% of our genes make us human - Placenta filters out some harmful substances that may be in the mother’s blood - Repeating a rhyme during last month of pregnancy can prove memory in fetus’ through slowing heart rate - Music stimulates a baby’s mood


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