Integrated water resource & management Mcqs PDF

Title Integrated water resource & management Mcqs
Author hindola saha
Course Civil Engineering
Institution Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pages 20
File Size 247.2 KB
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Elective subject -Integrated water Resource Management...


Which of the following is the major source of fresh water which is available in India? A. Ocean water B. River water C. Pond water D. Ground water ANSWER: D The total surface of water in the earth surface is_________________ A. 65% B. 69% C. 71% D. 75% ANSWER: C The rank of India in terms of water availability per person pain the world is_______________ A. 130th B. 131st C. 132nd D. 133rd ANSWER: D Ground water is accessed by______________ A. Drilling wells B. Drip irrigation C. Check bunds D. Constructing canals ANSWER: A Narmada Bachao Andolan is related to____________ A. Tehri B. Bhakra Nangal C. Sardar Sarovar D. Rihand ANSWER: C _________________ the total volume of world’s water is estimated to exist as oceans. A. 96.5% B. 69% C. 71% D. 75%

ANSWER: A Which Is Not a Source of Fresh Water? A. Glaciers and ice sheets B. Groundwater C. Surface run off D. Oceans ANSWER: D Which of the following are not causes of water scarcity? A. Growing population B. Growing of water intensive crop C. Expansion of irrigation facilities D. Water harvesting technique ANSWER: D The Ministry of Water Resources estimates total water demand rising to in 2025. A. 1,093 BCM B. 3,003 BCM C. 4,053 BCM D. 5,083 BCM ANSWER: A Out of Total Fresh Water ____________is frozen in ice caps. A. 50 % B. 68% C. 78% D. 98% ANSWER: B Out of Surface Water ____________Stored in Lake. A. 87 % B. 68% C. 78% D. 98% ANSWER: A Rooftop rainwater harvesting is a technique to recharge. A. Ground water B. River water

C. Lake water D. Sea water ANSWER: A The remote village that has earned the rare distinction of being rich in rainwater? A. Gari B. Kaza C. Gendathur D. none of the above ANSWER: C In which of the following regions, people built ‘Guls’ and ‘Kuls’ for irrigation? A. Northern Plains B. Western Himalayas C. Coastal areas D. None of these ANSWER: B Which of the following rivers is not having any multipurpose river project? A. Sutlej-Beas B. Mahanadi C. Narmada D. Yamuna ANSWER: D In which season is the parcitipation in india ? A. Summer B. Winter C. Monsoon D. Spring ANSWER: C India’s Water demand at present is dominated by. A. Industrial needs B. Irrigation needs C. Development needs D. None of above ANSWER: B The Ground water table is on decline in the states. A. Uttarpradesh

B. Rajasthan C. Maharashtra D. Both B & C ANSWER: D The two Highly Polluted rivers in India are. A. Krishna & Godavari B. Kaveri & Narmada C. Ganga & Yamuna D. Brahmaputra & Kosi ANSWER: C Which Government body monitors water quality in india ? A. NPCL B. CPCB C. NGT D. ONGC ANSWER: B Which Policy stipulates water allocation priorities ? A. Jal Kranti Abhiyan B. National mission for Ganga clean C. National water policy,2002 D. Jal Shakti mission ANSWER: C A right (such as access to or use of the shore, bed, and water) of one owning riparian land called. A. Riparian water Right B. National policy C. Ownership D. None ANSWER: A The total Annual Pricitipitation (Cubic KM) in India is ? A. 2000 B. 3344 C. 5000 D. 4000 ANSWER: D

MWRR Act established first at what year A. 1999 B. 2001 C.2005 D. 1947 ANSWER: C The first National Water policy was adopted in september, A. 1999 B. 2001 C.1987 D. 1947 ANSWER: C The rights which fall with in the purview of riparian rights. A. Access to & from water B. Swimming C. Boating D. All the above ANSWER: D What are the main sources of water for the poor people. A. Bottled water B. Municipal Water C. Water Tanker D. Private bore well ANSWER: B What do you mean by right to life. A. Provide public facility by government people B. Provide tax free facility C. Provide job facility D. None of these ANSWER: A

Which companies provide public facility but at price that only some people can afford. A. Private Companies

