Inglese - Riassunto libro Market Leader Upper Intermediate - preparazione all\'esame PDF

Title Inglese - Riassunto libro Market Leader Upper Intermediate - preparazione all\'esame
Course Professional English III
Institution Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM
Pages 48
File Size 1.2 MB
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Riassunto libro Market Leader Upper Intermediate - preparazione all'esame...



Bad communication




Hesitan = Reluctant to speak

Responsive = Eager to react and communicate Inhibited = unable to relax or express your feelings in a natural way Eloquent = Able to express ideas well

Rambling = Talking in a confused way



Extrovert = Outgoing Persuasive = Good at influencing people Succint = Concise Fluent = Clear and easy to understand Good communicators really listen to people and take in what is said. ! They maintain eye contact and have a relaxed body language, but they seldom interrupt and stop people talking. ! If they don’t understand and want to explain something, they wait for a suitable opportunity.! When speaking, effective communicators are good at giving information.! They do not confuse their listener. They make their points clearly. ! They avoid technical terms, abbreviations or jargon.! If they do need to use unfamiliar terminology, they clarify by giving an easy-to-understand example. ! Furthermore, although they may digress in order to elaborate a point and give additional information and details where appropriate, they will not ramble and lose sight of their main message.! Really effective communicators who have the ability to engage with colleagues, employees, customers and suppliers are a valuable asset for any business !

- Looking at another person = face to face ! - Upsetting or embarrassing someone by being rude or tactless = offence ! - Not be caught or punished when you have done something wrong = to get away ! - Pretend something is true in order to deceive people = make things up ! - Keeping writing or talking to someone, even though you do not see them often = keeping in touch

- Aiming an idea or product at someone = pitching to someone!

- To put in a —> nutshell = when you want to make it clear that you're going to sum something up in just a few words!

- To get straight to the —> point! - To hear it on the —> grapevine ! - To put someone in the —> picture = to keep#someone#informed, aware, or up to date#! - To get the wrong end of the —> stick! - To be on the same —> wavelength ! - Cant make head nor —> tail = that you cannot understand it at all! - To talk at cross —> purposes = they do not understand each other#! - To beat about the —> bush = discuss a matter without coming to the point! - To get it straight from the horse’s —> mouth ! - To be like talking to a brick —> wall! - To keep someone in the —> loop = to keep someone#informed about and/or involved in something, such as a plan or project, especially that which involves or pertains to a specific group.!

CAPITOLO 2 - INTERNATIONAL MARKETING BRAND =! - Positioning = ! asset strategico che permette, alla comparsa di un determinato bisogno, nella mente del potenziale cliente, di generare un#richiamo immediato#a un determinato#brand», facendo sì che la marca venga dunque percepita come la potenziale soluzione a un problema o a una necessità specifica.! —> as the conceptual place you want to own in the#target#consumer's mind#!

- Identity =! L’insieme degli elementi di riconoscimento del#brand#(nome, simboli, logo,#slogan,#jingle, ecc.) che agevolano il consumatore nell’identificazione! —> is the visible elements of a#brand

- Extension =! Strategia utilizzata nel marketing per la quale un'azienda riprende una marca già esistente per introdurre un nuovo prodotto! —>!when a company uses one of its established#brand#names on a new product or new product category.! CUSTUMER = ! - Profile =! is a document that lists pain points, interests, buying patterns, and demographic characteristics of a company's#customers.The latter defines the ideal#customer!

- Retention =! Fidelizzazione del cliente.! —> a company's ability to turn#customers#into repeat buyers and prevent them from switching to a competitor!

- Base =! is the group of#customers#who repeatedly purchase the goods or services of a business. These#customers#are a main source of revenue for a company! MARKET =! - Adaptation =!

- Penetration =! is a measure of how much a product or service is being used by customers compared to the total estimated#market#for that product or service.#Market penetration#also relates to the number of potential customers that have purchased a specific company's product instead of a competitor's product!

- Segmentation = ! Aggregating prospective buyers into groups or segments with common needs and who respond similarly to a#marketing#action.! Is the process of dividing a target#market#into smaller, more defined categories!

MARKETING =! - Mix =! La combinazione di variabili controllabili (leve decisionali) di marketing che le imprese impiegano per raggiungere i propri obbiettivi. ! —> The#marketing mix#refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to promote its brand or#product#in the#market. The 4Ps make up a typical#marketing mix#- Price,#Product, Promotion and Place!

- Strategy = !

A business's overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of their products or services.!

- Plan =! Il piano di marketing è l’applicazione del business plan per chiarire obbiettivi e strategie di ciò che vuoi realizzare con la tua azienda. ! —> identifies the#marketing#objectives and explains how#marketing#activities will help the organization achieve its broader goals and objectives. ... The#marketing plan#also focuses the company's resources on reaching target customers and driving them to act.! PRODUCT = ! - Placement = ! è una forma di comunicazione commerciale che consiste nell’inserire o nel fare riferimento a un prodotto all’interno di un contenuto narrativo già precedentemente costituito ed architettato, quale può essere ad esempio un film cinematografico, un programma di intrattenimento televisivo, un videogioco, ecc…riuscendo ad integrarsi e addirittura ad interagire con esso.! —> is a form of advertising in which branded goods and services are featured in a production that targets a large audience.!

