INF 6000 Syllabus - Winter 2022 - v PDF

Title INF 6000 Syllabus - Winter 2022 - v
Course Information Systems Management
Institution Wayne State University
Pages 13
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course syllabus about information management in information maganmenmet department...


Wayne State University

School of Information Sciences

INF 6000: Introduction to Information Management Winter 2022 Instructors: Course Delivery: Office Hours: Lectures Available:

Nic DePaula, PhD [email protected] Timothy Bowman, PhD [email protected] Online and Asynchronous via Canvas See Canvas for details Every Tuesday by 11:59 p.m.

Welcome to the Course! As you settle into fully online learning, please understand that it is essential you read this syllabus, the course requirements, and routinely follow course announcements. You may directly communicate with the instructors as necessary. We look forward to making this a thoughtful, enjoyable and useful course to all of you!

Course Description and Learning Outcomes This course covers the central issues related to information management and the use of information technologies (IT) in the world today. The course explores the main areas of practice in information management, and related areas of research in the information sciences, management sciences, psychology, sociology, and design sciences. First, the course covers technical foundations, including the use of programming languages, software development, data modeling and databases. The course also introduces the use of data analytics and machine learning algorithms for discovery and decision making applications. The course covers psychological, legal and ethical issues related to information management, and the basics of ensuring data security. Lastly, the course covers principles of technology design and user experience, including research methodology such as A/B testing. Students learn material via video lectures, readings, labs, discussions, and a final project. The course provides a strong foundation for further academic studies, and work in information management.

Learning Outcomes By the end of this course students should be able to:

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Winter 2022

       

Create a simple program in the Python programming language. Create and publish a basic website using HTML and CSS. Model a relational database based on business requirements and implement the model in a MySQL database Discuss barriers and benefits of one or more methods of data analytics or machine learning to a discovery or decision making scenario. Apply principles of design and user experience to the development of a software application. Assess sociological or psychological issues that implicate management and leadership in organizations. Assess information management practices based on ethical and legal principles. Apply scientific principles to test information management related hypotheses.

Course Delivery This is a fully online asynchronous course provided via Canvas, our Learning Management System (LMS). Although the course is asynchronous, there are specific due dates which you must follow. Opportunities for synchronous/live engagement among instructors and students is possible. Your success in this course depends on the extent to which you can follow course material and instructions. To accomplish this course it is necessary you follow due dates, periodical announcements and engage in communication with classmates and instructors. Course Logistics 

The course is structured in Modules on Canvas. Every module contains the readings, videos, related assignments, and directions to discussion board posts. o Every week by Tuesday 11:59 PM the full content of the module will be posted.

Canvas also provides a section with Assignments. Make sure you check this section to understand the nature of assignments and when they are due.

There is a section in Canvas for Discussion boards. You are expected to follow the discussion boards and engage in discussion posts with other students.

Communication 1. Any question you have about the course should be posted to the Canvas Questions & Answers (Q&A) discussion board. Put your questions here so all can benefit from them. INF 6000

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a. Instructors will check this at least once a day (week days). b. All students are welcome to answer any question in this forum. 2. Questions may also be answered during Instructor Office Hours. Check Canvas for details on instructor office hours. 3. Personal questions should be directed to the course lead instructor via Email. a. Message the course lead instructor OR the instructor relevant to the module/week to which the question relates. b. Make sure to add INF6000 in the subject heading of the email. 4. You may expect an instructor response within 24h to 48h (excluding weekends). If you do not receive an answer within 48h feel free to attempt another communication method or send your message again. 5. Technical issues and errors: a. First, report error to the Q&A board on Canvas. If problem is not solved, then: b. Report to SIS Tech at: [email protected] c. If problem persists, ask or report issue to WSU C&IT HelpDesk at: Request Software or Computer Accessories. d. If none of these avenues, work email lead instructor. When reporting technical errors and issues: 1 – Indicate what Operating System and specific applications are being used. 2 – Indicate actions taken to manipulate software and generate error. 3 – Copy in full any error message provided. 4 – Take screenshots of the process to facilitate understanding of error. 6. Assignment deadlines: If you do not hear a response and there is a deadline: don’t panic! Assignment deadlines are flexible. Each assignment has a deadline which you should strive to meet. But you may submit assignments late without penalty. If you are falling behind with multiple assignments, contact the instructor to discuss.

Netiquette and Ground Rules – The 10 principles 1. This course is a community where we work together to support the successful achievement of our learning outcomes.