B. Public companies C. Semi Government D. None of these ANSWER: A Under which article of our constitution, right to water gets recognized. A. Article 20 B. Article 21 C. Article 22 D. Article 23 ANSWER: B The constitute of India recognises the right to water as being part of the right to life. A. True B. False ANSWER: A What are the important characteristic of public facility? A. It benefits privileged section of the socity B. It benefits can be shared by many people C. It benefits under privileged section of the socity D. None of these ANSWER: B What are the following is not considered as our basic needs. A. Food B. Internet C. Water D. None of these ANSWER: B Potable water is A. Ocean water B. Groundwater at selected places C. River water D. Ponds water ANSWER: B Which one is a process in which water changes into vapours in atmosphere? A. Evaporation B. Transpiration

C. Precipitation D. Condensation ANSWER: A Which one is the purest form of water? A. River water B. Groundwater C. Rainwater D. Ocean water ANSWER: C Out of these, which is not a source of surface water? A. Rain water B. River and lake water C. Spring water D. Sea water ANSWER: C The provisions for environmental protection in the constitution were made in. A. 1976 B. 1950 C. 1982 D. 1960 ANSWER: A The first of the major environmental protection act to be promulgated in India was. A. Water Act B. Air Act C. Environmental Act D. Noise Pollution Rule ANSWER: A The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was enacted in the year. A. 1986 B. 1974 C. 1994 D. 1975 ANSWER: B

Water Economics and Governance Managements should be studied as. A. Engineering discipline B. Managements discipline C. Economics discipline D. Interdisciplinary ANSWER: D The correct order of locations, showing decreasing residence time of water. A. Oceans > Glaciers > Groundwater > Rivers B. Glaciers > Oceans > Groundwater > Rivers C. Glaciers > Groundwater > Oceans > Rivers D. Oceans > Groundwater > Glaciers > Rivers ANSWER: B Water audit is very essential for the effective water management, because. A. It helps in identifying specific issues related to sectoral water consumptions and losses B. It arranges finance for dealing with the water management challenges C. suggests technical and engineering solutions for the effective water management D. All of the above ANSWER: A The rapid reduction in groundwater table in several regions in India is primarily the result. A. Climate Change B. Over exploitation of groundwater for irrigation C. Groundwater abstraction for domestic uses D. Lack of artificial groundwater recharge ANSWER: B The most influential driver for increasing water demand from domestic sector in India. A. Increasing per capita water consumption B. Population growth C. Industrialization with water intensive industries D. All of the above ANSWER: B

Which state has the highest percentage of total annual replenishable ground water resources in India. A. Andhra Pradesh and Telangana combined B. Karnataka C. Madhya Pradesh D. Uttar Pradesh ANSWER: D The average quantity of water (in lpcD. required for domestic purposes according to IS code is ________ A. 100 B. 120 C. 70 D. 135 ANSWER: D The average consumption of water required in factories in lpcd is ___________ A. 10-15 B. 20-30 C. 30-45 D. 70-80 ANSWER: C In which type of water demand, minimum average consumption of water takes place? A. Domestic water demand B. Industrial water demand C. Institutional and commercial water demand D. Fire demand ANSWER: D What is the fire demand of the city of 1lakh population by Buston’s formula? A. 5663 B. 56630 C. 566300 D. 5663000 ANSWER: B

Water lost in theft and waste contributes to how much % of total consumption? A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 ANSWER: C Which is the correct statement regarding per capita demand? A. Daily water required by an individual B. Water required for various purposes by a person C. Water required by an individual in a year D. Annual average amount of daily water required by one person ANSWER: D What are the factors affecting per capita demand? A. Size of city B. Size of city, habit of people C. Cost of water, quality of water, size of city D. Cost of water, quality of water, size of city, habit of people ANSWER: D Which of the following statement is correct? A. Rich class consumes less water B. Intermittent water supplies leads to less water consumption C. Loss of water is more if the pressure in the distribution system is less D. Water consumption is less in flush system ANSWER: B Which is the first state in India to make roof top rain water harvesting compulsory to all the houses? A. Tamil Nadu B. Kerala C. Assam D. Goa ANSWER: A What are effects of water scarcity ? A. Less water, dirty water, more insects, undrinkable water B. Healthy water C. Drinkable water D. No insecs


How many people in the world are living in regions with water scarcity? A. 700 million people in 43 countries B. 4.3 billion people in the word C. 8 million 50 countries D. 0 million ANSWER: B

Virtual water” may be defined as. A. The practice of trading commodities which themselves contain water B. The buying and selling of water-related securities on open markets C. The practice of trading commodities which contain other liquids (i.e. water substitutes D. None of these ANSWER: A

