INFO final exam cheat sheet study guide PDF

Title INFO final exam cheat sheet study guide
Author Bailey Burke
Course Social Aspects of Information Technology
Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pages 7
File Size 111.3 KB
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final exam study guide cheat sheet
INFO 102
professor Lori Kendall...


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Social INFO- interdisciplinary study of the design, uses/consequences of IT that takes into account their interaction w institutional& cultural contexts info tech- all forms of tech used to create, store, exchange, &use information in all its various forms (data, voice convos, images, motion pics& those not yet conceived) Social construction of tech (SCOT)- tech are created & used by ppl in social contexts Technological determinism- tendency to view technology as ind force changes or influences society, casting it as a reactive agent (uto/dystopian discourse, moral panic) Elements of progress narratives (accretion-idea tht each new scientific &tech innov. builds on last)(improvement-bc we have built on previous tech, each innovation is better than the rest)(natural evolution-progression we are seeing is inevitable &natural (faith in technofixes-recognize prob w new tech have faith that the next version will fix) Applying SCOT-consid ppl, tech, &social contexts/examining interactions btw elements(critique of progress narratives-circular logic,ignore human aspects,present society as seamless,cui bono? (who benefits?) Social shaping-affordances &limitations:2 way influence: we shape technologies which also exert influences &constraints (it shapes US too) Ex. SCOT: Stilgoe on self-driving cars-transition won’t b smooth, some risks are qualitatively diff than others, techs distribute risks &benefits evenly) Baym’s 7 concepts ○ interactivity(social interactivity-ability of a medium to enable social interactions between groups or individuals, technical interactivity-a mediums capability of letting humans modify it via interface)(textual interactivity- creative &interpretative interaction btw users)(temporal structure-synchronous types of com-skype,async form com-email) ○ Social cues(rich media- enable lot of info abt ppl 2b transmitted whatever purposeful msg trying 2 get across/in person get most social cues, Snap v rich bc u c ppls face, lean media- media type that gives u least amt social cues, txt is lean, so we add emojis 2 make more rich,,, anon vs. pseudonymity) ○ Storage(persistence, storage &retrieval) ○ Replicability(something that can be copied-texting:copy &paste) ○ Reach(diff mdia targeted toward diff audiences) ○ Mobility(portability vs. stationary,availability vs. autonomy) ○ Control ○ Directionality(1 way vs 2 way:twitter is mostly 1 way) Blumber’s basic premises of symbolic interactionism-human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that the things have 4 them(meaning of things arises out of social interaction,meanings negotiated &interpreted by humans, meanings accumulate through histories of encounters, interactions, &negotiations (Kendall’s Addendum) Symbolic interactionism: meaning &objects(objects don’t have a set, given meaning, meaning of obj is social accomplishment &can change in diff social contexts) irresistibility of cell phones(phubbing- taking out ur phone &using it 2 ignore everyone around u/high internet use/low-self control, fomo)

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Ideology-system of ideas &ideals, especially 1 that forms the basis of economic or political theory &policy Media ideologies-ppls ideas abt the medium shape the ways that medium will deliver a msg, they are abt 1 medium are always affected by the media ideologies people have about other media Second order information-without indications about how the sender would like the message received, u nvr send w/o, rich vs. lean, pick which platform 2 send 2 give an idea of what ur doing Idioms of practice-ppl figure out together how 2 use diff mdia &often agree on the appr social uses of tech by asking advice &sharing stories w each other Identity themes(continuity-state or fact of being the same one)(integration-remaining the same, as under varying aspects/conditions)(distinctness-particular person or thing/condition of being oneself or itself or not another)(similarity-associate one/oneself in feeling, interest, action, etc)//(personal/felt: my name is bay)(personal/ascribed:he has blu eyes)(social/felt: i’m a woman)(social/ascribed:he’s black) ur technology identity includes ur beliefs abt(1-ur own tech skills)(2-opp for & constraints on ur use of technology)(3-importance of tech)(4-ur motivation 2 learn more abt tech) Descriptions of aspects of technology identities ○ Skills: not fluent → highly fluent ○ Opportunities &constraints: highly constrained, challenged, partially productive, productive, saturated ○ Important: not at all important → very important ○ Motivation: completely unmotivated, unexcited, eager, interested, infatuated Communicating identity to others ○ Performances vs. displays ■ Interactive, synchronous → static, asynchronous Identity display in vr &online games Information technologies &identity Memory ○ How do we use information technologies in relation to memory? ○ What are the affordances &constraints affecting these uses? Terminology ○ Quantified self ○ Lifelogging ○ Personal informatics ○ Self-tracking 5 r’s (lifelogging promises to do these things)-(recollecting-reliving past events 4 practical purposes)(reminiscing-sentimental purposes)(retrieving-accessing documents &data)(reflecting-analysis of patterns in past behavior)(remembering intentions) Modes of self-tracking(private-self-initiated, voluntary,purpose: self-awareness, life improvement or optimization,private or limited sharing)(communal-self-initiated or encouraged by outside agency, voluntary,purpose: similar to private,voluntary sharing within a community of self-trackers)(pushed-encouraged by outside agency w > power,

voluntary-ish,purpose: outside agency encouraging behavior changes, required or encouraged sharing w outside agency)(imposed-required by outside agency w > power, non-voluntary, purpose: productivity, efficiency, monitoring, required sharing wimposing agency)(exploited-encouraged by an outside agency w greater resources, voluntary tracking/ non-voluntary sharing of data, purpose: collecting of data for marketing/other economic purposes (incentives provided for customers),required sharing w encouraging agency) ●

Management ○ What challenges do we face in our use of information technologies, especially social media? ○ How do we manage all the different forms of information technology we use? Wyatt’s categories of non-users(resisters - never had access &never wanted it/non-use in a high use environment)(rejecters - tried it but gave up voluntarily, leaving grindertech: deleting app, closing acc social: exiting culture, forfeiting as means of meeting others)(expelled - had access but lost it/affected bystanding-condition of ind who involuntarily exp impact of others use of tech sys while not relating to these systems as users themselves ex. tvs in public)(excluded - never had access despite wanting it, digital divides) Users(makers, hackers, &crafters: make their own or alter technology to suit themselves)(users: choosing to use a technology more or less as-is)(affected bystanders: unintentional use/exposed 2 others use) IT &everyday life topics &themes ○ Media ideologies - meaning ○ Tech identity - identity ○ The quantified self - memory (sellen & whittaker, baym) -\> ○ The spectrum of use &non use - management Intellectual property (IP)-creations of the mind, ex. inventions; literary and artistic works; designs& symbols, names& images used in commerce. An intangible form of property that’s protected by a sys of laws such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets, through which authors and inventors are given ownership rights over their creative works (ex. Books, poems, songs) and inventions ○ US IP protections(patents-temp. monopoly (20 years), tangible, useful, nonobvious device or process)(trademark-signifiers (logos, designs, etc)(trade secret-case law, abetted by some recent statuses, held indefinitely as long as secret is protected)(copyright-limited protection of artistic works to encourage creativity) ○ Ip category of use - relationship of the use 2 US copyright law ○ Ip mode of use - what u do w the material ○ Ip context of use - where, with whom, for what fair use 4 factors eval

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1. purpose&character of use(how transformed?copied?value added?-nonprofit&edu.use better than commercial//transformative-new work) ○ 2.nature of copyrighted use(actual/fiction,published/unpublished-worse2copy) ○ 3.amt and sustainability of portion taken(...

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