Market leader intermediate PDF

Title Market leader intermediate
Course English
Institution Karaganda University of Economics
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UNIT TEST 4 VOCABULARY: COMPANY STRUCTURE A Each comment below was made in a different place in an organisation. Choose the correct place from the box and drag and drop it next to the appropriate comment. 1. 'Just one moment, please. I'll put you through to your branch.' call centre. 2. 'As you can see, the smaller components are put together here.' factory. 3. 'Practically all key decisions are made here.' headquarters. 4. 'This is where we ship repaired equipment back to customers.' service centre. 5. 'Stock levels are just right.'warehouse.

VOCABULARY: COMPANY STRUCTURE B Supply the adjective in each sentence. The first and the last letters are given. 6. Our marketing department is constantly changing, growing, developing. Everyone says it's the most dynamic department in the company. 7. We firmly believe that a decentralised management style improves motivation. That's why we like to involve a large number of employees from all parts of our organisation in the decision-making process. 8. We've never met the CEO, we know the names of two of the six managers and we hardly know the people from the other departments. The whole organisation is extremely impersonal. 9. Our bosses are not particularly open to new ideas and don't like change. They are deeply conservative. 10. We think positively about the future, we support change and welcome new ideas. In other words, we are a typically progressive organisation

LANGUAGE REVIEW: NOUN COMBINATIONS A Select the noun which does NOT form a common word partnership with the head noun. 11. Company car/market/policy/director 12. Consumer survey/advertising/awareness/despatch 13. Trade deficit/show/property/barriers 14. Business work/idea/card/traveller 15. Product costs/force/range/placement


Change the following phrases in the same way as this example: Example: a hotel with five stars: a five-star hotel 16. a sales conference which lasts three days: a three-day sales conference 17. a takeover bid worth five million dollars: a five-million-dollar takeover bid 18. a company which is 75 years old: a 75-year-old company 19. an office block that has 40 storeys: a 40-storey office block 20. a train journey that lasts five hours: a five-hour train journey

LANGUAGE REVIEW: NOUN COMBINATIONS C Match a word from the left to each word on the right to make five common noun combinations Travel-agency Database Board-room Customer-satisfaction Teamwork

Skills: Socialising: Introductions and networking Drag and drop the expressions to complete the dialogue. 26. A: Has your company been in business long? B: Yes, we are well established. 27. A: How's everything going? B: Not too bad, thanks. 28. A: Hi Renata, good to see you again. B: Hello Emir. How are you? 29. A: Hi, my name's Ken Akiba. B: Pleased to meet you. I'm Petra Tauber. 30. A: What sort of projects do you work on? B: Well, we're essentially an outsourcing business.


VOCABULARY: ADVERTISING MEDIA AND METHODS Complete the sentences with the correct word from the drop down boxes. 1. A lot of local businesses place adverts in our newspaper. 2. Creating clever and memorable slogans such as 'Mr Muscle loves the jobs you hate' is the job of advertising agencies. 3. The company's new global advertising campaign, which will run in Japan, Europe and the US, will cost $3m. 4. Many people are beginning to criticise the widespread practice of viral marketing, in which companies recruit bloggers to talk about products in exchange for samples or promotions. 5. Through blogs and services such as Facebook and Twitter, companies are able to communicate more directly with consumers. 6. If you would like more information, please help yourself to one of our leaflets. 7. An effective advert is one that persuades the consumer to buy the product or service it advertises. 8. The bulk of mobile advertising is still focused on banner ads and text messages, but some companies are experimenting with offering free video clips supported by ads screened before and after. 9. The good news about celebrity endorsement is that companies can always sack the celebrity if he or she falls into disgrace. 10. Some internet service providers now use technology to track the web-surfing habits of their internet users to enable them to target advertising more tightly.

LANGUAGE REVIEW: ARTICLES The text below is about 'kuchikomi', or word-of-mouth advertising in Japan. Select the articles a, an or the where appropriate. Select – where no article is needed. Advertisers everywhere know that personal recommendation carries great weight. Normally, word-ofmouth promotion is free, but impossible to arrange. In Japan, it can be arranged – at a price. There are agencies with hundreds of teenagers on their books who receive new products and tell their friends about them; others are paid to queue up for the launch of a new product or opening of a new store, creating an artificial 'buzz' about it. Halfway between Shibuya and Harajuku is the office of Hiroaki Morita, who set up Teens' Network Ship on leaving school. The agency is the longest-established specialist in the teenage market, and often uses informal marketing methods. It has A register of thousands of senior high school pupils in the Tokyo area alone. As Mr Morita describes it, the logic is simple: selected teenagers are given information or samples of a new product. Feeling superior for

knowing something ahead of crowd, they tell on average 50 of their friends and classmates about their 'discovery', so that with a core group of 1,000, word can spread to 50,000 or more. SKILLS: STARTING PRESENTATIONS Each phrase below contains an extra word that does not fit. Find and select the incorrect word. 26. On the behalf of Sigma Marketing, I'd like to welcome you all. My name's Naseem Akhtar. 27. This morning, I'd like to tell you about the ideas we've come up with for the advertising and campaign. 28. I've divided my presentation into the three parts. 29. I'll start over with the background to the campaign, move on to the media we plan to use, and finish with the storyboard for the commercial. 30. If there's anything you're not clear about it, feel free to stop me and ask any questions....

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