Which of the following is a difficulty in trading water? A. Transportation B. Political attitudes C. Both a. and b. D. None ANSWER: C What is 'virtual water'? A. Wastewater generated from domestic activities B. The volume of water used in the production of goods and services C. Water used for irrigation. D. None ANSWER: B The Amount of virtual water consumed CANNOT be decreased by reducing the wastage of food. A. True B. False ANSWER: B To Produce one apple (100g) requires less water than producing one orange (100g). A. True B. False ANSWER: B

It requires ___ litres of water to produce one kilogram of potatoes. A. 8oo litres B. 200 litres C. 1,500 litres. D. 900 litres ANSWER: D It how much water is needed for 1 litre of milk? A. 877 litres B. 200 litres C. 1,500 litres. D. 900 litres ANSWER: D As compare to hose for car washing, bucketing uses. A. Less water B. More water C. Equal water. D. Maybe less water or more ANSWER: A Social, economical and ecological equity is the necessary condition for achieving. A. Social development B. Economical development C. Sustainable development. D. Ecological development ANSWER: C When was the term ‘Sustainable Development’ came into existence. A. 1987 B. 1980 C. 1978. D. 1992 ANSWER: B Electronic waste is the adverse effect of. A. Industry B. Agriculture C. Housing. D. Mining ANSWER: A

How many agreement are there in Agenda – 21? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 ANSWER: B Which of the following are the primary causes of water pollution? A. Plants B. Animals C. Human activities. D. None of these ANSWER: C Which of the following rivers is called the world’s most polluted river? A. Ganga River B. Chenab River C. Cauvery River D. Yamuna River ANSWER: A View Answer

Hazards and Disasters are mainly classified as. A. Physical and chemical B. Natural and Human induced C. Physical and Human D. Social and cultural ANSWER: B The major man made causes of floods are. A. Deforestation B. Siltation C. Bursting of dam D. All of the above ANSWER: D What type of disaster is most prominent in India? A. Flood B. Draught C. Cyclone D. Earthquake ANSWER: A The higher level of floods and droughts are led by. A. Sand storms B. Lower precipitation

C. Higher precipitation D. None of the above ANSWER: C How can dam cause drought? A. By reducing rainfall levels B. By reducing water levels downstream C. By flooding the land behind the dam wall D. none of the above ANSWER: B How is climate change likely to affect number occurrences of drought ? A. Droughts will reduce B. Its likely to change to any great amount C. Drought will become more common as extreme weather becomes more common D. None of the above ANSWER: C Period of dry weather longer than normal as known as. A. Flood B. Disaster C. Drought D. Famine ANSWER: C What human factor causes drought in the Sahel? A. Rain failure B. Over cultivation C. Wet and dry seasons D. None of the above ANSWER: B What natural factor causes drought in the Sahel? A. Rain failure B. Over cultivation C. Overgrazing D. None of the above ANSWER: A What is a drought? A. A period of highly variable rainfall B. A period of below average precipitation in a specific region C. When rivers fall below particular r levels D. When there is no water for human or animal use ANSWER: B

Which is a better response to drought? A. Food aid B. Development aid C. Water aid D. None of the above ANSWER: B Which of the following is a primary hazard of drought?? A. Lack of water B. Reduced tourism C. Damage to crops D. Damage to wild life ANSWER: A Which of the following human activities can trigger drought? A. Deforestation B. Urbanization C. Over-fishing D. None of the above ANSWER: A What is a drought? A. A period of highly variable rainfall B. A period of below average precipitation in a specific region C. When rivers fall below particular r levels D. When there is no water for human or animal use ANSWER: B Which of these areas is prone to dangerous d roughts? A. The Lake District B. Canada C. Sahel, in North Africa D. Bangladesh ANSWER: C Which of these is a secondary hazard of drought? A. Water shortage B. Desertification C. Warmer weather D. Hurricanes ANSWER: B Why does high atmospheric pressure lead to periods of drought? A. he descending air moves too fast to rain B. The air is descending, which in habits the formation of cloud

