Inglese-8-CFU - Riassunto Inglese PDF

Title Inglese-8-CFU - Riassunto Inglese
Course Inglese
Institution Università degli Studi di Catania
Pages 6
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Riassuntio dei manuali del corso di Inglese (8 CFU)...


Reggio Emilia school RES was founded by Bruno Ciari and Loris Malaguzzi in the 1950’s. They believed that education should liberate child capacities and creativity, so they developed the RE approach. It includes: -the atelier (a workshop where children can use many different materials to communicate and make their thinking visible); - the atelerista ( teacher who prepares the work for children and provides occasions for learning, It is based on research and experimentation); -communication and relationship ( because we form ourselves through our interaction with other people, according to social constructivism model) ; documentation (important because it makes parents aware of the school activities, it allows teachers to value their work and it makes child protagonist of his own learning process) . The RE approach holds that children, teachers and parents are the central protagonists in the educational process.

Summerhill In the 1920’s a Scottish man called A.S. Neill founded Summerhill, the first modern free school. In this period teaching in Britain was repressive and was because of Neill’s unhappy childhood that he decided to found this alternative school. The Neill’s main idea was to make a school that allows children freedom, because according to him a child is innately capable of developing. In Summerhill:- decisions were made by pupils and teachers together; -lesson were not compulsory; -children have classes according to their age or to their interests, students stay usually from 5 to 16 years old. The key objective was that children should be happy at school. This new model of schooling challenged the authoritarian tradition of British schooling. After Neill’s death the British government tried to close Summerhill after an OFSTED (office for standards in education) inspection concluding that it wasn’t providing an adequate education. It was because this school’s policy allowed to the children to decide if they wanted an education. This verdict didn’t come out of the blue, in fact Ofsted was dissatisfied since 1990s, so the inspections became tougher and more frequent. Now Zoe Readhead, the Neil’s daughter, is the new director of Summerhill and she is fighting for its survive. But at the present there are few british students in Summerhill because parents prefer not to experiment with their children’s education, instead it had success in USA, where this alternative education is used since 1960’s.

Sudbury Valley School It was founded by a group of educators in 1968, Massachusetts. The aim of the school is the freedom of students, they are responsible of their own education without coercion. Students decide what they study and learning as they see fit. Pupils and teachers have an equal say. Sometimes student investigates a subject on his own using learning aids, or they work together in group or asked teacher for help. The traditional subjects are taught in the Sudbury.

How do Freedom schools work? Freedom schools work is based on educational and cultural enhancement so children are engaged in activity like reading books, art and athletic activities and conflict resolution skills. Parental involvment that is useful for reinforce positive values and encourages a positive interaction with their children. Freedom schools are staffed by an intergenerational community, it is encouraged to share their experiences and stories with other components of the schools. These elements allow children to explore problems and become active in the solutions. Typical day in freedom schools

The day begins with breakfast for developing healthy eating habits. Then there is the gathering students, staff and volunteers. It follows the reading time and the conflict resolution time to teach students the skills to resolve problems creatively.

Technology in education At this age of the computer Internet is considered the most important communication tool. Essentially Internet is a network of people and informations linked together by telephone lines connected to the computers. This part is about laptops invade and transform class creating positive and negative points. Positive aspects are: posting questions to the professor, use email to communicate with professors and other students, do web research in class to supplement discussion. Negative aspects are: new forms of distraction in class, some students stop to coming to lessons because they can find the lectures on the web, some students could have fun with their laptop instead listen to the lesson. Jones international University, was the first university based on the internet education approved by a major educational association, it holds classes only in the cyberspace. JIU offers 18 certificate programs, about 950 students are enrolled in courses, that are priced half of the cost of courses in public universities. All syllabuses are posted online, students discuss with teachers or classmates by email or online chat. Some people, like Mike Smith, are concerned about this way of education, because they think a high learning requires a face to face interaction. But Steven Crowd, says that internet based programs are rigorous and however they requires discipline and motivation like in public universities. Rancho Cotate is a high school that allows students to use electronic devices. Some of them are learning aid like graphic calculators, electronic translator for foreign language, electronic spelling checkers. But others like cell phones, CD players, palms and pagers, are banned during the lessons.

Special issues in education The following texts are written by Kohl and talk about the use of the stories in education. The first essay focuses on Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio, the second essay shifts to Angelo Patri’s Pinocchio in America, the last take focuses on the role of the stories. 1- Children can learn the basis of critical reading before the literacy. They can learn to speculate about the author’s intents, hidding meanings and the social and cultural background in the story. Pinocchio represents a challenging story that can be read by pre school children. Kohl chose Collodi’s Pinocchio, that isn’t the same of Walt Disney. The most important difference is that Collodi’s Pinocchio never becomes a good boy, he remains a troublemaker whose his pranks rebounds against him. Through Pinocchio’s reading, children learn to care to other people and be good; it provokes questions about good and evil, responsibility and temptations. Listen to a story, speculate and speak intelligently about it is the center of the development of intelligence and active imagination; it is also an introduction to studying words and world. 2- Pinocchio in America was written by Angelo Patri, an important educator of progressive school, who arrived as immigrant in New York from Italy when he was a child. In his book Pinocchio is an immigrant too; he researches fame and fortune in the New World, but he understands that isn’t so easy as he thought. During his adventures he learns new meanings, ask questions and learn from the experience, like the tenets of progressive education.