- Portfolio = !

#Is the complete collection of#products#or services that a business sells.!

- Feature = !

are a#product's#traits or attributes that deliver value to end-users and differentiate a#product#in the market.#!

Sinonimi/ appartenenti allo stesso gruppo Growing - Developing - Expanding! Questionnaire - Focus Group - survey ! Market Sector - Niche - Segment! International - Overseas - Worldwide ! Launch - Introduce - Bring out ! (Withdraw = ritirare)! Special offer - Free sample - Discount ! Retailer - Wholesaler - Exporter ! (~ Distributor =#an intermediary entity between a the producer of a product and another entity! + supplies goods to retailers) !

Competitive —> Advantage = refers to factors that allow a company to produce goods or services better or more cheaply than its rivals. These factors allow the productive entity to generate more sales or superior margins compared to its market rivals! Traditional —> Markets = any type of#marketing#that isn't online! Raw —> Materials = that has remained almost unchanged since it was first discovered ! Mature —> Markets = A#market#is#mature#when it has reached a state of equilibrium! Global —> Ambitions ! Noun compounds and noun phrases - When two nouns occur together, the first noun is used as an adjective and describes the second noun. The first noun answers the question what kind. The first noun answers the question “what kind of”? ! A manufacturing subsidiary A draft agenda A phone conversation A network operator

- Noun + Noun compounds can often be transformed into structures where the second noun becomes the subject! An oil refinery ( = a refinery that produces oil)! Company executives (= executives that work for the company)! A travel agency (= an agency that sells travel) !

- Noun + Noun compounds may also be reformulated using a preposition ! Market research (= research into markets) ! Rail transport (= transport by rail)! Leisure activities (= activities for leisure) ! A web page (= a page on the web)!

- The first noun is usually singular ! A five-star hotel Consumer purchasing behaviour Risk assessment —> However some words retain the plural form! Sales policy Need analysis

- Sometimes three or more nouns occur together ! Line management system Production research centre Travel insurance claim form —> Hyphens can be used to avoid ambiguity in such compounds ! Software-development establishment

- Noun compounds can be modified by adjectives and adverbs ! Inspiring team leadership + International business development directors


Adjective/ - ing participle


Head noun











- A programme of actives over a period of time with aim of persuading the public to buy a product = Advertising campaign !

- The person who has the highest position in a company = Chairman/ Chief Executive ! - The makers of clothes, shoes in new and changing styles = Fashion producers - An organisation that makes expensive things bought for comport and pleasure, not for basic needs = Luxury-goods company

- Possibility for future development and expansion = Growth potential MARKETING - Campaign = Marketing campaigns#promote products through different types of media, such as television, radio, print, and online platforms!

- Budget = in the marketing plan ! - Strategy =plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of their products or services! MARKET - Leader = is a company with the largest#market#share in an#industry#that can often use its dominance to affect the competitive landscape and direction the#market#takes!

- Sector = is used in economics and finance to describe a part of the economy! - Survey = an investigation into the state of the market for a particular product or service, including an analysis of consumers' needs and preferences.!

PRODUCT - Range =#is a group of#products#(mobile phones, laptops, microwaves, etc.) that have these similar characteristics!

- Feature - Launch = is a planned effort to bring a new#product#to market.! ADVERTISING - Campaign - Agency - Slogan = are short phrases used in#advertising#campaigns! ! Ad Exchange = is a digital marketplace that enables advertisers and publishers to buy and sell#advertising#space, often through real-time auctions.!

BRAND - Awareness = the extent to which consumers are familiar with the qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.!

- Image = is the current view of the customers about a#brand! - Loyalty = the tendency of some consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brands.!

SALES ! - Figures = the information or numbers indicating how many products have been sold!

- Forecast = is the process that enables a business to estimate future#sales! - Targets = is the number of products you need to sell to make a desired profit.! PRICE - Promotion = is a marketing technique where the#price#of a product is kept reduced for a short period to build customer loyalty and swell sales volume, and then increased later on.#!

- Rise = #increase#in#prices! - Range = the highest and lowest prices recorded within a given time on a market!


Negative relations

Build up

Break off


Cut off




Disrupt = disgregare


Jeopardise = mettere a repentaglio


Sever = separare

Foster = favorire

Sour = inasprire


Undermine = minare

Maintain Promote Restore Resume = riprendere/ ricominciare Strengthen

Using or taking what you need form a supply of something = tapping into ! When someone always supports someone or something = loyal/ loyalty ! Being responsible for what you do and willing to explain it or accept criticism = accountable/ accountability ! A moral or legal duty to do something = obligation ! People you know who can help you, especially because they are in positions of power = graduate ! Talking to other people who do similar work in order to help each other = networking ! Determination to keep trying to do something difficult = perseverance

Multiword Verbs = are formed when a verb is followed by one or more particles. Those can be prepositions or adverbs. ! The meaning of a multiword verb is sometimes very differenti form the meanings of the two words taken separately ! How are you getting on? = get on is not the same as get + on!