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2. Text communication can be difficult. When reading or writing, read and write carefully. Re-read and re-write before posting or submitting material. 3. Respect others in online communication; assume you are communicating in person. Remember to balance your ideas and highlight positives and criticisms as appropriate. 4. A whole word or sentence capitalized is often considered shouting/yelling. If you need to highlight a concept or point consider italicizing or bolding words. 5. Double check your grammar and spelling mistakes; avoid slangs and abbreviations. Make sure to always spell out acronyms at least once. 6. If you have a question or issue, search for an answer before posting or emailing your question, either through course materials, web searches or other students. 7. Ask for help or answers when you need it and assist others when possible. 8. In discussion and assignments, be concise, explicit and specific as possible to address a single point at a time, with multiple points or topics organized or partitioned. 9. This course is open to diverse views. Expect criticisms and challenges to your opinions. Be respectful and calm when engaging with difficult and controversial ideas. 10. If you have any concerns about this course or these rules, feel free to email one of the instructors. Be clear and specific about your concerns.

Readings & Technologies Textbook and readings  

There is no formal textbook required for this course. All readings are available via Canvas, a web link or via the Wayne State online Library system:

1. Your WSU AccessID will get you access to all content available online from the WSU Library System. This protected content may be accessed by searching the WSU Library system content at: 2. You may search library content via QuickSearch or by searching through the different databases and collections. 3. This will connect you to the WSU Library’s collections via a “proxy connection”, where you will need to enter your access ID and password. You may avoid this step by using the WSU’s Virtual Private Network (VPN) – See below. Required Operating System

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For this course, you will need to have access to a computer with a Windows, Linux or Mac Operating System (OS) and access to the Internet. As you may be required to download special software, the following operating systems (OS) are recommended:

 Ubuntu 16 (or later)  Windows 7 (or later)  MacOS (version 10.8 or later) Spreadsheet, word and presentation software 

With your Wayne student account, under Academica and your Email, you should have access to install “Office 365” Microsoft suite of products, such as: Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint:

You may also make use of the Libre Office software programs, which provide similar functionality to Microsoft products:

Internet and VPN You are expected to be able to operate a Web Browser (i.e. Chrome or Firefox) with access to the Internet. 

You will probably need to download and use WSU’s Virtual Private Network (VPN) for some activities for this course. This will require you to download the GlobalProtect VPN software into your computer. This is a safe software that enables you to connect to the Internet from within the WSU network, and thus allows you to access WSU library content and SIS content. To install this VPN, go here:

Online meeting and video recording 

You may need to use the Zoom online conferencing program. To download and set up Zoom on your device, please see:

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Winter 2022


You may also need to record your own video while making a presentation for this class. See further information on how to record your own video on Canvas.

** Chromebooks, Android or other operating systems for mobile devices are NOT SUFFICIENT for this course. **

Course Activities Video Lectures and Readings This course will provide video lectures on the relevant course topics. Video lectures are intended to explain practical and theoretical material. Video lectures will be posted on the Tuesday of each respective module. You are expected to watch the video lectures to understand the relevant material as well as specific instructions and interpretations you need to consider. Although watching video lectures are not assessed for course points, they are necessary for comprehending course content. Readings are provided in this course. Each module will have readings that students must read on their own time. Readings are intended to supplement video lectures. Certain discussion questions or assignments may be directly dependent on particular readings.

Discussion Posts

[2 original posts: 20 pts total; 4 reply posts: 10 pts total]

You will be required to participate actively in the course via discussion posts. The intention is to allow you to absorb, analyze and articulate the material we cover. Each of you will be assigned discussion sections for original and reply posts: 

In your assigned week for original post, you will reflect upon the readings and make an original written post based on a set of questions or directions for that particular discussion.

In your assigned week for a reply post, you will reflect upon a student’s original post.

Some discussion posts may need to be made in video format and others in text.

See further details on Canvas Discussion section.

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Winter 2022



[5 labs @ 8-10 pts: 48 pts total]

Labs are relatively short exercises that will be provided for you to practice the skills and theories presented in the video lectures and readings. Remember: Practice makes perfect! Certain labs/exercises may be done on groups (e.g. pairs). Each lab is different and this information will be detailed for each lab or exercise. Further details on labs are available under Assignments on Canvas.

Final project

[1 @ 20 pts total]

This course includes a final project which every student must complete to pass the course. The final project will be mostly in a narrative format. The final project may involve the proposal of a system, the analysis of an existing system, or research into activities related to information management. A detailed description of the final project and its specific requirements are available on Canvas.