Patri and Covello are two Italian progressive educators in USA. They, immigrants in New York, fought for the cultural respect and the development of ethnic studies in high schools, especially for the Italian language. At the center of their work there were personal and community stories, toward them we can know and respect the cultural differences. So education mustn’t refuse these stories.

ENGLISH FOR EDUCATORS Freud “The interpretation of dreams” According to Freud everyone who has passed the final examination often dreams again about it feeling anxiety. This dream concerns only to people that have passed the examination, never to those who have failed it. The anxiety dream occurs when the dreamers anticipate a responsible task on the following day or whenever they feel the burden of responsibility. Freud believe that these anxiety dreams are the unconscious memories of the childhood’s punishments. Experience: -Any event which one has lived. – The knowledge gained from a participation in an event. – The sum total of knowledge accumulated. Life (1856-1939) He was born into a Jewish family and he grow up in Austria. After higher studies he focused his research upon brain disorders. He used Hypnosis at first, then he tried patients’ exploration simply allowing them to lie and discuss about their own problems; he noticed that these explorations often led the patient to the childhood. This technique was criticized, but he continued his research and he discovered that a person’s mind was constructed in different layers. After Nazy Party in Austria, he moved to France while his books were publicy burned. Later he focused his research to the repressed mind and he theorized that children sought sexual gratification but it is limited by the society. He also created three developmental stage called : oral stage, anal stage and phallic stage. His major works are: - Interpretation of dreams, - Totem and Taboo , - Introduction to psychoanalysis. Freud and his studies are still studied to this day.

Vygotsky “Mind in society” According to V. the child fulfills some needs in play. But isn’t appropriate say that play always gives pleasure, because there are many activities much keener than play and games like sucking a pacifier and because the play could be accompanied by displeasure when the outcome is unfavorable. The child’s needs change from a development stage to another, so educators can’t ignore them to understand his advances. Play : We can divide plays in three groups: -games of MASTERY(padronanza) like building, coping.. – games with RULES as marbles, war games.. – games of fantasy and “make believe” (far finta che..). Life(1896-1934) V. was born in Russia at the end of nineteenth century. Due to a premature death and the censure of his works by the Communist Party, he wasn’t well-known when he was alive. After his law and psychology studies, he interested in child development that is influenced by culture and interactions with other people especially with parents and adults, he called this process “internalization”. Bruner “Actual minds, possible worlds”: As adults we know the world from different ways producing different realities, instead the children are less adept at achieving multiple perspectives. But they quickly learn how to refer to the world with sense because they are capable of imposing principles of organization, children acquire language skills not for their own sake, but in order to requesting, protesting, possessing and the rest. Language learning: Language is an important tool for thinking. Some theorists like Skinner believe that

linguistic formation is based on discrimination learning. According to some linguists and biologists , humans are genetically prepared to acquire language. So we can suggest a position between Skinner’s ideas and cognitive accounts of learning: once linguistic discrimination have been acquired, they can be used as tool for learning language. Life(1915) : Bruner is an American psychologist and educator; he worked on perception, learning and different aspects of cognition in children. He studied at Harvard University, where he became a psychology professor. Then he left Harvard to become a professor of experimental psychology at University of Oxford. In his book “The process of education” he says that any subject can be taught to any child if it is presented in the proper manner, so teacher must challenge the child’s current developmental stage to stimulate his/her natural curiosity.

Dewey “Experience and education”: The rise of the progressive schools is a criticism of the traditional education. In fact traditional schools impose methods of learning foreign to the capacities of the young, the imposition is covered up to relieve the brutal features. Instead progressive schools are based on the expression of individuality and free actions, thanks to them children learn. Drill: this word means a training based on repetition by students following the model given by teacher. Life(1859-1952): Dewey was one of America’s leading philosopher who stressed the importance of linking theories to active participation in the world, especially in the education. He criticized classic European philosophy and reformulated education focused on the experience, which has as its aim growth and the achievement of maturity. According to Dewey the education process must build upon the interests of the child and so the teacher should be a guide and coworker into a classroom. Therefore the school’s goal is the growth of the child in all aspects of its being.

