Ingles BDA- Questioning chart PDF

Title Ingles BDA- Questioning chart
Author Tania Isabel Rodriguez Canabal
Course Inglés Intermedio
Institution Universidad Popular Autonóma del Estado de Puebla
Pages 2
File Size 66 KB
File Type PDF
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Cuadro BDA sobre un tema contestado...


Before Reading 1. What are some types of discrimination? - Social, sexual, racial, religious and ideologic.

2. What are some prejudices that I have toward people?Sometimes I judge people because of his clothes or personality. If they are hiperactive and always moving or laughing I think that they’re irresponsible. 3. What is a stereotype? - A generalization made about a group of people.

B/D/A Questioning Chart During Reading According to one of the texts, how could prejudice put you in danger? Because sometimes the things aren’t always as they seem. And the clothes you were don’t define who you are or make you a bad person. What are some effects of stereotyping? - Can be positive or negative, but both have negative consequences for the person being stereotyped.

After Reading Why the society creates stereotypes?

Which are the most common stereotypes in the world?

It is posible for there to be a posistive stereotype? If so give an example.

Can a positive stereotype cause stress?

4. What stereotypes are used here in Mexico? -“Chacas” are people who loves the reggaeton and are considered nacos. 5. What is the difference between physical and racial stereotypes?

What are some ways to combat stereotypes? - With education, and with the media help like tv, the radio, the internet, etc. The stereotypes are depending from an age group?

Can a stereotype (positive or negative) cause depression?

6. How people do stereotypes?

Where we learn the stereotypes? We learn them from a variety of sources including tv, books, music, our families… How can a person make a stereotype?

7. What are some stereotypes that society do? - The blondies are dommies. -People who likes read are nerds. -All the latins are mexicans. 8. What determines a stereotype? 9. Can a stereotype being eliminate? Yes but it is very difficult because they come from our frame of reference or our own cultural expectation about how people should look.

How is a positive stereotype? Sometimes a stereotype could be correct or help us?

Why the movies or media helps to create stereotypes and don't help to eliminating it?

10. What is a racial stereotype?

How the media helps to create a stereotype? The media

exaggerate the characteristics from a ethnicity, a group of members or shows wrongs characteristics....

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