Summary of graded activities Assignment Introduction Quiz Labs Original Posts Reply Posts Final Project Total



Total Points

1 5 2 4 1

2 8-10 10 2.5 20

2 48 20 10 20 100

Citing Content Plagiarism – copying others’ content without citing – is one of the worst crimes in academia. Avoid this like the plague. See further details about plagiarism below under Academic Policies. To properly cite content, please use the APA Style Manual: 

Referencing or paraphrasing any language created by others should have an “in-text reference” or “in-text citation”, which generally includes the authors’ names and the year of the publication, such as:

The issues of software development strategies have been discussed at length by several authors (Costello, 2018; Lindvall et al., 2004). INF 6


Direct copying of any original and specific language from others requires quotation marks and reference to page numbers (if available). For example:

Some have argued that agile methods may be used for software development even in contexts of mission-critical software products, “especially for small, collocated teams” (Lindvall et al., 2004, p. 33).

If you are citing material outside of the class, make sure to include the full citation of your reference at the end of your post, exercise or formal essay! The full citation of an article will look something like this:

Costello, L. (2018). Applying a software development product cycle to library technology adoption and development. Journal of Library Administration, 58(4), 334–345.


The APA style requires that you properly italicize, and keep the order of the sections the same. There are different styles for citing different types of content. For example, a journal article is not cited the same way as a webpage or a news article.

Further Information on the APA Style manual may be found here: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010). 7th edition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

And via Purdue Online Writing Lab: /general_format.html

Learner Expectations This is a fast-paced course that requires engagement. Make sure to review the due dates for the assignments to orient yourself to the flow of learning. You are expected to assess your time needs and plan your time accordingly. Online courses can be deceiving. Often new online learners expect them to be easier than faceto-face classes and are surprised to learn how challenging they can be.

You may need about 5-10 hours per week for this course. Identify early on where, when and how you can best meet this time requirement. INF 6000

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Grading Scale This course uses a 100 point scale. Your final grade will be translated to a letter grade as follows: GRADE


94-100: A

Outstanding achievement. All assignments are completed with a full command of course material. Student work exhibits a high level of originality, and clarity of presentation and argumentation.

90-93: A-

Great achievement. Work demonstrates overall knowledge of the course material. All requirements are completed, but work could have small improvements.

87-89: B+

Good work. Demonstrates comprehension of the course materials. Small shortcomings are present in articulation of content, considerations raised in assignments, or completeness of activities.

83-86: B

Good work. Demonstrates an understanding of the course materials at an acceptable level. Meets most assignment and course expectations. Improvements in clarity, completeness, articulation of presentation of material are apparent.

80-82: B-

Good work with some shortcomings. Large but incomplete understanding of course material. Satisfactory but with multiple weak presentation of assignments.

73-76: C

Satisfactory work with major shortcomings. Some but largely incomplete understanding of course material, and weak performance of assignments. In graduate school a C range is passing, but indicates major issues to be addressed.

< 73: F

Failure of overall course. No credit points are given for the course.

77-79: C+

See the WSU SIS polices website: for the specifics of the School’s grading policy Passing this course: You cannot pass this course without earning a total passing grade; submitting all work is necessary but not sufficient to pass the course. Grades of “I” (Incomplete) may be assigned in this course after discussion with the instructor, but depending on the circumstances there will be a penalty applied at the discretion of the instructor.

General Academic Policies Academic Integrity Students are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic studies. Academic misbehavior means any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the

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institution or subvert the education process. All forms of academic misbehavior, including but not limited to plagiarism and cheating, are prohibited at Wayne State University, as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Students who commit or assist in committing dishonest acts are subject to downgrading and/or additional sanctions as described in the Student Code of Conduct. Faculty and students are responsible for knowing the different forms of academic dishonesty as well as for being aware of the Student Code of Conduct. Complete details are provided on the Dean of Students website: Course Drops and Withdrawals In the first two weeks of the (full) term, students can drop this class and receive 100% tuition and course fee cancellation. After the end of the second week there is no tuition or fee cancellation. Pay attention to the Withdrawal dates to ensure you can recover paid tuition.

Students who wish to withdraw from the class can initiate a withdrawal request on Academica. You will receive a transcript notation of WP (passing), WF (failing), or WN (no graded work) at the time of withdrawal. No withdrawals can be initiated after the end of the tenth week. Students enrolled in the 10th week and beyond will receive a grade. Because withdrawing from courses may have negative academic and financial consequences, students considering course withdrawal should make sure they fully understand all the consequences before taking this step. More information on this can be found at: Graduation Assessment Requirements A Graduation Assessment (previously e-portfolio) is required for graduation by all students who entered the MLIS in Fall 2009 and thereafter. Details may be found on the SIS website: Gra...

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