Intercultural Conflict and Conflict Management in Spain PDF

Title Intercultural Conflict and Conflict Management in Spain
Author nikki flavell
Course Elements of Intercultural Communication
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
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Nicole Flavell Don Olsen COM-263 April 1, 2018

Intercultural Conflict and Conflict Management in Spain

When we are around others from different cultures it is easy to accidently create intercultural conflict. This is due to a lack of common ground, or understanding, as well as a lack of unity between individuals of different cultures, caused from having different beliefs, values, or even actions (Lecture 6). For example, a major intercultural conflict that has been in the news lately is that of the Catalonia people and the rest of Spain. Although Catalonia is a part of Spain the area has turned in to a multicultural society that differs from the rest of the country. Due to this Catalonia wishes to gain its independence from Spain. This has caused a lot of tension and intercultural conflict between Catalonia and the rest of Spain (Viladot, 2017). Even though intercultural conflict can create a large-scale issue as that in Catalonia, it can also cause smaller ones that do not hold such an impact on the world. That is while both verbal and nonverbal actions can cause conflict, one of the most common reason someone could experience conflict is through the nonverbal actions of an individual from a different culture (Neuliep, 2018). Such is the case in the upcoming scenario. Summer break is a busy time of year, many families, and friends book vacations all over the world. It is even common for those to visit a country that they do not speak the language. Last summer Sara and a group of her friends came to America on holiday to celebrate their graduation from university. Sara and her friends only spoke and understood a small amount of English, given this they felt more comfortable speaking Spanish since it was their native

language. One morning during their stay they decide to go to a café for coffee, having a hard time reading the menu Sara and her friends were taking a bit longer to order. Needing help, Sara turned to the couple in line behind her, Mike, and Kay. Mike was more than helpful to Sara and her friends. After they all ordered, Sara went on to thank Mike and gave him a kiss on the cheek. This in turn upset Mike’s wife Kay, as she viewed the kiss as Sara flirting with her husband. This caused Kay to become upset, which causes her to tell Sara and her friends that if they cannot speak English then they need to go back to Mexico. Thus, creating an interpersonal conflict between the two women. This conflict arose due to a misunderstanding between the two women. In Spain it is part of their etiquette and customs when greeting and departing from someone to give a kiss on the cheek. Given that Mike just helped Sara, she now viewed him as a friend. So, upon departing she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek (Spain, n.d.). However, In America it is not a part of their etiquette or customs to do this. Kissing even on the cheek is a sing of affection, or lust, and it is something that is not done with someone at the first meeting. Therefore, when Sara kissed Mike’s cheek, his wife Kay viewed it as a sign of lust towards her husband. This then caused the woman to refer to the stereotype that all Spanish, Latino, and even Hispanic culture are all the same. This incident caused a micro, or individual, level of intercultural conflict, meaning that this level of conflict is on a personal level for both individuals involved (Neuliep, 2018). Since Kay was upset that Sara kissed her husband, she replied out of anger using the insult from the stereotype as her weapon. In order to resolve this conflict Neuliep (2018) states that both individuals involved need “to engage in dialogue and promote a culture of peace.” (p. 345). Meaning that, both parties need to find a way to resolve their conflict in a manner that is without any form of violence, both

verbal and physical. This can be done by getting to the root of the conflict or issue, for this scenario it is the kiss. However, Sara does not know that this is the root of the issue, only Kay does. To find what the root issues is, Sara can question Kay as to what she did to offend her. Once Sara knows, she then can inform Kay that in her culture it is their etiquette and customs to give cheek kisses, and that it was not in any way meant to be seen as her flirting with Mike. Once Kay recognizes that this was a misinterpretation between their two cultures can she then apologies for her actions, and usage of stereotypes. However, this could have been avoided had Sara looked into the etiquette and customs of America prior to going. Sara could have also pulled Kay aside to speak to her alone to resolve their conflict. "If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.” (Matthew 18:15, New American Standard Bible). Likewise, Kay could have questioned Sara in a respectful manner without the use of stereotypes causing feather conflict. “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.” (Ephesians 4:29, New American Standard Bible). Had both Sara and Key entered their conflict with the Christian worldview, the issues would had resolved itself quickly and with respect for both individuals.

Reference Grand Canyon University. (2016). COM-263 Lecture 6 [HTML document]. Retrieved from Neuliep, J. W. (2018). Intercultural communication: a contextual approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Spain | Etiquette, Customs, Culture & Business Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2018, from VILADOT, M. (2017, October 24). The current conflict between Spain and Catalonia explained. Retrieved March 28, 2018, from

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