Freire “Daring to dream: toward a pedagogy of unfinished”: The educator’s biggest problem isn’t to discuss if education can or cannot have success, but to discuss where/how/where it can. It’s important that educators realize that their work is social and education is indispensable to the social transformation. The education for human rights can bring the dominated that have to fight for their rights that can be earned. This education suggests a greater participation of popular groups. Life(1921-1997): is a Brazilian educator and the theorist of Critical Pedagogy. After his graduation (in Law) he became a teacher in secondary school, this occupation shaped his thinking and social engagement. In fact he became aware of the unjust reality surrounding him, many Brazilian areas were left behind by the school system creating illiterate citizens that could not participate in the life of their country. Freire embraced the Liberation Teology, a pedagogical attitude that combined Christian and Marxist values , and he also created a project to educate illiterate adults. But after a military coup in 1964 he was imprisoned as a public enemy with other people; after being released he left Brazil and lived in exile for 15 years, in USA he got a professorship at Harvard. Back in Brazil he contributed to the Workers’ Party.

Hooks “teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom” : According to her education should be the practice of freedom, she invites her colleagues to transgress, in fact teaching isn’t a sharing of informations. Teaching has to respect and care of intellectual and spirit growth of students, they want a meaningful knowledge linked to their life experiences, not a rote learning. Educators should help students develop emotionally and intellectually. Life(1952): Bell Hooks is the pen name of Gloria Jean Watkins, an American writer, professor and social critic. Despite her rugged childhood for the racial segregation, she carried on her studies in English and became a University lecturer. A long Paulo Freire and Thich Nhat Hanh, she interested in the role of education as a tool of resistance to racial and sexual oppressions.

1-Going to extremes This text is about a National Geographic’s

TV series, in which Nick Middleton (a geographic lecturer at Oxford University) travels to the places with the most extreme weathers in the world: the hottest, coldest, wettest and driest places. He visited the Danakil, a desert of salt in Ethiopia, where the temperature is often higher than 50 degrees. Nick also visited the coldest inhabited place in Siberia, where in winter temperature is usually lower than minus 25 degrees; the wettest place in Awsynram (India) and the driest place Arica, in Chile.

2- Rabbit Kekai The text is about Albert Rabbit Kekai, a 85 years old surfer. He could already surf when he was 6, he got the nickname Rabbit because he was very fast. During the World war II he worked as a scuba diver in Us army. He taught many Hollywood’s actors to surf. Now Rabbit kekai still surfs and he still gives lessons.

3- Who steals hotel towels? This text talks about the souvenirs that guests hotel often take away. The most common things are: soap, toilet rolls, pillows, mini bottles of shampoo and glasses. But they sometimes steal strange things like toilet seats, tv remote controls and lamps. The strangest theft is from a hotel in England where a couple stole a shower.

4- Welsh mall says NO to wheels in heels The text is about a Welsh mall where kids in heelies, shoes with wheels, can’t enter in, they must take their shoes off and walk around in their socks. These shoes can be dangerous, because teenagers could break shops windows or knock down customers, so there is a real safety problem. Other malls have the rules about wearing baseball caps or tops with hoodies, because cameras must be able to see faces.

5-True crime The first part of the text is about Barry Lyn Stoller, a man who found a cheque for a lot of dollars in his mail, but it was the result of a computer error. A few weeks before he bought pills which didn’t work, so he wrote asking his money back to the makers of pills. The company sent a cheque for 98000, the post code instead the real cost of pills. He took money and left his town. Police caught him 3 years later. The second one is about Jennifer Robinson, a grocery store cashier. One day somebody stole her purse, cheque book and driving licence in her car. A few days later when she was at work a customer wrote a cheque, so she asked to see documents, the customer gave her a driving licence, hers. Miss Robinson told customer to wait, she had to call the manager, instead she phoned police.

6- A day in the life of a postman in India The text is about Rajenda Prased, a postman that takes mails to the desert village. He doesn’t only take mail. Sometimes he has to read mail to people because some people can’t read or he also has to take the pension money for the old people. He also carries a phone because many of the villages don’t have it.

7- Wi-fi thief Is about

a Singapore teenager called Gary, an online gamer that played games all day. He

didn’t have time to study so his parents disconnected their internet access. This didn’t stop him,

because he was able to connect to his neighbours wi-fi. They found it and called police. It’s a crime to use a wi-fi network that isn’t yours. Gary had to go to court, that gave him the choice: go to a boys’ hostel or join the army. 8- Table manners made easy Is about table manners. Today there are 2 ways to use knife and fork, the European style and the American style. With the European style (two handed) you should hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left hand. With the American style you should hold the fork in your right hand and leave the knife on the plate, when there is the need to cut food, the fork moves to the left and the knife on the right hand, then putted the knife down the fork moves to the right hand again. It is because in the past there weren’t forks, people used only knives to eat, when forks arrived in America people continued eating with one hand. Instead most people in

the world use their hand to eat. 9The power of make up In the film sea inside Javier Badem was 35, but he played a man who is 20 years older. The make-up was so good that it’s hard recognize him. But it took five hours each morning during the film. It was obtained putting contact lenses, adding bags and spots on his face. The make-up was done by Jo Allen who has worked in other films as Gladiator. The film won an Oscar for best make up....

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