C. The high pressure forces the rain clouds away D. The winds i n an area of high pressure blow rain clouds through too fast ANSWER: B Flat Land next to river is known as? A. Flood pain B. Drought plain C. Valley D. Scarcity ANSWER: A The cultivation in drought condition? A. Permanent soil erosion B. Deforestation C. Urbanization D. Infiltration ANSWER: A The immediate affects of flood happen so. A. Lately B. Quickly C. Slowly D. All of them ANSWER: B A land is said to be water-logged when _______________ A. The aeration is stopped in the root zone due to the rise in water content B. There is a reduction in crop yield C. There is an accumulation of alkali salts in the root zone of the crop D. There is salinity in the soil ANSWER: A What is the pH range for strongly alkaline soils? A. 7.4 – 7.8 B. 7.9 – 8.4 C. 8.5 – 9.0 D. > 9 ANSWER: C Which of the following statement is wrong? A. Seepage drains reduce the chances of water-logging B. Untimely maturity of the crops is the characteristic of water-logged lands C. The percolation loss can be reduced by keeping the intensity of irrigation low D. There is no way to keep a watch over the problem of water-logging ANSWER: D

Salinity increases the osmotic activity of the plants. A. True B. False ANSWER: D Which of the following is a remedial measure for water-logging? A. Controlling seepage from the canals B. By lowering the F.S.L of the canals C. Quick disposal of rainwater D. Installation of lift irrigation systems ANSWER: D Which of the following factor do not contribute to water-logging? A. Inadequate drainage B. Seepage from unlined canals C. Frequent flooding D. Excessive tapping of groundwater ANSWER: D Which one of the following is not a remedial measure for waterlogging? A. Good drainage for irrigated land B. Conjunctive use of water in the basin C. The lining of canals and watercourses D. Contour bunding ANSWER: D Which factor depends upon the depressions of the terrain and causes water logging? A. Irregular Topography B. Impervious Obstruction C. Inadequate Surface Drainage D. Excessive Rains ANSWER: A Which factor is concerned with the growth of weeds? A. Excessive Rains B. Submergence due to Floods C. Over and Intensive Irrigation D. Seepage of Water through the Canals ANSWER: B What factor creates temporary and continuous waterlogging? A. Submergence due to Floods B. Flat Topography C. Impervious Obstruction D. Excessive Rains ANSWER: B

Water logging is the rise of water table. A. True B. False ANSWER: A Which type of open drains would be fully operative only in rainy season? A. Shallow Surface Drains B. Deep Surface Drains C. French Drain D. Drains ANSWER: B Standardized Water Level Index (SWI) indicate? A. Ground water level B. River flow C. Reservoir level D. none ANSWER: A Spatial drought vulnerability information is generated using GIS? A. yes B. No C. irrelevant D. two different aspects ANSWER: A

GIS is used to integrate resources and agriculture practices in drought studies? A. Yes B. No C. Partly true D. Two different aspects ANSWER: A Satellite images are used in drought studies for? A. Crop growth condition B. Natural vegetation assessment C. Cloud cover mapping D. Not used ANSWER: A Drought events are prevalent in? A. Semi-arid B. Arid

C. Humid D. All the agro-climatic regions ANSWER: D GIS in Sustainable agriculture helps in assessment & conservation of resources? A. Not possible B. Yes C. Irrelevant D. None ANSWER: B Smart agriculture uses GIS in increasing productivity, resilience and GHG mitigation? A. No B. Yes C. Not connected D. None ANSWER: B Variation in Crop area and yield is assessed? A. with GIS B. GPS C. Remote sensing data D. Integration of all information ANSWER: D Multiple scale and point information is used for land suitability analysis using Gis? A. True B. False ANSWER: A Land use conversion to agriculture of a plot, over 100 years is possible? A. Digitize, geo-reference & integrate with gis B. Compare GPS C. Not possible D. None ANSWER: D Form level information can be used for assessment of area analysis with the help of GIS? A. True B. False ANSWER: A Geospatial information is used for surface runoff estimation? A. True

B. False ANSWER: A Nutrient loss from agricultural plots is possible with GIS? A. True B. False ANSWER: A Surface water can act as a source of water in water supply scheme. True B. False ANSWER: A While considering the design period, which must be given more priority? A. Area of land B. Population C. Usage of water D. Arrangement of pipes ANSWER: B Which type of water is generally used in the treatment of water? A. Chlorinated water B. Treated water C. Raw water D. Sulphated water ANSWER: C Which of the following is not a sanitation system? A. Storm water drainage system B. Solid waste management system C. Excreta management system D. Night soil sanitation system ANSWER: D...

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