Intelligence Worksheet (1) PDF

Title Intelligence Worksheet (1)
Course General Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Name: Nicolas Richard Class Day/Time: Tuesday at 11:00am Chapter 8: Intelligence Directions: Using the textbook and the chapter 8 powerpoint, please answer the following questions. 1.

According to the textbook, what is the current definition of intelligence?

The ability to use knowledge to reason, make decisions, make sense of events, solve problems, understand complex ideas, learn quickly, and adapt to environmental challenges. 2.

The Binet-Simon test was the first intelligence test of modern times. Why was it developed? The test was developed in order to help children in the french schooling system specifically those who needed “extra attention and special instruction”(Grison, ch 8, pg 313, 2019). So he created a way to measure the children's mental skills and abilities. 3. How is IQ calculated? What is the average IQ score of the overall population? Between what values do about two-thirds of the population fall? Between what values do ninetyfive percent of the population fall? IQ is calculated through by dividing a child’s estimated mental age by the child’s chronological age and then multiplying this number by 100. 100 is also the average IQ score seen today. The value of people who fall between two-thirds is about 85-100, and for the values of 95% of the people fall, that is 95 to 130 IQ score. 4.

What evidence has been offered to support the notion that intelligence is determined by genetics? Can this evidence be extended to account for the difference in intelligence between various cultures or races? What evidence has been offered to support the notion that intelligence is determined by the environment? The evidence that has been offered to support the notion that intelligence is determined by genetics is, the separation of twins, that is no matter if they are raised apart or not they retain the same level of IQ. And the care and well being of the child through its environment has shown a higher IQ in a better raised environment then a bad one. This could be extended to and account for the difference in intelligence between various cultures and races. This is solely based not on race but discrimination of race, but it should be rather focused on the family issues rather than the race issues as it is more of the family that can closely be tied to the well being of the child and subsequently the IQ score of the child. The evidence to give support to the notion that intelligence is determined by the environment, is stereotype of the discriminated minorities. 5. Distinguish between fluid and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence reflects the ability to process information, particularly in novel or complex circumstances, that is to solve a problem. Crystallized intelligence is the ability to reflect on the knowledge a person acquires through experience, that is by writing an essay and connecting two things from the past to the present. 6. What is the fundamental idea behind Sternberg’s triarchic view of intelligence? What are the three types of intelligence proposed?

The fundamental idea behind Sternberg’s triarchic view of intelligence is that “Evidence for the existence of multiple intelligence's is that many phenomenally successful public figures did not excel academically”(Grison ch8 pg 315, 2019). The three types of intelligence proposed are, Analytical, Creative, and Practical. 7. How does Gardner’s view of intelligence differ from the more traditional views? List and describe Gardner’s eight intelligences? How did he come up with these? Bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic, mathematical/logical, spatial, musical, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. BK is the ability to control motions on a professional level, much like athletes do. Linguistic is the ability to accurately hold control of their verbal skills, like when using specific adjectives and words to assume a person of high IQ. Logical intelligence is the ability to master to the art of calculation and think in a way of mathematics. Spatial is the ability to either remember or overall use see your memory through images and pictures. Musical is the ability to scope out on a certain level the sound or pitch in instruments. Intrapersonal is the understanding of oneself, much like emotional intelligence, just on one owns emotions. Interpersonal is the self understanding of other people. These were Gardner's views of intelligence, and were different from the more traditional views because it eradicates the term of someone being smarter than another person, and sets everyone up as all equally showing some of skill or ability that makes them just as essential to society. He came up with these views by not accepting that everyone can be view through a global intelligence score, and the everyone is different from one another and have worth.

Wrap Up: Describe which theory(s) best describes your intelligence (ex. general intelligence (IQ), crystalized and fluid intelligence, Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory, and/or Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Provide examples that explain your answer. The reason for which I believe my intelligence is closely related to the Catells theory, is that I always enjoy connecting the dots, always getting excited by the fact that one thing can be seen similar to another, like when I was writing the eyewitness essay, I had theorized its events of history to that of the history of Nuclear power plants, but that can be linked to many other events of history, yet, it had me jumping off the walls at the very fact that I could draw the connection and come up with a conclusion. I like that part about me, the part that critics in a certain manner, and compares and contrasts certain things, that is who I am, not someone with the skills of einstin, to which I actually know someone who is a near replicate of einstien, but I am someone who enjoys to write essays, where I can use my knowledge from different classes I have learned from, and bring them back to a different set of events. Whenever I cant stop writing, I like to call that writers high, just like when runners get a high of excitement and practically close the outside world off. Grison, S. & Gazzaniga, M. (2019). Psychology in your life (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Norton & Company, Inc. ISBN-13: 9780393673913...

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