- There are 2 different types of multiword verbs = ! 1. Intransitive = without an object ! The plane has just taken off —> take off She turned up unexpectedly —> turn up What time did you set off? 2. Transitive = with an object We will set up a new subsidiary They have called off the strike —> call off She has handed in her resignation —> hand in

- Multiword verbs can have 2 particles ! Im looking forward to seeing you —> look forward She’s trying to catch up with her work We need to make up for lost time

- Multiword verbs are either separable or inseparable ! 1. An adverb particle an come before or after the object if this is a noun ! We’ve put by some money We’ve put some money by But you cant put a pronoun after the particle ! She’s switched off the computer She’s switched the computer off She’s switched it off ! 2. If the particle is a preposition the verse and particle are inseparable ! Can you cope with your work? —> !! NOT = can you cope your work with?

- We do not normally separate multiword verbs with 2 particles. ! However, there are. Some transitive three-word combinations that allow separation ! Multinationals can play individual markets off against each other She puts her success down to hard work I’ll take you up on that suggestion

REVISION - Liam is a very articulate speaker. He expresses his ideas clearly and effectively !

- The product presentation was rambling. It included a lot of useless information, and no one really understood the point !

- Your talk is limited to 10 minutes, so you need to be succinct. If you don't stick to the point, you won't have time to say everything. !

- #Bill is extrovert so he really enjoys giving presentations. He loves being the centre of attention and talking to people. %

- I'm afraid I still don't know anything about the launch. The Marketing Manager gave a presentation about it, but he wasn't very coherent. I don't think he was prepared. %

- I've asked Elise to attend the meeting. She's very persuasive, and I think she can get a good deal for us. !

- I really enjoy listening to Pietro negotiate. He's eloquent and knows the business very well, so he speaks with great authority. !

- To be a fluent speaker, you need to practise speaking so that your words flow naturally. ! - Veejay interrupted Simon's talk and asked several questions. He should have waited until Simon had finished.!

- Let's not digress from the main point. We haven't got much time! - Speakers can engage the audience by telling interesting personal stories and by making eye contact!

- You have to concentrate and listen to the questions the audience asks !

CAPITOLO 4 - SUCCESS Is Always making money and increasing is profit ! Is often the market leader ! Is moving forward and interested in innovation ! Has a motivated workforce ! Has a loyal customer base ! Has a world-famous brand and an instantly recognisable logo ! Issues shares * which are worth millions on the stock market ! *are those that the owners have decided to sell in exchange for cash, which may be less than the number of#shares#actually authorized.#Shares#issued generate the assets or other value given for founding a company or growing it later on.! Has its headquarters in a prestigious location ! Has branches and subsidiaries all over the world ! Treats its employees well and is people-orientated ! Prefixes anti-

against/opposed to

anti-government, anti-racist, anti-war



autobiography, automobile


reverse or change

de-classify, decontaminate, demotivate


reverse or remove

disagree, displeasure, disqualify


reduce or lower

downgrade, downhearted



extraordinary, extraterrestrial



hyperactive, hypertension

il-, im-, in-, ir-


illegal, impossible, insecure, irregular



interactive, international


very big, important

megabyte, mega-deal, megaton



midday, midnight, mid-October


incorrectly, badly

misaligned, mislead, misspelt



non-payment, non-smoking


too much

overcook, overcharge, overrate

go beyond, better/ out-

more than

outdo, out-perform, outrun



post-election, post-war



prehistoric, pre-war


in favour of

pro-communist, pro-democracy



reconsider, redo, rewrite



semicircle, semi-retired


under, below

submarine, sub-Saharan


above, beyond

super-hero, supermodel


at a distance

television, telepathic



transatlantic, transfer



ultra-compact, ultrasound


remove, reverse, not

undo, unpack, unhappy

less than, beneath, under-

too little


make or move higher



undercook, underestimate


- Underperform = less well than expected. ! - Underrate = to rate/ value something or someone too low ! - Undercharge = charge someone a price or amount that is too low/ give less than the proper charge to ! CO !

- Coproducer = a persone who produces a recording, theatrical work, television programme ecc.. jointly with another or others !

- Coworker = a person with whom one works, typically someone in a similar role or at a similar level within an organization.!

- Coauthor = a joint author RE

- Relaunch ! - Relocate ! - Redecide OVER!

- Overspend ! - Overestimate = an excessively high estimate! - Oversupply = Oversupply#is an excessive amount of a product! MIS!

- Misjudge = make an incorrect estimation or assessment of! - Miscalculate = calculate (an amount or measurement) wrongly! - Mismanage = manage (something) badly or wrongly. OUT!

- Outbid = offer to pay a higher price for something than (another person)! - Outclass = be far superior to! - Outproduce !

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